Fenmu hurriedly asked Master Anna for sutras: "What should I do in this situation? Is there a way to let her get out of the blocked divinity without untying her?"

"Yes, you can just suck her Eden divinity away, without untying the rope."

It sounds a bit suspicious, Fen Mu confirmed: "...how do you suck it?"

Chapter 59 The Angel Has Been Numb

[You try to put your hand in front of her forehead to see if you can draw out the overflowing divinity. Her current state belongs to the kind that can be taken whenever she wants. Taking some Eden divinity is a big deal for you. good thing. 】

ah?I still have this kind of operation?

Fenmu did as he did, and clasped a big palm on the forehead of the big sister Angel, trying to feel the divinity of Eden mentioned by Master Anna.

But as a result, he felt lonely, didn't feel any divinity, just found that the gray angel looked dirty like a clay figure, but it felt good to the touch, with delicate skin and tender flesh.

"If you... want to kill me, just say it... don't play this stupid trick." The big sister Angel no longer has any thoughts about him, but she just died.

"Then what should I do?" Fen Mu could only turn to Master Anna for help again, this time Master Anna's trick was unreliable!

However, it is also possible that he is unworthy, has not reached that level, and cannot express his divinity.

Could it be that his thought motivation for the act of sucking out the divinity is not strong enough, and he cannot resonate with the divinity of Eden or something?That's gone, he probably can only get his divinity from his master in his life.

Hey, I'm so damn single-minded.

Anastasia asked him to try this way, just to stop his thought of "maybe there are other ways", so as to avoid entanglement with those useless ones.

[Then you can only suck it hard. The body of an angel is different from the 'soul-body' in your common sense. They are a mass of divine energy, both soul and body.Your energy potion will stimulate the surge of Eden's divinity, which is equivalent to their bodies inexplicably gaining unnecessary energy, lumps of meat, and souls have become bloated. You wait another half an hour, and this angel has no If he exploded and died, he should become a fat angel. 】

I don’t know if it’s an exception or common, but the angel is still quite tall, and with the heel height of the silver steel boots, this gray daytime makes it about 1.8m[-]. ..

"What kind of suction is hard suction?"

[Just suck hard, suck with your mouth, angels can breathe the divinity of Eden even through the pores of their skin, so what's the point?This is the most direct way if you can't pull the divinity, or you can loosen the rope and let her burn your treasury to consume the divinity. 】

[Actually, the world's restrictions on outsiders are reflected in these angels. These angels just don't adapt to the rules here, so they have weird reactions to the most common medicines.Other gods will choose reincarnation, reincarnation, and other methods to rejoin this world, just to avoid these mood-destroying restrictions. 】

"Oh! So there is such a thing." Fen Mu had a whimsical thought: "Then... isn't my blood the blood that is most suitable for this world? bodily fluids, what effect would that have?"

This time, Master Baike ignored him and did not give an answer.

In fact, Ansta didn't know what the result would be. There were few pure-blooded human races, and there were also few foreign protoss who put on airs and refused to accept the rules. The situation like what Fenmu said never happened.

Fenmu looked at the gray angel struggling in pain, and felt that she might not want to die as much as she thought.

"I've figured out a way for you. After I release you temporarily, you are not allowed to do anything with my material, okay?"

The gray angel has been teased for so long, and she has long been furious, besides, who caused her embarrassment now?This kind of assistance with many conditions makes him even more hypocritical and hateful!

"Wonderful idea! If you care so much about these rags, I'll banish them all for you! Let your savings of many years go to waste! Hmph!"

"Have the guts to say it again, whose collection is broken?"


The gray angel is not without pupils, after being stared at by her for so long, Fen Mu can clearly see that her pupils are gray, put together with the whites of her eyes, it seems that she has no eyeballs at first glance.

"I don't even want to reason with you. I'll just say it straight. Originally, the angel figurine was my trophy, but now the trophy has become like yours, but the trophy is still mine. This is equivalent to you being mine. One of the collections belongs to Eden's divinity specimen, and now I'm going to extract some divinity samples from you."

