But that's all, she didn't feel anything in the main part, she passed out completely!

Ignoring those divine nonsense, Nyotengu began to criticize Mai Tai Fenmu while drinking tea.

"Silver devil, bastard, walking scourge, shameless person, fly, go wherever it is narrow!"

"Don't let me meet you bastard again next time, if you do it hard, at least it will make me happy! When I finish my promotion, next time we meet, I'll just—"

Fen Mu appeared behind her, squeezed her plump, and asked kindly: "Directly what?"

The voice of the demon knife sounded in Nyotengu's mind: Beat him, just do what you just said!

The Ji-style long-haired Nyotengu pursed her lips, the mess on her body was still in the same miserable state, after hesitating again and again, she took Fen Mu's arm with a smile:

"I will directly let you feel how tight my muscles are when I exert force~"

Fen Mu was still very satisfied with her answer. It seems that gods can communicate well, as long as they pay attention to the way of communication and expression, he asked back:

"Do you know what I'm doing here?"

"Visiting me?"

Fen Mu pointed to Andang Mari:

"Didn't I say that next time I bring someone over to help vent my anger?"

Andang Zhenli thought that Fenmu took them directly to the church city for a visit, but she didn't expect to come to Tiangu Mountain in a blink of an eye, and seeing the girl Tengu like this, it must be a bit miserable to be "opened to Xinhangxin". There is still white dew on the hair...

"Fenmu, why do I feel that you are using your anger as a banner to harm Nvtengu again for your own fun?"

"How come? I'm a straightforward person, and I'm venting out for my friend now, without any selfishness!"

Nyotengu despaired when she heard this conversation. She thought that the next time Fenmu came, it would be a few years or a few days, no matter what?

How come the back foot came back as soon as the front foot went out!

Fen Mu was still arguing with Ando Mari, and when he turned his head, he saw that Nyotengu had already pushed aside his kimono and poked it up in advance.

"This time at least made me dizzy, leave the process to me!"

Fen Mu patted her and pulled the female tengu up:

"Just kidding, I'm just going to leave an imprint coordinate here, and the side will come directly in the future, and I'm in a hurry to leave now, let you go."


Nyotengu's face was full of disbelief and disappointment.

"You don't need to be so hypocritical to me. I don't need pity. All the shame today will become my motivation to improve. Now you don't care about me. Are you afraid!"

How did this guy become like Casalia? Casalia was so pure and authentic, at most she was a little arrogant and didn't want to admit it. How could this female tengu be an arrogant M.

Fen Mu told her to take care of herself, and waved goodbye: "That's it, I'll come back when I'm free."

In the blink of an eye, Nyotengu's divine kingdom became quiet again.

Although the disaster went away, it was good news in a sense, but why did it feel more uncomfortable not to be harmed now than to be harmed by Fen Mu again?

[Yao Dao: You have really lost money this time, and you have given up your face. You haven't felt good yet, you might as well let him stab you twice in the first place. 】


After sending Santu Chuanlin and the others to the Church City, Femur received a contact from Anasta, and her magnetic, familiar voice echoed in Femmu's mind.

【Your Kingdom of God has been remodeled, but the strength is definitely not enough. You have to use the knife as the eye of the formation to suppress the formation. 】

"Thank you Master, is this urgent?"

【No hurry, if you want to pick up someone, hurry up and bring all the girls to the church city. 】

"Good Le!"

Fen Mu's eyes suddenly became clear, and his dark pupils were covered with silver luster. His consciousness escaped into the world, capturing the position of his companions who were still outside.

"The girl with the bird beak mask is still in a deep dream. There are black goat family members sitting there, so there is no danger. Did the senior sister witch run back to her hometown? Why is she so far away? Eh? How did that Xiluen in Casalia's soul run away? Come out? Go and have a look."

The surrounding scenery was blurred, and after a few short breaths, the environment became clear.

Before Fenmu found Xi Luen's position, her voice came over first:

"It's so convenient after you become a god. You can find it anywhere. Is it because some girl's peach is ripe in the future, so you can go there and win the first night right without further ado?"

"Why do both of you think of me as such a strange person? I also consider the overall situation and do serious things! By the way, where is this?"

"My dreams are records of past dreams."

Chapter 134 God Kingdom Enchantment

"Why is this place similar to the Snake Etiquette?" Fen Mu observed for a while, and caught a sense of déjà vu.

The environment depicted in this dream is magnificent. This is a prosperous country. The houses in the city are well-organized, and there are traces of planning and management between the heights. Dragons are entrenched in the mountains.

The location where Femm and Xiluen are located is in this castle.

The imprints on the flags and totems are slightly similar to some of the imprints that Femmer saw in the Snake Ritual.

