True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 662 Qi Mu’s Faith

Zhan Yunfei held the Ice Soul Sword in his right hand, and his left hand turned into the shape of a sword finger. He tapped the Ice Soul Sword's blade several times. As little white halos splashed out, the Ice Soul Sword's blade suddenly shook.

"Buzz!" A sword roared.

Astonishingly, a powerful icy force overflowed from the Ice Soul Sword.

The sword energy flies like snow. The edge of the sword is frosty.

In an instant, the powerful Black Ice Sword Domain swung away with the Ice Soul Sword as the center.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, my Xuanbing Sword Domain can freeze incoming attacks at any time, unless the force of the attack far exceeds the limit of my soul power." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Junior brother Yunfei, I believe in your ability. But the power of the bow on the opposite altar is not trivial. We should be more cautious for a while." Qi Mu said, standing side by side with Zhan Yunfei.

Qi Mu turned his left hand and pinched a stack of golden talismans in his palm. In his right hand, he tightly grasped the wooden hairpin left by Lu Qingyun, which had the power of a saint.

The two of them were well prepared and began to cautiously approach the altar opposite.

One step, two steps, three steps... step by step.

Just when the two of them were close to the altar and still seven feet away from it, the defensive restrictions on the altar discovered the intruder. The entire altar shook with a buzz, the runes on its surface flowed, and the holy light shone brightly.

Click click click.

With the sound of stones rubbing against each other, the top of the altar was filled with colorful brilliance.

Among the colorful brilliance, a world-shaking "divine bow" appeared.

This bow is completely ivory white, of unknown texture, with colorful spiritual mist lingering on the surface.

The next moment, a colorful beam of light soared into the sky from the treasure bow, stirring the colorful auspicious clouds. In the colorful clouds, there seems to be a majestic sound, like a divine song.

The artifact appears and is extraordinary.

As soon as the colorful light converged, the treasure bow automatically changed its direction as if it were alive, pointing accurately at the approaching Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu.

Immediately afterwards, the bow string of the treasure bow seemed to be pulled by invisible divine power until the bow was as full as the moon.

On the bow string, the spiritual light swirled, and a colorful light arrow appeared on the bow.

At the tip of the light arrow, a ball of colorful brilliance condensed rapidly, condensing the spiritual power in the void and the blessing power of the altar into one point.

"No, it's the "Saint's Bow"!" Qi Mu exclaimed when he saw this.

Zhan Yunfei on the side, as a talented disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, of course also knew the legend of the "Saint's Bow".

The Saint's Bow is a magical weapon forged by a Confucian Saint. Not only does he have the power of archery, one of the six arts of Confucianism, but he also has the power of a powerful saint imprinted on it. The strongest attack power of a saint's bow is comparable to the strongest blow from a Confucian saint.

However, if you want to exert the full power of the saint's bow, I am afraid that only a true Confucian saint can do it. The Confucian saints are all powerful people in the Confucian sect, and they are all people who understand the great way of the Confucian sect. Most of the Confucian sect saints will achieve the body of a true immortal, break through the void, and ascend to the immortal world.

There are only a handful of people in the long history who are as powerful as the Yu Dao Sect and have achieved the body of a Confucian saint. In the past five hundred years, only one person in the Yu Dao Sect has achieved the body of a saint, and that is Lu Qingyun.

The saint's bow on the altar is activated by the formation with the powerful power of the altar. Only when it is ready can it launch an attack.

Zhan Yunfei knew the power of the saint's bow in his heart, and he clearly saw that the saint's bow on the altar had been activated.

If he and Qi Mu turned around and ran away, they would be shot by the saint's bow even though they were thousands of feet away. The result can only be that one of him and Qi Mu will die.

"Before, Senior Brother Qi Mu has already sacrificed his life once to protect me from retreating safely. This time, no matter what, we cannot let Senior Brother Qi Mu risk his life again."

A thought flashed through Zhan Yunfei's mind and he made up his mind, "Senior Brother Qi Mu, let me take the responsibility this time."

