Pound replied.

"The thing about pest control is to cut the weeds and roots, and leave no one behind. Call Laoren back to me, and then ask Li Shu to give a score. Those who score below that score will be deprived of their titles, regardless of whether they are masters or doctors, or whichever one they are. University professors. All deprived, turned into bachelors, and then let Laoren investigate the academic research of these people. Of course, this point will be discussed after the results are released. When we do things, we must learn from Su Bai, no To be reasonable, when Chen Ming said this, he showed a kind smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It will take some time for Chen Ming's actions to be arranged.But for Ding Yi, his plan has entered the final sprint stage.

His talent-draining plan is a butcher's knife waved at the entire Western world, but the butcher's knife has not yet fallen completely.As the wise man of America, Harry's inner defense will not be easily breached.

"Dad, I want to eat barbecue, and I haven't eaten for a long time."

In the ward, after Ding Nuo took a mouthful of the medicinal porridge fed by Yan Yi's mother, he said to Ding Yi as if he was watching a drama.

She has been eating this tasteless porridge for nearly half a month.

Although it is not unpalatable, no matter who eats the same thing for half a month, it will be a bit unbearable.

"Be patient, dad will take you to the beach for barbecue next month, okay? Dad will give you whatever you want."

When Ding Yi said these words, he looked at Ding Nuo lovingly, and the love in his eyes was a bit more than it was a few months ago.

As Ding Nuo's condition got worse, he thought more and more about whether he was a qualified father.

Although the answer is actually yes, he does not qualify.But every time he saw Ding Nuo gradually getting haggard, he would think about this question more and more.

And after thinking too much about this question, it will completely evolve into paternal love for Ding Nuo.

The father's love that surpasses everything and the opportunity given by Su Bai made Ding Yi decide to go crazy again and be desperate again.

"I'm going to do something that will drive Harry, the biggest chaebol leader in America, completely crazy. After this thing is done, Su Bai will treat Xiao Nuo's illness, but it is also possible for the two of us Get on his kill list."

After feeding Ding Nuo, Ding Yi said to Yan Yi in the corridor.

"I do think of the time when you quit your job at the Tobacco Bureau and went into business before November."

Yan Yi didn't answer, but talked about the past.

When Ding Yi finished his studies and officially entered the society, Ding Yi's family tried their best to send him to the Tobacco Bureau.

Ding Yi's ability is very strong, and his family has certain resources, so his promotion speed is also very fast.

However, after only doing it for two years, and when she and Ding Yi had just started discussing whether to form a family, Ding Yi became irrational once.

At that time, Ding Yi told her that he didn't want to be bound by the system.

At that time, Yan Yi also struggled

The work of the Tobacco Bureau can be said to be the best position among civil servants, not one of them.In addition, she has an iron rice bowl, and with this job, her married life will be very beautiful.

Once she lost this job and entered the unknown society, she was really confused about the future.

Under such circumstances, she completely affirmed the idea of ​​marrying Ding Yi.

She wants a bloody man as her companion for the rest of her life

So, regardless of her family's obstruction, she made the same decision as Ding Yi.

If she wants to go crazy, she will go crazy with Ding Yi

A crazy, won a more brilliant future, only now.

"Too much is involved, and sometimes I really can't go crazy. The blood is gone. This is my last madness. From now on, we will be completely in the boat of Su Bai."

Ding Yi knew that what Yan Yi said meant that Yan Yi also agreed with him.

It is the honor of his life to have a wife who will always support him.

Without saying anything more, Ding Yi turned and left the hospital.

The moment he stepped out of the hospital gate, Ding Yi took out his mobile phone and made a call.Then he said: "Agree to Owen Ryan's conditions, and then tell Leonard that he can send his wife to Huaguo.

We also allowed him to train a scientific research team for America after he came to China.But whether this scientific research team will return to America after completing their studies must be dominated by their own will!"

If Harry wants to break the defense, he must do things as Su Bai did before.Completely destroy America's future.

Under such circumstances, he used his talent drainage plan to attract Harry's full attention, and then came a wave of darkness, intending to take away from America, who is currently in charge of the deciphering work of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells. Owen Ryan.

Although he doesn't think Owen Ryan is really capable of cracking the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, he is America's last hope.

He wanted Harry to take the last sliver of his illusion away.

Of course, it is impossible to rely on Huaguo's own people to extradite Owen Ryan.Inherent should be Leonard, America's greatest academic capital, and America's strongest physics treasure.

