Not jokingly, even if Yang Xi let him run for a day and a night, he could catch up with him again.

But he is not in the mood to tease him now.

In the shocked eyes of those supernatural beings below, Yang Xi suddenly appeared in front of the Spring Envoy with just a flash of his figure.

"My God, is this the strength of the zodiac position of the ruling organization? The speed of the Spring Envoy seems to be abnormal, and Master Shenhou can come first and rush ahead of him!"

"It's over, I guess the Spring Messenger is here to explain it today!"

"Oh, don't talk about it, maybe today is the turning point for the chaotic sea area to change! If the ruling organization and the chaotic sea lord get involved, the entire sea area may be involved, and we may not be able to get out by then!"

"What this old man said is, everyone, I still have a lot of family members who have not arranged, so I will be excused today!"

After everyone discussed for a while, quite a few people chose to leave. They planned to arrange their families to go to other sea areas to avoid the limelight before the fight broke out.

In the sky, the messenger of spring almost bumped into Yang Xi's body, and he scared himself to the ground.

He said sternly: "Shenhou, I don't want to fight with you, it's not that I'm afraid of you!"

"It's really because I think about the common people in the world, and I don't want to cause war between the two organizations because of the filth between the two of us!"

"Can't you imagine that once the ruling goes to war with us, how many people will die in the entire chaotic sea?"

As he talked, it seemed that even he himself believed it.

The tone became more and more impartial, as if he was really thinking about the people in the entire chaotic sea area, not for his own dog's life to stay.

While Yang Xi was speechless, he also admired his acting skills. To be able to enter the play to such an extent, it has to be said that he is still very suitable for the talent selection criteria of the adjudication organization.

It's a pity that he stood on the opposite side of the ruling, so he must be obliterated.

As the boss, Yang Xi always has to vent his anger on his subordinates.

He said slowly: "Who told you that there will be a war between our ruling organization and the chaotic sea lord?"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, the Spring Messenger was overjoyed, thinking that his plan had succeeded, he immediately smiled and said, "That's right! The threat of the Ossaid people is right in front of us, we humans with supernatural powers should unite and work together. How can we continue to fight internally?"

"Ahem, this...Your Excellency Shenhou, I know that there are many wonderful places on Cola Island, how about you and I go together in a chic and unrestrained way? I'm the host!"

As he said that, he wanted to come up and touch Yang Xi's shoulder.

Yang Xi looked at him coldly, with coldness in his eyes.

The spring envoy noticed something was wrong, and he felt a warning in his heart, but he still didn't give up his fantasy, and tried to show a smiley expression: "What's the matter, Your Excellency Shenhou? Don't you like this kind of gameplay? It's okay, I still know a lot of delicacies The place to go, if you leave this Cola Island, there is nowhere to go, it is guaranteed to be a must!"

He slapped his chest.

Yang Xi said with a mocking tone: "I said that there will be no big war. You may have got it wrong."

Sweat dripped from the forehead of the Spring Messenger, "What... what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, between the verdict and the chaotic sea lord, there will be no war that affects the entire chaotic sea. There will only be a one-sided massacre."

Yang Xi squinted at the Spring Envoy, his eyes were full of disdain.

The Lord of the Chaos Sea is a Tier [-] plus a few Tier [-] extreme powerhouses, and he can suppress it by sending a Tier [-] clone.

Now Shenhou Clone has comprehended 2% of the secrets of power, and with the completion of controlling the secrets, generally 5% comprehension level of supernatural powers is not the opponent of Shenhou Clone.

Looking at the whole world, how many people with supernatural powers can reach this strength?

In fact, I am ashamed to say that I have already comprehended and mastered the profound meaning for so long, and in terms of actual combat, Yang Xi only developed a "completion" move.

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that the combat ability of stripping the ability itself is not strong!

If it is said that the moves that control the profound meaning can strip the profound meaning chain from the fourth-order supernatural being, and can break the profound meaning chain into law fragments, this is enough to be worthy of its rank.

