
"If it's just a competition of financial resources, I won't lose to you."

Under such circumstances, another parent-level figure from America's top consortium, Gener, said, and after speaking, he raised his hand and said, "4000 billion!"

"Five thousand."

"Six thousand."

"Seven thousand."

"Eight thousand."

"Nine thousand."

"Ten thousand!"

The contest between the two top financial groups from America directly disqualified some people who were originally qualified to participate in this auction.

After all, this price increase is too scary. Even if the unit is RMB, it still exceeds the entire net worth of all the famous rich people in the world until now.

"In addition to being advanced, can real estate, minerals, and technology be included in the auction?"

After the bidding funds reached [-] trillion RMB, Gener was a little bit overwhelmed.

It's not that the money can't support it, but the cash can't support it.

Throwing one trillion yuan of funds into the market at will will cause financial fluctuations in a big country.One month is too short, coupled with the factors of financial chaos, not all the capital that came to bid could raise enough money.

"Tell me the name of the place, and I will estimate the price. If you are satisfied, the price will be increased. I only want the entire real estate and minerals here, and I don't accept the cooperation model. Then, I am more interested in things like ports, but I am not interested in America's domestic

The ports are of little interest.So, if I take out some profitable ports, I might give a price far exceeding their original price~”

After Su Bai said this, he showed a sweet and harmless smile.

If it wasn't too obvious to directly ask for real estate, she would have wanted the other party to directly use real estate and minerals to bid for it.

As for why she did this? It's very simple, the fundamental purpose of her launching this auction is not for money, but for revenge!

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.If she remembered correctly, she was nominated by Hua Guo a while ago as the top ten young people in Hua Guo, so she can be considered a gentleman!

It's not too late to take revenge after ten years, but if you can take revenge, it's better to take revenge on the spot.

Therefore, how to play will make the Western world very uncomfortable, so it will come naturally.

Offended her and still want to live comfortably on the earth? Don't even think about it! Do you really think she has no temper at all?

"Then I'm going to submit a price assessment of the minerals."

As Nag said, he asked his assistant to produce some certificates of real estate and minerals, and prepared to submit them to Su Bai for price evaluation.

"No need, I've already prepared it for you. It's very considerate~"

As Su Bai said, Feng Yufang opened a briefcase she carried with her, took out some items in the briefcase, handed it to the staff, and asked them to distribute it to the representatives of various capitals.

At first, they were a little confused.But after seeing what Su Bai had prepared for them, they all looked at other people vigilantly, and then covered up the paper documents in their hands.

There was a direct change, and the cold sweat that was barely able to bear it flowed down directly, and the hands holding those paper documents couldn't help shaking.

At this time, most of the people present began to doubt one thing, that is, whether Su Bai was going to sell something in this auction, or was he threatening them.

As for why there is such an idea? It is very simple, Su Bai has carried out an equivalent evaluation of all the assets of all of them.

Well, it's that simple.The problem is only with all assets, including assets on the surface and those assets that cannot be seen in the dark.

As long as Su Bai exposes these things, at least half of them will have big troubles.Even if the rest of them could get away, they would have to be scraped off.

"Ten thousand and one hundred billion."

When the entire auction site was in panic, and no one continued to increase the price, Harry raised his own hand.

"However, the price you gave is a bit too low!"

After Harry raised the price himself, Gener said in an incongruous way,

Except for some real estate and minerals, Su Bai's evaluation of other fixed assets and technical assets is ridiculously low.

For example, for one of the world's largest copper mines controlled by them in South America, Su Bai actually only gave an estimate of a little over [-] billion.

Is this a [-]% discount? This is a fracture, right? You don’t have to bargain like this.

"There are also several places where I gave an estimate that exceeded the value it should have~"

After Su Bai heard Gener's words, he bit the cheese stick and showed a sweet smile like the warm sun that could melt all the coldness in this world.

However, this smile, in Gener's eyes, looked extraordinarily ferocious!

5000 average cos

I said 5000 women's clothing before.It's been dragging on for almost a month.Almost sure now.

At present, the following options are given: ADLINK

Heart sea


Fine weather

Others: (Comments, approved as appropriate)

You can leave space to post in this chapter, repeated brushing is invalid.You can also join the group 180545394 and vote in the group.The deadline is at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. I will read the votes on the book and the group, and then choose a set.

Chapter 180 Harry: I understand everything

Although, the fear of death and the temptation to buy time with wealth almost dazzled their minds in an instant

However, to reach their current status, none of them are really idiots.Even if it is because of their decayed brains that they have committed the crime of ignorance before.But after seeing these things given by Su Bai, let them short

Temporarily awake.

During this short moment of sobriety, they found that their previous estimate of Su Bai's greed was still low.

On the evaluation sheet given by Su Bai, the part that they listed out before that can be used as bidding funds is only a quarter or even a tenth of the original value.

Under such circumstances, using these things as bidding funds is the kind that is willing to be taken advantage of.

Of course, not everything has been severely undervalued. On the appraisal sheet, they all have some fixed assets that have been overvalued. Taking out any one can theoretically help them win this time.


As for what these overrated things are?

