Regardless of whether it is a human or a beast, this process is completed in an instant. Now it takes three seconds, which can be called "slow".

"I don't know if it's because of the power level, or the size of the plasma tyrannosaur."

"Or the death time is too long."

This Plasma Greymon died 100 years ago.

Then the peeling ability began to look for that special energy, but this made Yang Xi feel that the energy needed for the peeling ability in this specimen had dried up.

"So the ability to be stripped from the Alien Beast clone last time was because it was 'while it's hot'?"

Finally, under Yang Xi's best efforts, an orange orb of supernatural power appeared in his palm.

[Ability: Plasma

Introduction: can produce plasma

Evaluation: E grade, maybe you can use it to charge your phone]

Yang Xi: "..."

Is there any mistake, the E-level ability was actually stripped from the body of an S-level beast.

"As time goes by, the ability is also declining."

Yang Xi had a premonition that today's harvest in the museum is probably going to be cold.

Sure enough, Yang Xi touched a total of thirteen specimens of alien beasts, and only got two abilities in the end.

One is an F-level [clone], which can create a clone that lasts for 1 minute, and can only have one percent of the body's strength.

The other one is the F-level [Puppet Control], which can make people have a good impression of you.

"As the level of the ability decreases, the power of the ability weakens to a heinous level. You can only make people feel good about it. What do you call a puppet control!"

"From this point of view, the [Plasma] ability is really top-notch, and the power of E-level can charge a mobile phone."

Yang Xiyou suddenly had an epiphany.

Perhaps he is the only one in the entire supernatural world who can see this kind of picture that directly points to the essence of supernatural powers.

The special energy extracted from the entire body condenses into supernatural beads.

With the passage of time, the originally powerful and domineering top-level abilities degenerated into E-level and F-level tasteless abilities.

"The power world has been unable to give a reasonable explanation for the upgrade of powers. The so-called development of powers is, in a larger sense, the diversification and deepening of the methods of using powers. The essence of power changes is rare. The case of heroes."

"And when rating a hero, it is often based on the number of missions he completes and the level of disasters he solves."

Yang Xi sat in the car on the return journey with his eyes closed and rested.

Perhaps in this world, he is one of the few people who truly discovered the essence of supernatural powers.

"Can I try to disintegrate or downgrade an ability?"

This bold idea appeared in Yang Xi's mind and was out of control.

As soon as he got home, he casually dismissed Fan Peng and sat on the bed to try it out.

The target ability is [Flame Fist] from Flame Fist.

First of all, this ability is of limited help to Yang Xi at present, it is only used to cook noodles.

In terms of attack, the super brain's mental impact is more effective and convenient, and the mental impact is imperceptible and concealable.

Not to mention defense, the fire-resistant shell at this stage is still very good.

In the end, Yang Xi was willing to experiment with it because too many people knew about the origin of this ability. Once it was used, it was very likely that people would speculate about its ability.

These hero agencies can still sit still with the ability to simply make the ability disappear. After all, some abilities are learning types, such as abilities that can increase the effect of training. This ability itself will not directly enhance the strength of the ability user , It takes years of sweat and sweat to have your own strength.

This kind of ability, even if the ability is eliminated, the physical strength still exists.

It still has the power to fight against opponents who can eliminate abilities.

But plundering abilities can create extremely powerful abilities, and the degree of danger of the two cannot be mentioned in the same breath.

As for Yang Xi's "Ability Potion Project", it turned the ability into a technology.

[Strip] is a supernatural ability. These superhuman organizations and hero economic companies have no means to obtain it, and only want to destroy the owner.

But "supernatural potion technology" can be spread and learned, and these supernatural organizations will most likely choose to actively fight for it, which leaves enough room for Yang Xi to operate.

Put the stripping ability over the green ability orb of the entire flame fist ability.

In the past, these supernatural beads, Yang Xi, were all precious, except for the experiment used to test the control distance of the supernatural bead.

"break down!

break down!

break down!


Yang Xi kept repeating these two words silently in his heart, and kept imagining the scene of this supernatural bead breaking or splitting in his mind.


Yang Xi seemed to have hallucinations, he saw a faint crack appearing on the surface of the supernatural bead!

real or fake?


Yang Xi almost jumped off the bed!

Yang Xi increased the strength of the power, and the power bead finally shattered, and then began to change color and volume, and slowly split into three yellow power beads.

[Ability: Ignition

Introduction: Can generate flame without any tools

Rating: Grade D, Campfire Conference needs you

Ability: Fire Control

Introduction: Can manipulate existing flames

Evaluation: Grade D, fireball!

Ability: Super Boxer

Introduction: Instantly learn various boxing techniques

Evaluation: Grade D, just be the King of Fighters]

"It turns out that high-level abilities can really be broken down into low-level abilities!"

Yang Xi sighed: "But why these three abilities seem to be much more fun than the C-level ability Flame Fist."

Then Yang Xi decomposed [Ignition] into three E-level abilities, and the power could only be used to light cigarettes.

After the E-level ability is decomposed into an F-level ability, if you want to ignite a piece of paper, you need to focus on it for 1 minute, and there is a certain chance of failure, which is pitifully weak.