"What do you want to do?!" The gray angel, enduring the increasingly swollen pain, vigilantly reprimanded Fenmu, "I don't need your hypocritical pity, it's you who ruined my great cause of redemption, and made me unable to pay back the original sin, achieve perfection, and return to the land of the Gospel! Death will be my last redemption!"

"To redeem your grandma's sin, why do you talk so much nonsense on one material!" Fen Mu stretched his muscles and bones, as if he was warming up and getting ready.

There must be a reason why blood suckers like to gnaw on other people's necks so much. Fen Mu imitated those seniors who had never met before, and put his mouth on the neck of the big sister Angel, and helped her share her divinity in the most rude way Excess pain.

"let me go!"

The angel's big sister struggled hard, and Fenmu played a trick on Sidney. She turned into an accomplice on the spot, walked behind the angel and pressed her wings, making her unable to move.

After a while, the angel felt that the place on the neck that was bitten by this man became an outlet for releasing the pressure of the whole body, and he sucked out a little bit of the overcrowded divinity. Although it was only a little bit, the feeling of releasing the pressure was very happy. outrageous.

She immediately lost the ability to struggle, and the pair of wings held down by Sidney were convulsing and twitching.

The angel squeezed out a bit of strength and begged for mercy: "Don't! I don't want this feeling! I will commit my original sin! Let me die... Please let me die..."

"Your intention to die doesn't seem very firm. How should I put it, I feel that this kind of subjective judgment will not deceive your heart. Since you feel happy, it means that your soul approves of this feeling."

But what is this Eden's divinity? It's full of restraint and suffering, with a bit of deception mixed in.

It's really strange to describe it like this, but at the moment when Fenmu sucked out Eden's divinity, there were indeed only a few adjectives that taste feedback to the brain.

"Suck it in another place, this divine smell is disgusting..." Fenmu's eyes fell on the headlights of the angel's car, "Just take it as a review of what you ate when you were a baby in the tribe The process is over, and I see that many young and beautiful tribal mothers are quite satisfied."

After 5 minutes, Fenmu retched on the spot: "Uh, is this divinity all negative energy? It's so disgusting! Sidney, will you be affected by this thing? If not, please help me. We're on our own."

As for the off-white angel, the eyes lost their focus, and the originally off-white pupils became even more lifeless. Steam was rising from the exquisite and plump body, and the body that had no temperature was scorching hot at this moment.

Fenmu looked at the gray-white light cluster suspended in his private dream, which looked a bit like a light cluster of knowledge.

"Are these the divinity in the angel's body?"

Chapter 60 Are you Lord of Eden male or female?

After Fenmu's hard work and probation, this little enemy student who would rather die than submit, confessed a lot of things under the care of wanting to die.

Fenmu found a piece of silk from his private collection to wipe off the sweet energy milk around his mouth, and then helped Sidney clean it meticulously.

As the master of the knife, Fenmu really wanted Sidney to wipe it by herself, but who asked her to face Anastha's face? Uneasy.

"It's weird enough. After talking about the divinity of Eden, the power of original sin behind it is much more delicious." Fenmu tried to compress the divinity of Eden floating in his dream, and put it in a big jar , reserved for future use.

As far as the angel said, in her world, she and many people belong to sinners, not children born in the Garden of Eden, born sinners, children born to sinners are still sinners, only the pious can have the opportunity to seek revenge. Receive the grace of happiness and be led by angels into the Garden of Eden, the Gospel land without suffering.

Ordinary sinners pray devoutly every day, doing the most tiring and painful things for God, and through the piety of body and soul, they can gain a chance for a little gift for future generations—that is, the original sin of future generations is not so serious.

Then the children whose original sin is not deep, after being witnessed and screened by the priest and the angels, can be taken to the Garden of Eden to report their duties and become angels, repaying their original sins in the most glorious and sacred way.

The details that the angel knows are condensed and condensed, which is almost the meaning, and a lot of key information is missing.

