ps: I don't know what to say, but I always feel like I have to say something.Be cute_(: 3」△)_

It's great that Chapter 98 has been naturalized! (Fourth more

"The advantages and possible problems of genetically modified food. The name is good, but now posting it a bit dangerous."

Among the residential communities in the suburbs of City X, after Huo Da edited a paragraph on his Weibo, he reached out to delete it, looking a bit distressed.

About a month ago, an organization approached him and asked him to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified grains, focusing on some possible problems of genetically modified grains.

That agency also gave a price of 50.For a blogger like him with only more than [-] fans, this price really makes him very excited.

Some things, sometimes you know everything you know, tacitly.

However, at that time, there were a bunch of accounts of big V bloggers who were inexplicably banned or stopped updating for a long time, and before the accounts of those big V bloggers were banned and stopped updating, they were basically eccentric or even directly criticized

Hit Su Bai.

This alerted him.

During that period of time, a lot of news that was very dangerous for him in his line of work circulated on the Internet.

For example, the authorities are secretly dealing with people who spread rumors everywhere on the Internet.

The Internet is not an illegal place, and there is a price to pay for talking nonsense on the Internet.

Under that circumstance, he resisted the temptation and did not settle the business.

Fifty thousand is a lot, but the risk is too great to be worth it.

Then came Su Bai's live broadcast of the genetic enhancement technology that appeared during the exercise.

As far as those soldiers are concerned, no one believes that they have no genetic enhancement on their bodies.

If you insist on saying that those soldiers are not, that’s okay, but how to explain the healing factor?

For wounds that hurt muscles and bones, simply use disinfectant to clean up the stains in the wound, and then spray it without any technical content, and the job is over.

It's obviously an exercise, but it looks like watching a science fiction movie.

This is not the most important thing, after the live broadcast is over.The Huaguo Medical Association issued a statement, that is, Huaguo, under the leadership of Academician Su Bai, has completed the redevelopment of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells,

Successfully developed a healing factor.

Well, I am directly called an academician.

This statement also proved the real existence of the healing potion that appeared in the live broadcast.

The most important thing is that the Huaguo Medical Association also stated in this statement that this therapeutic agent has passed the internal testing stage and entered the mass production stage.Probably within a year, big

The popularization of the scale to the civilian field.

And also said the price, the price of a can is about 1000 yuan, if it is used in a hospital, it can be covered by medical insurance, which is cheaper.

Some gossip also said that this price can actually be cheaper, and the purchase price inside the hospital is cheaper than antibiotics.

However, because the real price is so cheap that many domestic pharmaceutical companies will be wiped out after it is launched, so it is first offered at a relatively high price, and after the market gradually adapts, some drugs on the market will be eliminated.

so as not to have an excessive impact on the market.

However, as far as 1000 yuan and the horrible therapeutic effect are concerned... this price can still wipe out most pharmaceutical companies on the market.

This is something that can really save lives.

"The development speed of this domestic creature is as fast as if it was directly assisted by aliens."

At this time, Huo Da complained speechlessly.

The emergence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is no less than the appearance of the Jenny machine and the large-scale use of steam engines in modern times.It is the revolutionary progress of modern human science and technology.

However, before setting off this technological revolution, this technology has to go through the test of human reason.

What is the price of changing human genes, shaking the results of human natural evolution, and taking over the authority of human evolution from nature?

This, Huo Da doesn’t know, he only needs to think about one thing now, 5 yuan is not worth his irrationality, what about 15? 15 plus if the news released has aroused huge attention, he can get the U.S.

What about your green card?

This temptation was really too great for him.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. Anyway, I also wrote this article, and it's all based on facts. They can't arrest me without evidence!"

As Huo Da spoke, he looked at the article on his screen.

The last time this agency found him, although he didn't agree.But they still wrote the articles they needed.

Now, he has changed the content inside, made some words more explicit, and combined with the topic of gene-enhanced fighters that exploded on the Internet of Huaguo after Su Bai's live broadcast was completed...

I'm afraid it's easy to get that green card!

"Is the owner of 703? Is the car with the license plate ending in 530 in the garage yours? Someone hit your car."

Just when he made up his mind and was about to send out this article, someone shouted outside the door.


After hearing this sentence, Huo Da was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "It's mine, it's mine, thank you! Come right away!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Da hurriedly put on his coat.

Then, at this time, he forgot to think about one thing, and that was his car. If something happened to his car, the property management should call him instead of calling at his door.


"We are from the Special Operations Bureau, please come with us."

After he hurriedly opened the door, he saw a gentle-looking young lady holding up a certificate and saying to him.

"Ah? I did not break the law! Why do you arrest me!"

Huo Da was puzzled at this moment, did the water check meter really exist?

"Well, you didn't break the law. I can ask one more question here, have you immigrated to other countries?"

The young lady said with a smile.

At the same time as she said these words, the two armed personnel of the Special Operations Bureau standing beside her had already grabbed Huo Da's left and right hands, making Huo Da even more confused.

He had never heard of this special operations bureau.However, he saw that the two men who grabbed him were armed.

A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead, and then he thought of a good way. If he was a foreign citizen, then this incident might be a diplomatic incident, so the Special Operations Bureau should not dare to arrest people randomly!

