Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 350: Dio friend one

"Lord Count, there are five more people stuck on the spider's web." When the guard came in to report, Siegel was choosing magic equipment for Moore, struggling with which weapon to use. They had already chosen the armor and were trying it on by the squire assisted by Maul. The mage heard the guard's words and chanted a spell. The air elemental rune guards outside received orders to deal with the wrapped "adventurer".

Evan was beating with a long sword of ice, trying its sharpness with his hair. He shook his head and said nonchalantly, "Just let them hang there. When you don't have the strength to call for help, let them down."

"After all, I'm here to participate in the martial arts recruitment meeting. Why waste my energy listening to those wailing?" Siegel weighed the hammer in his hand, and after throwing it out, it would automatically return to his hand. It's a pity that there is no flame ability like Erinte's warhammer, otherwise it is the best choice.

"I observed it during the day. Very few people here have thick armor. The best ones are chain armor, so there is no need to choose heavy weapons like warhammers." Evan sat back in the chair and put his feet on the table. , with his hands behind his head. "Most of them use slashing weapons like swords, so in this case, a combination of sword and shield would be more appropriate."

Siegel nodded, agreeing with him, and added, "Just a few more throwing weapons."

Moll tapped his breastplate, and the pattern of wings drawn on it seemed to sway slightly. As long as the secret words are uttered, the armor can grow wings and take Morr into the sky. The starting point lords felt that this could be considered cheating, but the Lord of Heim felt that it was the best option.

Especially when Heim owns a special item called the Repeating Crossbow.

"I thought it was fighting Nata at first, but it suddenly turned into a melee with Nata in the top ten." Moore scratched his head and adjusted the position of the armor. It was obvious that he was still very nervous. "Could it be that she's not feeling well? She used to like combat challenges the most."

Evan laughed, and Siegel smiled too. "Is it because she likes you and is going to fight with you in the decisive battle, a two-person versus nine-person match?"

"If I'm right, we've made enough noise, and your husband-in-law will send someone to invite him tomorrow morning." Siegel glanced at Feizac and said, "This time there is a chance to see Nata or something. Like. 'Dad' are you going?"

"No, I'll wait for her to see me." Feizak waved his hand and drank the tea slowly. The teleportation made him dizzy, and he was still recovering.

Siegel's eyes turned to Evan. The latter shook his head: "They should all come to see me, I won't go."

"In that case, Moll, take the guards and go by yourself, I will continue to be in the camp." Siegel yawned, "You can try it out after you choose. I'm going to rest."

The next day, Chief Dio did not invite the lord of the outpost of the starting point, but wanted to meet the mage who cast the spell.

"I hope the honorable Mr. Mage can appreciate the light," they said politely, and then added, "If it is inconvenient for Mr. Mage to go, I also hope to give the chief a chance to visit."

Siegel didn't want to reveal the information that he was familiar with Dio in front of Moore, so he couldn't let him come, only himself. He removed the breastplate and smock that belonged to the lord, put on the mage's robe, and held the defensive staff.

"I have no problem protecting myself. And my current identity is not your superior lord, just an ordinary accompanying mage, so don't **** me tomorrow." Siegel said.

Moore looked at the people around him. One "His Majesty" pretended to be a swordsman instructor, and a "Lord Lord" played the role of a consultant mage, which made his situation very delicate. In addition to his grandfather Feizak, he had to obey what he said, so he seemed to have the lowest status among the group—except for the accompanying guards of course.

What else can I say? Nominally the "top commander" of the entire team can only obey.

Dio's residence has a very strange feel to it.

There is no roughness of the steppe, nor the solidity and weight of a dwarf, nor the solemnity of a human lord. There is a thick carpet here. There were large low stools, each of which was preceded by a low table, ornately decorated, with shiny silver plates for nuts, ham and cheese, and horn cups on stands. Beside it lay ale, mead, and kumiss.

Incense was lit in the corner of the large tent, and several maids dressed in muslin and smocks stood by, gently fanning the incense with small fans, and the faint smoke sent a strong fragrance. In the center of the tent stood a huge horn, shining black and decorated with gold patterns. This horn is difficult for ordinary people to blow. Maybe it's only possible for a strong man like the giant Kerry.

The horn emits an aura of magic, but its effect cannot be seen with the eyes alone. Siegel looked at the decoration of the entire tent, and it always seemed familiar. When Dio's hearty laughter sounded, he suddenly realized: This is very close to the style of "a certain hotel" on the top of Mora!

"Dio, why are you decorating the tent like this?" Siegel's laughter overshadowed the chief. The strong man opened the curtain and rushed in quickly, staring at Siegel's face for a few seconds, and then he recovered.

