Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 324 Swallowing Jibang (Second Update)

Jibang Jinlao Mountain.

50,000 Zen soldiers were trapped in a desperate situation with no ammunition and no food.

Those who could be sent to the front line to confront the Jieke Group were all the most capable veteran troops of the Zen government.

But no matter how capable they were, they were faced with a situation of lack of food and water and depletion of ammunition.

Whether it was a modern army or an ancient army, they were bound to be defeated.

In the trench of Jinlao Mountain, a short figure rolled in, holding two struggling field mice tightly with his left hand, and his dark face was full of smiles.

"Lao Pu, Juzi, Afeng, everyone come quickly to see what good stuff I caught."

Du Wa excitedly carried the field mouse, but the happy mood on his face did not last for a few seconds. When he saw the sad mood of his comrades in the anti-gun hole, he seemed to understand something.

"Squad leader, squad leader..."

Du Wa's palm trembled slightly, and he saw a sealed body bag in the corner of the gun hole.

Five days ago, the squad leader who had been taking care of him, in order to get food, followed a group of people to the logistics quartermaster to make trouble. As a result, when they were dispersed, he was injured by the supervision team, and his wound was infected. In addition, he had a high fever due to the lack of food and clean drinking water.

"The squad leader didn't make it."

A comrade-in-arms said in a low voice. During the days of siege, the Jeko Group continued to bombard. Many times, soldiers were either blown away by shells or died from the lack of water, food and medicine during the siege. The death occurred from time to time in the Zen Kingdom troops in Jinlao Mountain.

Only a few were killed by the bombardment. Hiding in the anti-artillery cave, unless they were hit directly by a large-caliber howitzer, nothing would happen.

More soldiers died from various diseases.

In the tropical rainforest environment of Zen Kingdom, October is the hottest time of the year, and high temperature and heavy rain are the norm here.

Under the high temperature and exposure for days, the soldiers hiding in the anti-artillery caves and trenches are like a group of moles in a hot steamer.

Physical strength and will are being tortured, and people suffer from heatstroke every moment.

Sometimes after the high temperature, there will be several days of continuous rain, causing the trenches to be muddy.

This hot and humid environment caused many soldiers to suffer from various skin diseases.

The most common one is jungle foot rot on their feet.

In the absence of medical care and medicine, they can only watch their feet rot little by little.

More soldiers ate contaminated food and rainwater, which led to various diarrhea, high fever and dehydration.

Now the logistics field hospital does not accept people. Sick soldiers bear it themselves. If they can bear it, they will live, and if they can't bear it, they will die.

"Can we still win this battle?"

Du Wa sat decadently on the mud, his eyes full of confusion and helplessness.

Before the war, Du Wa's 5th Infantry Division of the Zen Government Army, which was at the front of the number, was the elite among the elite. It played guerrilla warfare with those warlords in the rainforest, and its record was very good.

Duwa originally thought that this expedition would be the same as usual, but they were surrounded in Jinlao Mountain and could not move forward or backward. They had to endure bombing and hunger every day. The spirit of these soldiers had long been worn out.

"Win? Unless the government can break through Jiwei City, we will win with our heads!"

The soldiers on the side muttered while lighting a fire and roasting two voles.

Several soldiers sat in a circle and swallowed their saliva, their eyes glowing green.

Hunger is also a problem for the Zen Kingdom army in Jinlao Mountain now. At first, they had three meals a day, then two meals a day, and now, they only have one meal every two days, and they eat food that even dogs won't eat.

The lower-level soldiers were so hungry that they had to go out to find wild game for a snack, risking being killed by the artillery shells of the Jeko Group, such as Duwa.

But the ecology of Jinlao Mountain is not enough to supply the consumption of 50,000 hungry troops.

After many days, the ground was scraped three feet, let alone all kinds of wild game, and mice were the most delicious. Now some people have begun to gnaw on tree bark and weeds.

The Zen government also tried to drop supplies by air, but how much food can be dropped by air? Even a cent is not enough for a meal for 50,000 people.

Later, several transport helicopters were shot down by the single-soldier anti-aircraft missiles of the Jeko Group, and this airdrop was never seen again.

"Hey, you are making a fire and smoke, do you want to attract artillery shells to kill us?"

A roar came, and the group of soldiers who were roasting field mice turned around and saw that it was two supervisors who came over.