After all, they asked this a lot when they arrested people.

So, he said, "I'm a naturalized American now, don't grab me, or I..."

"Already naturalized! That's great. If you take it away, it's probably the real thing. Don't be polite to him, he's not one of us."

An expression of joy immediately appeared on the young lady's face.

And the two people standing beside her took out black hoods and directly covered Huo Da.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Huo Da's neighbor opened the door to check the situation. He was a little confused, but he felt relieved when he saw that the policeman was standing at the door of Huo Da.

"Oh~ it's okay, he was arrested for soliciting prostitutes."

The little sister said with a sweet smile.

ps: After talking about the sixth update, three chapters were updated, which made me feel uncomfortable.So I got up and coded Chapter 4 again.It's finally comfortable after coding.Go to sleep.

Chapter 99 Everyone has a bright future

"System, when will the skill side give it to me?"

In the early morning of the next day, while getting on the plane back to Yunnan Province, Su Bai asked when the reward for his disgusting America would be released.

[Big events are always brewing, not to mention, you should know how long the drama you set up yourself will last.Hua Guo's counterattack has just begun, and the real good show has just begun to brew. 】

When the system said this sentence, it showed Su Bai three proposals that were being drafted.

"Global De-Dollarization"

"Rejecting Hegemony"

"World Biological Mutual Aid"

"Wow~ It's so exciting to play!"

These are the three proposals drawn up by Huaguo for the upcoming World Council meeting.The first two proposals are absolutely impossible to pass, and they are useful for disgusting people, while the latter one is what Su Bai is most looking forward to.

Here, I have to say that after Hua Guo took the things, he really did things. If something happened, Hua Guo really went to help Su Bai vent his anger, so he helped Su Bai vent his anger. Biological Mutual Aid

"This super interesting gameplay.

As for what this gameplay is? It’s very simple. With the help of the comprehensive biological technical transcendence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, build a world-wide scientific research organization with Huaguo as the core, so that the whole world can study together.

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Doesn’t it sound good? Huaguo wants to be a saint? But don’t forget that reality is sometimes very dramatic, especially in worldwide scientific research organizations, which often have a strong political bias.

The Western world must be eager for the technology contained in the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, so they will not tamper with the establishment of this organization.However, it is hard to say who will lead this organization.

Anyway, the Western world will not let Huaguo dominate the World Biological Mutual Aid Association so easily.

Here comes the funniest thing.After the establishment of this organization, Huaguo chose not to compete in the face of America's seizure of power.

Well, who controls this organization and who provides the technology~ Since America will fight for the leadership of this organization, let it be the leader of the research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

As for whether it can dominate? This is not a question for Hua Guo to consider.After all, if they have won, it means that they have the ability to lead the development of this technology.When the time comes, Huaguo will send someone to study humbly.

Well, Huaguo sent people to learn with an open mind, not to share technology.After all, it is not the country leading the research, so what kind of ability is there!

A scene even appeared in Su Bai's mind.

At the international academic conference on the discussion of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, hundreds of people sat in the huge conference room.Everyone looked at the scholars on Huaguo's side with anticipation, but Huaguo's choice was indifferent.

It definitely means that I am here to learn, and I don't understand technology.

There are fruits on the tree, you and me under the tree, there are more and more.

"That's too much fun!"

After thinking of that scene, Su Bai couldn't help snatching the candy she secretly bought from Zhou Xue who was next to him this morning while Su Bai was going to the bathroom, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.


However, after stuffing it into his mouth, Su Bai only felt a little sweet taste from the lips that touched the candy, but the candy disappeared.

"Break the system, you wait for me."

Su Bai gritted his teeth and said, after he finished speaking, he glanced at Zhou Xue who was looking at him resentfully, and then realized that it was a bit too much for him to snatch the candy that Zhou Xue bought after racking his brains.

"Here, I'll make you candy!"

Su Bai smiled, and took out a candy with a tangy fruity aroma from his backpack. It was about the size of a marble, and there seemed to be a lot of strawberry fruit in it. It looked delicious.

"I forgive you! I won't break up with you today."

After Zhou Xue saw this candy, her mood immediately improved. She picked up the candy and stuffed it into her mouth.


However, the seemingly stiff candy melted quickly after entering Zhou Xue's mouth.

Zhou Xue felt the sweetness of the candy for a few seconds, and then an indescribable taste spread in her mouth.

The taste can't be said to be very unpalatable, but it has nothing to do with deliciousness.

The most important thing is, I don't know why, at this time, she just can't open her mouth, she can only let the thing melt in her mouth, mixed with her saliva, and swallowed from her throat.

"Water! Water! Water!"

After about a minute, Zhou Xue, who had a few tears from the corners of her eyes, opened her mouth to shout.

She wanted to take a big gulp of water to dilute the strange taste in her mouth.

In response, Su Bai took out a bottle of water and handed it to Zhou Xue.

Seeing this, Zhou Xue took two gulps.After swallowing the first mouthful, he held the second mouthful and looked at Su Bai with eyes full of tears, with a little grievance shining in his eyes.

It's not that I am wronged by the taste of sugar, but because the water still has a strange taste.Still, it tastes better than that candy at least.

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