Because after she put on the atonement mask and became the guardian of the spirit temple among the angels, even her soul was divided into two, without self-awareness and memory. One part was guarding some temple outside, and the other part was just trying to cut Finmu. The angel with the flaming sword.

She didn't have self-awareness until the mask was broken, and Eden's divinity was sucked out of her body, and she gradually recalled the memories of the criminal period.

"So you still don't have your own name?" Fenmu took a scoop from the bucket of puree-level energy potion next to him, and drank it as a drink.

Seeing this boldness made Elder Sister Angel very uncomfortable, she now has a shadow of the bucket of potion, painful but shameful happiness, so happy that even consciousness will fly away.

The angel rubbed the teeth marks and sucking marks on his body, and shook his head: "No, the criminal's name is the crime. Everyone's crime is different. It is determined by the priest and the angel, and it will accompany him for a lifetime."

"Then your crime is quite long, and it's a mouthful. Do you angels have some titles such as wise angels? Should I just call you gray angels? Or angels?"

The gray angel should be determined according to my color, so what is the angel?

The big sister Angel didn't understand, but she didn't care about it: "It's up to you."

After finalizing the name, Fenmu refilled his glass of energy medicine with a sense of accomplishment, and sighed: "It's impolite to comment on other people's world, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of psychological burden, so I just say it."

"I think you've been puaed so badly that you're guilty if you don't do the ass. Could it be that I'm guilty if I look at other people's beautiful white buttocks but don't do anything?"

Sidney seldom interjected and complained: "Fenmu can see the whiteness of other people's buttocks, which means that he lifted his skirt to see it, and he is guilty."

Fen Mu was speechless.

However, if he sees a beautiful buttock but misses it in vain, instead of pursuing it hard, and takes practical actions to observe and appreciate it with his own eyes, then he is guilty!

Celestial Angel understood a little bit what she wanted to express. Although she thought it was absurd, the mind she had cultivated over the years allowed her to calmly look at Fenmu's "incomprehensibility". She said:

"People are born with sins, because priests and angels can see the characteristics of criminals in you, which means that you have potential crimes, but you haven't committed them yet. Can it be considered a sin after you commit them?"

"Is not it?"

"No, justice delayed is not justice at all. We know that someone has criminal traits, but do we have to wait for him to kill someone and hurt innocent people before we sanction him? That is the dereliction and laziness of the priest's angel. guilty!

Talent is given to the born by God, but the original sin is contaminated by the born who failed to stick to his heart. A person who knows the darkness in his heart, but does not reflect on and atone for his sins, but waits for the seeds of crime to germinate. This is no medicine. It can be cured.

I am aware of the weaknesses in my nature. I am a slut who is prone to greed and lust. I was born with a sin, otherwise I would not have been tortured so easily by you. "

Fenmu and Sidney stared at each other, hearing that he had a headache, and felt that what Ser Angel said was very reasonable, it really made sense!

But he was immediately hit by Master Anna, awakening his self-view that is so easily shaken.

[There is no need to understand and believe that a ruling god who can rule a dream world, how can you understand it with this little experience.It is enough to stick to what you believe, even if one thing is wrong, but if even you think it is wrong, then it is really wrong. 】

I realized again!

"Sidney, turn your back on me."

Glancing at Dao Niang's buttocks, Fen Mu's eyes regained composure instantly, and a sharp light shone in the depths of his eyes.

I like beautiful buttocks, and beautiful buttocks have become the source of motivation for me to forge, and many excellent weapon works have been born from this, so that those who need them can get help. This is a virtue of helping others, and those who like beautiful buttocks are even more It's a core virtue.

"Angel Ser, you said that you will be defeated by energy potions because you are dissolute in nature and carry this original sin with you. I think it is wrong. Ser is innocent. If you are seduced by me who is the embodiment of virtue, that is yours." Merit!"

The big sister Angel hadn't chewed through Fenmu's nonsense before she heard him ask: "Who else is there in your Eden?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll bring all your remaining accomplices to justice and drug them all once. I want you to see how embarrassed they are. Se is a common nature. Your boss Eden is simply fooling you to redeem your sins." It’s just a white job, it’s more vicious than 996.”