Seeing the unbelievable expression of the messenger of spring, Yang Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he punched out casually, and this powerful third-order extreme powerhouse was smashed into powder in an instant, and there was not even scum left .

Because he was not particularly proficient in the mysteries of power, Yang Xi couldn't control his fist all of a sudden, and with the remaining power after killing the Spring Envoy, he carefully landed on Cola Island, destroying a lot of buildings immediately.

Had it not been for the evacuation of a large number of people, there would have been countless casualties.

The supernatural beings who escaped below couldn't help gasping: "Hiss, just punched out, the Spring Envoy is dignified, a powerhouse of the third-order limit, just gone?"

"The zodiac position of the adjudication organization is too scary, isn't it? Another fourth-tier powerhouse? How many fourth-tier powerhouses do they have?"

"At first, I thought that being able to break through to the fourth level would be more difficult than ascending to the sky. Looking at it today, it seems that it is possible for me to break through to the fourth level in my life!"

"Hey, hey, old man, wake up quickly, do you think you are also a member of the Judgment Organization? Is becoming stronger like drinking water?"

"That's right, don't take a pee and see what kind of thing you are. You are middle-aged, and you are still an A-level ability user? Just want to break through to the fourth level?"

"Hey, no matter what else, Shenhou killed the Spring Envoy, and a big battle is inevitable after all!"

"The old man has a hunch that our chaotic sea area is about to die!"

"I don't know if the Hero Association can come out to stop this upcoming battle!"

While the audience below shocked Yang Xi's strength, they were also full of worries about the future of Chaos Sea.

Before Yang Xi killed the Spring Envoy, he had already stripped off his orb. At this moment, his harvest was not bad, and he felt a little better.

"Oh, by the way, there are still two little mice that haven't been dealt with."

Yang Xi disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of the evil king and the bonfire demon.

At this moment, both of them have finished changing their costumes. If Yang Xi could not perceive the Tiangang and Disha masks on their bodies, they might really be deceived by the two of them.

Right now, these two people actually thought that Yang Xi's appearance here was a coincidence, and they were about to sneak past, but their upper body was smashed in an instant.

Yang Xi is not interested in continuing to talk nonsense with the two of them. It was only because of his status as a Tier [-] extreme powerhouse that he was able to spend so long with the Spring Envoy.

He beckoned, and the two masks flew back immediately.

Seeing that the two were killed, the block where Yang Xi was located was already empty. These residents or tourists on Cola Island, I am afraid that the God of Killing would be happy and kill them all, which would be a real blood loss.

514 Ice Chick

As the wooden door was pushed open, a gust of ice and snow came blowing in.

The cold snowflakes hit Chris on the face, which made him a little unhappy.

"Winter Messenger?"

Chris has done his homework on the powerhouses of the four seas. As the envoy of the four seasons of the third-order extreme powerhouse, he naturally knows it.

"What is this guy doing on such a remote island?"

"Could it be that they came to look for me?"

But soon, Chris ruled out this possibility. The information about his appearance on this island will never be leaked!

Chris stroked his stubble-free chin, "So, it's just a coincidence that he appeared here?"

"Such a remote place, why did it attract a third-order extreme ability user?"

Originally, he didn't intend to take care of this matter.

So what if the Winter Messenger is doing trouble on this small island?It has nothing to do with him.

But now, he became curious.

The older sister, wearing a fisherman hat with blue background and white dots, was in a hurry, pulled Chris away, and ran outside babbling, "What's the matter with you, little brother? You seem to be smart on weekdays, why are you so dumb today! Dad told us to go hide in the valley, as soon as the winter messenger came, there was a blizzard on the island... Hey, let's go get some clothes!"

Chris nodded indifferently.

He already felt the killing intent brewing in the wind and snow, and he was afraid that no one else would survive on this island except him.

"Hurry up and put it on, why are you grinding!"

A duck down coat was put on Chris's head by a fisherman girl. He stretched his hands into the sleeves indifferently, and then looked at the girl who was about to wrap himself into a rice dumpling, and quickly put a bag of dried fish, squid slices and Put the seaweed cake into the red woolen bag.