Because there have been people who have fled due to the disorder of military morale recently, these supervisors are also stepping up their patrols and will not show mercy to deserters.

When the two supervisors saw the two roasted field mice, their eyes suddenly lit up and they immediately walked over at a faster speed.

"Sorry, we are really too hungry. Look, it's broad daylight, and we are in a dense forest here, and the smoke is not obvious. We will put out the fire immediately after roasting."

An old soldier stood up and wanted to fool the matter.

"Hmph, if everyone does this, what about the rules?"

The supervisors stomped out the bonfire, picked up two voles, and said, "This thing is confiscated. Let me teach you a lesson."

Although the food of the supervisors was slightly better than that of ordinary soldiers, they were also hungry. How could they resist the temptation of roasted voles?

A group of soldiers were so angry about the actions of the two supervisors that their faces turned red and white, and they couldn't say a word for a long time.

Douwa didn't want to let it go. Thinking of the dead squad leader, he was extremely angry. There was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes. The skin on his face was twisted hideously, and his palm touched the rifle.


The clear sound of the safety opening was heard. Hearing this sound, the two supervisors turned back subconsciously.

Then they saw Duva raised his rifle and pointed it at them, which made them terrified.

One of them dodged quickly and immediately turned over to dodge, but the other was half a beat slower.

The next second, bullets gushed out, instantly piercing several bullet holes in the body of the supervisor.

Until he died, he was in disbelief that this group of big-headed soldiers dared to kill the supervisor.

Duva was holding a gun and was about to find another supervisor who had dodged into the corner trench.

But he found that the other party had fallen in a pool of blood. The one who attacked him was another team of soldiers.

The group of soldiers kept taking out bayonets and stabbed the supervisor in revenge, cursing loudly.

"I'll let you withhold military rations, I'll let you ignore our lives, I'll let you be so powerful, I'm going to rebel today, at worst I'll surrender to the Jeko Group and I won't work for you beasts."

When the screams of the supervisory team gradually stopped, the soldiers raised their heads and looked at Duwa and said, "Brother, I've had enough of their anger, let's rebel."

Duwa's teeth were chattering, he nodded heavily, and gritted his teeth and said, "If we rebel, we will never work for the Zen government again, we want to live."

Several of Duwa's comrades also stood up at this time and said angrily, "Forget it, the head is just a scar, I'm tired of eating tree bark and grass roots every day."

The huge movement here attracted a large number of soldiers, they came out of the trenches and anti-artillery holes one after another, and heard the shouts and roars, and they also became angry.

"Rebel against him!"

"We want food, we want bread."

"I don't want to fight this war anymore, I want to eat."

The anger and frustration of the siege for many days broke out at this moment, and the soldiers joined Dua's team one after another.

As they moved forward, the rebellious team received a collective response, and soldiers continued to join them, and the entire Jinlao Mountain became completely lively.

The Zen army stationed in Jinlao Mountain was able to hold on until now before mutinying, which was considered to be their strong will.

After all, most of their families lived under the Zen government's territory, and the soldiers were afraid that their surrender would implicate their families.

But as things developed to the present, the dissatisfaction accumulated to the peak, like a mountain torrent, which was out of control.

And when the mutiny occurred, those supervisory teams could not suppress it at all, and were beaten back step by step.

When it was the turn of the guard company of those senior officers, facing the counterattack of tens of thousands of soldiers, it was like a small stone in the rolling waves, which could not cause any waves at all. In the end, they could only be swept together and joined the rebellious team.

The commander of the Jinlaoshan battle was Wu Dengkai, a lieutenant general of Zen. He was awakened by the noise outside and hurried out to the command room, where he received news of the soldiers' mutiny.

"What, what happened?"

Wu Dengkai was dumbfounded. He knew that the soldiers would be tired of war and dissatisfied after being besieged for a long time.

But he thought that the soldiers would surrender to the Jieke Group at most. Why did it seem that the situation was wrong now? They were coming for his senior officers.

"Prepare a helicopter for me immediately. I want to leave."

Trembling in his heart, Wu Dengkai did not dare to face the rebels to persuade them, but wanted to take a helicopter to escape from here immediately.

There were many officers who thought the same as him. Most of these senior officers came from influential families in Zen, and basically did not climb up from the bottom step by step.

As long as they returned to the Zen government, most of them could continue to enjoy wealth and glory. How could they accompany those untouchables to surrender to the Jieke Group?

