This naturally attracted the attention of the Yanniu group.

After paying a lot of benefits in exchange, they finally found out the information of the three leaders of this mysterious force.

The "Black Turtle Warrior" who is good at water elemental abilities, the "Deep Sea Banshee" with a tyrannical body, and the "Earth Swordsman" who uses fighting spirit.

Beside a bar counter full of feasting lights, there was a pale and handsome man, carefully tasting a Bloody Mary in his hand.

With his current status, drinking this kind of cheap wine seemed a bit vulgar, but for him, Bloody Mary was more about remembering the precious love affair he had when he was weak.

Unfortunately, in order to become a strong man, he gave his girlfriend to others with his own hands.

"Master Xie Wang, after sacrificing three B-level superhumans, we finally found out that the target of that force tonight is the 'Black Coconut Bar'."

With a pair of flaming eyebrows and a face full of carbon ash tattoos, the "bonfire demon" suddenly emerged from the charcoal basin on the wall of the bar.

As long as he is within 50 meters, he can move continuously within the marked bonfire. This kind of flexibility, even among S-level powerhouses, can be called abnormal.

Ordinary melee supernatural beings couldn't touch his body at all, and would be tortured to death by the high temperature bonfire.

Because of the appearance of the bonfire demon, the light at the bar turned from dim to bright, illuminating the one-eyed monk on the booth next to him.

The one-eyed monk, like the bonfire demon, is also the deputy leader of the flame bull group, and his ability is the "monk boxing" of the inheritance system.

Being able to develop the monk boxing with little potential to an S-level combat level shows how terrifying this guy's perseverance is.

Of course, this also has a special relationship with Wu Monk Fist and him.

There is a widely circulated saying in countless planes - that is, there is no strongest ability, only the most suitable ability.

For the first generation of supernatural beings on the Azure Star plane, they can't choose which supernatural powers to cultivate, so being able to adapt and perfectly develop their own supernatural powers is the most important thing.

The one-eyed monk withdrew his hand from the golden cat with a fox tail beside him, frowned and said, "Boss, since we have sacrificed three B-level supernatural beings to obtain this information, does it mean that we have also been exposed?" ?

Now that the other party knows that we are spying, will they change their goal for tonight? "

The evil king drank the Bloody Mary in one gulp, leaving the amber juice running down the side of the glass.

"No, although I didn't meet the Black Tortoise Warrior, but from his behavior style, we can infer that this guy is a proud person, and such a person will not change his plan for other reasons!

Maybe he is waiting for us to go tonight. "

"Since that's the case, should we gather our men to eradicate this mysterious force that is encroaching on Cola Island?"

The face of the campfire demon was a little anxious, because the proprietress of the "Black Coconut Bar" was one of his lovers.

Xie Wang glanced at the bonfire demon indifferently, how could he not know about this deputy Xiao Jiujiu.

He nodded and said: "Don't rush to gather all the people, our business on Cola Island still needs people to watch.

How about this, call some A-level supernatural beings to stand by outside, the three of us will attack at the same time, deal with these three guys as quickly as possible, and minimize the loss! "

Cola Island has such a big business, even if the evil king is a third-tier powerhouse, he can't cover it.

The backer behind the Yanniu Group is the Lord of Chaos, and a large amount of profits from Cola Island are invested in the Lord of Chaos for his extravagant enjoyment on the private island.

It is said that on the private island of the lord of the Chaos Sea, expensive fine wine forms a flowing stream with beautiful women like clouds on it. Even the lowest-level maids on the Coke Island will be snatched by those mercenaries. head.

The chaotic sea lord and his four seasons envoys used terrifying power to coerce the forces of all sizes in the chaotic sea.

They are too lazy to maintain the order of the chaotic sea, they just simply reap the benefits, and there is nothing left for them to keep.

Therefore, as a Tier [-] powerhouse, the evil king does not want to affect the profits of Cola Island because of the rise of this mysterious force. Once this year's task is not completed, what awaits him will be cruel punishment.

The chaotic sea lord is moody and angry, and he doesn't have the pride of a fourth-tier powerhouse. He doesn't have the slightest psychological burden to attack a third-tier powerhouse like Xie Wang.

This is also the reason why the evil king has become a strong one now, but he still doesn't have the courage to go to the private island of the chaotic sea lord to find his lover.

On the one hand, it was because he thought that his lover might have been tortured to death; on the other hand, anyone who dared to provoke the Lord of the Sea would die a miserable death.

In the chaotic sea, this eccentric fourth-tier lord is the emperor who holds the power of life and death.

Hearing the boss's order, the bonfire demon didn't dare to neglect, disappeared into the bonfire in an instant, moved out of the bar at a distance of 50 meters, and began to gather tonight's troops.

"What do you think these people are from?"

The evil king activated his ability, and the black gas flew into the golden cat's eyebrows, instantly making her fall asleep.

The one-eyed monk murmured: "I don't know, but I always feel that... the visitor is not kind."

