"Five hours ago, we discovered that America's entire network was under control, and a large number of satellites deviated from their intended orbits and fell into America's mainland or near the sea."

"Three hours ago, we discovered that this super virus has a very high self-awareness. The consciousness is caused by the loss of control of the strong artificial intelligence developed by America itself."

"One hour ago, this super virus suspected of strong artificial intelligence was about to break away from the control of my self-developed strong artificial intelligence Nuwa."

"After careful consideration, we decided to enter a state of emergency nationwide, mobilize the computing power of the whole country, and declare war on this super virus that is suspected of strong artificial intelligence!"

"The significance of this battle is not trivial. If it fails, it will announce the collapse of the Internet system that took nearly a hundred years to build, and the loss of the global satellite network. Therefore, I am here, on behalf of my country, to seek large computing power from all walks of life and all walks of life around the world. Deal with difficulties!"

When the whole world was guessing whether it was Su Bai's counterattack after the attack, the statement that the whole country of Daxia entered the economic state was like a thunderbolt on the ground, turning the global public opinion in other directions.

After this emergency statement, there was a national apology notice from Chen Ming, director of the Emergency Management Bureau.

Many netizens knew for the first time that Chen Ming, whom they called Su Bai's exclusive bodyguard, was actually a top boss in the central government, not a simple follower.

"When the super virus we temporarily named Pandora began to spread, we did not mobilize all computing resources to deal with it because of our confidence in our own technology. At the beginning, we just regarded it as a relatively large one. The technical loss of control, coupled with the fact that there is no real threat to our country’s network security, let alone the current situation, this is a huge mistake in strategic decision-making, and it is also the result of my excessive technical self-confidence.”

"I blame myself very much for this, and I will obey the punishment and arrangement of the organization. No matter what the result is, I have no regrets."

"However, the security of the country and the world has reached the most critical moment. I hope that all sectors of society and the world will temporarily put aside their prejudices and jointly deal with the biggest crisis in the information age!"

At the apology press conference, Chen Ming, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and even shaved his beard, bent down and bowed sincerely to apologize, his face full of remorse, which made people feel extremely sincere.

If you look at the details, you can still see traces of his slaps on Chen Ming's face. It seems that he slapped himself because of self-blame. The strongest side of oneself, people can't help but move.

"The acting is good. I think Uncle Chen Ming should be given the Best Actor and Best Director awards. What do you think?"

At home, watching Chen Ming on TV who was as sincere as Su Bai, Su Bai said.

Although she said that she only wanted to watch the meteor shower, she also knew that after the meteor shower, there would be so many troubles that her scalp would tingle.But she also wanted to know how Da Xia would deal with those troubles.

As a result, Chen Ming played a trick where the villain with poor information filed a complaint first.

Nuwa's programming is at least 500 years ahead of the world. Unless Su Bai announces the technology, otherwise, people in this world will never find any clues from the information.

Under such circumstances, Nu Wa also tampered with a strong artificial intelligence on America's side that used the Ming chip.

The civet cat was played for the prince, and the disaster moved eastward.

America, who had lost the most in this incident, became the culprit with proven evidence.

As for the punishment of Chen Ming?Really, he changed from the director of the emergency management bureau to a small captain.

By the way, the Emergency Response Bureau is a secret department, and its establishment is not disclosed to the public.Then after Chen Ming was demoted, the biggest position in the Emergency Management Bureau was the team leader...

Well, there's nothing wrong with it, it's really demoted, and everyone can tell that the team leader is a small person.

"It's too dirty. I didn't play with it so dirty. I have caused so much misfortune to others, and now I have to blame others. After America's reaction, I'm afraid I will doubt myself. Poor child."

Seeing this, the Supreme Eternal Life couldn't help mourning for America, and it's not good to mess with this little ancestor.

"Then why not just kill him?"

At this time, Zhou Xue tilted her head and asked.Since bullying is too cruel, let's beat him to death!

"If you kill them, no one will bully you. Do you understand the sustainable development? Their pain is my happiness!"

Seeing this, Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue seriously and said, people who didn't know thought Su Bai was teaching Zhou Xue something.

ps: Don't think about some bad things, it's quite cool to write this book

Chapter 340 Six Are Perverted

"Is Daxia's statement true?"

"From the perspective of information dissemination, the starting point is indeed the mainland of America, not Daxia."

"A network intrusion of this scale cannot be resolved in just a few hours. So Su Bai's attack and this incident should be just a coincidence."

