499 Awarding honors and the fourth rank

"Brother Youji, sit in the middle, this counterattack can be won, and your adjudication organization has contributed the most."

Ouyang Guanhe humbly said.

Yang Xi refused with a smile. "Brother Ouyang, you made a mistake here, and our adjudication organization has put in a lot of effort. You are the one who really worked hard."

This seat is too hot, Yang Xicai didn't bother to sit.

Moreover, he has already obtained the greatest benefit in this counter-offensive battle, so it is worth noting that he has the false name of being the leader.

Seeing Yang Xi's resolute attitude, Ouyang Guanhe could only "reluctantly" sit on the main seat.

Because Tongtian still didn't come back, the Heroes Association sent a Tier [-] extreme powerhouse to replace him—it happened to be Yang Xi's younger brother Ye Fan.

So in the first row of the live broadcast of the celebration, except for Ouyang Guanhe, Zhao Jinyin and Ouyang Xuan, the rest of the people, either explicitly or secretly, were all members of the Judgment Organization.

The chief reporter of "Sihai Daily" stood aside with a humble face. Behind him were friends from other media, such as new media overlords such as bb.com and mallard.com.

But these bigwigs in the Internet and media circles are working hard at the moment, for fear of accidentally offending the Lord Youji above.

After all, they had choreographed this grown-up's affair.

At that time, I thought he was just an S-level supernatural being, but who would have thought that he was actually a Tier [-] boss with hidden strength?

It is said that because of the unitary chicken incident, hundreds of regular workers in the entire Tier [-] sea area lost their jobs.

This is not the kind of contract workers with a monthly salary of [-], who can be laid off whenever they want. The dismissal of these regular workers, the subsidies alone have caused a lot of blood in many news media, and several of them have not slowed down until now.

But no matter how difficult this matter is, they have to do it, and the fourth-order big shots cannot be arranged at will.

This is a big taboo!

Yang Xi naturally didn't know these details, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

If he still had a little feeling for power before, then now, money and status are nothing in his heart.

As long as he wants, there are people in the whole world who will send him money and beauties.

If he really wants to make money, the sale of the magic crystal alone is enough for him to become the richest person in the history of the human race.

But he didn't.

In Yang Xi's view, the progress of the entire human race is what gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Yang Xi once also lamented why there are selfless people in this world. Now that I think about it, the reason is very simple. Maybe some selfless people are just because he can get what others are striving for.

Compared with these superficial interests, the sense of accomplishment at a high latitude can make him feel the joy of living.

Ouyang Guanhe stood up, held the edited manuscript in his hand, and talked to more than a dozen cameras.

"My compatriots, I am Ouyang Guanhe, the commander-in-chief of the Liberty Alliance Sea Area. In these counter-offensive battles, our army has fought bravely and is not afraid of sacrifice..."

The lengthy and routine speech bored Yang Xi, but it was a necessary link. Even if he was replaced, he might have to hold his nose and finish reading the manuscript.

"Fortunately, I have the final say on the organization of my adjudication. In the future, it must not be in such a cumbersome form."

"In this counterattack, we have achieved brilliant results. With our concerted efforts, we have killed four fourth-order Ossaids, each of whom is called Venerable Thunder..."

In order to maximize the morale of the entire human race, this live broadcast of the celebration can be said to be a bit shameless.

The video of Yang Xi and other powerhouses fighting Ossaid supernatural beings, under the careful editing of the logistics department, looks as shocking as a movie.

Following Ouyang Guanhe's reward, the bloody battle scenes of Yang Xi and others appeared on all the screens watching the live broadcast.

It opened the eyes of people all over the world who only saw the opening of the war.

If they hadn't already known the result of their victory, I'm afraid some ordinary people with bad hearts would have an attack on the spot.

But that's it, on some unofficial platforms, the barrage exploded!

Such as fighting cat TV.

Although this live broadcast platform is not as official as Sihai Live, and the barrage function is directly disabled, but this time, the barrage of the live broadcast of Qinggong has also undergone very strict screening.

Only the bullet chats that have been reviewed by the staff will slide out, so these bullet chats seem to be a bit interesting.

