"Knowing that you are very happy, the result of this exam can barely count as [-] points for you. Then, this is the reward promised before. I mixed it with water, and the ratio is one thousand to one. This is the preparation method, how to make it specifically

Do your own research. "

While Su Bai calmly said these words, he directly picked up a thermos pot on the table that was used to put nutritional water for them to replenish their strength and handed it to Wei Jianming, and at the same time put a USB flash drive on the table.


Su Bai's action directly messed up Wei Jianming and a bunch of academicians who were suppressing his excitement.

The previously promised reward was the nutrient water they had been drinking to replenish their strength? Diluted a thousand times?


After thinking for a while, Wei Jianming barely realized what was going on, nodded slowly, and grasped the thermos in his hand.

Seeing the astonished and bewildered eyes of a bunch of professors and academicians, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

Well, that's what she wanted.

Unexpectedly, they have recently drank a lot of the special nutrient solution for maternal-fetal special remodeling cells that they have always wanted most.

After seeing what he wanted to see, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, then jumped off the chair, skipped through the crowd, and left the laboratory building.


As soon as Su Bai left and reached the stairs, she heard the deafening cheers coming from behind her.

There were more than 100 people, even if most of them were old people, the voices were surprisingly loud.

"Not afraid to call themselves high blood pressure and heart disease."

After hearing this voice, Su Bai complained.

ps: Only four chapters have been updated today, and the normal time will be updated tomorrow.Try to update five chapters before zero.

Chapter 87 Coax children, we are professionals


In a military camp in the southwestern part of Huaguo, the sound of air defense sirens and emergency assembly posts suddenly sounded. The soldiers still lying on the bed almost subconsciously got out of bed before their hazy eyes opened.

Get up, start to put on equipment, and come to the playground in front of the dormitory.

Although it was an emergency assembly without warning, which caught them off guard, the entire barracks was in order.

"Damn it, practice, there was no news before. I practiced all day yesterday!"

Less than 10 minutes later, sitting in the cabin of the plane, the company commander of a company who was still a little sleepy covered his forehead speechlessly.

He led his soldiers to train all day yesterday, and he had only slept for less than three hours since the assembly horn was sounded.Then he was told now that a large-scale live-fire exercise was going to be carried out, which really made him completely unexpected.

"Take a break on the plane. Although this kind of acting is called an emergency dispatch, it is not a secret acting, but an open one. There will be reporters at that time. Remember, everyone, if you see a white-haired man in the observation group

child.In front of her, you are not allowed to mention her height, and keep your mouth clean for me, if you don't clean it up, you will be dumb.The two words dwarf and small are prohibited words in the next exercise. No matter under any circumstances, say these two words

Words, once discovered, will be punished as a major demerit. "

On the plane heading to the exercise site, an officer with the rank of colonel looked at everyone very sternly and said.


After the officer finished speaking, the company captain of a company raised his hand to ask a question.

"Don't ask questions, just execute it, remember this is an order directly from the central government! Do you understand!"

The colonel didn't give others a chance to ask questions, so he spoke directly.

In fact, he himself was very confused as to why the higher-ups would give such an order, but an order is an order, there are not so many reasons, and they can just execute it.

"Yes! Absolutely obey orders!"

The next moment, all the soldiers on the plane replied in unison.

After seeing this scene, the colonel continued: "Besides this important thing, there is one more thing. During the exercise, some special forces will come. No matter what they do,

Don't be surprised either.In addition, within the scope of the entire army, those special forces are not allowed to discuss before the ban is lifted.Just pretend you haven't seen them. "

When many military camps in Huaguo were assembled urgently to go to a common performance location, Su Bai was sitting on the plane, holding the soft pillow handed over by the stewardess, leaning against the window, yawning.

Compared to Su Bai, Zhou Xue, who was sitting next to Su Bai, happily chose various snacks on the small trolley pushed by the stewardess.

After Zhou Xue chose for a few minutes, she finally picked up a pack of dried squid, only tore open a mouth, and Su Bai took it directly, and then stuffed a bottle of pure milk into Zhou Xue's hand.

Zhou Xue pouted and looked at Su Bai. After about two seconds, she could only open the milk and drink it.

But after she took a sip, she was still a little greedy for the dried squid, and when she wanted to ask Su Bai for a taste, she found that the dried squid in Su Bai's hand had disappeared, replaced by a bottle of pure milk.


For this, Su Bai could only let out a long sigh, what else could she say?

Some things, understand everything.

At this time, she suddenly regretted a little bit that she casually agreed to go to the military exercise whenever she wanted.

After all, Wei Jianming's side is holding a celebration party, but her side has to fly to the drill site.

As for Zhou Xue? She will be with Su Bai for more than a week before letting her go home.Under such circumstances, it is not good to leave Zhou Xue alone at home, so Su Bai brought them directly to watch the military exercise together.

Anyway, the place where the observation team is located is an absolutely safe zone during the military exercise.If you don't mess around normally, nothing will happen.

In fact, Chen Ming also expressed that Su Bai could postpone the general performance by one day if necessary.After all, to put it bluntly, this military exercise was to vent Su Bai's anger.

However, Su Bai is also clear that the celebration banquet hosted by Wei Jianming is also the old people's social gathering, what is she going to do in that kind of place?

After reading the fun, we must hurry to find more fun.And what is more fun than being angry with the United States? She can't wait to see the American government rush to break the defense.

"Liu Qin, do you have food there?"

Su Bai looked at Liu Qin and said.

"em mmmm...do you want milk slices?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Liu Qin immediately woke up from his doze.

