"I knew I wouldn't call you, the limelight has been robbed."

After Chen Ming cheerfully returned to Xie Yi's side, Xie Yi muttered something, his face full of joy.

Is this called technically bad? This name may be a hindrance? If Chen Ming’s name is a hindrance, then what is his name?

"Di Di Di~"

Xie Yi's nagging had just ended when a voice almost engraved in his DNA sounded.

Almost on purpose, Xie Yi also planned to rush towards the garage.

This time, he did not fall down as he did last time, but he stopped by himself after only two steps. Looking at the other firefighters who were playing basketball with him, he seemed a little hesitant and at a loss.

"What are you doing in a daze? It's too late to go to the police and practice more. You are not a wounded person now. Don't think that we will be merciful just after being discharged from the hospital!"

The fire chief who had rushed to the garage door saw Xie Yi still standing on the basketball court, and immediately yelled, and then rushed into the garage again.


After Xie Yi heard these words, he got up again and rushed towards the back of the garage, looking a little lively, that belonged to his rebirth!

ps: Sorry, I have something to do during the day and I have to go out tomorrow, so the update is late.There are three more chapters to follow, which will be updated soon.Then update the second to third chapters tomorrow depending on the situation.

Chapter 160 Eighth

The current existence of genetically enhanced fighters in Huaguo is that the official will reveal some information from time to time, but if someone asks publicly whether they exist, then they don't.

However, the news released by the government is not a positive description. The information about how strong the genetically enhanced fighters are exposed together was only revealed by Su Bai in a short period of time after the live broadcast. It will be revealed later

The information basically means that there is such an existence, but how strong it is is not described in detail.

As for Chen Ming's dunk, it was the most direct reflection of the jumping ability of a genetically enhanced fighter in Huaguo.

Of course, the most important point is age

The genetically enhanced fighters revealed by Hua Guo before are all before the age of 25, very young.And Chen Ming looked forty or fifty, which directly broke the previous assumptions about gene-enhanced fighters on the Internet.

To a large extent, this article is restricted by age.

However, the discussion on gene-enhanced fighters did not last long. Under the guidance of deliberate public opinion, most people's attention focused on the limb regeneration technology used on Xie Yi.

Two months ago, this heroic firefighter used his own leg to replace the complete lives of nine people. After two months, he was not only cured, but even had a lot of conversations with others while playing basketball. violently

Physical confrontation.

If they hadn't known in advance, no one would have seen that Xie Yi had only broken a leg two months ago, and it was the kind of amputation.

Under such circumstances, after Xie Yi was discharged from the hospital, Huaguo Hospital announced that the three techniques Su Bai used on Xie Yi's legs had entered the stage of clinical trials.

The announcement this time, as expected, once again caused the stock price of the medical market, which was already riddled with holes, to plummet.Moreover, this diving has no intention of going ashore.

At the same time, the leaders of the Medical Insurance Bureau laughed in relief after seeing the operation costs of these three techniques.

Finally, there are three technologies with relatively normal prices.

The price of one operation for limb regeneration below the calf is around 70 to 20 yuan, and the price of a single operation is also more than [-] yuan.

In fact, it's not that the leaders of the medical insurance bureau don't like cheap medicines. Many people still hope that all ordinary people can use cheap medicines.The problem is that if it is too cheap, it will kill the entire industry and destroy the medical funds of the entire country.

Source distribution has a devastating impact.

As for the three technologies that Su Bai presented this time, in addition to a variety of medicines, other technologies to be used will stimulate the self-adjustment of medical companies in Huaguo.In particular, some state-owned enterprises have begun to carry out research on those drugs

research and analysis work.

As for those foreign companies? This has nothing to do with Huaguo.Who let them provoke Su Bai.If I didn't offend Su Bai, I might still have a drink of soup, but now? Let alone the soup, I'll pay for the smell


Why do you say that? The price of the one-time limb regeneration operation mentioned earlier is 60 million. This is the price of medical insurance. If there is no medical insurance, just add zero.

In fact, the price is still reasonable for this level of surgery.But the problem is that there is a comparison.Only with contrast can there be harm, and it is a deep, deep harm.