"I am very fortunate to be born in the human race, because we are such a united race. I believe that under the wise leadership of several leaders, we will be able to defeat the colonists and restore the peace and stability of the blue star plane!"

"Your Commander is awesome! Judgment Organization 666!"

"You go to the battlefield and I do production, work together to create a prosperous world!"

Perhaps because the barrage was too embarrassing and fake in the early stage, unofficial organizations such as Doumao TV simply relaxed the censorship of the barrage later.

Only some spiritual barrages can appear in the public eye.

"You chicken boss is too stupid! When no one else noticed the clue, he was the only one who noticed that the arbitrator was hiding in the dark. If it wasn't for him, our counterattack would have been suspended!"

"Commander Zhao and Commander Ouyang are so tearful. Although I don't know what burning the source means, I can tell from their expressions that this is a very painful process!"

"They endured so much pain for the sake of the human race, but when I was cultivating supernatural powers, I spent three days fishing and two days drying the net. It really shouldn't be. Starting today, my training volume will be doubled. !"

"I want to go to the battlefield and kill the beasts!"

The whole process of reviewing the military exploits made people excited. How many young supernatural beings stood in front of the live broadcast camera, wishing they could be on the scene and fight side by side with countless human race colleagues. Even if they died in battle on the sea, they would have no complaints or regrets!

The cry of long live the human race once again resounded over all the island chains in the world.

After that, there will be the commendation session. Some fighters who have performed well in battle will be rewarded.

When the commendation session just started, the whole venue suddenly became extremely solemn.

Everyone got up one after another, took off their hats and mourned in silence for 3 minutes for the heroic spirits who died in battle on the sea.


The whistle of the ship screamed, and the flags of the three major forces and the major families were lowered to half-staff at the same time.

On the surface of the sea, the crowds of people were quiet.

They are the first-hand witnesses of the war, and those heroic spirits who died in the counter-offensive battle are their comrades who get along day and night.

The shocking pictures spread to every household in the world. People spontaneously got up from the sofa and chairs in front of the live broadcast.

From the gray-haired old man to the children who are still in school, at this moment, countless compatriots of the human race began to miss those soldiers who shed their blood on the sea for the revival of the human race.

Some children didn't know what they were doing, but seeing the serious expressions of the adults, they also stared wide-eyed, looked at the black heads in the live broadcast, and the supreme leader who commanded the ship to shed tears in the sky, and awkwardly learned to support them. A moment of silence was held.

Ouyang Guanhe cried, although he was always smiling and looking optimistic, in fact he was more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Which of these heroic spirits who died in battle had no family behind them?

Those warriors who were torn apart by the alien beasts and the Ossianids also had joys, sorrows, sorrows, and fears, but for the future of the human race and for the victory of the counter-offensive, these young people embarked on the road of no return without complaint.

Yang Xi put his hand on Ouyang Guanhe's shoulder, "Brother, it's still live broadcasting now."

Ouyang Guanhe wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and sighed a little: "It's just getting old!"

Ouyang Xuan looked at his father with some concern, it was the first time he saw Ouyang Guanhe crying in public.

As the supreme leader of the Liberty Alliance Sea Area, although Ouyang Guanhe is not serious or even a bit eclectic in his daily life, he will never show his vulnerable side in front of everyone.

Today, I may have mixed feelings.

There are guilt, relief, and loss. After all, so many people died, and I lost the strength of the fourth level, but the long-cherished wish of clearing the Freedom Alliance Sea Area for many years has been realized.

The silence ended and everyone took their seats.

"Next, start promulgating third-class meritorious individuals and collectives."

Under the signal of Ouyang Guanhe, the spectacular award ceremony began.

"The 12st Army, No.[-] Squadron, Major Chen Ze, kill the A-level beast..."

There are still many third-class meritorious deeds, so not all of them are called, but some lucky ones are selected by lottery to be inspected by Yang Xi and the others on the command ship.

A total of ten officers appeared on the deck, more or less, with some injuries on their bodies.

Lu Ming was in this ranks.

With the help of Healing Fruit, his squad survived this type of battle with one casualty.

It was Yang Xi who awarded him the honor.

