It's just that Chen Ming had predicted all their actions in advance, and asked Ke Zhenguo to use the power of national security to deploy supervision in advance, and then close the net in a short time to ensure that no matter whether it was a tiger or a fly, they would all be caught.

"I really intend to let them go, but it's a pity they don't cherish it."

Chen Ming seemed a little disappointed at this time.

Although he had expected what happened today, the higher-ups asked him before, if those people did not behave as he expected, but really behaved, how would Chen Ming deal with it?

At that time, Chen Ming's answer was very simple.

"You can't slap a child to death just because they made a mistake. They are no longer threatened. Then give them a chance to reform themselves, and maybe they can become good children. As long as they cherish this opportunity, as long as they become

It's okay to let good children go, after all, not everyone can make mistakes, and the prodigal son will never change his life.Of course, if they don't cherish this opportunity and other people with evil intentions join in, I also hope that the country can give it the greatest support. "

Chen Ming's answer was summed up by Su Bai regarding America's actions.

When America taunted Su Bai for the first time, Su Bai just learned a little lesson through Da Xia.

It's like a child being naughty, and the parents confiscated the child's favorite food or favorite toy.Very clear punishment.

Afterwards, America committed suicide a few times, but Su Bai's heaviest punishment was spanking at best.The reason why there is such a big gap with Daxia, and it seems that he was taught a bad lesson is entirely because Daxia has always been a good child, and has always been rewarded by Su Bai, the "mother", and has become the strongest child .

America really made Su Bai decide to teach it a lesson because of what happened a while ago.

He repeatedly challenged the authority of the "mother", but even so, Su Bai didn't really intend to kill America.Su Bai taught America a lesson, at most, he hung her up and beat her to the point where she couldn't get out of bed for a while.

He couldn't really calm down, this was Chen Ming's judgment on Su Bai's personality.At least now he can't imagine what kind of thing he would have to do to make Su Bai kill him.

After hearing Chen Ming's narration, the senior officials of Daxia also recognized Chen Ming's theory of a benevolent mother.Because what Chen Ming said was the truth.

I have already learned the lesson, so what if I give it another chance.If someone doesn't cherish this opportunity and uses it to make a fuss, then they can't blame Daxia for being a "model good boy" and helping "mother" clean up the house.

"How about Su Bai?"

Chen Ming looked at the time and said.

According to what Su Bai said before, the final action should start an hour later.But now Su Bai ran away and disappeared.

"I'm sleepy, but I didn't go home. I went to sleep at the orphanage. I should wait until eight or nine o'clock. I just have time to report to the higher-ups. Others are also waiting near the orphanage. At least they are very honest now." Ke Zhenguo said.

The orphanage that Ke Zhenguo mentioned was the orphanage of Director Miao Fangling.

After the news of Su Bai's attack came out, Dean Miao Fangling could call Su Bai four or five times a day to make Su Bai pay attention to safety.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai felt that he needed to find some time to visit Director Miao Fangling, and it was indeed very close to the orphanage at that time, only two streets away, so he went.

Chapter 370 Su Bai Became Well-behaved

"The children here are too well-behaved, so I want to adopt one."

"Adoption? There is no adoption record in this orphanage from last year to now."

"There is no adoption record? Why? These children are so good."

"This is the key pilot area of ​​the national foster care system announced before Luochen. The cost of living for each child is five or even ten times that of ordinary orphans. You don't think they are here to let more people look at it Children, that’s why we spent so much money to train them.”

"It's a bit cruel and heartless to say, but for most of the children who are actively abandoned, it is the best result. There will be a suitable job in the future no matter what."

"It is said that the second generation of genetically enhanced fighters will be selected from such children, and they are Su Bai's most devout believers."

"It's better not to discuss this, just worry about the next thing."


In the canteen of Dean Miao Fangling's orphanage, the helmsmen or representatives of large domestic capital groups sitting around a few tables in the corner eating breakfast looked at the orphans eating breakfast in an orderly manner in the canteen, whispering Discussing.

It's no secret that the Luochen Charity Foundation is working on the national support system.

At the very beginning, it sparked huge discussions within the community, with some opposing, some supporting, and some criticizing this as a new slavery system.

In this regard, the Luochen Charity Foundation has only done one thing, that is, silently increased the operating funds of the national support system, incorporated 90.00% of domestic orphanages, and popularized the National Children's Nutrition Plan.

Abandoned children lost everything the moment they were abandoned. Under the circumstances that they could not give those children family care, the Luochen Charity Foundation cooperated with the country, integrated resources, and gave those abandoned children nothing but motherly love and fatherly love. Everything but love.