Especially those drugs that use maternal-fetal specialization to remodel cells, because the cost is unknown, so the Western media analyzed over there that Huaguo is subsidizing its people with drugs sold outside.

Huaguo Medical College has considered dispelling the rumors. After all, even if Su Bai’s medicine is so cheap, there is still a lot of room for profit.

Well, not only is there a profit margin, but the profit margin is huge.As for how big it is? Even if it is sold at the price after medical insurance, it is still profitable.

However, it was later discovered that people in the West felt uncomfortable after believing this statement, and even after many large-scale demonstrations and demonstrations, they chose not to refute the rumors.

Well, keep suffering.

However, whether limb regeneration surgery is confirmed to be feasible, or the impact of limb regeneration surgery on the entire medical industry, in the current international public opinion environment, in fact, it cannot compare with the impact of one topic, that is, life extension Operation.

Of course, this is a folk saying, but it is actually Su Bai's qualification for gene defect repair surgery!

"Wow~ the world's most luxurious penthouse villa, I'm so envious!"

At Su Bai's home, after Zuo Ming watched the news that another top rich man in the world had arrived in Shanghai, he looked enviously at the giant sky plane parked at Shanghai Airport in the news, his eyes full of full of


Although, from childhood to adulthood, I don’t know how many times I have flown by plane, and I often take private jets.But her mother's financial resources are limited after all, she has never been on a super airliner that is so luxurious that it loses humanity beyond imagination, and at most she has seen it in some fashion magazines.

"Want it?"

Su Bai, who was sitting next to him nibbling an apple, said casually.

"Do you want to buy it for me?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai brightly.

Su Bai sitting next to her is a real super rich loli.Although it is not clear how much the specific assets are, all of Su Bai's technologies are currently patented by her alone.

According to the estimates of some foreign media, if the technology mastered by Su Bai is directly converted into RMB, the value will be as high as tens of trillions. The richest man in the world today is considered poor in front of Su Bai.

"Well, I bought you a plane."

As Su Bai said, he reached out and took out the bag next to him, and under Zuo Ming's expectant eyes, he put a keychain with a model airplane on it for Zuo Ming.

"Ah! Fighting with you!"

When Zuo Ming saw the keychain, he rushed towards Su Bai, and was pushed out by Su Bai's foot on the front door.

"Sister Su Bai, I'm here to help you!"

Seeing this, Zhou Xue, who was doing homework on the side, also got up immediately and rushed over.

"Yeah, you hold her hand, and... uh?"

When Su Bai saw that Zhou Xue was going to help her, he immediately put down the apple in his hand and became interested.

However, before she finished speaking, Zhou Xue swooped and hugged Su Bai's entire body, including Su Bai's hands.

"Sister Zuo Ming, tickle her, hurry up!"

After hugging Su Bai to prevent Su Bai from resisting, Zhou Xue shouted immediately.

On Zuo Ming's side, after getting rid of Su Bai's feet, seeing Su Bai being hugged by Zuo Ming, he immediately geared up, and then...

"Hahaha~ No, you should scratch Sister Su Bai's creaking hole, not me! Sister Su Bai, I was wrong!"

Then, Zhou Xue became the target of two people for a while.

Chapter 160 Nine Missed a Chance to Pretend, Damn it

"Uncle Chen Ming, what do you think of this cruise ship?"

Whether it's the location of the auction or the location of the final surgery, it's all magic.Therefore, before the auction started, a large number of the world's top rich people gathered in the city, and all kinds of luxurious and messy toys for the rich also appeared in the city.

For example, the world's limited luxury cars, super luxurious airplanes, and top cruise ships.These large toys that are difficult to see at ordinary times are the same as free ones at this time.

And after getting some advice from Zuo Ming, Su Bai also has a hobby recently, which is to see what are the most beloved toys of the rich people who plan to participate in the auction.

"If you want, I can ask someone to build one for you."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Chen Ming said calmly.

Su Bai's daily life is fairly frugal, so the expenditure on food materials is a bit higher.However, according to the current lowest estimate in this auction, it would be more than enough to spend [-]% of the final transaction price to build a super luxurious cruise ship.


