After being said by Zhou Xue, Zhuang Li didn't think about it any more and continued to solve the problem.

ps: For women's clothing, I have time to take some more photos tomorrow... It took a year to gain weight...

Chapter 220 The Wife's Fallen Plan!

"Uh? Who are you?"

In the hospital ward, sitting on a chair, Yan Yi, who accidentally fell asleep, was woken up by a sound.

After waking up, she saw a white furry loli in a white coat that seemed a bit too big, standing on tiptoe, checking the ingredient list written on the medicine bottle that her daughter was hanging on.

"Eh? Did it wake you up?"

After checking that the high-efficiency nutrient solution given to Ding Nuo recently was indeed the ratio she gave, Su Bai also heard Yan Yi's voice, and turned around to look at Yan Yi calmly.

"You are?"

Yan Yi, who was still a little sleepy, looked at Su Bai's small body and frowned slightly.

A child, still wearing a doctor's white coat, and then showing up in her daughter's ward for rounds? What's going on?

"You're not happy with my presence here. Shall I go?"

Seeing that Yan Yi seemed to be slightly dissatisfied, Su Bai spoke, seemingly a little casually.

As a villain, although he will force others, he will not do such things as putting his hot face on someone's cold ass.

When Su Bai said this, her beautiful white hair, like a galaxy, shone vividly under the sunlight coming in from the window, and Yan Yi's attention was fully noticed that Su Bai was too beautiful. dream

white hair

Lori has a body shape, white hair, and a doctor, but she looks very well-behaved, but after talking with her, you will feel that she is a very casual and even willful person.

Among the people Yan Yi knows, there is only one person who fits this characteristic, and that is Su Bai, whom she has always wanted to see but has never seen.

"Academician Su Bai! Help my family Nuonuo."

For a moment, after figuring out who the cute and harmless little loli standing in front of her was, Yan Yi almost felt complacent, and threw herself at Su Bai, holding onto Su Bai's waist tightly with both hands. At the same time, with an almost pleading

Said to Su Bai in a tone of voice

"Sit down first, I don't like other people treating me like this."

After Su Bai hugged Yan Yi who was rushing towards her with both hands, he seemed a little embarrassed and said.

In the past, when she was often in the outpatient clinic of the hospital, she couldn't handle the kind of pleas from some patients' family members or even herself.

However, after all, she is the wife of an absolutely rational person. Even if she does not have Ding Yi's absolutely self-interested rational thoughts, she is better than most people in maintaining rationality.

Yan Yi also immediately realized that she had lost her composure, and after showing an awkward smile, she sat back in her seat.

"I'm sorry, I actually wanted to go to you personally. But, because of various problems... I didn't find the chance in the end."

Although she didn't know why Su Bai suddenly appeared here, Yan Yi still expressed her desire to find Su Bai for a long time.

What she said now seemed to be making excuses.However, she knew that she was really not making excuses.

After confirming that Ding Yi probably won't go to Su Bai in a short time, she who has always been rational is really not rational now.Su Bai's residence is easy to find, but I don't know the exact house number.But Feng Yufang can

Why can't she find Su Bai in that large villa area?

With this in mind, she first asked her family's driver to arrange a car to go, and then the driver either encountered a minor traffic accident on the way and was involved in trouble, or the car itself broke down and couldn't come.

From the driver at home to the drivers of some branches, I called more than a dozen, all of which had various problems or accidents, which made them unable to come.

One of the most outrageous ones is that after the driver was ready to leave, the driver's wife gave birth and was in the hospital.

Yan Yi, who is not good at forcing others, didn't make things difficult for the driver, she went directly to the driver and asked for a car.

Then, even more outrageously, she got lost on the impossible straight road leading to the main entrance of the hospital.

According to the doctor, she has been a little overworked recently, which is why this happened.

Okay, the drivers of her company couldn't come because of something, because of her bad luck.She couldn't find the way to the main entrance of the hospital because she was a little too tired recently, which caused hallucinations and listlessness.

