However, eye contact is definitely unreliable, and there may be a little deviation in information transmission.

Taivia found that Fenmu had been staring at her, thinking that he had another idea, and asked while unbuttoning:

"Do you want to do it here?"

Fen Mu flicked her forehead, stopped her behavior, and found an explanation casually: "No, I just want to see you."

Taivia nodded thoughtfully, held Fenmu's cheeks, and turned his face towards herself: "Okay, then look at me a few more times."


To the north of Bingshi Town is the boundless snow forest, snow mountain, and snow field. The three are intertwined. After the forest is a mountain, behind the mountain is a plain, and after the plain is a forest.

The white tone constitutes all the colors in the vision, and the eyes will be tired after looking at it for a long time, and I wonder if there is a problem with my vision.

But this is not a problem for Fenmu, after all, the girls in the team all bring two big snow mountains, Fenmu is used to climbing.

"Hey, why don't there even be red plum blossoms in the snow-capped mountains here?" Fenmu was talking nonsense all the way, "So why did Yulia meet us? It's troublesome. I can't find her anyway. Know."

Following the loss of two beauties with beautiful buttocks, Anastha and Rachel, Fenmu has lost another one before he tasted it.

Ghost King God's voice suddenly rang in his ears, with a bit of excitement in his tone, excitement of fighting spirit:

"I feel the aura of powerful enemies. The last one is the demigod, and the strongest one is the god of war. They are approaching here, but they can't figure out the direction of approach."

The last one in a team is a demigod?Isn't that more awesome than mine?

I don't know if there are men or women in the opponent's team, and if there is a good butt, if there is, I have to find a way to make friends with the opponent.

It doesn't matter if you have a nice butt or not, the main thing is to make good friends and see the world.

Fen Mu regained his spirits: "How many people?"

"I don't know, but there are at least four people... huh? No, they don't seem to be coming towards us. They are about twenty miles in front of the left." Gui Wangshen was a little depressed, she could sense the position so vague.

Fenmu said to his companion: "Okay, let's not go forward now, adjust the direction, go northwest, and try to hide our breath when walking."

The girls couldn't hear the conversation between Guiwangshen and Fenmu just now, so naturally they didn't understand his abrupt decision at this time.

Ando Shiranui, as a ninja, instinctively and keenly sensed a subconscious crisis threat, but he couldn't figure out the source of this uneasiness:

"Is it the enemy?"

Naturally, Fenmu couldn't explain it clearly, after all, the ghost king and god didn't tell him specifically, so he said vaguely:

"It's about the same, but it's not aimed at us. Anyway, let's join in the fun first. You still have to pay attention to your breath. The enemy's background is not simple."

After almost walking, the already cold snow forest became colder and colder.

Hecate said solemnly as if he was facing an enemy: "The enemy of the god rank, this kind of vision... Could it be the withered hoarfrost in the myth?"

Chapter 29 Contacting the Lord

Regarding the information on "Bai Shuang", members from various living areas paired clues and found that there were a few words about "Bai Shuang" in their familiar environments, and all of them led to bad evaluations.

Hecate knows more comprehensively because he has wandered in many places:

"In many places I have learned, 'Hoarfrost' is a mysterious and powerful organization. They are like wolves in the wilderness, hunting in groups for fun, and they can freeze space. I have never seen it with my own eyes. I have always I thought it was the ancestors' dissatisfaction with the cold winter, but the frost here seems to confirm the description in the legend."

The area in front and the area behind them are clearly divided into two sides. Behind them, heavy snow is flying, and the silver snow field is endless. The snow in front of them is dim, and the snowflakes are frozen in midair.

"'Hoarfrost that can freeze even the snow, plunders the vitality of the earth for fun', this description is really appropriate in a sense." Fen Mu slowed down his pace, and the bloody smell floating in the space passed to his nostrils.

I thought that there would be a fierce battle with a strong enemy, but Fenmu still thought too much.

"Bai Shuang" has left, but the village is in a mess, the livestock died tragically, the weapons were broken, and the blood condensed in mid-air seemed to be telling the battle a few seconds ago.

"There is a crack in the dream, it seems that it has left, but this vision has no sign of dissipating at all." Nora's face was full of disbelief.

She also encountered god-level enemies in the forest of elves. Although she was just watching the battle, the enemies that time should be regarded as "interesting" to her.

It was the first time to face such a cruel and cold-blooded enemy.

Andang Shiranui has surveyed the whole village professionally:

"There is no one left, but looking at the cooking smoke fixed in mid-air and the still fire in the stone house, it is estimated that everyone in the village is preparing to cook. What are these god-level guys taking the villagers away for?"