"Yes, if Daxia wants to use this method to counterattack, it will not be so fast."

"Daxia's development of the Ming chip is indeed more than us, but not too much. They announced the Ming chip so quickly to get more technical assistance from us. So if Daxia did it, it would be impossible. Do it without a trace."

"Before we noticed that there is a computing power on the network that is preventing another computing power on America's side from breaking through America's network. It should be the strong artificial intelligence Nuwa that Daxia said."

"Now Daxia's computing power protecting the network is lower than that of America's. The reason why it can be stopped now should be a better algorithm."

"So, is it necessary to provide computing power support to Da Xia?"


After Daxia's statement was released, other countries that thought it was Daxia's work also began to doubt.

Although it is said that Daxia is the most suspected, there is no evidence!Only through the analysis of reasonable technical means, Daxia is the most suspected.

Now Da Xia directly jumps out and says that he is also a victim, not just a victim, Da Xia even silently prevented this disaster for the world before, it is the existence of an unsung hero.

"If Daxia wants computing power, it's fine, but it needs to be exchanged with technology."

Under such circumstances, the idea of ​​many politicians in the West is very simple, computing power can be given, but resources must be exchanged.After all, this is a great time to acquire skills!How can I not blackmail Daxia severely?


"Because of the tight computing power, our country can only protect the network security of friendly countries. my country believes that Western developed countries also have the ability to protect their own national network security and property security."

Acting has to be a complete set. Since you have put on a posture of swearing to the death, you must have the courage to abandon everything and deal with difficulties.

What is the problem that Daxia is facing now?Quite simply, the area to be protected is too large, requiring too many computing resources.

So, if the protection area is reduced, does the calculation pressure decrease?

Well, it can be like this.

Since some countries are very confident in their national network security, and even have the mood to take advantage of the computing power resources, it means that Daxia has no obligation to protect their country's network security.

"Pastoral politics will destroy a country, born in sorrow and died in peace, this sentence is really very appropriate."

Immortal Supreme was a little speechless after hearing the news, but he was not surprised.

In her long years, she has never seen any scene. There are too many politicians who want to make a fortune when they die.She has seen people who are more dizzy than this.

"I am somewhat looking forward to America's performance after getting the remaining satellites and restoring the government's network communication. It should be very exciting!"

On Zuo Ming's side, he spoke based on the principle that eating melons is not a big deal.

She doesn't find it strange that some pastoral politicians in the West have brain-twitching thoughts. After seeing Chen Ming's apology statement, she looks forward to seeing America's side recovering, and then seeing the whole world pointing at her. future performance.

After all, in the eyes of America now, they are the biggest victims, and Daxia is the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, after knowing what Nuwa had done, Zuo Ming knew that America was about to doubt her life.Because America herself couldn't prove her innocence.

"I'm in a good mood today. I'll go to the hospital for consultation... Forget it, let's go to interrogate the prisoner."

When you are in a good mood, of course you have to do something to make yourself happier, so Su Bai aimed at Chen Ming.

The charter woman needs to be arranged, but the prisoner who was caught yesterday can be interrogated in person today.

"Bad habits."

Immortal Supreme said after hearing Su Bai's words, he also took a look at the calm face who was massaging Su Bai's feet, and showed an expression that he wanted to stick to it and lick it.

If it weren't for Su Bai holding a watermelon knife in his hand, if he felt something was wrong, he would directly and decisively give Shengsi two knives, she felt that Shengsi would definitely stick to it and lick it.

"It's very interesting, do you want to come together, Sister Eternal Life Supreme?"

Su Bai looked at the Supreme Master and said, but when he said it, he still focused on the ring on the Supreme Master's hand.

Although it is said that beautiful girls of the highest level of eternal life are rare in the world, they are not completely absent.If she is really greedy, at worst, she will engage in genetic engineering to edit a more beautiful one for herself.

But she really wanted this near-concept space mobile ring.

"This is my wedding ring, I can't give it to you."

Eternal Life Supreme still doesn't understand what Su Bai is thinking?As he spoke, he lightly stroked the ring in his hand, and the ring disappeared from his hand.

"Actually, we can also talk about marriage. It's normal for love to fall in love at first sight. Isn't flash marriage also the trend of the times? You are the elder sister and I am the younger sister, so I am the weaker party and I should accept the bride price. I don't ask much. , You can use an old one, just give me the one you have."

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled and drew in front of Eternal Supreme.

As for whether it is a loss to marry yourself for a ring?It's not bad to be reasonable, after all, the other party is also a beautiful girl.

