He did something wrong in the wine just now.

For some reason, the Glacier Brave, who had never been willing to stay outside, felt his heart warm when he thought of the girl wearing a suspender by his side just now.

"What's the matter, Young Master Liu has made arrangements?"

"Of course, you are my brother Li, so I have to make arrangements for you!" Liu Yuan patted his chest and said.

The two laughed heartily.


Half an hour later, Liu Yuan received the news that the Glacier Brave had been pulled into the bathroom by the girl to start a mandarin duck bath. Then he used the universal room card to open the presidential suite prepared for the Glacier Brave.

The ambiguous clothes were scattered all over the floor, the sound of splashing water and the girl's silver bell-like laughter came from the bathroom.

"'I love a piece of firewood' is so powerful, Li Canyang, a guy who has always been prudish, can't help it."

Liu Yuan searched and found the jacket of Glacier Brave on the sofa, and there was an exquisite candy box lying quietly in the inner pocket.

Liu Yuan carefully took out the candy box, opened it, and found ordinary chewing gum inside.

"Where's the blue pill that godfather wanted? Could it be that Li Canyang didn't bring it out?"

Unbelievingly, Liu Yuan picked up a piece of milky white chewing gum and sniffed it, and found that it smelled a bit weird, but it smelled good, and he even had an urge to swallow this pill!

"It's not right, this is definitely not chewing gum!"

Liu Yuan suddenly thought of something and rubbed it hard a few times.

– the milky white icing fell off to reveal the blue core inside!

Blue pill!

043 Accident and... Summoning Shikigami

Liu Yuan was overjoyed, successfully finding the blue pill was a great achievement, and his D-level supernatural potion was found!

"What the hell, it really pays off if you put your heart into it, my lord, I'm sure I'm made for this job!"

Liu Yuan left a blue pill and stuffed the rest back. After dealing with the traces left behind, he just stepped out of the room when he heard a scream from the bathroom!

"Damn, is this guy Li Canyang so fierce?"

But soon the girl's voice stopped abruptly, and there was no more movement, only the beast-like growl slowly subsided in the bathroom.

Liu Yuan hastily and gently closed the door, and quickly ran back to his room.

He had a premonition that if he stayed any longer, he might follow in the girl's footsteps... The voice just now was completely abnormal, more like the scream of the girl before she died.

What the hell... was going on in the bathroom?

About half an hour later, there was a knock on Liu Yuan's door.

Liu Yuan plucked up the courage to open the door and saw that Li Canyang, who was fully dressed, stood at the door with a livid face, but his hair was still wet.

"The girl is dead."



"..." Liu Yuan shivered and lit a cigarette, "I see, Brother Li, you leave first, I'll let the company people handle it."

Li Canyang took a deep look at Liu Yuan, turned around and walked towards the elevator without saying anything.

The moment the elevator door closed, Liu Yuan leaned against the door and collapsed.

Once he showed his feet just now, Liu Yuan felt that his life was in jeopardy.

After a while, he took out the communicator and called two bodyguards to go upstairs. They were specially assigned by his family to help Liu Yuan clean up some messes.

After two burly men in black suits and sunglasses came up, Liu Yuan led them into the bathroom where the incident happened.

The unkempt water was still dripping drop by drop, and the girl inside was already out of breath. She was only covered with a white bath towel, which blocked her beautiful body and completely twisted neck.


Liu Yuan punched the wall.

He didn't expect to die!

The bodyguards began to deal with the scene blankly, which is their specialty.

Looking at the girl's eyes, Liu Yuan stretched out his hand to help her rest in peace.

"Send more money to the girl's family."

Back in the corridor, stepping on the high-grade red carpet, Liu Yuan took out the blue pill and looked at it carefully.

Before, he wanted to try the medicine secretly, but after seeing the girl's miserable condition, this idea has disappeared.

Even he felt that this little blue pill was extremely heavy.

"How many human lives are still filled in this little thing?"


The Glacier Brave sat in the Porsche. He didn't start the car immediately, but just leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

"What grass!"

He slapped the steering wheel hard, took out a candy box and threw it at the co-pilot.

"Clap! Crash~"

The candy box was smashed open, and the white chewing gum inside was spilled all over the floor.

"This is the first time!"

The glacier brave's red eyes stared at his trembling hands.

After a long time, he finally calmed down, and awkwardly picked up the white chewing gum on the co-pilot one by one and put it away.

"Why can't I find another one?"

Li Canyang searched for a while, but still couldn't find it. He thought it must have fallen into a gap.

"Forget it, anyway, the next transaction is only a few days away, it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less."

After staring at the exquisite candy box for a while, Li Canyang started the car expressionlessly.

The next day.

Kunlun Hero Economy Company.

While drinking coffee, the mechanical war hero put down the report in his hand.

"A Yuan went out to play with the Glacier Brave, and a girl died?"

The staff on the side nodded.

"Hmph!" The mechanical war hero slammed the coffee on the table heavily, spilling half of the black coffee liquid.