Casalia guessed based on her own experience, and shuddered a little:

"Usually they are captured as sacrifices, at least that's the case with the heretical religions that were suppressed before, but the existence of a group of powerful does it have to be for the existence that they want to sacrifice?"

Fen Mu is quite calm, no matter how powerful this is, it is not as powerful as his big white leg.

"It's a pity, I was too cautious when I left, and I thought I could kill someone by surprise depending on the situation, but he disappeared after a few seconds of bubbling."

In his ears, the sighs of Master Tasia and ghost kings and gods continued to be heard, all regretting for missing a strong enemy.

[Tasia: Hey! 】

[Ghost King God: Hey! 】

[Anna: Hey. 】

Master Anna, why are you sighing...

[Sidney: Hey. 】

Unexpectedly, after Sidney finished sighing, Tasia sighed again. In order to avoid the continuous circulation of the sighs of these people in her mind, Fenmu stopped her and said:

"Don't sigh, blame me, blame me, let you miss the chance to fight."

Seeing that there is no fun to be found here, Fen Mu leads the team to leave there, and leave the melon field, so as not to be misunderstood as the murderer.

After walking aimlessly for a long time, Fenmu felt that this was not an option, so he signaled the girls to stop: "Wait a minute, it's too late to go on looking for Yulia, I'll go talk to the 'lord' 'Get in touch."


Back in the kingdom of God, Fenmu called out to the senior sister of the lord by name. She has been diving for a long time, and it is time to come to the kingdom of God.

After waiting for a while, just when he thought that the senior sister had ignored the call from the Kingdom of God, the thick fog in front of him suddenly gathered and turned into a graceful silhouette with a narrow waist and a wide hip.

Fenmu was amazed in his heart: What a graceful and domineering ass!It can have a little bit of Anastha's charm...buttock charm.

"Hello, senior sister, do you remember me?" Fen Mu said, "I haven't seen you in the Kingdom of God gathering for a long time."

"It's called the coffin. It's been a long time since we met. It's been more than five years, and it's almost only during the time when you first joined the Kingdom of God."

After the simple exchange of greetings, the lord soon found out that there were only her and the coffin in the Kingdom of God, and no one else had arrived.

And this call is also a bit special, the lord is not very clear, but it feels like the coffin is only calling for her alone.

This is very difficult for other members of the kingdom of God, because it involves the degree of recognition of the master of the kingdom of God, as well as personal ability.

The power of the lord in the Kingdom of God is also relatively large, after all, she has always existed as a party organizer before.

She can also do this kind of one-on-one calling, but the mental burden will be huge.

Had a headache for at least a week.

But looking at this coffin junior, he looks very relaxed.

"How much trust do senior sisters have in me? Or in other words, how much trust do you have in the members of the Kingdom of God?"

"It's okay, but the members are more or less suspicious. Dagger doesn't look like a person from this era. She has too little knowledge of this era and is too familiar with a certain era in the past; the guy who is furious has a [-]% chance of being The dragon witch in the northwest, from the city ruled by the monastery, has a grumpy and sensitive temper..."

The lord briefly explained his guesses and understanding of the members of the Kingdom of God.

Fen Mu had already met them offline, and he couldn't help but sigh that this lord senior sister is really not simple, and her guesses are all close to ten. Just through this kind of invisible dialogue, she can get almost everyone's information.

But what would you say about me...Fen Mu expressed his curiosity: "What about me?"

"There should be some skills in forging, but I think he is a lecherous little devil in terms of temperament. Although I can't see you, I have noticed that you often look at our legs. You should not be someone who likes to do peeping things. Look Things are basically looking directly at, and even the face will move with it."


Guess wrong!

Unexpectedly, I actually saw your buttocks!

But aside from this point, the senior sister of the Lord did guess the information quite correctly, and being able to say it so bluntly, Fen Mu felt that she had gained her trust in the members of the Kingdom of God.

"Let me just say it straight. Is the lord senior sister a local snake in the Northern Territory? I'm here to deliver the goods. Didn't you order a saber from me before? When the goods are ready, I'll bring them to you."

"I haven't found the material you want yet for you." The lord was surprised, vaguely feeling that this guy was eager to deliver the things to her as soon as possible, as if it would be profitable.

"It's okay, just treat it as a meeting gift." Fen Mu was very generous.

It doesn't matter if you have a weapon or not, it doesn't matter if you have a hip or not, the main thing is to see the senior sister with your own eyes!

"But it's not convenient for me to meet people recently, but if you ask me if I am a local snake in the Northern Territory, then I can give an affirmative answer."

Chapter 30 My hip radar is vibrating, there must be...