However, there are still many flaws in the state support system, and Feng Yufang needs to continue to explore.

Compared with those orphanages that got into trouble due to system flaws, Dean Miao Fangling created an excellent learning environment by virtue of her personal charm. When the system problems were not yet perfect, she let her orphans The hospital is on the right track.

"Come on, eat more meat, how thin you are now, with small arms and legs, they will collapse when blown by the wind."

Compared with those capital helmsmen or representatives who dare not speak loudly, Su Bai, who sat at the table with Dean Miao Fangling, rarely showed a well-behaved and peaceful appearance.

"I'm really full!"

After seeing another chicken leg in his bowl, Su Bai said.

She usually doesn't eat much for breakfast, but after coming to Dean Miao Fangling's side today, Dean Miao Fangling has already picked up four chicken legs, three egg pancakes and peeled two boiled eggs for Su Bai. .

"Don't be picky eaters. I know you can eat, so finish eating quickly. Only when you are full can you grow your body. If you are hungry, you won't grow any longer."

Dean Miao Fangling said, stretched out her hand and pinched Su Bai's small cheek.But what she didn't know was that she was probably the first person to say that Su Bai was not tall in front of Su Bai, and that Su Bai didn't dare to refute anything.


Sitting next to Su Bai, Eternal Life Supreme was immediately happy when he saw Su Bai's expression that he wanted to refute but did not dare.

Su Bai, who can do whatever he wants in front of other people and is not afraid of anything, is someone who can control him after all.

"Smile! Hurry up and eat more. How old are you? Are you worthy of the food you usually eat?"

After Su Bai saw that Eternal Life Supreme smiled, he counterattacked.


Eternal Life Supreme didn't bother to quarrel with Su Bai, but looked enviously at the children eating breakfast in an orderly manner in the cafeteria.

She has worked on the national support system before, but the difficulty of operation is beyond imagination.She has been engaged in it for decades, but has not explored a stable method.In the end, she was so angry that she opened up and popularized higher education at the civilized level, so that the phenomenon of abduction, trafficking and child abandonment almost disappeared.

And this world, under the circumstances that Su Bai didn't obviously intervene in this aspect, but was only interested in this aspect, began to gradually enter the right track.

"At this time, I quite agree with your pilgrims' death threat progressive theory."

Eternal Life Supreme looked at Saint Si and said.

"That's natural."

Sheng Si said proudly after hearing the words of eternal life.

Compared with the Pan-Galaxy Republic, which had almost no setbacks before entering the ninth-level civilization, and had the strongest immortals in the pan-world as civilization guides, the development path of the Pilgrims was a bumpy road full of thorns.

To put it simply, in the process of development, the pilgrims are either on the verge of destruction or on the road to destruction.Comparable to the flat-headed brother, either in a fight, or on the way to a fight.

Under such circumstances, the pilgrims pointed out many technological trees in advance that only super-advanced civilizations have, such as the unity of civilization and thought, the national support system, the social support system, the comprehensive resource demand allocation policy, and so on.

It's not that they want these institutions, but without them, there is no prosperity behind the Pilgrims.

"Remember to wash your hands after eating, don't deal with it, use hand sanitizer. Squeeze more, this thing is not expensive. Rinse twice more, you have to rinse it clean."

After breakfast, Su Bai was watched by Dean Miao Fangling after washing his hands, and after sending them to the gate of the orphanage, he even helped Su Bai tidy up his clothes.

"I know you are busy, but pay more attention to your own safety, and sometimes you have to think more about others, don't patronize and play."

After being sent to the gate of the orphanage, Dean Miao Fangling didn't say too many words to keep her, but just repeated several words to remind Su Bai to be safe.

"Understood, I will pay attention to safety."

Su Bai, who was used to being arrogant at ordinary times, was like a harmless little white rabbit at this moment, nodding his head in agreement, and finally got on the leaving car as if running away, that was the end.

This is also the reason why Su Bai seldom comes to Dean Miao Fangling's side.To be able to ignore Su Bai's current identity and status is to simply treat Su Bai as a child, and she is the only one.

After seeing Su Bai who looked a bit embarrassed, those capital tycoons all looked at Dean Miao Fangling with a little admiration.

Some of them are about the same age as Miao Fangling, but they really can't achieve Miao Fangling's big heart.After all, they knew how dangerous that seemingly harmless little white rabbit was.

That demon king in the world, if he is unhappy, he can really make a person unable to move again!

Chapter 370 What are you going to do to me?Big brother who lost his mind!

What is despair?Despair is when you know you are going to die, but you are not dead yet.

So is there anything more hopeless than this?Yes, that is, other than not letting him escape, the other party allowed him to struggle as much as he wanted without leaving!

