Just now, a strong malice turned into inspiration and acted on her buttocks in a very targeted manner.

"Stop that bad idea!" The star goddess, who was as lazy and elegant as a lady like a Persian cat, clenched her fists angrily, "Also, help me pick up my shoes and put them back on!"

Do you still dare to pretend to me?Do you think that if you know my master, you can be an elder in front of me?

——Peach Butt!

"Ah~" Mierxi groaned softly, then reached out her hands depressed and angrily to cover the shame on her face.

There was no other way, so she had no choice but to stand up and put on her shoes with a straight face.

Fenmu tried twice, and he was too lazy to play anymore, so he asked some doubts before the main question: "I believe you should understand now that there are many opportunities for friendly communication between us, I hope you will not be ignorant, and say what you have .”

"The Xingkong Parish should have paid you in advance, look for my reward." The mature female fortune-teller elder sister looked at Fenmu quietly.

She didn't understand why that mysterious and eternal existence would teach such believers.

"Ah, that's right, but they just said they let me find you. Trying their best to deal with the shadow people is something out of the list, so it must be a bargaining chip!" Fen Mu swept the dust off the stone, Sitting down, he said, "By the way, what do these black shadow people have to do with you?"

"Do you want to know in detail or briefly?"

"A brief one is fine. I'll be rushing to search for treasures later. I don't have the time to listen to your long talk." Fen Mu nodded, motioning for her to speak quickly. He was concerned about whether there were any super weapons in the shadow man's camp.

... Tsk, this kid's attitude is too bad.

Mi Erxi sighed, and became a science teacher helplessly: "The enemies in the middle of the last era, do you know why the men behind can't cultivate smoothly? Because these old royal families gambled the fate of the male descendants' cultivation and wanted to overthrow us. , to be the emperor of the whole continent once, and then they lost, and also harmed the men of later generations."

Such an important matter can really be finished in one sentence...

"No wonder, when I met them several times over the years, I felt that these bastards hid the ambition to control the race and disturb the peace. They turned out to be the remnants of a group of old-time gamblers."


"I'm not scared, I'm surprised. Their ambition is so big, and they have been there for so many years, they must have collected a lot of treasures, good thing!" Fenmu's eyes showed strong expectations.

The corner of Mi Erxi's mouth twitched, did she come from a bandit?While muttering like this, she heard Fen Mu say again: "I just heard you mention that the Goddess of Judgment has also returned?"

"Yes, during my slow waking process, I feel that Judgment has awakened, but I don't know who she is now, and I can only recognize her after meeting." Mierxi hoped that the one who came to save her was the Goddess of Judgment. melon.

She was dumb, but in fact, the Goddess of Judgment also had her own black belly and calculations. To describe it in a popular way, it was probably a deep and pure biao, no, it should be a natural biao?

With a dull and natural look, she instructed others to do things without knowing it.

Fenmu can afford it, and originally wanted to go back to the church city to see what the buttocks of the Goddess of Judgment look like, but it seems that he doesn't have to think about it for the time being.

"Here is some potion for you to recover. After you are almost recovered, help me divination where the shadow man's treasure house is, and I will go in and have a look." Fenmu threw two tubes of blue potion over, and the potion bottle was stable. It was firmly stuck in the milk ditch of the goddess of the sky.

"Let me remind you that you have not yet reached the level of God, but the people of the old royal family have lingered here for a long time. Although the realm of God was forcibly shattered by the Goddess of Judgment, after so long, the old king Now you should be infinitely close to God."

The goddess of the starry sky looked at Fenmu very seriously, this is advice!

"Without female buttocks, it is indeed a difficult opponent, but that is all secondary. Do you have to tell me that there are really babies here?"

"Yes." Melxi was very sure.

"Then what are we waiting for here? Lead the way!"

Chapter 6 The Old King Giant

The environment and beauty of the underground world here are completely incompatible. Rather than saying that the environment is down-to-earth, it is better to say that it is directly connected to the underworld.

The dome of the sky is a faint yellow sea of ​​sand, there are no floating clouds, only quicksand rolling.What replaced the position of the sun was a blood-red light cluster.The things under the red light are crooked melons and jujubes, with strange appearances.

But this kind of spectacle didn't pay much attention to Fen Mu. After careful observation, he found that the starry sky goddess's lips are quite beautiful.

Crystal clear and moist, the lips are plump just right, without heavy makeup on purpose, but it can attract people's attention, especially when she is talking.

Maybe after watching her speech, I can't remember what she looks like in the next second, because the attention is all on the lips.

"Hey! My sister knows that the unique and mysterious charm of the starry sky is a bit too attractive for little boys, but can you pay attention to it a little bit more normally? At first you stared at my buttocks, but now you find that you can't see through the skirt. , just look at my lips instead?" Mierxi couldn't bear it anymore.

"That's right, move your lips a little more, look pretty, how did you do that? I feel like you cast some kind of curse on your lips?"

Fen Mu talked directly, but he didn't want to be hypocritical with her.

Why did Goddess Stranger have such a naughty apprentice? Mi Erxi was itching her teeth with anger, but she couldn't stomp her feet. If she stomped her buttocks would shake, she fell into Fenmu's trick.