Looking at the tall and mysterious Lord Youji in front of him, Lu Ming trembled with excitement.

Because of Wu Mei's relationship, he knew the strength of the Judgment Organization. At this moment, he wished to bow down in front of You Chicken. As long as he could join the Judgment Organization, he would definitely be able to make a fortune in the future.

Although Yang Xi likes to observe the lives of peripheral members, he doesn't have much impression of Lu Ming who is not a member. If it were Wu Mei, he might still recognize him.

After all, Yang Xi put Wu Mei's S-level power bead on it by himself.

And with Suzaku's reminder, he also knew that this Wu Mei had scavenged a fortune from the army's warehouse before the war, otherwise he would never have become an S-level supernatural user.

With the exchange rate set by Yang Xi, this Wu Mei has brought him a lot of dark energy, so he can be regarded as a powerful tool.

"Congratulations, I hope you can make persistent efforts in the cultivation of supernatural powers!"

Yang Xi pinned the medal of bravery on Lu Ming's chest, and did not say the pre-arranged congratulations, but encouraged him casually.

In his opinion, this way is more intentional.

Sure enough, after hearing Yang Xi's words, Lu Ming became even more excited. Dare to ask the whole fourth level, how many people can be encouraged by Lord Youji?

With today's experience, he can play Lu Ming for several years.

Even the relatively simple medal of bravery on his chest, Lu Ming felt that it was very meaningful. This is his idol, Lord Youji personally put it on him!

Yang Xi noticed the change in Lu Ming's mood, and seeing his burning eyes, he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, and he didn't hear that masculinity is prevalent in the army...

The rest of the sandwich seaweed team won second-class merit, while Liu Yuan and Ye Fan were two of the ten first-class merit recipients.

Seeing the incomparably shining "Medal of Freedom" on his chest, Liu Yuan could not close his mouth happily.

Ye Fan, as the representative of Tongtian, was the last to be honored.

Yang Xi picked up the Medal of Freedom, filled with emotion.

The stubborn boy who had his teeth pulled out in the underground base has now become a strong one.

In the category of Tier [-], Ye Fan, who possesses the Ancient Holy Body, is invincible.

I'm afraid that in the future, there will be a Chenlong vest that Yang Xi made himself, which can PK with him at the third-order level.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yang Xi pinned the medal on Ye Fan's chest.

Ye Fan said solemnly: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Perhaps, apart from themselves, only Yang Feifei could understand the conversation between these two people present.

The award is over.

The officers returned to the queue, and Yang Xi sat down again.

"It's almost time to announce the news." Ouyang Guanhe glanced at Zhao Jinyin.

From the beginning of the live broadcast of the celebration, Zhao Jinyin seemed very silent.

Ouyang Guanhe, who also fell from the fourth level to the third level, can understand her mood very well.

"Yes, our mission has been completed."

Zhao Jinyin looked at Ouyang Guanhe with a smile, as if she was relieved.

Yang Xi stood up and announced to all the audience in Four Seas: "Everyone, I'm going to announce the clothes moth news next."

He paused for a moment, and put on a heavy tone, "Commander Ouyang and Commander Zhao's origin was damaged during the battle, and has fallen from the fourth rank to the third rank."

"So, in this battlefield, our human race lost two patron saints!"

As soon as Yang Xi's words fell, the whole world was in an uproar.

There are sacrifices in war, and people understand that.

But they couldn't accept the reality that the fourth-order powerhouse had fallen to the realm. Which one of the powerhouses at the top of the sequence list was not the leader who had sheltered the human race for many years?

Before Tongtian didn't come, everyone was still guessing nervously, but after receiving official confirmation that Master Tongtian was safe, they continued to watch the live broadcast with confidence.

Now that the awards have just been awarded and everyone is still immersed in the joy of victory, hearing the loss of the two fourth-tier patron saints is simply a blow to the head.

Even some military officers find it hard to accept, and the more senior generals can't understand the operations of the big guys.

The fourth-order powerhouse's fall into the realm should be kept a secret. Why did he say it in the live broadcast?

Doesn't this run counter to the goal of the celebration live broadcast to boost the morale of the human race?

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