Then she can take a drip, right?

Well, waited for a full seven hours, and no car answered.

Find a taxi on the road and load them all.

This is not enough, so she can take the bus, right? Then, this line, which is usually not very crowded, is full

She remembered that she was so angry that she stopped a car directly from the bag she was carrying, and was about to forcibly use money to open the way.

Then, inexplicably, he helped the police stop the car thief, and got a brave man.

At that time, she felt that the whole world was against her, so that when she left the police station, she directly planned to scan a shared bicycle and ride there.

Well, hundreds of cars, all of which cannot be scanned

After confirming this situation, she can only choose Didi to go back to the hospital

When I go back, Didi will be fine.

On the way, she thought about asking the driver to divert to Su Bai's side.

In the end, the driver was a stickler. She took out all the [-] cash in her body and refused to agree.

Did you think the matter ended here? No, after New Year's Eve, she found a time to walk dozens of kilometers with her own feet.

Then it's an endless loop.

Starting from the hospital, you will end up at her house, and starting from her house, you will end up at the hospital.If she diverted temporarily, she would end up at her husband's company headquarters inexplicably.

All in all it's... quirky.

However, she didn't tell Su Bai about her outrageous experiences, she just said that it was because of various problems.

"You should be clear about your daughter's situation. Other doctors said she might live for a few more years, but if she is just an ordinary family, this year is almost the same. Other doctors said that she can live, that is the kind of lying in a hospital bed

Can live, you should know this situation. "

Su Bai didn't know about the outrageous things that Yan Yi encountered because of looking for her.Of course, it would be nice to know.What a joy it is to listen to the pain of others!

The reason why she came this time to let Yan Yi know was because this time she was not injecting a pure and harmless nutrient solution to recuperate Ding Nuo's body, but an experimental feigned death heart repair medicine.

Because of its experimental nature, it needs the consent of Ding Nuo's family.

Of course, Su Bai didn't intend to let Ding Yi know, so he found Yan Yi.

This is also called the Super Beautiful Young Woman’s Fallen Project! Let her know how pleasant it is to let a person fall into despair and pain, so that she will fall, and I’m a little excited to think about it!

Chapter 220 The second wife can only be obedient

"Why... the time for heart reconstruction will reach [-] days. I have seen other gene-enhanced treatments, most of them take three days for treatment, and the recovery period is about half a month."

After Su Bai briefly talked about her treatment plan, Yan Yi expressed her worries

It's not that she doesn't trust Su Bai, but it's because Ding Nuo's life is at stake, and she wants to know more.

"The organ of the heart is different from other organs in the body. Other organs in the body can repair so quickly, it is entirely because the rapid proliferation of violence will stop its functionality for a short time, but the state of the body remains

Under stable conditions, it will not cause excessive impact on the body. "

"However, if the heart proliferates violently, it will cause the heart to stop beating directly. Extracorporeal blood circulation is indeed a good solution. But it will mislead the heart proliferation signal from the brain, resulting in a strange

A heart grew out of a strange place, triggering an even worse chain reaction. "

"So, under the premise that the extracorporeal blood circulation solution cannot be realized due to technical problems, we can only adopt the method of suspended animation. This is also the disadvantage caused by artificial inability to guide the regeneration process of specialized remodeling cells in the mother and fetus.

Su Bai explained.

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are artificial cells, and their real use is to directly input unprogrammed maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. Through some artificial interventions, the human brain outputs the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells to carry out self-development.

Programmed signals to achieve the purpose of self-healing.

However, human beings are too far away from reaching this step.Now I can only refer to this point and do some tricky methods, such as feigning death.

"However, fifteen too long."

Yan Yi still expressed her concerns.

Putting the body into a period of fifteen days of suspended animation is a bit too scary.

"Correction, the real suspended animation is two days, and the subsequent thirteen days are for the body's self-adjustment. Therefore, it looks like a fifteen-day suspended animation."

"After all, my wife and Ding Nuo are too cute, I will definitely bully you well! If Ding Nuo dies, then I can't be bullied by me, it would be a pity!"