"Siegel, it's you?! How did you come to me?" He grabbed the mage by the shoulders and shook it, then forced him down on the low chair and sat cross-legged across from him. "I haven't seen you for a long time, you look good! You really have become a mage, and you look so handsome! I heard from the brothers outside that you made the big fog in the camp, right? It's amazing! "

"Dio, your complexion is also good, and you are still as strong!" Siegel was also very happy, pinching the muscles on Manzi's arm. "I've wanted to come and see you for a long time. No, I just found a good opportunity recently. Aren't you holding a contest to marry your daughter? I still have to join in the fun."

Dio frowned and said, "Isn't it you who is in love with my daughter?" He squeezed his fists and clucked, his muscles squirming under his skin.

"It wasn't me, I came with someone else. The lord of the outpost, Mor, used to be my knight attendant, and now he is my loyal lord." Siegel ducked slightly, avoiding the threat of sinews.

Deo slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand with a thud. "It's this Mor! Seduce my daughter, so you taught me?"

"Don't try to drag me on my head!" Siegel snorted, "Who taught me? I remember it on the top of Mora, you insisted on dragging me to that kind of place. Don't you forget already."

Dio's eyes widened: "You, you! Did I teach you to twist your waist and pout?"

"Don't always talk about others, look at your big tent, it looks like that kind of place, so the root of all this is still in you!"

"In terms of mouths and fallacies. I can't say enough about you, a mage! But even if we are friends, don't think about me and I'll find you some pretty prairie girls!" Dio took a sip on the ground and said, "Ingratitude, I decided not to marry my daughter!"

"Moll will take your daughter back with the soldiers from the outpost."

"Impossible, I've inquired. There are only a few people at the outpost at the starting point. Can there be five hundred? I have 2,500 troops. As soon as his soldiers come out, they will be eaten by my tribe in the wild."

"Your estimate is almost the same, but don't forget, my Heim has five thousand elite soldiers."

"We prairie people don't suffer, and tens of thousands of people are still able to get together." Dio squeezed his chin and said with a smile: "So, if you want me to agree to this marriage, you have to think of other ways?"

"Do you need to think of other ways? I don't need that trouble." Siegel returned with a confident smile: "I bring Mor, use spells. Teleport in, find your daughter, and just take her with me Just send and leave together."

"Nata won't go with you!" Dio said, "She's my daughter!"

Siegel said: "From what I know so far, she will definitely go with Moore. At most, I will leave you a sincere letter. I can even write a draft in advance. Dio, don't stop me. Now, they have a good impression of each other, and in fact they have long been in love with each other. The entire competition is just a form, isn't it?"

"You're tougher than Tigerbill." Dio sighed and suddenly shouted: "Where's the wine! Where's the meat! What are you doing! Hurry up and bring it to me!" He shouted loudly, and took advantage of the Take time to think about what to do next.

The servants served good wine, but the food with which it was served was not good food. The rhinoceros tribe is by the sweet lake of tears. But the lake produced nothing. There is only one small white fish without scales, the largest of which is no larger than an adult's pinky finger.

This fish has no meat, only the boiled white soup has some flavor, so everyone calls it soup fish. When entertaining guests, soup is served in cups for people to taste. In addition to this, there is only beef and mutton stewed in a large pot, blood and offal. Steamingly brought it to the two of them.

Siegel picked up a spoon and put a few pieces into his bowl, then took a sip. The flavor is strong, but overly greasy. He finds a paper bag in the space bag, adds fine salt to the food through the gap, and sprinkles it with a spicy powder to balance the flavors.

"Sea," Siegel seemed to be muttering to himself, but Dio stopped in word for word. "Cloth, weapons, tea, red wine, vegetables, fruit, sugar." The Master then said: "Brand."

Dio choked and took a big gulp. Liquor runs down the beard of the chin, spills on the chest, drips on the blanket. He grabbed the spiced beef tendon from Siegel's plate, took a hard bite, and said vaguely, "You know what I'm missing here—you knew it when you were on the top of Mora."

Siegel nodded and pointed his finger in the direction of the City Wall Mountains: "Did you know that they closed their country?"

"Yes, I know it clearly." Dio's eyebrows huddled together, he was really worried: "As long as we work **** the grassland, we can always eat and drink, with fur wrapped, and houses. Shelter from the wind and rain. But we don't produce those complicated appliances, let alone make sophisticated weapons and armor, so it's very difficult to face monsters. Business dealings with Mora's Top have always been very important, Erinte It is also an important partner. This time the mountain was closed, there was almost no warning before the incident, the gate was closed with a slam, and there was no way to get in and out again, leaving us at a loss." He said, suddenly thought of something Thing: "Siegel, how did you come to this side of the mountain? Is Mora's Top open?" (To be continued.)

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