The girl threw the knitting bag over her shoulder, took Chris with one hand, and merged into the flow of people outside.

Like the Chris siblings, they are all half-children, and there are even little kids who only reach Chris's knees, with snotty noses and dirty lollipops in their hands.

"Yakun, why don't you add more clothes to your sister!?"

The girl complained about a tall and strong boy.

This young man is dark-skinned, and he looks like he has been fishing a lot in the sea. He has a muscular body, but he is a little afraid of Chris's sister.

The little girl holding the lollipop said strangely: "Sister Xueye, don't blame my brother, we took all our clothes to be washed, and my brother wears less clothes than me!"

On the side, a young man named Yakun nodded.

Xue Ye rolled his eyes at him angrily, took off her scarf and wrapped it around the girl, "Yabu, you brat, your brother's ability to speak has grown on you!"

"Hehehe, my dad said the same!"

The little girl is very proud.

"Hey, if you delay any longer, can we still leave?"

A thin and small man was dissatisfied, holding a harpoon in his hand, urging several people.

Chris turned his head and looked, and the refugee crowd had gone a long way, leaving a series of footprints on the thin snow.

Xue Ye obviously didn't want to talk to this boy who looked like a thin monkey, so she put her head down to tidy up Yabu and Chris's clothes.

But the little adult Yabu would not swallow his anger, "Heika, what are you shouting about? If you don't want to wait, you can go first!"

She muttered in her small mouth: "The toad wants to eat swan meat, so he doesn't urinate to see who he is!"

"Smelly brat, what are you muttering about? Say it out loud!"

Heijia was stabbed in the heart, and raised the harpoon in shame and indignation, threatening.

Chris raised his eyebrows, because the harpoon was aimed at him at the same time.

Although he wanted to watch the show slowly and wait until the Winter Envoy found it by himself, after all he hadn't recovered to his full strength yet.

Of course, for him, a power user with a third-order limit is still very sure to win.

But no one knows what accidents will happen, so he decides how long he can delay.

It is best to be sure that the appearance of the Winter Envoy has nothing to do with him, and there is no fourth-order chaotic sea lord behind him, so Chris will make a move.

But if this kid makes him unhappy, it's not impossible to teach him a lesson.


The strong Yakun grabbed the harpoon and looked at Heijia silently.

In Heijia's perception, Yakun's eyes were a bit colder than the blizzard hitting him, he couldn't help but shivered, and said resentfully: "Let's go!"

As he spoke, he took the lead towards the crowd who could hardly see their backs.

Xue Ye also pulled Chris to follow.

And Yabu, a ghost, jumped on her brother with a proud face—she didn't want to walk by herself.

The crowd soon came to the valley where they took refuge. There were already more than 30 people staying here. Except for an old man who was arranged to take care of them, the others were all teenagers and girls.

Instead of feeling nervous, the teenagers were a little excited.

The valley where they took refuge was used for sacrifices on weekdays, but they were not allowed to come and play.

Enough to explore this time.

But there were also a few precocious teenagers who looked worriedly at the fishing village.

This island is not big, and there is only one village of them.

The strongest person on the island is a b-level supernatural user.

As the village head, he was talking to a handsome guy with purple hair at the moment.

But looking at his trembling legs, one can easily guess how nervous he is.

He once traveled to the prosperous areas of the Chaotic Sea, and he deeply knows the evil name of the messenger of the four seasons.

I don't know what the uncle is talking about when he comes to the door.

The breath on his body was also a bit disordered, after all, it was with great difficulty that he gathered the flustered fishermen and sent the children out to avoid the limelight.

But what made him even more nervous was the ice chinchillas lying on the open space watching with interest the fishermen gathered in the square.

This is the summoned beast of the Winter Herald.

The handsome purple-haired man said indifferently: "Is everyone in your village here?"

The village head quickly said: "All the adult men in the village are here."


The Winter Envoy nodded, and the huge ice dragon outside started to walk around the fishermen.

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