For example, the land and construction permits around the Pentagon, and America’s own largest port, as well as the main shipping ports of some countries in Europe, or the actual control of some ports in the Middle East.

rights, as well as some mineral oil fields that can reach the strategic level and undeveloped wasteland.

These things are all purchased by Su Bai at a premium.

Conscience is in a mess.

The problem is that the selling price of these items is not a matter of conscience, but all of them are not for sale, at least it is impossible to sell them to Su Bai

After all, what stood behind Su Bai was not the greedy capital, but the official of Huaguo.If these things are sold to Su Bai, it is equivalent to being controlled by Hua Guo officials.

Actually, if that's the only way, that's fine.

The mobile properties they plan to take out to pay back the money are either pure real estate, or there are problems with those assets themselves.

For example, some ports, these capitals control not only the port itself, but also the cities and countries where the ports are located are controlled by these capitals or the forces behind these capitals.

Under such circumstances, even if Huaguo controlled that port in name, when it came time to actually use it, it still had to listen to them, but it just lost some profits.

Another example is some minerals. After the control rights are controlled by Hua Guo, as long as they abolish the original management system, they will directly paralyze the minerals themselves.

Under such circumstances, if Huaguo wants to resume production, it will need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to operate.And on the way of operation, they will also be given a lot of maneuverable space.

Of course, Huaguo can also choose another path, which is to sell it directly to realize cash.

If they do this, they will be in their arms, and they will go through some more complicated operations.In the end, I am afraid that those sold mineral and oil fields can be redeemed with a little money and political interests.

To put it bluntly, in addition to the part of cash paid, the fixed assets, except for some relatively pure assets, have a little bit of strategic value, and they have all thought of ways to get them back.

As for Hua Guo, there is no way to deal with it? Yes, but it takes too much time and energy, and the gain outweighs the gain.

What they didn't expect was that Su Bai saw through their thoughts in advance and took countermeasures

Since they don't plan to pay too much money in the first place, they will suppress the price and play quantity suppression.In this case, after you get it, sell it directly, the conversion ratio will be higher, and at the same time, it will be disgusting to those who really control those resources.

Capital, to the extent that these capitals are really going to be cut off.

As for those fixed assets that sell Su Bai directly for a normal price or several times the market price?

In those places, Huaguo would not choose to sell them directly because of the troublesome handling.

After all, it is one of the five permanent members, and currently the only existence that can compete with America in Zonghe's national strength.If you really want to deal with their capital, you still have the ability to deal with it

What's more, these core assets are the key to their survival. Even if they are patriarchal existences in the capital forces they belong to, it is still difficult for one person to decide those solid assets with great strategic significance.

ownership of fixed assets.

If they use ordinary assets to repay the money, they will lose too much. If they don’t take ordinary assets, but take those assets with great strategic significance, they can’t make this decision.

Under such circumstances, the entire auction site fell into deathly silence.

"Eleven thousand and ten billion."

This silence didn't last long, and someone raised the sign again.

This time, though, it wasn't Garner, or Harry, but the oil guy from the Middle East.

Before the auction this time, some financial experts from the outside world conducted analysis based on the current global financial situation, combined with the currently known list of people who are eligible to receive invitations to the auction, and concluded that the final transaction price was at

About 3000 billion US dollars.

Although this price is not so reliable, the people who will sit in the audience have guaranteed funds of more than 2000 billion U.S. dollars.

Gurner and Harry's previous rivalry was horrific, but it didn't really keep anyone else out of the running.

After other buyers began to raise their prices slowly, Genna and Harry, who had raised their prices fiercely just now, remained silent at the same time.

Gurner and Harry, who were clearly facing each other just now, had a lot of eye contact at this time. In the end, Gurner threw his offer plan to Harry.

Well, the two of them are a gang.

The reason for bidding with each other just now is not only to quickly screen out the opponents, but also to deter other qualified opponents.Through this kind of large-scale bidding, other opponents can return to rational thinking, and in the end because of rational

Abandoned some prices that would only be auctioned under irrational circumstances, and finally achieved the purpose of lowering the final transaction price.

Well, that's the kind of flower you're playing with.

In the end, they didn't expect that Su Bai played more flamboyantly.Directly investigate them clearly.

if it is like this...

"Since this is the case, then you should also know what I want. Tell me your conditions!"

When the bidding price was raised to 5000 trillion, which is about 2000 billion US dollars, Harry slapped the table and stood up, looked at Su Bai and said.

His expression was serious, and he had the aura of a strong man breaking his wrist.

Then, he saw a bright smile on Su Bai's face.And this smile also made his heart thump once again.

ps: By the way, so many of you talk about Lianhua.But actually, I have the Lianhua cosplay suit.

Chapter 180 Three Ignorant Heroes

"Since this is the case, then you should also know what I want. Tell me your conditions!"

"System, what does he mean when he said that I should know what he wants?"

When Harry said this and saw a bright smile on Su Bai's face, Su Bai asked the system in a low voice in his mind.

Well, Su Bai didn't know what Harry meant by that sentence.

As for Su Bai not understanding, why is he still smiling so happily?

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