Wu Dengkai and a group of senior officers ran to the helicopter landing area in a panic, and many people now regretted it very much.

They should have run earlier, but they were afraid of being held accountable by the Zen government and they didn't want to lose their power, so they kept delaying until today.

"They want to run, those officers who are enjoying the good life want to run."

The soldiers who counterattacked saw this scene, and this move was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. The soldiers who felt abandoned and betrayed opened fire directly at the airport.

Bullets killed many senior officers who didn't have time to board the plane. Some who were lucky enough to board the helicopter were also bombed down by the soldiers with rockets during the slow takeoff stage. The casualties on the scene were extremely heavy.

"No, don't."

Wu Dengkai saw a rocket flying straight towards him. He had just got on the helicopter, and his eyes were as big as copper bells at this time. Fear made his pants wet.

But no matter what, his life was dissipated like fireworks in the brilliant explosion of the rocket.

A few minutes later, many senior officers were basically slaughtered by angry soldiers, and the scene was in a mess.

Five kilometers away from Jinlao Mountain, the soldiers of the Jieke Group were stationed here for routine duty to prevent the Zen army from breaking through.

Suddenly, many soldiers heard dense footsteps.

The drone also saw a large number of ragged soldiers walking over on the ground, with a number of hundreds.

"Enemy attack."

The Jieke soldiers immediately prepared for battle, but what was strange was that these soldiers did not carry any guns, and raised their hands high, and some even pulled white cloth hanging on sticks and shook them.

"What's going on? This is surrender."

The battalion commander stationed here gradually came to his senses, asked his soldiers not to shoot first, and then passed the message to the highest commander here.

After a while, Liu Yingying came to the front of the position accompanied by a group of senior officers.

She came here today to inspect and dispatch some logistical supplies for this place. She didn't expect to encounter this incident.

"Are you going to surrender?"

Liu Yingying looked at these soldiers who were pale and thin, covered with rotten soil and mud. Many of them were staggering as they walked, and felt that they would fall down at any time.

"We want to surrender. I represent not only myself, but also the 50,000 soldiers of the entire Jinlao Mountain. But there is a prerequisite for our surrender."

Du Wa looked at Liu Yingying, feeling a little uneasy, afraid that Liu Yingying would refuse.

"What conditions?"

Liu Yingying looked at Du Wa deeply. She had already discovered that the other party was not a senior officer. There were no epaulettes and stars on his shoulders. He was just an ordinary soldier.

"Let us eat, eat enough."

Du Wa stated his request. Only those who have been hungry know how happy it is to have a full stomach.

Liu Yingying was a little stunned and thought it was something else.

"That's it. I promise you."

Without thinking, Liu Yingying agreed at once.

Duwa's face lit up, he saluted respectfully, and said loudly: "I, Corporal Duwa, represent the 12th Infantry Division, the 5th Infantry Division, the 7th Infantry Division, the 3rd Armored Brigade, and the 19th Mechanized Infantry Division of Zen Country, and today, November 10, officially surrender to the Jieke Group."

"I accept your surrender on behalf of the Jieke Group. Let's go to dinner."

Liu Yingying smiled, knowing what they wanted most now, waved her hand, and asked someone to take them to dinner.

An hour later, hundreds of logistics support vehicles of the Jieke Group drove up Jinlao Mountain in a mighty manner. There was no resistance along the way. The soldiers of Zen Country just stood on the roadside, looking at the convoy eagerly.

When the logistics support vehicle stopped steadily, the carriage opened, and baskets of steamed buns, meat porridge, sausages, jams, hot dishes and hot soups were brought out, the scene was suddenly filled with cheers.

Soon, rifles were thrown on the ground and piled up into a small mountain. The soldiers of Zen surrendered to the soldiers of Jeko in large numbers, and then they could not wait to devour them.

At this point, it took nearly a month for the 50,000 most elite soldiers of the Zen government to surrender to the Jeko Group, while the Jeko Group wasted some shells and a full meal.

At the same time, this also meant that the last resistance of the entire Jibang disappeared.

Jibang, a rich industrial state of Zen, officially fell under the control of the Jeko Group.

When this news came out, Zen was shocked, Southeast Asia was shocked, and the whole world was shocked.

No one expected that the war would progress so quickly. In less than a month, the Jeko Group swept across the entire Jibang with a posture of swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, killing more than 10,000 enemies, capturing 50,000, and set the situation in Jibang.

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