
Is this evil sentence scolding him, or her husband?

"You are on my territory, so be honest with me!"

He grabbed the whip, and the whip was firmly held by him. Under the huge drop in stature, Fen Mu began to pull the whip vigorously, and even pulled the statue-like goddess to the ground.

Fen Mu's figure appeared next to Hera's face, and he lightly pressed his fist on her fair face, but Hera seemed to be hit by a mountain, and her huge body was sent flying, rolling several times.

Seeing his wife being bullied, the divine cow was so angry that he wanted to destroy it by self-destructing, but the tree trunk stabbed at his vitals continuously decomposed his power. It is only a circle bigger than ordinary old scalpers.

Fen Mu looked at the divine cow and told him with a smile about his enthusiasm and hospitality:

"Just mess around here, right? Don't leave too. From now on, stay in my divine kingdom and watch how I raise your divine queen in the pigsty!"

Where Hera fell, branches with ancient breath suddenly grew from the ground, binding Hera's hands and feet to the ground, forcing her to kneel on the ground in a humiliating posture like a four-legged beast.

The white flowers growing on these branches and vines are constantly destroying her divine foundation.

Fen Mu watched by the side for a day and a night, until Hera's figure shrunk to the size of an ordinary woman, and he took the two outer gods into his own kingdom of God, which was his private dream before.

He is not in the mood to delve into his own kingdom of God yet, and he has no energy to create a pigsty, so he has to add a position at Eden Dairy first, so that the queen Hera can come to work.


As soon as he left the Kingdom of God, Mi Erxi appeared next to him first, her beautiful eyes seemed to see a ghost, and she looked at the traces of the battle just now in disbelief.

During the whole process of cleaning up, the residents near the church city were watching near the light curtain, applauding endlessly.

The civilians are responsible for being happy, but the shock is left to the church seniors.

At the beginning, Mi Erxi was very worried that Fenmu and the pair of mad gods would fight here. The battle of the gods involved a huge range, and the light curtain might not last that long.

But the battle was clearly one-sided, and the pair of mad gods didn't even have a chance to show their strength in front of Fenmu.

"Just now, did you directly deprive them of their abilities?"

"It's not considered deprivation, it's just reflowing the spell of the goddess back to the state before the spell was cast. Thanks to Granwell, the degree of being affected by the messy divinity is not high, and it is replaced by the kind that Griffin can't take." In the bird place, it will be much more laborious."

"You don't exile these foreign gods anymore? It's a safer way to drive them away. It's hard to kill them. These gods are very skilled at self-destruction. When they played similarly before, they all chose to self-detonate and set off 'fireworks'. Wait Come back to play next time."

Fen Mu shook his head, he has got a new idea:

"It's a pity to be exiled. Those who come are guests. Since they appeared on my territory, their divinity is also my thing. In the future, when they meet male gods, they will be decomposed immediately, and the goddesses will be raised and milked when they come back. You want Don't you want to visit my property?"

Mi Erxi shook her head again and again, she had been rubbed and poked at the level of Fenmu's asshole, she had experienced it personally, she didn't want to test it anymore, she shook her head silently:

"Forget it, I suddenly feel that you are worse than these foreign gods..."

Fenmu put these aside in advance: "Take me to see Taivia and the others."

Chapter 108 I Want Healing

"Tayvia is inside, but she can't leave the closed meditation state quickly, otherwise it will be a kind of harm to her."

Melxi explained that she led Femme all the way to the gate of the underground spiritual hall of the Judgment Diocese.

The simple and heavy stone gate is engraved with memories from the last era, and a few lost characters are reappeared in the carvings on the side of the stone gate. The divine aura of this underground spiritual hall is weak, but it can be distinguished that it is the aura of the trial parish.

It is estimated that the Goddess of Judgment came back and opened the door for Taivia.

"Why does Taivia want to close this kind of test, her kind should be similar to the kind of death test that the current queen of light elves closed before, and the kind that doesn't come out without purpose?"

Fenmu has the ability to open the door, but he dare not open it easily, just like Mierxi said, he is worried that his recklessness will affect Taivia,

"Is there any other reason, I can't calm down in my heart, even if I rely on the accumulation of battles, I need to meditate regularly to sort out myself, but Taivia is very irritable, she looks quiet and doesn't speak on the surface, but it's actually her heart It’s too messy to take care of your own body movements.”

The goddess of the starry sky stared at Fenmu, and the person her eyes pointed to was the reason why Taivia couldn't calm down.

"I'm also very puzzled. Taivia's mental state should have been almost restored after she was promoted to a demigod. As a result, her complete mental state gave rise to even greater paranoia, making her no different from those poor crazy nuns before. difference."

