"what's up?"

The person who came was a trusted aide in charge of handling the information, and also a first-class assassin. Every lord would not be able to do without such help.

"Master Edsaran...your horse died. Fenmu slaughtered your favorite dragon horse and put it in the stew. My people tried to stop it secretly, but failed , he struck too fast."

During the report, there was an inexplicable appreciation in the intelligence officer's tone.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to slaughter a dragon-scale horse. This kind of horse can leave unscathed under ten thousand arrows of normal intensity.

And Fenmu's knife is so crisp and neat, he dismembers the dragon-scaled horse along the muscle texture in the blink of an eye, the knife technique is first-rate!

Ed Sharon: "?"


On the way leading the people back to the house, Fenmu saw that the masons were starting to mend the city wall, so he forgot what he had just said, "I'll go in two days", and immediately went to give pointers to improve the mud.

With a big wave of his hand, he pulled out the eyeliner arranged by the lord's senior sister in Amber City, and took out several sets of city-level ancient enchantment array maps for her, and asked these followers to help supervise.

"It's too extravagant. It's enough for you to take one set. Why are you giving so many sets?" Mierxi felt distressed when she saw it, and called it a waste!

She thinks that she has no talent in managing the territory. Although she was promoted to be a goddess of the church, she is actually just sharing the inheritance path she has developed with the believers.

If so, Melxi has more or less affection for her own church.

This bastard, Fenmu, poached so many girls from the Orthodox Church, even the mother and daughter of the royal family, and didn't leave a set of enchantment formation maps to the church!

Fen Mu gave him no burden, and what he could miss was nothing more than Ed Shalan's beautiful buttocks, full of domineering and conqueror temperament, which should be the most similar to the master's feeling.

Senior sister lord's steps are sassy and neat, without the slightest affectation or coquettishness, but the plump buttocks and flesh make her writhe like a snake when she walks, and the curves are seductive.

Fenmu has no psychological pressure on his act of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha:

"Those enchantment array maps are given to me. I didn't come up with them. They were all taken from the records of ancient civilizations that were breached. Although they were breached, they are better than the current Amber City. The enchantment is good."

However, these barriers were not discovered from his crafting knowledge and Anasta's combat knowledge, but were recorded on the estimated rubbings brought by the wolves in the tribe in the reef sea area.

I haven't been back for a long time, and I don't know if the tribe is still safe.


At night.

As always, Fenmu's room has become a place where people gather...to exchange feelings, and Mrs. An Tang shows him the unique softness and ingenuity of a mature ninja.

On the small bed in the corner of the room, Sheba covered his head with a quilt, pretending he couldn't hear anything.

Suddenly, An Tang Shiranui, who was wrapped around him like a beautiful boa constrictor, stopped moving, the woman's voice stopped abruptly, and the room was completely silent.

The color of the world turned gray, and the temperature in the room dropped a bit.

"Is it Ed Shalan?" Fen Mu sensed the aura of the lord's senior sister.

Ed Sharan's person has not yet appeared, but the voice has already come:

"Is that horse tasty?"

Chapter 73 Face me!

The gray world in front of him seemed to isolate him from the real world and pull him into an independent dream.

This kind of feeling is a bit like the first time he was pulled into the Kingdom of God by Anastara, who can directly create a dream space with the nature of the Kingdom of God. At least Fenmu has not seen anyone else can do it so far. The senior sister of the lord seems to be the first One exception was made.

So what is Fenmu's current physical body like?It's just that his consciousness was pulled into this gray dream, and his real body was still being used by Mrs. An Tang to exercise his riding skills?

Thinking was soon interrupted by Ed Shalan's graceful figure, and all of Fenmu's attention turned to the coffee table next to the woman sitting lazily with her legs crossed.

She squeezed out a wine glass out of thin air, tapped the edge of the glass, and the colorless fermented wine was filled just right.

Only then did Fen Mu realize that he seemed to have forgotten to respond to her.

So in this case, is it better to praise the delicious food to comfort the senior sister, or to criticize it as bad?

"Hmm... that horse, it's so-so, it takes a lot of effort to cut into small pieces... I still have half a pot left, it can warm you up when it's cold, I'll give you a taste taste."

Fenmu communicated with his own private dream, and then he was stupid, and the remaining half pot of stew was gone!

He's a little crazy!

【Sidney, you ate half of my pot of stuff? 】

Sidney felt innocent, so he slandered her for no reason, and next time he wouldn't even let Finmusun in the mine.

[Anna ate it, it has nothing to do with me. 】

...What did Master Anna eat?That's okay, eat whatever you want, you're welcome!

"Cough cough."