The most important thing is that as long as Su Bai is happy, money is really just a number.As long as Su Bai doesn't mess around, even if it's some embarrassing things, Huaguo can bite the bullet and do it.

There is no way, Su Bai is really an untouchable little ancestor for the earth civilization.

"That's so boring. It's fun to grab other people's favorite things."

After Su Bai heard Chen Ming's words, he spoke.

As a person who is determined to bully the world, of course he will not let go of any opportunity to bully others.

"as long as you are happy..."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Chen Ming was speechless for a while, but he didn't say anything more.

Although the auction is about to start, Su Bai's own affairs will not be left behind.

A month ago, she had handed over three assignments, the first was the improvement of the firearms used by genetically enhanced soldiers, the second was Tao Gang's laboratory synthesis, and the third was Wei Jianming's research.

Wei Jianming's side will not come to the result so easily, but the redesign of the exclusive firearms of the genetically enhanced fighters has been completed, and the first set of ceramic steel armor has also been produced.

Of course, it's useless for them to complete it, and what kind of evaluation Su Bai's assigned homework can get in the end is also carried out by Su Bai.

As Su Bai and Chen Ming's vehicle entered the military camp on the outskirts of Modu, the entire military camp was put on the highest alert.

In addition to the arrival of Su Bai, the main reason is that they have tested some of the performance of the ceramic steel armor before.

How to say this thing? It exists at the strategic level. Once the individual soldiers are deployed, the genetically enhanced soldiers will become walking supermen one by one.

"We put the armor here. This is the various data we tested before. Do you want to take a look?"

Even though he was very confident in his achievements, Mu Zhengyun still became nervous after seeing Su Bai appearing with a lollipop in his mouth.

It's like the tense and complicated mood when I finished the test when I was in class, and then faced the teacher's correction.

It's not that I'm afraid that I'm not doing well, but I'm afraid that what I'm doing is not good enough, making Su Bai feel that he is not serious and irresponsible for this project.

Human beings are too small and humble in front of Su Bai, so humble that Mu Zhengyun is not even sure whether Su Bai will be satisfied when he achieves such a perfect situation.

Mu Zhengyun really doesn't know, the only thing he can be sure of is that when facing this project, he devoted all his attention and devoted himself to what he has learned, and the country also provided what they could provide.

greatest help.

The project has advanced to this point, and there is no possibility of advancement, and there is no room for improvement, and further guidance from Su Bai is needed.

In the face of a civilized teacher, don't hold any extra thoughts to speculate. This is the greatest respect for the teacher, but it is also disrespectful.

Yes, respect and disrespect go hand in hand.

The reason is that the idea of ​​not speculating too much on Su Bai's thoughts is a kind of arrogance!

And Shi Zhu, who was in charge of the firearms project, committed such arrogance, which made Su Bai angry.

However, no matter what, soldiers will eventually go to the battlefield, and candidates will eventually go to the examination room. No matter how nervous he is, he will eventually face Su Bai's inspection.

Amidst Mu Zhengyun's complicated mood, Su Bai finished the data sheet, glanced at it briefly, and then set his sights on the heavy armor worn on the dummy in front of him.

Although this armor set was not named by Su Bai, but the naming style has Su Bai's personality, that is CH ZY original type I ceramic steel heavy armor.

Su Bai didn't give Mu Zhengyun too many design ideas for the ceramic steel armor, but only gave a general direction and general shape.

With the help of the basic data she provided, the ceramic steel armor was finally designed to look like a large humanoid beetle.

It's not so much a humanoid beetle as it is an oversized humanoid can.

Although it looks a bit bloated, just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression, just like a future soldier in a movie or game has appeared in reality, and can use his burly body at any time to lighten his body.

Yi easily crushed himself to death.

"Uncle Chen, go up and have a try, your physique is almost suitable."

Data can be deceiving, and the appearance of armor can be deceiving, but actual combat data cannot be deceiving.

Mu Zhengyun himself is aware of this, so he has already prepared a training ground to simulate the actual combat environment.

"Well, just to experience it."

After Chen Ming heard Su Bai's words, he immediately became happy.

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