"It's your instinctive desire for the future, and you can hear information related to the trajectory of fate from my mouth, so you pay attention to my mouth. This has nothing to do with spells, it's purely your instinctive attraction."

"That's it, then you shameless you know this, and you still seduce me like this!" The villain Fen Mu wanted to sue, "I want to shake my pure faith, young! Speaking of which, where have all the gods of this world gone? ? God is immortal?"

"Yes, but it's not." Melxi began to be a magic stick riddle again, "God will be bored after living for a long time, and then have the idea of ​​​​stop thinking, no longer bear the burden of thinking, and naturalize yourself to the original Among them. But gods can basically be said to be free, because gods can choose when they die and dominate themselves to a large extent."

"It means I'm tired of living."

"Yes, gods are just high-level cultivators anyway, except for the goddess Stranger. As for why the gods leave, you should ask the world under your feet. It is rejecting the stay of gods, lest we squeeze too much Same. This situation became more obvious after the Goddess of Redemption completely separated the deep dream from the real world."

No wonder these gods can't come back in full body, they can only come back in this way of "turning around" and "spiritual descent".

"Then what did you do after you left this world?"

"Travel. The Goddess of Nature is chasing the Goddess of War, because War took advantage of Nature's secluded sleep and secretly ground soybean milk with her."

Originally, Fenmu was still wondering what the ancient slang term for grinding soymilk was, but when he thought of grinding tofu, he immediately understood. (It must have been ground into soy milk from the beans treasured by the goddess of nature. If you don’t ask yourself, you will be angry if you put it on anyone)

Regarding the secrets of this world, Fenmu originally thought that there were important secrets hidden, and that they had an unspeakable bitter past, but after actually knowing it, they felt that it was nothing more than that, but in fact, they were not as relaxed as they are now, right?

"Milxi, how about we discuss cooperation?"

"What cooperation?"

"Afterwards, I will hang out with you, and you will be a compass, tell me where there are treasures, and I will borrow some from them, and we will share [-]/[-]."

"Actually, you want me to help you efficiently become a bandit to rob others, right?" The divination god gave Fen Mu a contemptuous look, with a charming look in his eyes.

Sometimes Melxi couldn't figure out why this guy was so rampant, and the remnants of the old royal family hadn't been resolved yet, so she began to think about the future.

But a weapon of the highest rank, coupled with the status of the goddess' apprentice, might really be able to deal with the old king at the ninth rank.


After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, Fenmu and Mierxi passed by several village ruins. Judging from the traces left behind, there was a prosperous past here.

There were two families who might have had a happy event and set up a large table to entertain guests in the yard. As a result, it was as if all the people disappeared suddenly, and they were all gone.

These ruins are all fixed at a certain moment.

"There is a magic circle. Everyone here has been sacrificed. They should all join the camp of the shadow men."

Fenmu sighed endlessly, and pulled Sidney out of his private dream with a sigh.

During the short leisure time along the way, someone had already followed them all the way and stopped near here.

The bloody sun in the sky became more and more dazzling, and the plants on the ground were alienated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My strength hasn't recovered, so it's up to you here." The sexy fortune-teller elder sister said she was helpless, but she still did one more thing within her power. a firework~"

Suddenly, a big hole was smashed out in the sandy sea of ​​the dome, and a flaming meteorite fell down, bombarding the ground, and the waves of flames engulfed the nearby mutated plants.

After casting the spell, she sat on the ground to rest decadently, indicating that the old lady had been drained.

Fen Mu wanted to throw her into the Kingdom of God, but he didn't know if it was because the star goddess had a different soul level, so there was no way to pull her into the Kingdom of God.

"Tayvia, Casalia, come out and help clean up the shadow people forming a formation. Nora and Andang Shiranui come to observe the star goddess."

As soon as they were released, the entire underground world began to shake violently, shaking the sky and the earth.

A giant covered in black rock and flowing with the magma blood of the earth's core climbed up from the ground, only the upper body was exposed, and the lower body was still in the middle of the body, but only the upper body covered half of the sky.

The giant spoke, and the voice was louder than thunder, and it was deafening.

"The parting in the past, I thought that there would be no chance to meet again. I didn't expect that fate would still send you to my palm to relieve my hatred. Xingkong, you are good at catching fate, and I didn't expect to be fooled by fate. Right? Did you see that the me I am now will soon regain the throne of God! I will be the final winner of the game!"

"Gran, your opponent is not me. I hired a lustful servant. You go and deal with him first, and then come to me when you're done." Mirxi responded indifferently, not bothering to raise her head, not looking at the old man. king giant.

"You take advantage of me, I will lift your skirt later and charge you!" Fenmu finished speaking, activating Sidney's power to the maximum.

"Okay! As expected of my big gift package, I will accept this peerless weapon. Come to my gaming table to place bets! Chips!"

The golden pupils of the old king's giant looked at his people, and he pointed at them casually, and those shadow people screamed and turned into a puff of black energy, turning into chips in his hands.

"I bet on strength!"