Fenmu was very embarrassed that he couldn't take out anything.Although I thought it would not be good to eat my senior sister's horse, but when I caught the fish, I couldn't hold back and stopped the loss.

I had expected to be held accountable for a long time, but when it really came time to face it, the psychological preparation I had made before was still not enough.

However, logically speaking, Fenmu felt that he could be more confident, he had no credit but hard work, the child was hungry, so he found something to eat.

It's so straightforward to prostitute my weapon for nothing, but you're so critical of me if I prostitute you for nothing?

After sorting out his thoughts, Fenmu felt that he had regained the calmness that an honest person should have.

"It seems that the half pot of soup should be more delicious. I accidentally finished eating it and forgot about it. Next time I will share my cooking skills, but I still need you, Senior Sister."

The gray-haired female lord raised her eyebrows, drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, licked the liquid off the sexy red lips with her tongue, got up and walked towards Fenmu.

Fen Mu's words were naturally a little emotional to her.

In fact, Ed Shalan has considered how to thank Fenmu during this time, even if he has the friendship of colleagues in the Kingdom of God, but in fact the relationship is not as close as imagined.

But no matter what, the help Fenmu gave was too great. Almost every day when he rested, he could hear the intelligence officer report what new contribution Fenmu made yesterday.

Even if Ed Shalan emptied the treasury, it would hardly be worth the value of the Dream of Eden he sent.

If it is to slap him, in Ed Shalan's mind, there is a feeling of "I not only want to take advantage of your Fenmu for nothing, but also play with your Fenmu's body".

The dragon-scaled horse died, in fact she didn't feel very distressed, but she just took advantage of "the horse's death" and came to ask Fenmu if there was any reward she wanted besides Wu Han Bingjing.

As a lord, she can be domineering, so she naturally has an unreasonable character. Now that Fen Mu is protesting emotionally, the politeness of treating him is naturally gone, and she is determined to deal with him.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to go to the Beastmaster to contribute a wave in the future.

The smell of alcohol rose to her heart, and Edsa Lan felt that her chest was hot and stuffy. She unbuttoned her neckline, took a little breath and raised her chest.

"I listen to you, do you have a big opinion on me?"

Fen Mu was taken aback.

Wait a minute, in the current situation, why is it a bit like a drunk hooligan trying to attack the little girl bully, and the little girl is still someone from Tafen? !

And such a good thing? !

Fen Mu has been working for Ed Shalan for so long, and he has long wondered why the senior sister has not agreed with her body, but she is too embarrassed to speak, so this is the trigger method!

"It's a little bit. I have done so many words for you, Ed Shalan, so I don't ask you to make a promise so much. I don't even have a thank you. I can't have any opinions? I plan to go find it tomorrow. Queen of Beasts."

"Are you still going to betray me and go to the Beastmaster Territory?"

The long steel boots on Ed Shalan's strong snow legs turned into ice foam and disappeared. She reached out her hand above the bed and tapped it. An irresistible scorching air wave made people sweat and heat.

This is in her field, and the rules of the game are set by Ed Shalan, and even the demigod body of Fenmu can't calmly resist the heat.

The two people in the room were soon drenched in their own sweat.

The woman was sweating profusely, and the clothes on her body evaporated into a white mist, like a translucent tulle, and every inch of her hot and proud curves could be seen.

Ordinary people are sweating all over, obviously it should feel greasy, but when Fen Mu looked at the senior sister of the Lord, although she felt that her skin was shiny and shiny, it looked like a beauty just out of the cold pool.

It's just that this beauty's smile is a bit playful and cruel.

"I remember the last time when you were forging the tower, you seemed to have a strange hobby for women's sweaty feet? Huh!"

Fen Muxin said I am not I do not have it!

The corner of Edsaran's mouth curled up into a playful smile, and the ropes made of frost bound Fenmu's limbs and fixed them on the bed.

She walked onto the bed, and the white and snowy feet stepped on Fen Mu's head, and the flowing sweat slowly flowed down to his head.

The heat wave in the room suddenly stopped, and the secretion of sweat stopped.

Just when Fenmu was wondering about her intentions, she heard her dear senior sister leaning down, stroking his face, and saying:

"I reward you for licking my sweat off!"

For someone like Fenmu who has been played by Anasta in various ways, it is no problem to eat jio, but the level of senior sister seems to look down on his lower limit!

Fenmu has already mastered the senior sister's password, just treat yourself as Casalia!

"Ed Saran, you have a good idea! I don't!" Fenmu insisted, forcing himself not to look at Ed Saran's feet.

"Hey! You still dare to resist, that's fine, if you don't resist, I won't be interested in playing with you~"

On Fen Mu's face were written the four characters "I would rather die than surrender". His will was as strong as his elder brother at this moment.