The reason why he cooperated with Ding Yi's actions was that he made a condition, which was to treat his wife who was suffering from cancer.

Under such circumstances, he wanted to exchange for a group of scientific research talents for America at the cost of the academic capital he possessed.Of course, there is no need for someone from Huaguo, he will train it himself.

This is also the last effort he can make for America in this era.It is impossible for this group of scientific research talents to make America surpass China again, but at least it can give America's academic community a hope for the future.

Ding Yi agreed with this proposal, but added a condition, that is, after the batch of scientific research talents who have been trained are fully mature, it is up to them to decide whether they want to return to America. Nader cannot force.

This is a conspiracy, but Leonard has no possibility of refusing.

The reason is that America's academic community now needs the re-established technology tree on Huaguo's side, but Huaguo does not necessarily need the academic capital mastered by Leonard.

The icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow.With the icing on the cake, the price to be paid would be beyond imagination if one wanted to get a gift in return.

In a research center in Amelie, after hearing Ding Yi's last reply, Leonard sat quietly in the lounge for two hours without making any movement.

If it weren't for his assistant who could see Leonard blinking his eyes from time to time, he would have begun to wonder if Leonard was going to go straight there.

After thinking for two hours, he could only say to himself: "Harry, as America's last glorious gravekeeper, this is the last thing I can do for America. I seem to have betrayed Faith,

But this is proof of my firm belief.Farewell, this piece of land I love so much. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Boss, the first month's sales data of the high-efficiency treatment spray has come out. It is 850% higher than our previous estimate. Even though the wholesale price given by Daxia is [-] dollars per injection .

However, we raised the retail price to US$20.00 per injection, and the supply was still in short supply, which fully made up for the profit loss in our medical field.The profit from this spray alone accounted for [-]% of our total global profit last month. In Harry's office, his secretary is reporting to him the financial report data of the consortium last month, focusing on the sales of the high-efficiency treatment spray .

Although Daxia does not currently sell some advanced medicines, the high-efficiency treatment spray, which is defined as basic medicines, is still exported to the world under the operation of Ding Yi.

The global export of this medicine almost made the already fragmented pharmaceutical financial market even more fragmented.

However, because the world is currently in a financial crisis.The complete collapse of the pharmaceutical financial market did not trigger a more serious chain effect. On the contrary, it gave the originally fragmented financial market a shot in the arm, allowing the Wall Street stock market to recover slightly.

Although this small recovery can be ignored, it is still a relatively good momentum.

Of course, for Harry, the most important thing is revenue.

Originally, the pharmaceutical group accounted for about 15.00% of the revenue of the Harry Consortium.However, due to the impact of new technologies on the entire medical industry, the medical income of his consortium continued to drop sharply.Except for financial income, the actual turnover has dropped sharply within a few months, and has been reduced to less than [-]%.

It can be said to be a complete collapse.

Under such circumstances, Harry's consortium paid a huge price to obtain the agency sales rights of America's high-efficiency treatment spray from Ding Yi's company.

At the beginning, when they paid such a huge price to obtain the agency sales rights, many major shareholders in the consortium strongly opposed it, but after the first month's sales came out, everyone laughed happier than anyone else.

"How is the fulfillment of orders from the military?"

This was also the result Harry expected, so Harry was not surprised.What he cares most about is the orders from the military.

The military ordered 5000 million doses at a price of [-] US dollars per injection. Although the quantity is huge, Harry's consortium does not have the ability to supply it, and it needs to be supplied by Daxia.

As for why there are so many orders at one time, it is very simple. Although it is unlikely that America will go to war with Daxia in preparation for war, it is not impossible to go to war.For example, if he succeeds in assassinating Su Bai next time, the war will immediately break out.

In that case, the 5000 million doses of high-efficiency treatment spray may become the key to America's success.

"All have been delivered. Judging from this delivery speed... the production difficulty and production cost of the high-efficiency treatment spray may be lower than we imagined. After all, the version sold in Daxia's domestic market has three doses of ours. Five times the price, and the price is less than fifteen dollars."

Seeing this, Harry's secretary said with a little indignation.

The export version of Daxia is said to be slightly more expensive due to storage and quality issues, and the dosage will be slightly less.

In the end, the price is twice as expensive, and the dose is [-] times less. The most important thing is that they took it for testing, and there is no difference between the ones sold in China and the ones sold in the international market except for the packaging. , storage is not a problem at all.

