It's a pity, I think Che Shuai takes it all. "

Chen Ming was not too surprised. The main object of his work these years is capital, and he knows what kind of reaction the other party will probably have.

In this regard, after he hung up the phone, he calmly dialed another number.Said: "Start a tax inspection of Yaoguang Group and all its subsidiaries. Once a tax problem is found, it will be handled according to the highest standard

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ming looked at his assistant and said, "Just continue to follow the plan. I have ten thousand ways to get the capital to cooperate with us obediently."

If it is said that his previous actions were to protect the country's security in the face of unknown challenges, then his actions now are to ensure that the national interests are not damaged

This is the country's first cooperation with Su Bai on the surface. The higher authorities attach great importance to it, and even set up corresponding departments in advance to deal with it. We must not compromise even a little because of a small amount of capital.

When cooperating with a person, it is quite dishonest to ask the other person to change his mind and cooperate with him because of his own problems.

He absolutely does not allow Su Bai to have even the slightest doubt about the strength and sincerity of the country.

Then, half an hour later, Chen Ming's landline phone rang

"We have reconsidered carefully just now. It is our honor to cooperate with the government. Now our group not only supports the launch of this charity medical tour, but also intends to fully cooperate with it with 500 million yuan.

"500 million is a little less, there is no sincerity, 1000 million."

Chen Ming said calmly

In fact, the higher-ups have already provided sufficient funds, and there is no need for more funds from the enterprise.But if the other party doesn't cooperate, does he really treat him as a soft persimmon if he doesn't give some punishment?

After the other party heard it, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, we will spend 1000 million to fully cooperate with this event."

"Sure enough, as long as the word tax is mentioned, these capitals are like cats caught by the scruff of the neck, and they must submit obediently."

After Chen Ming hung up the phone, Chen Ming's assistant said with a smile. After speaking, he felt a little strange again, and then looked at Chen Ming and asked: "Chen Ming, why don't we just take over this platform directly and choose

Let capital continue to hold?"

Their Huaguo Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau has become independent from Guoan, has a complete establishment and system, and is still expanding its manpower.

If it is out of safety and prudence considerations, then it is enough to directly take over this little love platform without involving the capital behind it.

"The idea is a good idea, but do you think Su Bai's starting point is really just an ordinary charity medical tour?"

Seeing this, Chen Ming asked back, but made his assistant a little dazed.

"Don't forget, her behavior when she first revealed her existence was similar to that of a vigilante. Under such circumstances, there was something that revealed the ugliness of human nature that happened before."

"She has her own views and thinking about the world. Sometimes she behaves naively, no different from a child, but definitely don't treat her as a child because of this. Before you see her clearly

, what we have to do is to cooperate with her actions, and on this basis, don't reason arbitrarily.That's not sound reasoning, it's being smart. "

"Sometimes, human nature is the most difficult to understand. When we face this kind of thing, we can only choose to be safe and not to be too radical."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

In fact, he already had a basic conclusion on Su Bai's character.However, he still didn't dare to speculate on Su Bai's behavior with his own conclusions.

In his opinion, it is too arrogant to use one's own wisdom to arbitrarily judge an unknown that has mastered mysterious power.

And when dealing with this kind of thing, arrogance is often the starting point of failure, and it is something he absolutely does not allow

Therefore, no matter what, he must maintain the most cautious and humble heart to face the challenges in the future.

"What Su Bai needs, let's do it. Don't make decisions on your own, and don't really treat her as an immature child. Sometimes it's a good thing to be a little troublesome, and it's a bad thing to be smart."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he looked at the time, and then continued: "Did Su Bai go to the hospital today?"

"e mmmm...she's at the Children's Playground in a nearby shopping mall, having a great time."

Chen Ming's assistant felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

"e mmmm...It's okay, as long as she is happy."

At this time, Chen Ming was also silent for a while, feeling a little awkward in the atmosphere in the office.

ps: The update is a bit late today, sorry.The second update will be updated around seven o'clock, and the third update will be later.Then, there is still [-] recommended votes, and there will be a fourth update~ Yesterday, you can reach [-], and today the recommended votes arrive

Three thousand is not a problem!

Chapter 44 system, are potato chips delicious?

[How old are you, and you are still playing in the children's playground.Don’t lose it!]

When Su Bai left the mall, the system started to complain.

Because he was pissed off by the system in the morning, Su Bai planned to cook a big meal for himself to make up for his injured soul.

However, when he was halfway through shopping, Su Bai discovered the children's playground in the mall.

Which hunk can refuse the temptation of a children's paradise?

So, after struggling for a tenth of a second in my heart

"I'm only three years and a few hundred months old, and I'm often mistaken for a junior high school student or elementary school student. Why can't I go to the children's playground?"

Su Bai said straightforwardly.

[Heh~ By the way, the person in charge of your planned live broadcast has already arrived in Shanghai.It is estimated that I will get in touch with you in the afternoon or tomorrow]

At this time, the system reminded me one more thing.

CCTV's actions were very fast. The general plan was drawn up yesterday, and this morning, the construction of the live broadcast and broadcast group was initially completed.

When Su Bai was playing in the children's playground just now, the person in charge of the live broadcast department of the plan proposed by Su Bai had already arrived in Shanghai.


After Su Bai heard it, he just calmly took a bag of potato chips and put it in the shopping cart.

When she looked up to get a bag of biscuits, she found that the bag of potato chips she was holding had returned to its original position.


After seeing this, Su Bai stood in the same place deeply, thinking for ten seconds, then reached out and grabbed a bag of potato chips, shook it, and there was a rustling sound when it came out.

"Storm Inhalation!"

In the next second, Su Bai directly tore open the whole bag of potato chips, reached out and grabbed the inside of the potato chips package with lightning speed, and then grabbed three pieces of potato chips...