Fen Mu was very anxious, and pressed his hand on the door: "How long will it take to open the door?"

"Wait for little Eve to come back. Only she can open this underground spiritual hall. Counting the days, she should bring Casharia back from the deep dream."

Little Eve?

Fenmu was stunned by the strange name she heard suddenly, but she quickly realized that she should be talking about Evewell, the container girl who judged the goddess.

But Fenmu can advocate justice for Evewell, she is not small at all, she is firm and plump and shakes violently.

"Go ahead, I'll wait here. By the way, help me find the blueprints for the farm buildings, such as pig pens, pasture pens, and chicken farms."

"What do you want those things for? Are you going to find a quiet place to grow sweet potatoes?"

"It's for the gods in the future. I want to make some plug-in tails for those goddesses, and put them in my God's Kingdom Ranch to produce milk."

Mi Erxi was suddenly unable to speak, remembering that when Fenmu was in the Northern Territory, it seemed that he abducted a group of angels in the dream of Eden, and locked them in his private dream to squeeze the divinity.

...It's quite frenzied, but it's gratifying to congratulate. In the future, the object of Finmu's scourge will be upgraded to a goddess, and the elves of the forest of all things don't have to worry about being taken away by lizards.

"You wait here slowly, I will deal with things first, if you suddenly want to eat, just call a nun."

After explaining, Mi Erxi left first, and Fen Mu sat down cross-legged, closing her eyes and waiting for Evewell to come back.

After returning to the church city for a short time, Fenmu had a general understanding of the current situation.

The time it took for him to complete the ritual of ascension to the gods was shorter than expected, only three years, not as long as the time he spent in the Styx Cave slapping the girls.

However, great changes have taken place in the past three years. The righteous gods of the various dioceses have returned one after another, but the news has not been announced yet.

Because Mi Erxi found that they could not use this container to attack the god rank again, giving believers random hope would easily lead to disappointment.

If believers find that righteous gods are not worthy of the strength of "gods", the gap from hope to disappointment will become huge and unacceptable.

But after all, they are people who have become gods. Now these orthodox gods have the level of God of War, infinitely close to the level of orthodox gods, and they can temporarily protect part of Granville's territory.

At the same time, there are more gods everywhere. It seems that all the gods in the past have begun to turn their attention to this place. Some gods who have been killed by Evewell have found their way back and continued to wreak havoc.

There are only a handful of stable areas where barriers can be formed to avoid the destructive power brought about by games between gods.

Knowing this kind of news, Fenmu silently prayed that these gods are all gods with female bodies, if it is not possible, asexual gods with female bodies are also fine.

That way his Kingdom of God will be lively.

After waiting patiently for a long time, Fenmu finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His hand was clasped on the stone door, and his fingers poked holes in the hard stone contemptuously. The world around Fenmu suddenly turned gray, and the surrounding scenes flowed back like a rewind, and finally returned to Taivia The moment she was led into this place by Evewell.

Fenmu released a ray of spirit, followed into it, and after Taivia began to kneel and meditate and pray, he touched her spiritual world.


In Taivia's spiritual world.

Generally speaking, meditation during retreat will turn the environment in the spiritual world into a grassland, seaside, lakeside, snow-capped mountain, etc., where you can calm down.

But what Fen Mu saw was only a piece of gray, and the whole world was black, white and gray.

And Taivia knelt in this empty space, praying with her hands together motionless.

Rather than saying that she was meditating to sublimate herself, it would be better to say that she was trying to calm her mental state and wasting time at the same time.

For Taivia, waiting for Fenmu in a waking state must endure the torment and suffering brought by time, and the self-enclosure during meditation can reduce that burden.

Fen Mu knelt down beside her, stroked her symbol of a good person tenderly and admiringly, and praised:

"It's not bad, it's well maintained, and the demigod's buttocks are more beautiful than before."

Taivia suddenly opened her eyes and looked around her. Her gray eyes looked at Fenmu in disbelief. She said to herself, "My demon?"

"Yes, Heart Demon, Heart Demon came to visit your meditation progress in the form of Fenmu, and harassed your retreat casually." Fenmu smiled easily.

Taivia looked directly at Fenmu full of hostility, and a huge armored demigod spirit body condensed in the spiritual world, holding an ax in his hand, ready to judge the demon Fenmu.

"Only Fenmu can touch my buttocks. The demon can't even use Fenmu's appearance. Just stretch out the hand that touched me, let me cut it off, and I can make you die later."

"Don't, don't, let's chat first, don't be so anxious."

Fenmu thought that Taivia had indeed changed a bit, she talked more than before.