Xi Luen replied: "Of course it does. This kingdom is the predecessor of the Snake Ceremony. The hall behind is the Discipline Hall, where discipline monks receive different inheritances."

The woman's eyes were full of nostalgia, and the sharp aura created by the capable short hair was diluted by this soft look.

"Actually, when I found out that the world was calling back the legendary figures of the past, I wondered if my old person would be resurrected. Even Yulia from the Snake Etiquette had an old man looking for her to chat with."

Fen Mu thought about what she said, and felt that it shouldn't be, the gods have a chance to call back, as long as the other party wants to come back to do evil, but there are other possibilities.

He asked in a very unsuitable situation: "Could it be that you don't even have a real god here?"

Xi Luen choked, and veins appeared on her white and delicate forehead, and the big sin tattoo on Mei's back became more colorful with her emotions, like a dark flame.

She said angrily: "If you can't speak, you don't have to. I really want to tear your mouth off!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not joking, but what's going on, looking at such a powerful country, there should be a true guardian god?"

"It was almost there back then. That person was still me. Unfortunately, I didn't pass the ceremony of ascension to the gods. While the sinful tattoo behind me brought me strength, it also made my mood fluctuate a lot. The ceremony of ascension to the gods You know, it's very difficult, and I can't grasp the emotional trap."

"That's a pity, I'll try again later."

"It's meaningless to try again. What I did before is actually similar to trying the parish. However, we use the power of sin to eradicate demons. Now there is nothing I want to protect. Except for the lack of combat power, my 'Life span' is about the same as that of a true god."

This kind of open-mindedness may sound a bit like waiting for death to give up on oneself, but it is just a proof of getting rid of the past, and it is good not to get entangled in those bitter and bitter things.

How can there be so many knots in many things, Xiluen has been around for so long, and the knots have been figured out long ago, Fen Mu continued to joke:

"That's really a pity. I was thinking about whether you would have any knots, and then I will help you solve it. By the way, I will give you a hand. If you seduce me with your butt in the future, I will not be polite. Hitting a snake directly with a stick will give you a taste of the feeling of a mainstay."

Silune rolled her eyes and said with contempt:

"Your words are superfluous. Don't you know that Casalia and my senses are interlinked? When she served you like a dog, I was also forced to suffer. Let's talk about the strategy now." Does it still make sense, it’s pretty good that I didn’t turn my back on me!”

That's quite embarrassing, it's the same as a few years ago, the queen of the light elves Xia Yina "felt" with her own succubus Rachel, Xia Yina is a pure young woman who gave birth to an elf mother by relying on her mother's spring Boy, in the end, he was forced to experience various poses between him and Rachel during that time.

Sylune is also uncomfortable here. She and Casalia have opposite personalities. The former likes to be the dominant party and rides on Fenmu, while the latter likes to be the passive one and be led by Fenmu.

Let Xiluen experience Casalia's happiness from the first perspective all the time, that's called torture.

Fenmu said in advance:

"The next time Casalia is going to experience my cow device at my kingdom of God, I think you can avoid it in advance, so as to avoid an unwarranted disaster."

"Even if you are normal once..."

"Okay, let's go back. Next time, I'll trick Casalia into wearing a pet dog suit to make her think it's fun, and then I'll backhand it in a normal posture, disappointing her and helping you vent your anger."

"It is said to help me vent my anger, but in fact, it is still my share to be beaten?"

After chatting with Xiluen for a while, Fenmu took her away from this dream, and then returned to her own kingdom of God alone.

His Kingdom of God used to be just ordinary plains and dense fog. The most unique landscape was the Goddess Ranch with a strange painting style. Other places can only be described as barren.

But now there has been a big change. Anasta reproduced Granville, the Forest of Everything, the Land of Lawlessness, and the Northern Territory here. The locations connecting these different places have been added to the deep dream.

It is simply the different amusement facilities areas of the playground.

Fen Mu sensed Anasta's position, and appeared next to her in a blink of an eye.

In front of him is a suspended hollow tower, and a formation is arranged on the top of the tower, and the power extended from the formation spreads to the entire kingdom of God.

"Master, this is the god-forbidden enchantment that can suppress gods into ordinary people, will it work?"

The purple-haired woman flicked Fenmu's forehead as punishment for talking nonsense:

"I won't build it no matter what, now that the stage is ready, it's up to you how to play, but you have to use your precious knife as the eye of the formation first.

The refined materials used for your knife are all selected by Verdanti for you, almost the whole thing that is closest to the origin of the world.It just so happened that the Dragon Priestess caught a few more true gods to play with, let's see how you continue to be a qualified scourge this time. "

Fenmu took out the small broken knife that had been with him for a long time. In a sense, it was also a gift from Verdanti, and he took it from the mouth of the ancient dragon of the Dragon Witch.