Daxia's explanation for this is that their detection technology is backward, so there is no surprise in the detection.

Really deceive them as fools, and they can't resist

After all, the high-efficiency treatment spray is no longer a question of whether there is a market, but a question of whether Daxia is willing to sell it.

"Big Xia will pay the price for what he did sooner or later. After they lose Su Bai, the glory Su Bai created for them will become their grave!"

Harry said grimly.

The export price of the high-efficiency treatment spray is completely unreasonable, but the exploitation can only be endured without continuing.

However, after finishing speaking, Harry casually added a few strokes to the document in front of him, and then said: "Tell the military that we have a dispute with Daxia on the purchase price of large quantities of high-efficiency treatment sprays, so every The price of the medicine rose to 150 dollars. Anyway, the price they reported was [-] dollars. It is specially supplied by the military, and it is normal to be more expensive."


The secretary didn't say anything about it, but just recorded it

"The boss is not good!"

Just when Harry was about to continue to deal with the next thing, a person broke in suddenly. After seeing Harry's secretary, he hesitated for a moment, then walked quickly to Harry's side, and said a few words with his ear.

Seeing this, the secretary stepped back tactfully to prevent herself from hearing it.

Sometimes the more you know the better.

"Are you serious?"

After Harry heard it, he was not in a good mood at first, but now it has become even worse.

His face was extremely gloomy, his eyes seemed to eat up the two people in the office, it was a terrible mess.

"Really, the Daxia Foreign Affairs//Ministry has given a reply and confirmed the matter."

Seeing this, the man responded.


The next moment, Harry's hand hit the table heavily.In the empty office, echoes can even be heard.

Seeing this, the secretary was startled and took another step back.Then, he saw Harry's breathing became heavier and heavier, and his face became more and more ferocious.

The secretary who immediately realized what was happening immediately took out the medicine from his pocket and came to Harry.

After taking the medicine, Harry felt better, and then said: "Get ready for the car, I'm at the Institute of Biology, hurry up!"

Seeing this, the secretary immediately took out his mobile phone and started practicing the vehicle. Harry couldn't wait any longer, and was about to get up and leave immediately.

However, when he was about to leave, he thought of something, stopped for a while, and then took out a bottle of medicine from his drawer and put it in his pocket.

This bottle of medicine is Daxia's latest quick-acting heart-rescuing pill. In theory, it's not a broken heart, but a heart attack, no matter how serious it is, it can be suppressed.

The most important thing is that this bottle of medicine was given by Ding Yi. It was originally said to be an additional gift after the business negotiation is successful, and it is also a new medicine that Ding Yi will sell outside.Now it seems...it was premeditated.

This Harry thought of it and took precautions.However, what he didn't expect was that Ding Yi would play with him under the lights.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why didn't anyone stop it? Why didn't you know in advance? The whole project was promoted by Owen alone, and he disappeared for so long before you reported it? What the hell are you doing to eat? What is the use of me spending so much money to support you? Waste, all It's rubbish!"

A few hours later, Harry, who appeared in Biological Research, stood in Owen Ryan's room and yelled at a large group of biological research scholars standing at the door.

But after roaring, he looked tired and sat on a chair in the room

When Owen Ryan left, it could be seen that he left in a hurry. He didn't even pack up his change of clothes, nor did he take any valuable research materials, and even the certificates of some very important international awards he had received in the past still exist.

If he insisted on taking something away, it would be taking away the wedding photos of himself and his wife when they were young, and only one.

But this is not critical. What is important is that Owen’s greatest value is himself. The current deciphering of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is actually forcibly promoted by Owen alone.Although the progress is slow, at least it is advancing.

Now that Irving is gone, the entire project is immediately suspended.In the vast western world, Harry couldn't find a second person who could replace Owen.

"Has the military intercepted it?"

After being silent for a while, Harry spoke.

As soon as he knew the news, he sent a plane from the American military to intercept it.

"It has already landed at Daxia's airport. As soon as we knew it, they were already very close to Daxia's airspace. Under the current international situation, letting our plane enter Daxia's airspace is an act of war, so The military side refused to implement it."

Harry's secretary looked a little scared and said

Harry's condition is dire right now.After all, his most important researchers were snatched away by a puppet rich man under Su Bai, or pried away under his nose.

It wasn't just a slap in the face, it bankrupted Harry's medical research scam.

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