"Zhao Chen! Don't forget who saved you when you committed a crime in Changzhou!"

"I know about this, but I really can't do anything about your current situation?"

"No way? What is no way? You don't even try what is no way? Go to your grandpa and talk about love! I really beg you, I kneel down for you. As long as you go and your grandpa To be honest, he must have.

method.Su Bai is just a brat, she will definitely listen to your grandpa when he speaks, I really knelt down to you. "

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's really that I can't. I reminded you a while ago that I've been an honest teacher for the past two years. That's what I'm talking about. Now that you've stepped on a minefield, I really can't help you?"

"How do you know you won't be able to help if you don't try it? Try it! Didn't I just sell a few places? It didn't cause any major problems. Tell me, it will definitely be useful."

"It's useless for you to say so much. Answering the phone now means that I have exhausted my benevolence. If you cooperate well then, maybe you will be fine."

"Maybe it's okay? Thousands of people are guarding outside now, and there are hundreds of genetically enhanced soldiers. You call this okay? Don't forget that when you had an accident, I made it beautiful for you. Now you can even help Can I even beg for mercy?"

"I didn't embarrass you at the beginning, can you not embarrass me now? I really can't do it?"

"What do you mean by not embarrassing me? Am I embarrassing you now? Isn't it just to beg for mercy? This is not okay? If something happens to me, don't worry about it. The evidence of your crime in Changzhou is still in my hands!"

"For my matter, I will go in for a few years at most, and I don't want my current position. But you now... I can't help! Dududu."



In the back garden of Wang Chengjian's manor, accompanied by a burst of hysteria, a mobile phone hit the exquisite stone sculpture of the garden fountain, and then fell into the water, where the screen's light was still shining.

And Miao Yi, who threw out the phone, knelt on the ground with madness and despair shining on his face.

It has been seven hours since he was sent here at two o'clock in the morning. He almost made all the phone calls he could make, and begged all the people he could ask for.

Except for some people who didn't understand the situation because of the sudden incident and said they would help, the rest of the people regarded it as the god of plague.

Like just now, those who answer the phone and refuse are considered to be in a good relationship.As for those who said they would help because they didn't understand the situation?After saying that I will help, there is no more text.

Fear, despair, powerlessness and helplessness.

In the past, they felt that they had all-hands and eyes, and that no matter what kind of troubles they could solve, they could rely on their financial resources, power and connections.

However, when the real test came, they discovered how fragile the wealth, power and connections they had accumulated in the past were.

And the other people around who looked at him with some expectations before also looked away, with a little emptiness in their eyes.

"Su Bai is here, he will come in soon, you should be ready."

At this time, Pang De came to the back garden and informed that Su Bai had arrived, and the trial of these people was about to begin.

"Again, again! Treat us like monkeys, right? Treat us like bullies! After today, believe it or not, you won't even know how to write dead characters?"

After hearing these words, Miao Yi, who was kneeling and hysterical, rushed directly in front of Pound, grabbed Pound by the collar, with despair and madness in his eyes.

From his arrival here until now, every one to two hours, Chen Ming would notify Su Bai that Su Bai was coming.

But every time, when they were ready, Su Bai didn't show up, and when he went out to inquire about the situation, he was ignored.

I have heard too many stories about the wolf coming, and they will not be fooled every time to be reasonable.

But the problem is that their external communication has not been cut off.During the waiting time, they also learned that Su Bai had notified those capital representatives who at least seemed to have done nothing wrong to come to Shanghai.

The arrival of each of them is like the pace of death, stepping on their hearts.

There are too many people who are greedy for Su Bai's power and interests, and after seeing Su Bai's "loss of power", there are too many people who will act.

Also because there are so many people, when they first came, they were relatively calm.

He thought it was impossible for Su Bai to get rid of them all at once.If Su Bai gets rid of them in one go, Daxia's economy will be shut down for several years, and the speed of development will also enter a stage of stagnation.

One of them has little power, but when there are more people, it will be different.

They don't believe that Su Bai dared to shake the foundation of the country's stability by eliminating dissidents.

However, with the passage of time, one after another capital representatives who could replace them came to Shanghai, and they gradually understood what Su Bai was going to do.

Indeed, removing them all at once would shake the foundation of national stability.But if you can find a replacement, it's different.

Great Xia is huge, and there will be multiple overlords in the same domain.No one is indispensable, and no one is irreplaceable.The question is whether Su Bai will do anything right.

They thought that Su Bai was going crazy, and they didn't dare to do anything wrong.But now it seems that Su Bai really didn't intend to give them a way out.

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