【Not to mention this, when did you add pickled peppers to the hot pot?】

The system spoke at this time.

"Heh~ You're the only one who can beat me? Also, how do you know the pickled peppers I add to the hot pot?"

Su Bai asked back.

While eating, Chen Ming and the others noticed it, but they didn't dare to make a sound. How did the system know.

【I am the system, of course I know, you are dead!】

The system said viciously.

ps: The fourth is even more shameless~ As long as the recommendation tickets are in place, there will definitely be updates.

Then, tomorrow, there will be three updates for [-] recommendation tickets, and four updates for [-] recommendation tickets. The recommendation tickets will be renewed when they are in place, and there will be no default.

Then, as a reminder, the bounty is still open~ Monthly tickets, blades, and rewards are unlimited~

Chapter 47 The Shock of the Giants

"Human immune remodeling agent, a super gene drug based on maternal-fetal specialization to reshape cell programming. Who is so perverted? We barely figured out how to make this thing, and he has already reached the step of starting to program genes


In the secret research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Huaguo, several top biologists and medical scientists in Huaguo gathered in a laboratory to study the human immune reconstruction medicine sent from the magic city.

"It has arrived? I don't think so. Although it didn't say above, the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells should be made by this person, otherwise it wouldn't be at this speed. There is something hidden on it!"

Another academician saw this analysis.

A few days earlier, they had acquired something called maternal-fetal-specific remodeling cells.When they first got it, they thought this cell was which big guy. Based on the original cells of human embryos, after further research

new discoveries.

After conducting research, they found that this cell could not be naturally bred, and there were very obvious traces of artificial modification on it.

This inference was later denied, because the current human technology simply cannot produce such cells.

However, the obvious genetic programming traces of this cell told them that this cell was an artificial product.

With the debate on whether it is artificially modified or natural primitive cells, they started further research on this cell.

After further research, they found that if the genes inside the cells could be programmed, the cells would be the perfect solution to most congenital diseases.Because this kind of cells can repair human

Due to defects, human beings are allowed to return to the state of maternal gestation, and a perfect human gene sequence that is impossible to be born in nature is born.

Of course, this is only a possibility.According to the current development of biotechnology, it will take at least 100 years before the earth can have the technological basis for programming perfect human genes.

Although the possibility of programming perfect human genes is denied, all biologists and the medical field are sure of one thing, that is, this kind of cells will set off a medical revolution and let Huaguo dominate the next medical era.

"The value of this potion is not as great as the other things she provided, and it is a bonus."

Just as a group of academicians were discussing the human immune reconstruction drug, a voice came.

After hearing this voice, everyone looked over in unison, and found that it was Wei Jianming, the absolute leader of biologists in Huaguo.

If Su Bai is here now, the system will remind Su Bai that this person's contemporary cytology skills have broken through the human limit of 4.99999..., reaching the human upper limit level of LV5.

Even, not only that, his contemporary biological skills have also reached level 4.

It is a true transcendent existence of human treasures.

After Wei Jianming finished speaking, he came to the center of many academicians with his notebook in a relatively calm manner, and then pointed to the computer screen of the notebook and said: "The real value is this, she gave the cheap price of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells

The production method reduces the production cost of one gram of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells from 70 yuan to five yuan. "

What's bothering them so far isn't actually how to program the genes that specialize in maternal-fetal remodeling cells and apply them.It's not that this step is not difficult, this step is quite difficult.The problem is, how do they even produce large quantities of maternal-fetal specialties?

It is impossible to remodel the cells, and can only increase the value based on the original cells provided by the country, and then carry out small-scale research.

Now, the current production cost of each gram of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells in their laboratory is 70.

If one injection of human immune remodeling cells requires three grams of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells for programming, the minimum cost per injection is more than 200 million.

According to the amount of three to four injections for a complete course of treatment, even some wealthy families cannot afford the price

"Not only that, she also gave a relatively simple method of programming maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, which further reduced the cost. I did a simple calculation just now. If other costs are not included, the cost of one injection is really high.

Just about a hundred. "

Wei Jianming continued, he seemed calm at this moment, but his eyes were focused on the computer screen, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

As the absolute pinnacle of the global cytology community, he himself knows that these technologies are impossible to achieve in modern times.But some people not only did it, but also made it cheap.

It is impossible for many people to afford 200 million yuan per injection, but [-] yuan per injection is the real price of cabbage.

The entire laboratory fell into silence, and the brains of a bunch of biologists and medical scientists present went blank.

From 70 yuan per gram to five yuan? They feel that their knowledge is being rubbed on the ground, or the kind that rubs sparks.

"How did you do it?"

After about a minute of silence, only one person asked in confusion.

Biologically, they are top notch.But at this time, they looked at the multiple theories on the computer screen and found something.That is, they all know those words, but after connecting them together, why do they become so different?


"Twelve new technologies and 27 new theories. Any one can overturn the modern biological world. I also want to know how she did it. No wonder the above directly included her in this year's academician nomination list

, I want to be her student, I really have no temper.However, the people above haven't figured out her temper yet, so let's start the mass production of the human immune reconstruction drug first. "

Compared with others, Wei Jianming knew about Su Bai's existence, but not much.But what he knew was enough.

Because the value shown by Su Bai has surpassed the cognition of a genius, and has reached the level of unreasonable favoritism of the state.

"If you have a chance, you must get to know him. This kind of wisdom is beyond our reach."

An academician sighed at this time.

Before, they wondered if this kind of cell was the product of a laboratory accident, the kind where a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

However, after these twelve new technologies and 27 new theories were presented, they were completely convinced.

