Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 326: Sixth-Rank Wedding Ghost (First Update)

Su Jie felt that Gu Jing had calmed down again, and tried to control the other party to help open Blue Star's Sea of ​​Heaven, but there was no movement.

"Forget it, there will always be a chance in the future."

Shaking his head, this ancient mirror must have great origins. Su Jie was very lucky to be able to use the two-realm shuttle door. For more things, it depends on chance.

Putting away the ancient mirror, Su Jie stretched out his hand and pressed it on the floor, and the power of his soul washed away.

The concrete is like a collapsed sandcastle, constantly turning into powder and collapsing downwards.

Su Jie's soul is now one meter tall, and its strength has been greatly improved. In the past, his soul could not do this.

"Thunder comes."

Su Jie raised his head, and a thunderbolt exploded from the clear sky at the Fumen Breeding Farm above the ground.

The thick thunder struck a huge bronze statue several meters high, cracking it on the spot.

The employees nearby who heard the noise and came out to check were all stunned. This kind of bolt from the blue is so rare.

In the underground base, Su Jie admired this scene with great satisfaction. The power of the Zixiao Thunder was determined based on the soul. Now that his soul was strengthened, the intensity of the Zixiao Thunder was also increasing.

"In Yunling Realm, let's see who dares to touch me."

Su Jie stood up from the ground, feeling the perfect and flawless spiritual power in his body, with a proud smile on his face.

The tenth level of the Yunling Realm. The monks in this realm are like buckets filled with water, and the spiritual energy can no longer be absorbed.

Of course, because monks have different talents and opportunities, monks in this realm also have different amounts of spiritual power in their bodies.

A physique like Su Jie's Zixiao Thunder Body makes his spiritual power more condensed and stronger. His spiritual power is seven to eight times that of ordinary disciples in the same realm.

If you include the cultivation techniques, magical weapons, talismans, etc., then the gap in strength between people at the same level will be even wider.

"It's time to start breaking through the secret realm."

Su Jie murmured to himself that his spiritual power could no longer be improved. Disciples who had reached the tenth level of the Yunling Realm were preparing to advance to the Secret Realm.

But that’s easier said than done.

Throughout the ages, many disciples have been stuck on this level, unable to take this last step until they die of old age.

Promotion to the secret realm depends on talent, understanding, and chance. Sometimes, once you have an epiphany, you can embark on the secret road. More often, you can only hope for the secret realm but not achieve it.

Anyone who can break through the secret realm can be called the most outstanding among people.

Su Jie already had his own ideas on how to break through the secret realm.

"I don't know how powerful it will be in the secret realm."

Su Jie pulled out a red-colored elixir in his palm, with golden flames burning on the surface, exuding a powerful aura.

This is the Refining Rainbow and Gathering Flame Pill, which was the reward given by the sect master after Su Jie, Ning Xinyue and Xiao Fengyuan came back from arresting Qi Shijian.

This elixir can help people increase the success rate of breaking through the Secret Realm. Su Jie has always cherished it and planned to wait until the tenth level of Yunling Realm to take it.

Now that the time has come, with Su Jie's own Purple Sky Thunder Body and Divine Soul Yuanshen, it will be difficult for others to advance to the secret realm, but it is really not that difficult for Su Jie.

Considering the environment required for promotion to the Secret Realm, Blue Star is not suitable. Su Jie plans to return to Tianyuan World to make a breakthrough.

It just so happens that the Jieke Group on Blue Star needs to settle down, digest the newly absorbed Jibon, recruit new soldiers from the local area for training, and let the factory produce various weapons. It will take time.

The Group of Eight is also mobilizing troops. Everyone knows that this is just the calm before the storm, and the next war will come soon.

"When I reach the Secret Realm, I will have my own power and industry in the Ghost Ridge Palace. Then I will find some good things to prepare for the next war."

Su Jie was thinking this, and suddenly felt a cold breath floating over him, like the ghostly breath of the Nine Nether Hell, which made people shudder.

Su Jie's eyebrows twitched, a look of joy flashed through him, and he quickly came to another place covered by the formation.

“All things are equal and open.”

As Su Jie used the magic technique, the portable diagram magic circle covering this place was opened, and Su Jie stepped in.

Within the magic circle, a woman wearing a wedding dress was sitting with her eyes closed.

On the cheeks that are as pale as snow, there is an unparalleled beauty in the face, but there is a sense of coldness. It is Han Ruyan, the ghost of the fifth-grade wedding dress.

Around Han Ruyan, there were many beads placed just like Su Jie just now.

However, Su Jie placed spiritual stones and blood marrow crystals over there, while Han Ruyan placed Yuan Lingzhu over here, both filled with fear.

When Su Jie broke through to the tenth level of the Yunling Realm, Han Ruyan was also making the final breakthrough, and was promoted from the fifth-level devil to the sixth-level devil.

At this time, the blood-colored wedding dress on Han Ruyan became more and more strange, and the blood light spread out, dyeing every inch of the space red.

The phoenix crown on the head is extremely bright, like a bright moon, shining soft light. But if you look closely at the pearl on the phoenix crown, you will find that what appears inside are pupils one after another, layer by layer. The rings are infinite, making people fall into a deep illusion.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede crawled out of Su Jie's sleeves and saw the changes in the wedding ghost. He turned around and shouted at Su Jie.

As if to say, why haven't I been promoted to the sixth level of Gu worm when I came first, but this woman was one step ahead.