After finishing his words, Zhan Yunfei threw the Ice Soul Sword in front of him.

The ice blue Ice Soul Sword swirled and hovered opposite Zhan Yunfei.

Without stopping for a moment, Zhan Yunfei spit out a mouthful of his own essence and landed on the Ice Soul Sword opposite him.

Instantly, a whirlwind of ice swirled on the surface of the Ice Soul Sword.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the ice wind condensed, and in a blink of an eye, a mysterious ice shield about ten feet in size appeared. On the surface of the ice shield, there is a shadow of a "three-eyed ice general".

The ice shield showed strong freezing power and defensive power, and had frozen the surrounding air like iron.

Qi Mu on the side naturally knew what Zhan Yunfei was going to do, and he quickly calculated the next countermeasures in his mind. As a master of talismans and formations, his observation and inference abilities are top-notch.

"If I retreat alone now, all the power of the arrow from the saint's bow will definitely fall on Junior Brother Yunfei. Even with the power of the saint's bow, even if it is stronger than Junior Brother Yunfei, it may not be able to safely block this arrow. Suppose the saint's bow is stronger than Junior Brother Yunfei's. The bow fired a second arrow in a row, and I was afraid that I would also be hit. The distance between the two of us and the saint's bow was only about seven feet. I still had the wooden hairpin left by Immortal Master Lu Qingyun in my hand, which contained a portion of the saint's power. . It may not be possible to surrender this bow by using advance as a retreat.”

Thinking of this, Qi Mu shouted: "Junior Brother Yunfei, let's give it a try."

After saying this, Qi Mu threw out a stack of golden talismans on his left hand.

The five fingers of his left hand continued to play spells, and the stack of talismans was like a trained bird, accurately connecting to form an array of talismans in mid-air.

There was a "buzz" sound.

The talisman formation was activated, and as the arc of electricity moved, a phantom of a golden mountain several feet in size condensed on it. There are clusters of golden runes flowing on the surface of the Jinshan phantom, and its powerful defense is stronger than the real Jinshan.

At this moment, the saint's bow on the opposite side had already shot the arrow.

It was a colorful arrow of light, incorporeal, but with powerful destructive power.

A streak of colorful light shot straight through the air at such a speed that the naked eye could not catch any trace.

There was a crisp "bang" sound.

The Jinshan Talisman formation that Qi Mu imagined was shot through by the power of this arrow. The sky was filled with golden light, and the talismans that were the basis of the formation were backfired by the power of the formation and collapsed on their own.

And the colorful arrow barely paused.

Click, click, click.

The colorful light arrow entered Zhan Yunfei's Xuanbing Sword Domain, and the surface of the colorful light arrow was immediately covered with a layer of frost. But the ice just touched the surface of the seven-colored light arrow and was melted by the power of the saint contained on it.

Although the speed of the colorful light arrow slowed down a bit due to the obstruction of Xuanbing Sword Domain, it still moved forward indomitably.


With a crisp sound, the colorful light arrow landed on the black ice shield that Zhan Yunfei used as a guide to sacrifice the Ice Soul Sword.

The colorful arrow of light instantly punched a hole in the black ice shield. Click, click, and spiderweb-like fine lines appeared on the surface of the black ice shield, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Facing the crisis, Zhan Yunfei's face was stern, without any trace of panic. He mobilized all his magic power and injected it crazily into the black ice shield. The black ice shield was transformed from the Ice Soul Sword, and the Ice Soul Sword was his natal sword. This time, Zhan Yunfei almost blessed his whole body with energy.

His Kung Fu aura suddenly exploded.

White robes and flying snow, swords and ice songs!

Driven by Zhan Yunfei's soul power, the Xuan Ice Shield was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. It actually temporarily resisted the momentum of the colorful light arrow.

The colorful arrows of light were still whirling, the three-eyed soldiers on the surface of the black ice shield flickered in and out, and ice shards flew around.

And at the moment when Zhan Yunfei used the power of the black ice shield to withstand the impact of the colorful light arrows.