A dice rolled quickly and rolled to a "6", which is the largest number, with unparalleled power blessing!

The old king raised his fist with a sneer, and the rock-muscled fist slammed down on Fenmu.

Chapter 7 This Boss Is Too Watery

Although Mi Erxi acted casually, she secretly observed the changes in the situation. If Fenmu couldn't stand it, she could launch [Star Shift] at any cost and directly teleport away from here.

It's just that the price is the deep sleep that hurts the source. Of course, it's just the deep sleep of this body, and it has no effect on her body.But it's hard to say when I can come back to play next time.

"This guy with a lot of gambling, didn't expect that after being knocked out of the god-rank realm, he would slowly approach the god-rank with this gambler's mind, and he also created this kind of gambler's tactics."

Although the old king Gran has not yet reached the god rank, he is different from other demigods. The god rank is unknown to others, but for Gran, it is just a different way to go back, and his combat power cannot be underestimated.

Mi Erxi's slender hands behind her had already pinched a cluster of light clusters the color of the night sky.

The fist that fell from the sky was extremely huge, perhaps the size of a rich merchant's mansion.

The heavy fist came down, covering the sky and the sun, and the wind pulled by the wind of the fist tore the ground.

Fen Mu gave up any sword moves, and simply slashed down to face the overwhelming boulder fist.

There was a loud bang, the dust exploded and billowed, and the smoke blocked the line of sight, but the figure of Fen Mu who blocked the punch could be seen.

The mountain-like fist was blocked by Fen Mu with a knife!Gran wanted to press down again, but his fist couldn't press down an inch.

"Hey, it turns out I'm really so fierce without sword moves." Fen Mu himself was taken aback by himself.

Just now, he still lacked confidence, so when facing the fist that gambled his strength, he flinched a little, causing him to be repelled by half a step, but now he has completely established his confidence.

The stone hanging in Mi Erxi's heart was put down, but the corners of her eyes still twitched, "This guy, does he dare to stand so boldly in front of the punch without being sure? What a mess."

"You've finished rolling the dice, so it's my turn?" Fenmu poured spiritual power into the knife, instead of following a certain sword move, he just rudely poured a huge amount of spiritual power into Xi. In Deni's body, let strength fill her limbs and bones.

Gran felt the oppressive power of that peerless weapon. It was clearly a delicate knife, but the force against his fist was extremely heavy, and he could faintly hear the groaning of dead rats.

"Why are the souls of mice howling? Could it be a symbol of the plague? Unfortunately, all the poisons of the plague have no effect on me. Even if I am an opponent who is a god with poison, I can beat him to death with one punch!"

Gran pointed at his subordinates in a certain direction, and the clansman over there screamed into black air and became chips in his hands.

The shadow people from other places rushed out one after another. Even after witnessing the tragic death of their companions, they did not retreat and run away. Instead, they proudly stood in the most conspicuous place, waiting for the sacrifice, expecting to become the strength of the old king.

"No, I don't have enough chips. I want to bet on endless power! My luck will overturn the world!" He tapped several groups of people one after another, and the black chips in his hand accumulated like a mountain.

In the blink of an eye, there were only a few shadow people left.

"Aren't you more confident when you gamble in front of me? I saw your result, which is only 0." Mierxi sneered, and a spot of light lit up in her hand, ready to tamper with the old king's betting luck.

Having suffered a big loss before, Gran hastily propped up a protective shield to isolate all the effects of spells below the god level.

"Hey, I lied to you, I don't have the power to tamper with your dice now~" The Star Goddess looked at Gran's frightened move proudly.

"You'll be my bet in a second, bitch!"

Gran kept the dice transformed from the chips in his palm, and slapped Milcie down with a slap.

However, Fenmu who disappeared made Gran's heart tighten. Under a strong sense of crisis, Gran slapped the dice to the ground without warning, still trying to protect the dice.

"It's useless if you cover it." Fen Mu played a trick of obscurity, but Jian Guang only left a pale mark on the finger of the giant old king.

Gran was stunned for a second or two, and then burst out laughing, the laughter shook the rocks and mountains.

"That's all you have? I was so worried just now."

Fenmu glanced at him angrily, and no longer wanted to cut out some cool special effects, he slashed down twice flatly, two stone pillar-like fingers quietly fell off, and the blood spattered was black of magma.

Looking at the crystal dice lingering in black air, Fen Mu cherished the treasure and directly collected it in the Kingdom of God.

"My dice!"

"Sorry, it's mine now, go to hell!"

Fen Mu galloped up the arm of the old king giant, raised his knife and fell, chipping off the whole stone neck, and his unsupported head fell to the ground, creating a huge pit tens of meters deep.


Fen Mu put away the small broken knife, with a lonely expression on his face, sighed and walked down, sat next to Mi Erxi, made a "please" gesture, and motioned her to quickly lift her skirt for a body check.

"Gran's weakness lies in the amber crystal in the heart, which contains his soul, and smashing it can be considered as the complete end of him." Melxi said silently.

"You didn't say it earlier!" Fen Mu pulled out the knife again, ran back in a hurry, and gave Gran a knife.

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