"You're quick too. It's more convenient to take over Jibang's territory and raise more insects."

Su Jie touched Thousand-Hand Centipede's head amusingly, and his eyes met Han Ruyan's opened eyes.


The blood-red wedding dress made a sound and fluctuated, as if thousands of layers of blood were superimposed, and the surging Yin Qi erupted like a tide. Even the formation could not block the penetration of this strange force. The light tubes in the underground base turned into It turned red, as if there were bloody eyes open, looking at the filth and the common people in the world.

The earth turned into soft rotten soil, as if someone had stepped on rotten flesh. Grass and trees with condensed hair grew up, and the body unconsciously sank into the swamp below, making people's scalp numb.

"Husband, I am in the sixth rank."

The corners of Han Ruyan's mouth curved, and she actually smiled.

Su Jie could feel that the contract between himself and the Marrying Ghost was stronger, like a closely connected mortise and tenon structure. It seemed that Su Jie's feeding had been effective.

Touching Han Ruyan's hair with his palms, the wedding ghost quietly did not object. In order to make Su Jie feel more comfortable, he even took a half step closer and leaned against Su Jie's body.

Su Jie lowered his head and kissed Han Ruyan on the lips.

In this intimate contact, Su Jie's soul was cleansed and became more condensed.

This is the characteristic of Tianxuanyao's light body in front of the Wedding Dress Ghost, which can help strengthen part of his soul.

After their lips parted for a long time, Han Ruyan looked at Su Jie and said slowly, "Husband, you really like to take advantage, just like in the past."

There seemed to be a hint of human arrogance in Han Ruyan's tone.

"Hey, your feelings seem to have recovered a lot, but what do you mean by the same as before?"

Su Jie looked at Han Ruyan with some surprise. He had always been cold and cold in the past, as if he had completely lost all human emotions and desires.

Unexpectedly, after being promoted to the sixth level of Li Gui, she would have such benefits, which helped her regain her human emotions.

Although it is still much worse than normal people, it is not much progress compared to before.

"I don't know, I just feel like I've been seen by you before. I also remembered my name and some fragments of my life."

Han Ruyan tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said this.

Su Jie's face stiffened, and he coughed: "Ahem, maybe you thought wrong, your husband is a gentleman.

In his heart, Su Jie was secretly shocked.

After the wedding ghost was promoted, his memories of his life were gradually revived.

Su Jie has never seen a ghost that still has memories of his life. At most, he has some habits from his life. This is the first time for Su Jie to encounter someone like Han Ruyan.

"Perhaps this is the specialness of Tianxuan Yao's light body. It is worthy of being the ghost king who declares power in the three realms and controls all spirits."

Thinking of the background and origins of the Wedding Dress Ghost, Su Jie was not surprised. Han Ruyan himself was an extraordinary existence.

Su Jie was thinking in his mind and asked about more important things. He pointed at the light tubes that changed colors: "Is this your ability after you are promoted to the sixth level?"

"Thousand-Blade Soul Eye, part of the ability I mastered after promotion."

While Han Ruyan was speaking, a black moon appeared above her. The black moon was silent, like a huge obsidian hanging under the sky, illuminating the entire underground Gu insect base with an eerie black-red light, and there seemed to be a strange power inside. Slowly surging.

Su Jie looked up at the black moon and felt a deep and depressing energy.

Within the black moon, there were eyes staring at him at the same time, making people feel deeply uneasy and frightened.


Suddenly, the black moon split up and down, like an open eye, with layers of blood-colored pupils inside, shrouded in extreme blood light.

Su Jie's soul was alert. The black moon seemed to want to put some kind of mark on him, a very terrible curse.

Su Jie's soul is very powerful and will spontaneously eliminate those negative effects on the body, including curses.

Although I don’t know what the effect of the black moon curse is, Su Jie’s Yuan Shen could easily defeat the fifth-level ghost before. Not to mention that now the Yuan Shen has been greatly enhanced, which can make Su Jie’s Yuan Shen feel alert. The power can be Just imagine.

Han Ruyan did not attack Su Jie, but looked at the ground next to Su Jie, where a stone pillar stood.

As Black Moon's bloody eyes stared at it, countless small sharp blades burst out from the inside, and the stone pillar disintegrated in an instant.

The small blood-red sharp blades scattered in the wind, like beautiful blood-red roses, with ultimate murderous intent in their beauty.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede next to Su Jie screamed twice. The decomposition and cutting ability of these small sharp blades was a huge restraint for it that could turn into a swarm of centipedes.


Su Jie opened his mouth wide and slapped his thigh in surprise.

Han Ruyanlu's skill is only part of the ability of the Wedding Ghost. After she was promoted to the sixth level, she was not as powerful as usual.

"As long as I can help my husband."

Han Ruyan looked away, and the black moon disappeared immediately.

"Now we are more secure in Tianyuan World."

Su Jie was happy in his heart. When he advanced to the secret realm, he had Han Ruyan guarding him, which greatly increased his safety.

"I want to go back to Tianyuan!"

Han Ruyan saw the portal that Su Jie had opened, and there was the familiar world of Tianyuan.

"Yes, we have to go back."

Su Jie nodded. He was going to take the Wedding Ghost back. The Nightmare Paradise was still functioning, and there were some ghosts left there. At the same time, corresponding formations were set up to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

"Wherever your husband goes, I will go!"

Han Ruyan naturally took Su Jie's arm and stepped into the portal together.

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