True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 678 Ten Thousand Ghost Cave

In a large area located in the south of the Green Fire Demon Realm, there stands a large ghost formation.

This formation is built according to the mountains and looks like a huge tomb. There is a large amount of gray ghost fog lingering over the formation, making it difficult for people to see the clues.

At this moment, a whirlwind suddenly swirled in the open space opposite the ghost path formation.

"Crack, crackle, crackle."

The whirlwind became more powerful, with clusters of aqua blue arcs ejected from the surface. Looking carefully, there were blue Taoist symbols flying around in the whirlwind.


The whirlwind subsided, and a human figure appeared in it.

This man has a handsome appearance, tall figure, and star-like eyes. He looks to be around twenty years old. Her long hair was simply tied back, and she was wearing an aqua-blue Taoist gown, a long-sleeved robe, and a fluttering skirt, which gave her a certain Taoist air.

It was Liu Haiyu who came here.

Previously, Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang agreed that they would separately pursue the evil cultivators of the Shadow Organization. Xu Yang would go to the "Confucian Heavenly Altar" in Green Wind Grassland, while Liu Haiyu would go to the "Ten Thousand Ghost Cave" in Onizuka Mountain.

Liu Haiyu looked at the ghostly and mist-shrouded mountain in front of him, and carefully checked it with the map markings in his heart. He thought in his mind: "This place should undoubtedly be Onizuka Mountain. Thousands of years ago, the "Ten Thousand Ghost Cave", a large formation set up by the Heavenly Ghost Sect in the Blue Fire Demon Realm, is in the opposite mountain."

Liu Haiyu turned one hand into a sword and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows. A dot of blue light flashed across his body, and the power of his consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness under his Tianling Cap suddenly spread out like a stormy wave.

After a while, Liu Haiyu understood everything within a ten-mile radius.

Liu Haiyu absorbed the art of divine consciousness and said to himself: "There are no traces of the evil cultivators from the Shadow Organization nearby. Could it be that they have entered the Onizuka Mountain opposite. Judging from the previous intelligence, this There must be something left by the demons thousands of years ago in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave formation in Onizuka Mountain, and it is one of the key links in this shadow organization's plan. I can't delay this matter. I will enter this place first and destroy the monsters in it. That’s it.”

With a decision in his heart, Liu Haiyu narrowed his eyes and floated towards Onizuka Mountain opposite.

As we get closer, we feel more and more the aura of Onizuka Mountain.

In the large gray ghost mist, there are looming white ghost bodies flying around with long tails behind them, and they make the sound of ghosts crying one after another.

The large mountain area of ​​Nuo Da was turned into a powerful ghost realm by the power of the formation. Let alone a human being, even a sparrow entering it would be torn to pieces by the power of ghosts.

"How can the art of ghosts and monsters block the avenue of heaven and earth?" Liu Haiyu said while looking at the ghost realm in front of him.

Although Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang are very good friends, Liu Haiyu has been taught Taoism concepts since he was a child, and he still despises the ghost technique from the bottom of his heart.

Liu Haiyu made a secret with one hand, and clusters of light cyan light and shadow flowed orderly on his fingertips, and a green lotus seal that was several inches in size and lifelike in appearance suddenly appeared.

Immediately, he raised one hand, and with a pop, a few inches of green lotus seal popped out.

The green lotus seal hovered over his head, and in an instant it turned into a phantom of a green lotus about ten feet in size.

The green light is flowing, extremely gorgeous.

Without stopping for a moment, Liu Haiyu flicked his fingers continuously, and blue water charms landed like flying fish around the green lotus shadow. There were hundreds of them, like fish playing with lotus, and they looked like a Tao formation.

The phantom of the green lotus in the middle of the Tao array echoes the power of the surrounding talismans, and blue arcs jump between the talismans and the green lotus. The power of the formation became stronger and stronger, and the shadow of the green lotus became more solid, until the lotus petals bloomed, shining brightly.

Liu Haiyu recited the secret words in his mouth: "Tao follows nature, the true meaning of Qinglian, Tao forms the universe, if water is always there..."

Immediately, his hands were a little apart.

"The Taoist Qinglian Realm falls!"

Suddenly, a layer of light blue barrier light descended from the Qinglian Dao Formation, covering Liu Haiyu's true form.

Under the cover of the power of the barrier, Liu Haiyu strolled into the opposite mountain.

The wandering ghosts in the ghost realm immediately swarmed up when they noticed someone was intruding.

"Woooooooo." The ghosts roared like a pack of hungry wolves.

Liu Haiyu remained unmoved and walked forward leisurely.

On the surface of the green lotus barrier around his body, there are green lotus lights and shadows flowing continuously, ejecting clusters of ruthless arcs that directly crush the ghosts that are approaching.

Those ghosts couldn't stop Liu Haiyu's pace at all, and he quickly penetrated deep into the ghost land.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Haiyu came to a huge stone tablet standing on the hillside.

The stone tablet is completely black, with three golden characters engraved on its surface: Wangui Cave. The font's strokes are weird, like three huge golden ghost claws, grabbing the viewer's soul.

Behind the stone tablet, a huge stone door has been opened, blowing out streams of lavender ghost mist.

"This is the entrance to the formation of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. The stone door of the formation is open. However, why is there a powerful aura of demonic spirits in this ghost mist? Could it be that a powerful demonic spirit has awakened within it? ?”

Liu Haiyu walked to the stone door and cast his blue water eyes, with blue water lights and shadows dancing in his eyes.