Ser Angel dismissed it, although it is strange and rare that this man is so crooked that he has such firm beliefs, but there are some things that he can't influence and change.

"Then you may be disappointed. I am just a sinner who becomes an angel to atone for sin, but there are also perfect angel guardians in Eden. They do not have original sin and weakness, and they have The supreme Lord of Eden is not an existence that can be defiled by fallacies like yours!"

Are there any perfect angels and Lords of Eden in the copy of Eden?

It is said that real angels are both male and female, which is strange.

Forget it, anyway, I'm only responsible for administering the medicine, and then defeating them in an open and aboveboard manner, as long as they look good.

Fenmu became serious: "First ask, is your Lord of Eden male or female?"

Chapter 61 The Ark of the Covenant

In the end, he didn't ask about the Lord of Eden's information. Angel Sera seemed to really be ignorant of the information, and only said that it was the supreme will, and that body shape and gender didn't matter.

However, Fenmu has a new understanding of this dream that can grow weapons.

This dreamland is the forbidden land of Eden. As an angel, I cannot know the specific stories of this land. Only through later contact, I know that many craftsmen died here, and it is an out-and-out grave of craftsmen.

Those craftsmen of the dead wanted to create props, tools, and weapons, but they may have failed in the end. The remaining obsessions of countless craftsmen stayed here, forming the current wonderful state-growing weapons.

Fenmu didn't care about the angel anymore, tied it up and put it in a private dream, treating it as a sunflower that could grow Eden's divinity, and went in regularly to collect a wave of divinity and it was over.

Leaving the private dreamland, the companions gathered around and asked what information they had found, and Fenmu had something to say.

Of course, the interrogation part is omitted, and it’s quite harmonious to simply use "Dawn with emotion and reason with reason".

"It seems that the origin of this mysterious dream has been confirmed now. This is the dream of an Eden craftsman." Fenmu was a little bit emotional, after all, he was also a craftsman, "I don't know what those craftsmen want to create."

Casalia pointed to the glowing weapon hill, and said, "When you went to blaspheme that angel, those weapons glowed with the white light, and then there was the messy sound of hammering iron, like a haunted ghost."

"Whoever blasphemed the angel, don't spout blood, be careful I'll teach you a lesson." Fenmu threatened emptyly.

"Then come on, I'm not afraid of you!" Casalia seemed desperate.

If she continued to talk, I'm afraid she was going to take the initiative and try her hand at the law.

Fenmu calmed down, approached the radiant hill, and listened carefully: "There is indeed a sound of iron striking, maybe the craftsmen's obsession has started to work, what are these chatterers talking about, Sheba came over translate."

The girl in the black dress was dissatisfied with his attitude of "the tool man is here", she pursed her thin lips, looked away, and had great opinions, "I heard that, they are discussing, what method should we use to separate the ocean this time?" , escape from the city of lies, and go to the land of the true Gospel. Also, you have begged me to help you, so please make an offering.”

Could this really be some kind of Eden slave master?But don't suddenly change your body and become the Lord of Eden at that time.

But that's okay, just pour the medicine and it's over, there is no challenge.

Give this slaver girl a big stick education from your artisan Uncle Femm!

"Look at that weapon."

Fenmu stepped on the weapon hill that he spent two months building, and the purple light emitted from the soles of his feet, driving away the white light that tried to get close to him.

All the way to the top of the mountain, the sound of hammering irons that Fenmu heard became more and more chaotic.

The sound of striking iron can reflect the state of mind of the blacksmith when he swings the hammer. These sounds of iron striking are full of bitter hope and despair that no one wants to get on the table.

Hecate walked to Casalia. She and Casalia had nothing in common. She said:

"Silune, could it be that Fenmu has found the ancestral land? In fact, he is the descendant of these craftsmen or something? Can you feel the breath of that mountain? It is a high-quality legendary grade, even a bit unique. Forgings of high-level breath!"

So far, in their knowledge and experience, no one can easily forge a legend, except Fenmu.

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