But now she should also want to see him in person, otherwise, according to her normal temperament, she would just kill him as a demon.

Just cutting off his hands, I'm afraid I want to see more of his appearance, even if it's just a demon, I want to see more.

Fenmu nodded around, and turned this gray world into the streets of the Church City. Although there was no one there, there were familiar memories.

It's a pity that it is still a gray tone, which is determined by Taivia's spiritual tone, and Fenmu can't change it.

He looked at the street and said, "I remember when I first saw you, you passed by here, dragging a lame patient on the ground, and then I was chased by you for treatment."

Taivia looked at the changes around her, her eyes shrank, and she looked at this "heart demon" in astonishment, and she walked to the side of Fen Mu step by step.

"Fenmu, you are..."

"You want to give me compulsory treatment again? My virginity has been cured for a long time, and I don't know how many times I have to go back to the doctor."

"But I still need treatment, I need treatment...Fenmu, I have wanted to see you for a long time."

Chapter 109 You Are Not the Fenmu I Know

The spiritual world is not a blank sheet of paper. Anyone can splash ink on it and dye it in the color they want, even demons.

To be able to change circumstances so casually in her meditations, Tavia already knew who he was.

"Why did you appear in my spiritual world?" Taivia was puzzled, and this puzzle was full of worry.

Because according to the current theory, no one can escape into the spiritual world of others while they are meditating. At most, it is because of casting a spell in advance to lead the meditator to go astray, or a higher-ranking force forcibly invades.

But there are also schools of the soul who say meditation is a psychic process that sometimes captures the remnants of the dead.

Taivia was very afraid of the latter situation.

Fen Mu wanted to tease her, looked at the sky solemnly at a 45-degree angle, and then sighed regretfully:

"Maybe this is fate. It's still a bit short. If I can calm down a little more, it may go smoothly in the future."

The time when he sneaked in was when Taivia first started to meditate. Checking the time, he was still hunting in the ascension ceremony at this time, so it was impossible to see her.

Taivia's expression is as if the sky is falling, but what she sees in front of her is obviously Fenmu, and she has the ability to change her spiritual world, no matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be something that Remnant Soul can do.

"I, I don't believe it!"

Seeing her reaction, Fen Mu felt a little regretful. Did he joke too much? He gave a thumbs up and said heartily:

"You guessed it right, I'm fine, but it's true that you can't see me when you go out now, and you can see me in the future. I'll be waiting at the door outside, but you have to wait a little longer."

If it was the former Taivia, she would have believed it straight away, but now that her spirit has recovered, her personality may not have changed too much, but she thinks more than before.

Fenmu's words sounded weird, and the tone seemed to be comforting her intentionally, Taivia understood...Fenmu is really gone, and what he said now is just to appease her , give her a white lie, encourage her to go out and look forward to the future.

But for things like the future, Fenmu is equivalent to her whole world, and now she can't accept it if she is asked to look forward to a future without him!

Fenmu didn't think too much, originally he opened his arms, ready to wait for Taivia's congratulations to him, and to ask more details, but the expression of this naive nun was as desperate as seeing the end.

She stared blankly at Fen Mu, her expression frozen, but her tears kept falling.

"Hey...then what..."

Fenmu didn't understand the situation, Erhuo said that he heard Taivia yelling at him heartbreakingly:

"I do not believe--!"

What's going on, don't you believe I've really become a god?

Fen Mu came back to his senses, hugged her body, held her head in both hands, and comforted her:

"No, did Taivia misunderstand me? I became a god, I didn't lie to you! It's just that my ability after becoming a god is a bit special. I came back from a future world to see you, but you are in retreat , I can’t get in, I can only touch in like this.”

It took a while for Taivia to stop the tears from bursting the embankment. She stepped back a few steps and looked at Fenmu. Because she didn't understand and her head was confused, she didn't know whether to believe his words.


"Really! After I tell you now, you in the future should have similar memories in your subconscious, and then you will wake up early, and then I don't have to wait for the Goddess of Judgment to come back to open the door, but I have to wait for you to slowly open the door." wake up."

Fenmu wiped away her tears with a headache. Taivia would cry so sadly, Fenmu really never thought about it.

The impression of Tyvia is to highlight a lack of heart + recklessness, using the classification of heretics in the trial diocese, then Tyvia belongs to mildly crazy believers.Of course, this is not a shortcoming, Fenmu quite likes Taivia's character.

After Taivia calmed down, she leaned against Fenmu and stood side by side, thinking about what Fenmu said with her mind that is not very good at turning:

"Then what do you mean, in the future, I will be able to see Fenmu as soon as I wake up, but now I can't?"

"You are right, I am myself, why can't I see you?"

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