Under the ice and snow that never melts in the Northern Territory, there are two factions, one is the overlord of the mountains, the "Beast King Territory", and the other is the ruler of the plain, the "Ice Emperor".

Although there are still some small tribal forces, they are basically attached to the two. Otherwise, in the harsh environment of the Northern Territory, a sudden snowstorm is enough to make the isolated and helpless small tribe disappear in the ruthlessness of ice and snow .

Ed Shalan is the female lord of the Ice Emperor, and she is usually in her palace.

But at this moment, she was in the hinterland of the rival of the Beastmaster, and she was walking in disguise.

This is also the biggest reason why she mentioned in the Kingdom of God that "it is temporarily inconvenient to visit the 'coffin'" - she is not in her own territory at all, and what is in the palace is just an illusion left by her.

"'Brim Frost' seems to be haunting the Beastmaster's territory as well. It seems that the wolf girl didn't call someone to come to my place to make trouble." Ed Shalan analyzed.

The tragedy of the village after "Hoarfrost" crossed the border also appeared in her territory, and Ed Shalan did not allow such a situation to happen in her territory.

The first object of suspicion is naturally his good neighbor, the Beast King. The rulers of this generation of Beast King have lost the recklessness of their ancestors and are a little more cunning.

However, after Edsaran inspected it personally, and witnessed the traces of "Hoarfrost" in the Beastmaster's collar, the doubts naturally disappeared.

"The pressure on the Northern Territory is getting bigger and bigger. The extreme cold and frost disaster is not over yet. The monsters in the northern continent are coming south from time to time. 'Hoarfrost' is coming again."

Even though it is such a barren place, there are not many types of plants, but the bad things happen one after another, and it is more lively than those warm places.

"Let's go to the nearby Langya City to inquire about the information. I don't know if there is any further investigation on the extreme cold disaster."

The Ice Emperor's Realm is located on a plain, and the extreme cold and frost have had the greatest impact on her territory. If it wasn't for the heating technology bought from Bingshi Town, the casualties of civilians would be very serious.


"This place is really terrible. After running for so long, I finally found the city." Nora walked all the way numb.

The general fatigue of boats and cars is acceptable, but it is really a bit beyond the tolerance of the former queen to have to go over mountains and mountains in the cold weather.

Casalia looked at the city in the valley with mixed feelings, and complained:

"When I asked someone for directions, the white bear man seemed to say that this is the capital of the Beast King? It doesn't feel very prosperous. Did we go to the wrong place...?"

An Tang didn't know the fire but held a fair attitude: "I can still accept this kind of prosperous capital. In fact, Granville is too peaceful, and the church city is too prosperous. This is a normal tribal capital."

Considering the harshness of the environment here, the city is understandably bleak.

But when it comes to those who deviate from the topic, we have to come to Fenmu, he said:

"You may not believe it, but I suddenly had a feeling that I sensed the existence of a good butt nearby!"

This is really a strange feeling. I don't know if it's because of the deepening understanding of the kingdom of God, or because of various past experiences, now Fenmu vaguely feels that he has awakened some kind of beautiful buttocks radar ability.

Automatically remind him that there are beautiful butt owners approaching him.

No matter what, Fen Mu felt that this proved that he was on the right path, and it was getting wider and wider!

Anastasia heard the boy mention this matter suddenly, and quickly sensed the surrounding area, and found that his lord senior sister, Ed Shalan, happened to be haunting nearby!

In Fenmu's sea of ​​consciousness, Anasta covered her face helplessly, how could she really awaken such a strange ability.

"With this kind of talent, it's not good to use it to awaken a crisis warning, why..."

Shimen is unfortunate!

According to this trend, it is estimated that the bastard Fenmu can really create his own soul inheritance in the future, but the name of this inheritance is probably something like "Void Butt Hunter", "Beautiful Buttock Injector" and the like strange play.

If there is a chance, I really have to discuss with him and let Fen Mu go out independently, otherwise Anasta really can't afford to lose this person.

Taivia became alert, and she said as if facing an enemy: "It's mine!"

Fenmu gave Taivia a hug, and comforted him: "Don't get excited, I have sensed Taivia, but what I'm talking about now is a new existence, the location is probably on the outskirts of Langya City, I don't know if it will be It will be Julia."

If it is, then it will be a little less novel, but it may also be the lord senior sister who has never met and has not met Mian Ji!

Could it be that the senior sister of the lord is the eldest sister of the Beastmaster?

It's almost inseparable. Now that the situation in the Northern Territory is so tense, the "Hoarfrost" in the myth has appeared, and the frost disaster that has never happened in a thousand years has appeared. No matter which one can cause headaches for the ruler.

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