There is no way, last night, she stayed up late to do the copywriting, and this morning before she went to bed, she was filmed to do an urgent report again.

After finally thinking that she could lie down and sleep, she was given an emergency dispatch order to accompany Su Bai to a military performance, and the live broadcast permission would be released.

Under such circumstances, after a cursory look at the general arrangement, she wanted to take a nap on the plane, but just as she was about to fall asleep, she was woken up again by Su Bai.

"No, you go to sleep."

Su Bai looked at the milk tablet, and then at the pure milk in his hand. He was a little disgusted, so he turned his head to look at Chen Ming who was sitting at the back of the plane, holding a tablet and lighting something, and said: "Uncle Chen Ming,

Is there anything to eat?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, glanced at the small cart full of snacks next to Su Bai's seat, guessed something, touched his pocket again, but found nothing .

"It's over, my cigarette is about to go to waste again."

Chen Ming murmured to himself in a low voice.

He knew that there was a play today, but it said above that they had prepared a lot of snacks to deal with Su Bai, and he hadn't been home these days, and the stock of cheese sticks had run out..

"I have it here!"

At this time, the stewardess pushing the snack trolley took out a pile of cheese sticks of various flavors from the cabinet below, which made Chen Ming heave a sigh of relief.


【Don't eat! This is not delicious!】

"I feel delicious!"

【I said it's not delicious!】

"I feel delicious, you let me eat!"

Then, under the calm eyes of the stewardess, Su Bai tried his best to feed, but did not take the cheese stick out of the box.

Under such circumstances, the stewardess calmly took out three lollipops from her pocket, and said, "There are lollipops."

【Eating too much candy is bad for your health, two candies will be confiscated, and you are allowed to eat one at most!】

After Su Bai happily took the three lollipops, the two lollipops disappeared from her hand.

Looking at the remaining apple-flavored lollipop in his hand, Su Bai glanced at Zhou Xue who was sitting beside her, looking at her expectantly.

After seeing this scene, Su Bai understood, and then stuffed another bottle of pure milk into Zhou Xue's arms, peeled off the lollipop and ate it.

ps: I will strive for five updates today, and strive to update more than 25 words this month.

Chapter 88 This little padded jacket is a bit heartbreaking

"That's...Su Bai!"

In the waiting area of ​​a military airport in the northwest of Huaguo, foreign reporters used to wait for people from Huaguo. After the exercise started, the reporter who guided them to a place where they could take pictures saw a civilian airliner arrive.

Stepping down from that civilian airliner is the relevant team of Huaguo's own official TV station, CCTV.

This point did not arouse the interest of too many reporters.

However, some people still noticed that among a large group of adults, there was a white-haired loli about 1.5 meters leading a younger-looking little loli and walked off the passenger plane, watching curiously. This place is for military use

There are a large number of fighter jets parked at the airport.

After the white-haired loli saw a J-16 in the distance, she ran over decisively, looked at it, touched it, and even opened the cabin cover of the military to let the White-haired loli and the smaller one she brought

A little girl sat in and experienced it.

After seeing this scene, some reporters immediately realized who that person was.

After all, that white hair is too iconic.

"Sorry, you can't go there."

After a foreign reporter asked them if they could also go to interview and film, they were stopped decisively by soldiers from Huaguo.

This time, Huaguo not only invited Su Bai to participate in the exercise, but also invited reporters from other countries to conduct interviews.

However, they and Su Bai are not in the same observation group.On Su Bai's side, in theory, as long as he doesn't appear in a dangerous area, the people on Huaguo's side will not stop him.And these foreign journalists can only follow the official arrangement of China

personnel, conducting interviews and filming.

As for why these people are arranged? It's very simple, only when there is comparison, there will be harm.

It's annoying, Huaguo is professional here.Since you want to mess around with Su Bai, then mess around thoroughly.

The foreign journalists who were stopped by the soldiers from Huaguo looked enviously at Su Bai climbing down from the cockpit of the plane, and then entered a huge indoor room under the leadership of the people from the Huaguo military. In the hangar.

In that hangar, there was something they wanted to see.It's a pity that Huaguo will not show it off easily.

As for Su Bai...

"System, give me an airplane piloting skill! Don't be too high, level 3 is fine, and I'll go for a ride!"

No hunk can resist the temptation to fly a fighter jet.In particular, this aircraft not only has a super handsome appearance, but also has cute deformable duck wings.

This, who can resist!

【Heh~ Do you think I will give you whatever skill you want? If it makes you happy, then wouldn’t I be very embarrassed?】

After hearing Su Bai's words, the system spoke directly.

"However, the fighter plane is really cool! You just let me go to the sky for a turn, let me have a good time! You just say, how can you agree to my request! I am now, immediately, immediately, going to fly airplane!"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai also started to lose his temper.Such a handsome plane, if she doesn't get on it and drive it around twice, she won't be able to sleep well tonight.

[It's okay... how about it, you make most of the people present feel uncomfortable for a whole day! I'll give you a more powerful one then. 】

After thinking about it, the system felt that it was not fun to have fun with Su Bai.So it asked Su Bai to have fun with other people.

"Is that so..."

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai thought for a while, and then looked at the dozen or so officers standing beside her.

At this moment, the officers looked calm after seeing that Su Bai seemed to be communicating with someone in a low voice.

Although not everyone present knew what was going on with Su Bai, those with the rank of major general and above knew one thing, that is, the 92 extra gene-enhanced fighters they had recently were the one standing in front of them.

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