If you really feel bad, wouldn't it be better to get married and then divorce?As long as she has a thick skin, she has a clear conscience.

"Let's go, I've lived for so long, I really haven't participated in interrogating prisoners much."

Eternal Life Supreme stood up decisively.Although she is very fraternal, as she said, she is sincere to every girl, and she will never take things like marriage as a joke.

"It's okay to rest for a while."

At this time, Shengsi rubbed Su Bai's little feet, but he was reluctant to let go.

"You are also a representative of the civilization of the pilgrims, please don't be so perverted!"

Regarding this, Eternal Life Supreme directly reached out his hand and pulled the reluctant Sheng Si up, his face full of disgust.

"Heh~ It's better than you, Neptune, who only plays with the feelings of little girls who are a fraction of your age. I am the one who is single-minded."

Shengsi retorted unwillingly.

In this regard, Zhou Xue gave an answer.

"They're all perverts!"

Chapter 340 Seven I, Su Bai, I'm a Devil

"Boss, go and see Segawa, his situation is very wrong."

In the secret detention place of the Emergency Response Bureau, all the members of Caesar's team who were captured here were divided into three cells and detained.

Among them, Segawa, who seemed to be the most injured, was imprisoned by Nishizawa.

Although it looked like the injury was serious when it was sent back, after a follow-up inspection, it was found that it was actually just a skin trauma.It's not that he didn't have internal injuries, but that the internal injuries have been healed by Daxia's people.


After hearing Segawa's words, Nishizawa, who was sitting on the bed and meditating, turned his head and glanced at Segawa who was lying on the bed opposite him, wrapped himself in a quilt, and frowned slightly.

But he still looked at the team member standing opposite him, who seemed to have regained some energy, and said, "Are you feeling much better?"

"If you don't remember... there should be no problem."

When the team member said these words, there was a little hesitation in his eyes, and he couldn't help but recall the death cycle he had fallen into before in his mind.

"Don't think about it, just lie in bed and rest. If you are afraid of sleeping, then don't sleep."

Seeing that the player's hands began to tremble slightly, Caesar immediately got up and said, helping the player to the bed next to him, and then let him lie down.

The consequences of dying hundreds of times in a short period of time seemed not as serious as imagined, and his team members basically recovered within a day.

However, recovering consciousness is completely different from recovering fighting spirit. The endless time cycle has become a nightmare that all of them can't get rid of in this lifetime.

Some of them now need to rely on drugs to fall asleep, and then in their sleep, they are awakened by the lingering nightmare.

Under such circumstances, it would be much better for Segawa not to be trapped in the endless cycle of time.

Although, from the time he saw Segawa for the first time, he always said that Segawa's injury was very serious, but the physical injury was much easier to heal than the spiritual injury.

After the people on Daxia's side wanted to repair the injuries in Segawa's body, they only cleaned up the blood on Segawa's face, and then rested for about a day. The swelling on Segawa's face had basically disappeared, and the wound All the scars have begun to heal. After a week or two, they may fully recover without any traces.

Physical wounds are much easier to overcome than mental wounds.

"The people here in Daxia sent some food over, and eating some will help the recovery of the injury."

After setting up the other team members, Nishizawa came to Segawa's window and said to Segawa.

Seeing that Segawa didn't respond, Nishizawa didn't show any politeness, and directly lifted Segawa's quilt.

Segawa was not asleep in the bed, but lay quietly on the bed, looking at his hands that often held a knife, his eyes were full of self-doubt.

Compared to other people who dare not recall the endless cycle of time at all, Segawa recalled the details of the previous battle over and over again in his mind.

The strength of the opponent is impeccable, and the speed of the opponent is beyond his imagination, but it is not impossible for him to deal with it.On the battlefield, he has dealt with tougher situations, and he has faced tougher problems.

But... At that time, why did he keep doing the stupidest reactions?Is it because of his poor technique?

This is wrong, his swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and it is different from those flamboyants who keep saying that they are masters of swordsmanship.Her story was the result of fighting on the cruelest battlefield. He should have the ability to deal with everything. He should be able to handle the previous situation better, and even cut the arrogant opponent under the sword.

"Give me one more chance, as long as you give me one more chance, I will definitely be able to"

Segawa was talking to himself, he already had countless ways to deal with genetically enhanced soldiers in his mind.

It's not just a simple response, as long as the opponent continues to maintain the laxness before, it is not difficult to turn the opponent into the soul of the dead under his sword.

"Segawa Oh"

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