"Come on! Face me! If you have the ability to use my face as a stool to humiliate me, and then use your feet like this, I won't be afraid of you!"

Chapter 74 The Officially Certified Bandit

The demigod's body has broken away from the normal physical body and has begun to transform into a form of pure energy. The long-lost sweating is really a novel and nostalgic experience.

The skin-to-skin friction is more slippery than before, and the greasy senior sister is really exciting.

Especially Edsa Lan seems to be the kind with plenty of juice, just like the ice melting creek in early spring, the soil on the bank seems to be dry with ice slag, but in fact it is very wet. The creek water that can be dunked out of the mud.

Fenmu was still reminiscing about the experience of walking the goose intestine path just now, when he heard Ed Shalan get up.

The woman's back was facing him, her snow-white beautiful back was extremely sexy, and her figure curves were like that delicate gourd. First, she had a plump and proud section, then a thrilling narrow waist, followed by a round, beautiful and tender plumpness.

She stretched out her hand to the back of her head and pushed it back gently. The wet and messy hair instantly returned to its original softness and dryness. It spread behind her, covering her snow-white back, and the shiny and alluring figure just now seemed to be just Illusion, returning to the original cleanliness.

"Ed Shalan." Knowing that she was about to leave, Fen Mu called her softly, and with a little force on his wrist, he broke free from the shackles of the rope.

As soon as he sat up, Ed Shalan had already put on his clothes, except for some strange steps when walking, there was no difference from when he came.

Ed Saran's footsteps paused, and she was so heartless to leave without putting on her pants. She sat back in the chair and was about to chat with Fen Mu again, but suddenly she had such a different experience, Ed Saran Sitting on the chair for a while was a little uncomfortable, as if it was still being propped up by something.

She calmly said: "It's not bad to take you as a pastime to relieve fatigue, but your hobby is really weird. Goddess Stranger will probably embarrass you if she finds out."

Ansta silently gave Edsaran a thumbs up, saying that she was indeed the most admired believer she ever had, and she really understood her feelings.

If you say that Fenmu is a master of learning, not to mention his forging skills, just his poorly learned fighting skills, he is a figure who is worshiped by a big force wherever he goes.

But for the sake of a woman's peach, this kid really doesn't want any face. When his heart itches, he is begging and acting like a baby, and he also said that he wants to go in and have a look.

It's just that once he softened his "pleading", Fenmu began to output desperately, using the skills of [double hatred], [energy storage], [enchanting] and the like that he had learned before in this crooked place .

Fenmu kissed Fangze, and ate big peaches in every way, and felt comfortable. He put on his clothes and hurried over to show his hospitality, and poured water for the lord and senior sister:

"Don't be ashamed, faith is not ashamed."

Ed Shalan shook her head, her strong physical fitness slowly got rid of the discomfort.

When she thought about it, she felt that just now she was a bit of a boss, and suddenly she felt like a ghost with her upper body. This kind of tricks appeared frequently in her mind, and she couldn't control herself, so she cleaned up Fenmu.

It felt like it was her own idea, but it didn't seem like her own idea. Before her mind came back to her senses, her body made her own decision.

The point is that Fenmu is quite useful, Ed Shalan was a little bit afraid, and almost lost his composure when he found a weakness, that would be really embarrassing.

She deliberately didn't mention this matter, and instead said:

"Hesselun sent someone to send some ore over the past two days. It's a bit strange ore. He said he invited you to come over. I guess he wanted to discuss with you about the Wuhan ice crystal?"

Fenmu wondered if this was a temptation from the senior sister?

When Ed Shalan first entered the room, he felt that he had the idea of ​​being a boy.

At this time, Ed Shalan could no longer be stimulated as before. The occasions were different, and the coping strategies had to be different.

Now I have to express my attitude, continue to win the favor of my senior sister, and strive for a big gathering of members of the Kingdom of God in the future.

To be honest, after being practiced by Master Anna like that, the intensity and duration of Ed Shalan's training is really a bit... It's like saying it's over after eating soup.

"The matter at the Beastmaster's Territory is not urgent, just leave it alone. Anyway, she has sent the ore here. I will study it myself first. If I can't, I will go to investigate secretly. Ed Shalan, what else is there in the territory that needs it now?" Where to improve, tell me, I am doing very well!"

Edsa Lan held his forehead, took a sip of tea, and said, "You've helped me a lot during this time, let's take it one step at a time, otherwise I'll lose my rhythm."

People who manage the territory have their own plans and ideas. It is useless to just listen to other people's opinions, and on this basis, they must be familiar with all aspects of the territory.

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