Qi Mu on the side stood up. The distance of seven feet, for him, a monk at the second level of Yuanhun Realm, was as simple as a child taking one step.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Mu, like a big bird with spread wings, reached the sky above the altar and descended from the sky.

He grasped the wooden hairpin tightly with both hands and suddenly stabbed it towards the place where the saint's bow was.

And just when Qi Mu thought he was going to succeed.

The runes on the surface of the lower altar were flowing rapidly, and the entire altar trembled.

A group of colorful light spots spun out from the surface of the "Saint's Bow".

The seven-colored light spots condensed and turned into arrows of light about six feet long, and then shot out spontaneously. Although the power was far less than the arrow shot by the saint's bow just now, at such a close distance, Qi Mu had no room or chance to escape.

Seeing this, Qi Mu bit his silver teeth and shouted in his heart: "We must not retreat."

"Puff, puff, puff."

Six bloody lines penetrated Qi Mu's back.

Qi Mu suddenly fell onto the altar, and the wooden hairpin in his hand was only a few inches away from the saint's bow.

At this moment, Qi Mu's mouth overflowed with bright red, and his vision became blurred. His internal organs were destroyed, his heart pulse was broken, and he only had half a breath left.

The scene before this mission flashed in his mind when he left the Hado Gate.

In the main hall of Yu Dao Sect, the silver-haired and long-browed elder Lan Xingjun personally handed the wooden hairpin left by Lu Qingyun into Qi Mu's hands.

"Qi Mu, among the many disciples of the Yu Dao Sect, you are one of the people I trust the most. Not only because you and I both belong to the lineage of Lan Yu Feng, but also because I know your character and abilities. . This time, the mission to the Green Fire Demon Realm is of great importance. After much thought, you are the best candidate. You are thoughtful and responsible, and you are good at talismans and formation arrangements, so you are better than others. Better cope with the various formation restrictions in the "Confucian Temple".

"Thank you, Great Elder, for thinking so highly of me. I will definitely fulfill my mission and complete this mission." With that said, Qi Mu took the wooden hairpin with both hands and put it away carefully.

"In addition, this time I decided to send Zhan Yunfei to go with you. Although Zhan Yunfei is not old, his talent is outstanding. He is also one of the key disciples trained by Yudao Sect. Let him go with you this time The Qinghuo Demon Realm has completed its mission, so you won’t refuse, right?” Blue Star Lord said.

"Of course Qi Mu is willing to carry out the mission with Junior Brother Yunfei. Junior Brother Yunfei's talent, in terms of combat power, is still above me. With such a powerful helper, of course I am willing. In this mission, I I will do my best to ensure the safety of Junior Brother Yunfei, please rest assured, Great Elder."

"That's good." Lan Xingjun said.

After that, Qi Mu turned around and exited the hall.

Lan Xingjun looked at Qi Mu's leaving figure and said to himself: "Zhan Yunfei is one of the candidates of our Yu Dao Sect who will participate in the Heavenly Fairy Competition in the future. This boy practices Xuanbing Kung Fu, but his belief is still not cold enough. . Only when his faith and his skills are aligned can he make further progress. I hope that this harsh experience in the Green Fire Demon Realm will make him realize what faith is like ice. I hope you both can return safely. "

in the real world.

The saint's bow on the altar was ruthlessly drawn to its full length again, and the second arrow on the bowstring was already pointing at Zhan Yunfei. At this moment, Zhan Yunfei was trying his best to defend against the first arrow. If the second arrow was shot, the consequences would be disastrous.

Times of crisis.

Qi Mu endured the immense pain and had only one belief in his heart: "I want to complete the task assigned to me by Elder Lan Xingjun and protect Junior Brother Yunfei Zhouquan."

Not knowing where the strength came from, he pressed the fingers of his left hand on the gap of the altar and moved his body forward a few inches.

The hand he was holding tightly on the wooden hairpin was covered with blood spurted from his own body, dyeing the wooden hairpin bright red.

With a snap, he inserted the wooden hairpin in his right hand into the saint's bow.

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