Seeing this, the bandaged magic dragon pulled out a few napkins to wipe off the coffee.

"Father, I checked this matter, and it actually has nothing to do with Ah Yuan."

He tried to take his brother out of the affair.

"You don't need to explain it to him. I thought this kid had grown up and knew how to help us win over our A-level heroes. I didn't expect that he would be killed directly!"

"You should know how much the company paid last time to settle the glacier hero's accident that affected civilians. It even gave away a few places for the selection of hero trainees this year. How much damage will the image of the brave cause? How much impact will it have on the company's stock price!"

A flash of light flashed in the palm of the mechanical war hero, and the newspaper evaporated directly.

"If it weren't for the fact that Glacier Brave can bring good benefits to the company, I would definitely send this guy to the Hero Prison with my own hands."

The magic dragon didn't make a sound, he knew his father very well, as long as it was still profitable after weighing, he would not give up on the Glacier Brave.

"Go and warn that guy, don't let it happen again!"


Molong got up slowly, he always felt that there was something tricky about this matter.

Although he wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with his younger brother, Molong knew it was impossible.

Let's warn the glacier brave, it doesn't matter if he likes to die, don't implicate my brother!


Fan Peng was driving the car, and Yang Xi was sitting in the co-pilot.

"I really can't figure it out, any normal man wouldn't be willing to move out of that heavenly apartment, would he? Are you out of your mind? Old Yang!"

When Fan Peng thought that he could no longer use the excuse of visiting Yang Xi to feel the atmosphere of the apartment that blurred certain boundaries and satisfied certain male fantasies, he couldn't help feeling regretful.

My buddy, I really don't know how to be blessed when I am in the blessing.

Yang Xi rested his chin and looked at the receding street trees outside the car window, "That's all your fantasy, do you know how inconvenient it is to live with a bunch of women?"

Fan Peng curled his lips, "Tch, your so-called inconvenience is the essence of that apartment!"

"..." Yang Xi was very speechless, "Old Fan, sometimes I really think you are quite perverted."

"Coincidentally, I also think that you, Lao Yang, are quite perverted."

"Then our evaluation of each other is pretty consistent."

The car was parked at the entrance of a high-end residential area in Lukang City.

Fan Peng asked Yang Xi, "Where did you get the money to rent such a nice apartment?"

Yang Xidao: "Godson respects me."

"Forget it, you must have won the lottery. Let's not talk about the other brothers. Tonight's meal must be arranged."

Yang Xi is also very helpless, sometimes no one will believe her when she tells the truth.


As night fell, Yang Xi lay on the big bed alone after Fan Peng left.

The flat floor with a monthly rent of [-] can be moved in with luggage, and hotel-style cleaning services are provided if you pay more, but it is not suitable for special people like Yang Xi who need to keep secrets.

"Now I'm finally alone, and I'm so deserted."

Yang Xi turned over on the big bed.

"Speaking of which, since that battle, I haven't used the [Snow Girl] ability of the summoning system."

Yang Xi activated the C-level Snow Girl Ability Orb in her body.

The activation of the ability consumed some of Yang Xi's mental power, and a hexagram summoning circle appeared on the log floor of the bedroom.

A flash of red light flashed, and a pink and jade-carved... little loli appeared on the summoning array.

The little girl was wearing a cherry blossom kimono, with a pair of fleshy little hands intertwined awkwardly. She secretly looked at Yang Xi with ruby ​​eyes and cried out timidly.


Yang Xidong, who had not activated the fierce fire ability, shivered.

This, this, this... Can anyone tell me why the C-rank Snow Maiden is such a small one?

044 The Snow Maiden Who Likes To Warm

After Yang Xi slowed down for a while, he adjusted from the surprise of "Sister Yu turned into a loli". Fortunately, he didn't intend to do anything shameful to Xue Nu, and if he became a loli, he would become a loli.

After activating the fierce fire ability, Yang Xi's body temperature gradually rose. Xue Nu felt the changes in the surrounding temperature very keenly, and she looked at Yang Xi with a faint... longing.

Yang Xi felt very strange: "You... aren't you afraid of heat?"

Xue Nu nodded obediently and said: "Master, can I lean closer, Xiaoxue likes warm places."

Halfway through the talk, Xue Nu was a little disappointed, "But the people Xiao Xue meets will immediately become very cold."

what!Yang Xi suddenly felt that he was a little reckless, those who were touched by Xue Nu must have been frozen into popsicles!

But Xiaoxue's fleshy hands had already grabbed the corner of Yang Xi's clothes, and she flung herself onto the bed in such a naive manner, her two short legs dangling in the air.

She closed her eyes comfortably, "It's so warm! The master is amazing and won't get cold!"

This little girl is comfortable, but Yang Xi's body heat is constantly losing. If it weren't for the E-level fierce fire that continuously provides heat to his body, he would also turn into a popsicle!

"Fortunately, this seems to be just the passive attack of the Xuenv, otherwise the fierce fire of the E-level ability would not be able to support the C-level Xuenv's heat absorption."

Hey, hey, don't get any closer!

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