"System, you are too much!"

When Su Bai saw the three pieces of potato chips in his hand, his temper suddenly came up.

The one she confirmed just now is definitely a big bag, it is impossible to only have three pieces.

【Oh~ So you don't like to eat it, so it's all confiscated. 】

Then, Su Bai was speechless to see that the three potato chips left in his hand also disappeared...

Looking at the empty potato chip packaging bag, Su Bai looked up at the sky, speechless for a moment.What else could she say? She just silently looked at the package of potato chips.

"New product! Devil's pepper flavor."

I put my finger that was swelled with a little chili powder into my mouth and licked it.

"Hiss~ It's so spicy! System, you say I'll buy a pack of spicy strips, do you agree?"

After confirming that the bag of potato chips was spicy enough, Su Bai reached out to a large bag of spicy sticks on the shelf.

"If you don't say anything, it means you agree~"

After waiting for about 1 minute, after hearing no answer from the system, Su Bai happily put a whole pack of spicy strips into the shopping cart, and also brought himself a bottle of Fat House Happy, which he hadn’t drunk for a long time. water.

After completing today's shopping at the mall as quickly as possible, Su Bai got in the car to go home.

In the car, a mouthful of spicy strips, a mouthful of Fat Boy Happy Water, is simply not too happy!

"By the way, uncle, I'm cooking hot pot tonight, how many people do you want over there?"

After drinking a whole bottle of Fat Boy Happy Water, Su Bai looked at the Didi driver who was taking him back, and asked.

"This...em mmmm...let me ask."

After hearing Su Bai's words, the driver hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything more. He immediately took out the walkie-talkie from his pocket and reported Su Bai's question just now.

"It seems that she already knows that you are here. Let the four of us go over tonight. There should be a hot pot meal."

In Chen Ming's office, after hearing the report from his subordinates, he looked at the reporter sent by CCTV sitting in front of him and said.

"She already knew we were coming? Did she never know? Or did you not agree with her?"

Seeing this, Liu Qin, a reporter sent by CCTV, who was in his early 20s and just graduated from Peking University, was young, beautiful, and with a bit of a lovely temperament, was a little confused.

In fact, up to now she has been in a daze.

At noon yesterday, she was just an intern with relatively good grades at the CCTV headquarter. She didn't know when she would become a full-time employee, or when she would be recognized.

Then, when I was about to get off work yesterday, the main station called all the reporters under the age of 30 for a meeting.

It's more of a beauty pageant than a meeting.

At that moment, she felt a little panic in her heart.I thought I had encountered some so-called unspoken rules in the industry.

What made her even more uneasy was that among a bunch of young and beautiful reporters, the person in charge of the selection directly took a fancy to her, and then asked her a very simple question: "Do you have any experience dealing with children?"

"I have studied child psychology."

Although very apprehensive, Liu Qin still answered.

"The main station has assigned you a task. Next, you will follow a very young doctor... Forget it, let's explain it this way. Next, you will meet a genius doctor who won the title of academician in his teens. Follow with her

Do a charity medical tour live event. "

"If there are no accidents, there will definitely be many accidents during this event. What you have to do is to control the effect of the live broadcast when the accident happens, let the topic of the live broadcast be oriented, and follow the idea of ​​that genius doctor

, to change. "

"Of course, you don't have much experience, so you may not be able to handle it. You can choose a few experienced hosts, reporters, directors and editors from the main station to form your staff."

Liu Qin, who was still worried about whether she would be caught by the unspoken rules, was immediately fooled when she heard what the director said to her in person.

A teenage academician? What kind of genius would get to that level! And then there must be an unexpected charity medical circuit going on? What the hell is this?

Finally, you can randomly select experienced people in the station to form a staff group to assist her!

This level of emphasis, the Olympic broadcast is not so exaggerated!

Although she was a little confused, she knew that this was a once-in-a-century opportunity, and she had to seize it herself, so she agreed directly.

After simply completing the formation of his own staff group, without even taking a break, he came to Shanghai.

Originally, I thought that after coming to Shanghai, I would have direct contact with that mysterious genius academician, but the first contact with her was a special department that had just been established and was directly under the central government.

Before finding out what happened, she signed a bunch of non-disclosure agreements.

"Don't ask, just do your own thing, understand?"

Chen Ming looked at Liu Qin and said, after speaking, let Liu Qin take a rest and recover his energy.

ps: Sorry, Calvin took a moment, the update is a bit late.Then, there are still [-] recommendation votes left, just the fourth update~ The third update should be updated like this at eleven o'clock.

Sell ​​it cute. Medium (q><⊙))

Chapter 45 There is a pervert who always likes to watch others pass on the maid pretending to cook (the third one)

"White cute...she can't be the one that appeared a month ago..."

Compared with CCTV, there was no detailed information at all. After coming to Shanghai, especially after getting in touch with Chen Ming, Liu Qin finally saw Su Bai's photo.

A little loli with very beautiful white hair and a very cute appearance.

After seeing that the person she came into contact with next was such a cute animal, the tension in her heart was greatly relieved.

But this also only lasted for a short time.

A month ago, she knew about the video called "Sea Turtle on the Bite of the Tongue" that was endowed with mysterious powers.Not only did she know, she also wrote special reports and conducted special investigations at that time, so her memory is very good.


Originally, she thought that the country would pay more attention to that mysterious video.However, in the follow-up, the popularity of that mysterious video dropped rapidly, so that not many people discussed it anymore.

She originally thought that this incident had passed, but now it seems that it is not that this incident has passed, but that the country is still making various efforts in the dark.It's just that ordinary people don't know about these efforts.

"You can understand that."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said very seriously.

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