This is a new technology developed on the basis of a solid theory, and it is a real talent.

"Don't talk nonsense. As mentioned above, if you can confirm that there is no problem with this technology, you can go directly to clinical trials. Then, these technologies are currently in the highest secrecy state. Based on these technologies, as well as maternal-fetal specialization

30.00% of the profit of the medicine made by remodeling cells belongs to the developer of this technology. "

Wei Jianming continued, and then presided over the research work.

ps: More than half of the recommendation tickets have been sold~ Another half will be about [-] tickets, and there will be four updates today~, and the second and third updates will be completed before ten o'clock.

Chapter 48 A piece of boring news

Sometimes the mouth is strong and the other is cool, and the mouth is always strong and cool, and the crematorium will go to the crematorium after the cool.

"One, two, three... 98, 99, a hundred!"

[Complete 1 push-ups every day, get skill teacher LV[-]]

After the night run was over and he completed a hundred push-ups, Su Bai lay down on the yoga mat on the ground like a dehydrated dead dog.

Well, as a result of his strong mouth, Su Bai's daily morning and night runs increased from five kilometers to five kilometers plus one hundred push-ups.

When Su Bai completed a hundred push-ups, the constant temperature air conditioner in the room was also turned on, and a small robot slowly came to Su Bai's side.

Topped with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice.

"I want to drink Coke Sprite, but pure fruit juice is fine! What do you mean by bringing fruit and vegetable juice? And I added a lot of celery and cucumber. It doesn't taste good like this."

Su Bai picked up the glass of fruit and vegetable juice with some disgust and said.

【Heh~ It’s okay if it doesn’t taste good, do you think I’m letting you enjoy yourself? I’m bullying you! How can I give you something delicious? Finish it for me quickly!】

Seeing this, the system responded with a little joy.

Well, I dared to add pickled peppers to the hot pot with it on my back, and dared to talk back! Then I can’t blame it for being rude. I added a hundred push-ups to the morning exercise, and after finishing the morning exercise, I still have to drink a cup of unpalatable fruits and vegetables juice.

This is the extremely serious end if you don't listen to it!

"Drink as you please, who is afraid of whom!"

Su Bai shouted viciously, and gulped down the big glass of fruit and vegetable juice after finishing speaking.

Well, she was cowardly, but she couldn't lose her momentum!

After Chen Ming and Liu Qin left, Su Bai entered a period of leisure.

After all, everything is left to others. She only needs to eat, sleep and play video games every day.

Su Bai is still very satisfied with the fact that he entered the pension state early. People live to retire early.

At this time, since Su Bai moved in, until now, except for Zhou Xue, the TV set that Su Bai had never used before was automatically turned on at this time.

"Eh? You don't want me to watch the news broadcast, do you? The news is boring, okay?"

When Su Bai saw that the TV was automatically turned on and the news broadcast was playing, he complained speechlessly.

Let her do a hundred more push-ups at the end of the night run, and now let her watch the news.The system is too vicious

【Are you sure you don't want to watch today's news broadcast?】

The system said calmly.

"Is there anything special about today's news feed?"

After Su Bai heard what the system said, he became slightly interested.

[Nothing special, you don't need to read it. 】

As the system spoke, it turned off the TV again.

"I just like watching the news, can you control it?"

After Su Bai saw that the system had directly turned off the TV, he got up again, found the remote control, and turned on the TV.

The content of today's news broadcast is still nothing special. The domestic years are quiet and good, but the foreign countries are in dire straits.

However, Su Bai noticed one thing, that is, he didn't know why.When broadcasting foreign news, the news broadcast unexpectedly broadcast news about AIDS.

Although it was just a mention, this news was inserted among many foreign news, which made people feel a little abrupt.

And when the news broadcast was about to end, Su Bai finally got what she wanted to hear.

"The following is a domestic medical newsletter. The research team led by Professor Su Bai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has successfully overcome dozens of biological and medical problems, and proposed 27 revolutionary medical technologies to decipher human genes.

The mystery of construction, the successful development of artificial maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, opened a new chapter in the history of human medicine, and also represented the possibility of curing most congenital diseases. "

"On this basis, Professor Su Bai worked hard to carry out secondary research and development, successfully solved the problem of human immune system regeneration, and successfully developed a special drug for immune system regeneration, human immune reconstruction drug."

"According to relevant sources, this drug is currently the only solution in the medical field for the destruction of the autoimmune system. It has entered the clinical trial stage, and once it passes the clinical trial stage, it can enter mass production

stage. "

"Really, I actually adopted this picture directly. I should have known that I was dressed more seriously that day."

After the news was broadcast, Su Bai said in a depressed manner.

As for why she is depressed? The reason is very simple. There was a picture of her in her laboratory broadcast on the news.

However, at that time, the clothes she was wearing were black and white panda pajamas that she took out from the closet beside her.

There is nothing wrong with wearing pajamas at home.

What Su Bai didn't expect was that CCTV really used this scene to broadcast.

[It was you who refused the request for a re-interview]

At this time, the system couldn't help but complain.

On the second day after the interview, Liu Qin came to the door and asked Su Bai if he could re-film the process of obtaining the human immune reconstruction medicine from her side.

That day, because he was angry with the system, Su Bai directly refused.

Unexpectedly, when Su Bai didn't film, CCTV actually had the courage to use the scene of her wearing pajamas and going to the laboratory to get the medicine.

In this regard, CCTV is also suffering! There is no way, the higher authorities have two requirements for them to interview Su Bai.

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