No wonder Lin Naixue didn't realize that she had supernatural powers before...

"Can F-level abilities still be disassembled?"

Yang Xi, who was already a little crazy, issued a soul torture to himself.

He was like a lunatic who opened a treasure chest, and fell into the hands of the helpless and pitiful red magic bead.

The red orb was shivering under the stripping ability, and finally split open after a mournful cry, but this time it turned into smaller black squares.

Yang Xi counted, and there were ten yuan in total.

[Decompose the F-level ability and get 10 units of dark energy. 】

This time there is no profile and no comments.

"Dark energy?"

"Could it be that the essence of the ability is dark energy?"

Yang Xi didn't expect that the "supernatural factor" that he planned to use to fool Liu Yuan before was actually wrong. The supernatural power in the supernatural person's body is composed of dark energy?

Yang Xi felt that if he made this discovery public, he might be snatched by some university hero departments to become a professor...

016 Dark Energy Cube

Yang Xi wanted to decompose these dark energy cubes again, but after several attempts, he still couldn't succeed.

"Maybe it's my current lack of ability, or maybe these dark energy cubes can no longer be disassembled."

"Since these dark energies are special energies that make up supernatural powers, can they be used to upgrade those low-level supernatural powers obtained from specimens of strange beasts?"

Yang Xi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the small black square that was taken out of his body.

A perfect cube that feels indestructible.

"Is it directly condensing energy into matter? It feels super unscientific. Although it is so small, it requires an exaggerated amount of dark energy, right? But this is only one-tenth of the F-level ability."

Yang Xi has no way of measuring how much energy this dark energy cube contains. Anyway, it is used as a basic unit of measurement, and it seems that there is no need to measure it.


Yang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. His physical strength is actually not bad. The reason why it was so difficult and tiring to disassemble for the first time was probably because of unfamiliarity. After practicing a few more times, the operation of disassembling a power is similar to dismantling a power from someone else's body. The consumption from looting is about the same.

"But you still have to eat."

After the fragrant pot diners ordered a bowl of spicy hot pot, Yang Xi devoted himself to his own research.

"Choose Puppet Control as the target ability. Although plasma is strong, Puppet Control sounds like an ability that can be used to control people's hearts."

But before trying to upgrade the control puppet, Yang Xi thought he could try the fusion ability first.

Yang Xi has only experienced fusion once. Her younger sister's D-level mental shock and Lin Naixue's F-level brain overclocking have merged into a D+ level superbrain because of the same superpower fusion.

A total of 27 F-level orbs were obtained by decomposing the C-level Flame Fist before, which are roughly divided into three types: ignition type, fire control type, and boxing learning type.

"I still believe that the first two are said to be of the same type of ability, but the latter is of the fighting type or learning type, right?"

With doubts, Yang Xi tried to fuse the F-level boxer ability with the F-level fire control ability, but the fusion failed because of different departments!

"It's strange, it's clearly an ability that was decomposed from the same ability, but it can't be fused in the end."

So Yang Xi tried to combine F-level ignition with F-level fire control, and took over the [Spark] ability that became F+!

[Ability: Spark

Introduction: Sparks can appear with a snap of the fingers, and can be freely controlled within a distance of five meters

Evaluation: F+, it can light cigarettes for people from five meters away! 】

"It seems that only the innate abilities of the supernatural beings can combine the supernatural abilities of different departments, and the separation can only achieve the fusion of the same department."

After giving up the method of fusion, which compares character, Yang Xi pinned his hope on the ability to upgrade, and he muttered: "The dark energy experiment can't fail."

Yang Xi dragged a unit of dark energy cubes to the red power bead of the control couple, who knew that the seemingly indestructible dark energy cubes were directly fused into the power bead.

Just like throwing a stone into the lake, after a ripple on the surface of the power bead, the dark energy cube was absorbed.

"It looks more like the power beads have eaten up the dark energy."

So Yang Xi absorbed 10 units of dark energy for the couple-controlling ability, and the red color of the ability orb became a little more intense.

Continue to decompose other F-level power beads into dark energy to be absorbed by the couple-controlling power beads. Finally, after absorbing 20 units of dark energy cubes, the couple-controlling power beads turn from red to orange.

[Ability: Puppet Control

Introduction: It can hint to the target from the subconscious.

Evaluation: Grade E, a magic trick, you can buy a walking stick now. 】

After absorbing 80 units of dark energy cubes, Puppet Control becomes a D-level ability.

[Ability: Puppet Control

Introduction: Can manipulate other people's thoughts for a short time.

Evaluation: Grade D, the twisted melon is also very sweet, although only temporarily. 】

After Yang Xi left behind the F+ sparks and an F-level boxer ability orb, he decomposed all the remaining ability orbs into dark energy cubes and fed them to the control couple.

Puppet Control has absorbed a total of 240 units of dark energy cubes, but it is still a D+ ability, but the time for manipulating people's thinking has become exactly three hours.

Plasma, avatar, super brain, and cross-dressing are all good abilities, and the level is also low. As soon as Yang Xi gritted his teeth, he directly disassembled the B-level refractory shell into a C-level ability bead and 540 units of dark energy. Energy cube.

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