Before this, he never thought that he would lose so many territories in such a short period of time.

The way this mysterious force behaves is unexpectedly domineering.

It seems that Cola Island, a prosperous commercial island, is just a springboard for them.

"I heard that the guys in the Liberty Alliance sea area defeated the colonists, and the world in this world is going to change."

Xie Wang stood up, he was very tall, a full two meters high, but he was a little too thin, which made him look very weird.

"You mean..."

The one-eyed monk hesitated to speak, but finally said slowly: "Is the pattern of the chaotic sea finally going to change?"

"Nine times out of ten, after this war, the foreign colonists will only launch crazier attacks, and we have to make the best preparations in advance."

"Is it useful to prepare? It is said that a Tier [-] powerhouse like me is just a rarer consumable on the battlefield."

Xie Wang shook his head and said: "If we don't want to be cannon fodder, we have to hold our hands and see who is the future trend."

He opened the door and left, "In this regard, I am not optimistic about the Lord of the Chaos Sea."

PS: I have a backache today, so I can only code out one chapter, so it can be regarded as a leave of absence...

502 Constellation Promotion Ceremony (Two in One)

Banana Island.

The place where Ouyang Xuan broke through the fourth-order vision of heaven and earth has now been developed into a tourist attraction by Mr. Qian Bukui.

Every day, an endless stream of tourists come here to enjoy the joy of the fourth-order powerhouse, hoping that they or their family members can have smooth sailing on the road of ability development.

After the war ended, the Judgment Organization withdrew from the B05 defense line.

After all, the defense line has now been pushed to the outermost island chain, and the place that used to be a military area is now being included in commercial planning, and there is no need for them to station it.

With the support of his family, Ouyang Xuan successfully took over the highest power in the Free Alliance Sea Area from Ouyang Guanhe and became the leader of the new generation.

Perhaps in the past, this kind of son inheriting his father's career would attract criticism, but under the current situation, no one dared to gossip.

Looking at the entire Liberty Alliance sea area, apart from expressing support for Ouyang Xuan's adjudication organization, is there any force that can question a Tier [-] powerhouse?

Ouyang Xuan also climbed to the forefront of the sequence list, and his title "Xuanyuan Swordsman" was also changed to "Pojun".

Of course, the zodiac signs of the three adjudication organizations, Unitary Rooster, Hai Pig, and Mao Rabbit, also successfully rushed to the top ten of the sequence list.

Especially Yang Xi's unitary rooster vest is ranked N.005 in sequence, second only to the fourth Chaos Sea Lord.

Yang Xi doesn't care about this ranking. On the one hand, he knows that this sequence list has a certain amount of water, and many strong people are hidden in the dark and cultivated secretly, and have not made it to the list; on the other hand, he still has law fragments. Use it to become more powerful at any time.

Yang Xi was sitting on a wicker chair with a glass of iced coconut juice beside him. In front of him was a vast expanse of grass.

In Banana Island, where housing prices are skyrocketing, the only ones who can develop such a piece of turf to use as their own backyard are the Qian family.

The Bi Yuewu vest that Yang Xi is wearing now is the most powerful member of the Qian family in name, so he can naturally enjoy this kind of welfare.

In the distance, the sandwich seaweed team members who came back from vacation are playing, oh, no, this guy Liu Yuan went to a bar on Banana Island to hang out, so the only ones chasing and fighting on the turf were Blanche and Ji Yourong Three people with Li Caiwei, plus Qian Duoduo, who has changed from a bob head to a shawl-length hair.

Now, as the young Patriarch, she can only show such a presumptuous smile when she is playing with Ji Yourong and others.

On weekdays, in order to establish her majesty, she often put on a straight face at the people of the tribe.

"Boss, the analysis has been completed, and they have successfully passed the assessment of the constellation position."

Suzaku's gentle voice appeared in Yang Xi's mind. In the past few days, she should be the busiest.

Not only to help Yang Xi classify the gains of this counterattack, but also to be responsible for the follow-up and investigation of Tiangang and Disha.

Look at their performance in this war - many members of the Judgment Organization participated in this counterattack, and even two Tiangang and three Disha were killed.

Among them, the two Tiangang people had made enough contributions to work hard for Yang Xi, so Yang Xi gave them a chance to be resurrected. Of course, they have completely become the private workers of the Judgment Organization since then, and they have to work for Yang Xi for the rest of their lives. up.

Even so, the two Tiangang members expressed gratitude to Yang Xi who revived them, and there was no dissatisfaction in the slightest.

After all, this battlefield was for them to take advantage of themselves, but they were killed by Ossaid strongmen, and they were able to be reborn.

As for the other three earth demons, because their spiritual bodies are not strong enough and their contributions are not very good, they can only become elves in Yang Xi's cloud top space, and together with the previous generation of Tianguxing, they are responsible for attacking Suzaku.