After a moment, he took away the blue water magic eye and thought in his mind: "Someone used the power of a superb formation to open the passage into the "Ten Thousand Ghost Cave", and caused almost no additional damage to the passage. To be able to do this It must be only the disciples of Tiangui Sect. Judging from the traces left after the stone door was opened, it shouldn’t have been long since there were demonic things inside, so let’s go in first.”

Liu Haiyu stretched out one hand to make a sword-finger shape, and when he activated his magic power, a sword-like light emitted from his fingertips.

Using his finger as a pen, he sketched back and forth on the mountain wall on the first floor of Shimen.

Chi chi chi, stone chips flew everywhere. After a while, a line of words Liu Haiyu came here appeared on the stone wall.

"Xu Yang will definitely know that I have entered it when he sees the handwriting I left."

Liu Haiyu nodded with satisfaction, then flashed and entered the passage behind the stone gate without hesitation, leaving only a group of blue stars in place, which gradually dissipated.

Half a day later.

In the distant sky opposite Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, an icy blue sword shadow flew towards me. Looking from a distance, there are two people on the flying sword. The flying sword was extremely fast, and it reached the opposite side of the mountain where Ten Thousand Ghost Cave was located in a blink of an eye.

The flying sword was pulled back, and two young men jumped from it. One of them was wearing a green shirt, with a dark demonic dragon about a foot in size lying on his shoulder. The other person was dressed in white clothes and had a face as frosty as snow. He carried an exquisite Dao sword sheathed on his back.

Without him, it was Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei who came here after coming out of the Confucian Temple.

Looking at the ghostly and foggy mountain opposite, Xu Yang said: "The mountain opposite should be Onizuka Mountain. The Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Formation we are looking for is right here."

"The ghost array is so huge, it must be a masterpiece of the Tiangui Sect." Zhan Yunfei said at the side.

Next, Zhan Yunfei activated the black ice barrier, and he and Xu Yang successfully passed through the surrounding ghost land and came to the black stone tablet with the three characters "Ten Thousand Ghost Cave" written on it.

"We're here. This is the entrance to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave." Zhan Yunfei looked at the black stone tablet and then at the stone door that opened behind the stone tablet and said.

Xu Yang saw the writings left by Liu Haiyu on the wall on one side of the stone gate and said: "It seems that fellow Daoist Liu Haiyu from Qinglian Dojo has entered the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave formation first."

"Look, Fellow Daoist Xu, the ghost mist pouring out of the passage behind this door contains a lot of demon spirit aura. There may be something going on in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave formation." Zhan Yunfei said with a solemn expression.

"It is indeed a very powerful demonic aura. It is even more powerful than the demon general Uda I encountered in the Rutian Holy Altar before. There is probably something that the demons covet in this Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Formation. Maybe it is a thousand years old. The powerful demon spirits that were suppressed before may have been leaked from the same demon formation as those in the Rutian Holy Altar, or it is certainly related to the plan of the shadow organization." Xu Yang said.

"Since there are monsters inside, what are we waiting for? We can just enter and kill them." Zhan Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said.

After the two reached an agreement, they walked side by side into the passage behind the stone gate.

In the alien space within the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Formation.

All around was a wilderness.

Above the wilderness, two young girls and an old man in gray robes were walking forward.

One of the girls was wearing a white dress as spotless as a white lotus emerging from the water. Her eyelashes were like brushes and her eyes were like pools. She didn't need any makeup. She was naturally beautiful and charming.

There is another girl who looks slightly older than the girl in white. She was wearing a fiery red low-cut dress, with a curvy figure, and the corners of her eyes and lips were reddish, revealing a different kind of hot beauty.

The remaining old man in gray robe had white hair and silver beard, and a thin face. Under his shrewd eyes, there were two conspicuous dark circles, as if he had not slept for many days.

It was Ning Lin'er, Hong Begonia and Master Li who entered the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave in advance to carry out the task of repairing the seal.

Master Li held his "Soul Burial Mirror" with one hand and led the way. Ning Lin'er held a set of white formation flags, and Hong Haitang held a pair of fiery red daggers in her hands, following Master Li with a serious expression.

At this moment, a zombie ghost rushed over diagonally. The zombie ghost had livid skin, a head as big as a bucket, and sharp claws like beasts. The strange thing is that his two eyes are crystal purple and exude a demonic spirit.


The zombie ghost roared like a hungry wolf pouncing on its prey.

When Master Li saw this, he calmly showed the ancient scroll in his hand. The four words "Spirit Burial Treasure Mirror" on the surface of the scroll suddenly spread out into a large area of ​​gold.

"Get in the way, you kid!"

Suddenly, a golden light erupted from the treasure mirror and rolled up the zombie ghost that rushed over. Nuo Da's zombie ghost suddenly shrank in size, and was sucked into the treasure mirror with the golden light.

Master Li put away the soul-burial treasure mirror in his hand, as if nothing had happened.

"Master Li, the ghost spirit in this formation has been demonized. It seems that the seal of the formation has probably been completely destroyed." Hong Haitang said.

Master Li frowned slightly, and then said: "The situation may not be as bad as you said. Along the way, we have encountered many demonized ghosts, but not a real demon. If If the seal is completely destroyed, a real monster will appear. Therefore, it can be judged that the seal is probably loose, and the sealed monster exudes powerful demonic power and infects the ghost spirit here. As for the location of the seal, I believe that with Lin'er's formation skills, the seal can be restored to its original state."

"Lin'er will do her best to complete the task of repairing the seal." Ning Lin'er said obediently.

"It's just that the further we go to the center of the formation, the more powerful the demonized ghost formation spirits we encounter will be. In order to reduce the risk, we must try our best to bypass those extremely powerful formation spirits that protect the formation." Master Li said.

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