Su Bai explained the misunderstanding of the fifteen-day period of suspended animation.

As for the latter sentence, she said it silently in her heart.

A dead person has no meaning of being bullied. Using one person's death to bully another person is also an extremely wasteful and boring behavior, at least Su Bai would not do that.

"And then, don't tell Ding Yi about this, is he..."

Although she was worried, Yan Yi still knew that she had no right to refuse.Not because of how strong Su Bai is, but because Ding Nuo's current situation does not allow her to refuse.

Therefore, her thinking direction shifted to Ding Yi's side.

"Yes, I really want to know how he, who is absolutely rational, will react when his daughter falls into a situation where he doesn't know when he will wake up. Can he continue to maintain his absolute rationality. He

At that time, whether the absolute self-interest can maintain his rationality. "

Seeing this, Su Bai said with a faint smile on his face.

Isn’t it a kind of corruption to change a person who is absolutely rational and self-interested? Isn’t it a kind of NT//R to let the most devout believer of capitalism fall in front of the bullying called family affection?

"That... I want to ask, has Ding Yi mentioned my daughter to you?"

At this time, Yan Yi said.

She felt that this kind of behavior was cruel, and used Ding Nuo's fake death to deceive Ding Yi.Is it really right to do this? So, at this time, she chose to ask the last question, that is, did Ding Yi ask Su Bai?

"I didn't give him a chance to ask, and he didn't dare to easily propose it at a time he felt was inappropriate. He's too sensible, so it's also fun. But don't worry, saving her is something I've thought about for a long time. "

Seeing this, Su Bai said, his answer was a little vague, and it sounded like he was helping Ding Yi.

But that's what she wanted.Because, after Yan Yi thought she understood Su Bai's words, she would continue to maintain her indifference towards Ding Yi and cooperate with Su Bai's games.

This also makes Su Bai's game the final test for Yan Yi against Ding Yi.If Ding Yi can't satisfy her, it should mean that her marriage with Ding Yi has officially come to an end.

"So... when can the surgery start?"

Seeing this, Yan Yi said that she acquiesced to Su Bai's plan.

Or, from the very beginning, she had no choice.Asking those questions is not giving Su Bai a choice, but comforting himself.


As Su Bai said, he pointed to the low temperature box at his feet, then got up and opened the low temperature box, took out an injection with a very beautiful blue luster, and came to Ding Nuo who was still sleeping ,at her

After finding the needle in his wrist, he injected it into it.

The reason why there is no need to take the route of arterial injection or even atrial injection is because Ding Nuo has been continuously infused with high-efficiency nutrient solution for a week, and 5.00% of the blood content is high-efficiency nutrient solution.

This perfect nutrient solution that can be integrated with blood has transformed Ding Nuo's body into an environment suitable for the survival of mother-fetal specialization and remodeling cells.

The most important thing is that what Su Bai took out in this way are chronically proliferating cells.It will not absorb the nutrients in the body very quickly, and there is still a two-month incubation period that can relieve the cells to the greatest extent after they are activated.

damage to the body.

Su Bai had already considered all the issues.

"It's that simple?"

Yan Yi was taken aback when she saw that Su Bai had finished the injection and threw the needle directly into the trash can.

She had heard that the process of gene enhancement therapy was very simple. If it wasn't for the fear of physical problems after the drug was injected, she wouldn't even need to go to the operating bed.

But, after all, it's about the heart.Now that Su Bai has given an injection, it is a bit too simple to say that the operation is over?

"If you're looking for a sense of ritual, we can go to the operating room for a while. Although we won't do anything."

Su Bai spoke after hearing what Yan Yi said, feeling a little helpless.

The technology of surgery will be eliminated after the development of medicine to the extreme.Opening the body and using physical means to force intervention, in the eyes of future doctors, is too barbaric.

There are obviously so many excellent mechanisms in the body, and this kind of barbaric approach will only be considered for use when it reaches the final stage.

" long as you can promise."

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