Their earth evil masks will naturally fall into the hands of the next destined person,

The last task that Suzaku did was to confirm the four newly-promoted star powerhouses. This result was considered fair by Yang Xi.

Speaking of which, Yang Xi finally made good on the excuse of fooling Blanche into coming to the world.

After Yang Xi nodded, Suzaku Bian notified all members of the non-emergency adjudication organization and asked them to land in the cloud top space.

In the Hall of Four Elephants, most of the Tiangang and Disha members of the adjudication organization are gathered.

The Tiangang position was basically present, and the Disha position was mostly there. After all, Yang Xi handed over half of the Disha mask to Xiao Yan for disposal. Although he gave away a few pieces, many remained with Yang Xi.

In the White Tiger Palace, Xiao Baishi was very excited, because he knew that the day came to decide whether he could become a star.

Beside him, Wu Mei, who had already left Mengxin's identity, said: "Brother Tianzhuxing, it seems that you know some reasons why we were summoned today!"

As he said that, he traded 0 points with Xiao Baishi very sensiblely.

Xiao Baishi rejected Wu Mei's deal, he is in a good mood today, so no points will be charged.

"Brother, I'm afraid a new constellation will be born today."

Xiao Baishi's words caused an uproar in the White Tiger Palace.

Everyone knows that the constellation position is the seat within the adjudication organization, second only to the zodiac position.

You don't even need to think about it, you know that the constellation position represents more benefits and authority.

I didn't see the strength of the two adults, Bi Yuewu and Kui Mulang, they were rising slowly and visibly to the naked eye.

In particular, Kui Mulang Liu Yuan appeared in the battle highlights of the live broadcast of the celebration. He was able to recover from his injuries at an abnormal speed in the attack of the fourth-order powerhouse, which really made a group of people envious and jealous.

This kind of power, which can be called immortality, which supernatural being would not want to have it?

"True or not, I thought the seats in the constellations were already full, but those adults haven't surfaced yet."

"You are stupid, you are really stupid. If the constellation seats are full, no matter how low-key they are, it is impossible for only Bi Yuewu and Kui Mulang to appear? I think at least half of the seats are empty. Just wait for my brother to become stronger and sit down!"

"Hey, a mere earth demon dares to think about the seat of the stars. We seniors of Tiangang haven't spoken yet. When is it your turn to speak?"

"Hehe, I laughed too. Is the position of Tiangang very powerful? Do you have less points than us in exchanging supernatural potions, or are you under the seat of an adult of a zodiac sign?

I was wondering, I have joined the Judgment Organization for so long, and I haven't made a name for myself in the world, so I am ashamed to be in our BB?

If I were you, I wish I could kill you with a piece of tofu! "

A sharp-tongued Dishawei embarrassed a member of Tiangangwei. For a while, the atmosphere between Dishawei and Tiangangwei in the White Tiger Palace seemed to become tit for tat.

At this moment, circles of white light appeared under everyone's feet. Before they could react, they were teleported to the main hall on the top of Yunding Mountain.

The mountain wind whipped up the clouds and mist, and the celestial music in the Yunding Hall was solemn and soothing.

On both sides, there are star seats surrounded by light and dust, and people dare not look directly at them. Most of the seats are sitting figures, some are tall and burly, some are petite and exquisite, there are rickety old people, and there are young boys.

Some of the seats were vacant, causing Tiangang and Disha in the middle of the earth to envy them.

The next level up is the zodiac seat shrouded in gray mist.

Youji, Haizhu, Maotu, Shenhou, Chenlong, and Sishe are all in place, but there are no people in other positions, and it is not known whether they are vacant or absent.


Yang Xi's deity played the role of the chicken vest, and began to control the field with a magnetic voice.

Although the following people were all bigwigs in the outside world, they couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement when they appeared in the Yunding Palace for the first time, and they would inevitably whisper to their familiar companions.

After all, Youji was well-known outside, and the crowd immediately quieted down because of the face-saving.

Yang Xi cleared his throat and said, "The purpose of calling everyone today is for the promotion ceremony of the star position."

His voice became softer, "According to the organization's regulations, the promotion of the star position requires the presence of more than half of the strong people of the zodiac position, so it is rare for us to get together today."

In the eyes of everyone, Lord Youji sitting in the middle glanced around the adults next to him with "very nostalgic" eyes.

They couldn't help sighing in their hearts, the adjudication organization is the adjudication organization, unlike those forces outside, where the high-level people are intriguing, the zodiac adults seem to have a very good relationship.

Yang Xi continued: "We all saw your performance in the counterattack, so adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, several of our zodiac positions have discussed and unanimously decided that the following members have successfully advanced to the constellation position .”

After saying this, except for the members of the White Tiger Palace who were exposed by Xiao Baishi, the other Tiangang and Disha became restless.

"This time, a total of four members have successfully advanced to the star rank powerhouse. Before announcing their list, I will show you the benefits of the star rank powerhouse."

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