Take out this plaything as an eye-catcher, and there will really be no one who can take advantage of it as a bride price in the future.

At that time, I may have to ask Gu Long to pull out another tooth?

Fen Mu, who was in a mess, still stabbed the small broken knife into the hole left in the eye of the formation, and for a moment, the dim magic circle lit up from the center.

A beam of light shot out from the handle of the small broken knife, and etched a huge magic circle that was hard to find on the sky of the Kingdom of God.

In the current situation, the goddess of the starry sky, who has the clearest perception, looked up at the silent night sky and smelled the erosion of the current situation.

But this time the erosion was different from before, it was led by Fenmu, and everything happened very secretly.

"This sacrifice is a little too big. Just use your own kingdom of God as an outer barrier to cover this world. In the future, all the outer gods who try to come over will enter this brat's kingdom of God as soon as possible. The pressure is a bit high, if he can't bear the power of the Outer God, he may feed back the bad consequences on himself at any time."

The goddess of learning walked into the observatory and came to the side of Mi Erxi. She sighed and wiped the water stains on her chest:

"The physique of this body is too weird, it's been working as a nanny all day long...Milxi, what happened?"

"A little bastard started messing around again."

Chapter 135

In Fenmu's personal perception, most of the gods are just a little special people, and their mentality is similar, except for a few guys like the black goat family who can't understand human language, most of them are just arrogant. Outrageous God.

But it is not impossible to understand this arrogance. As the highest known life form, the life form of "God" is understandable to despise ordinary creatures, just like all ethnic groups raise animals for food.

Most of the guys who have been steeped in the god ranks for a long time will gradually lose sympathy for the same race in the past, lose their humanity, and become reckless guys.

But no matter what, these gods will feel that being irritated and humiliated is the result that Finmu wants.

"So, after knowing this, what do you want to ask me?" Mierxi crossed her chest, carefully examining Fenmu, trying to see through his thoughts with her eyes.

It doesn't matter how he harms her, but the premise is not to harm her.

Finmo said:

"I need the relationship between the major gods now, that is, I need the genealogy of the gods of the outer gods, tell me who their god king is, who is their queen, and who is their daughter, in short, it is to list all the female clansmen of these outer gods Come out, I still need their looks."

"Such a troublesome thing, why did you come to me?" Mierxi thought that this was not her specialty.

"I feel that you are quite knowledgeable. Besides, you are a god-level astrology. It's normal to occasionally divination to peek at the private affairs of those gods, right? Isn't that what your skills are for?" Fenmu looked at it as a matter of course Looking at her, she even felt that Mi Erxi was very inexplicable.

Mi Erxi took a deep breath, controlled her mentality, the great astrology was said so obscenely, she didn't have the same knowledge as the little bastard, Fenmu, and even switched to his thinking mode to have a conversation:

"Let's put it this way, if you interpret my astrology as the ability to peep from a distance, then the goddess of knowledge is a little gossip woman. She knows a thing or two about the secrets and unofficial affairs in the room. Go find her!"

"Hey! It's so powerful. By the way, the goddess of knowledge is back? Why didn't I see it last time I took a bath?" Fenmu recalled, feeling that he had never seen such a person.

Logically speaking, since the righteous gods are back, it would be good to say hello one by one, but Fenmu is busy now, so he has to reluctantly wait for them to go to find him by themselves, anyway, we will meet sooner or later.

Mierxi shrugged helplessly:

"She now uses Amanda's body as a carrier to carry out activities. You don't care what her real name is. She called herself 'study' a long time ago. It doesn't matter if you call her Amanda. Why don't she take a bath together, because she This body can't take a hot bath, it's too sensitive, once the hot water smokes, the essence of knowledge will overflow."

Suddenly, Fenmu remembered the great nun Amanda from the diocese of learning. In her impression, this nun blamed herself for losing the original book of learning.

But one thing to say, her "traffic" is indeed very sufficient.

"By the way, Fenmu, what do you want this kind of protoss relationship for?"

"Strike the law, I'm going to draw hatred, I'll show you something good!"

Fen Mu deeply and secretly took out a bundle of knowledge. Although Mi Erxi suspected it was fraudulent, she still absorbed the contents of the knowledge bundle.

The goddess of the starry sky froze suddenly, and the picture of "Fenmu X God Empress Hera.avi" began to play in her mind. In this "memory", as the heroine, God Empress Hera accepted Fern unwillingly. Mu's humiliation.

At the beginning, she was still calling for her god-king husband to rescue her, but then her mind became the shape of Fenmu, her eyes were dull, and she was at the mercy of Fenmu, only calling his name, obedient and obedient, even her husband would be obedient. forget.

It's just a vicious...bad and depraved plot!

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