True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 654 The power of ice soul

Thousand-faced ghost became greedy and wanted to turn the opposite Zhan Yunfei into one of his ghost slaves.

"I still have an important mission at the moment, so I can't delay it. For this mission, I have received a military order from Master Shadow. If the mission ultimately fails due to my mistakes, Master Shadow will blame me. I, the Thousand-Faced Ghost, will There are really a thousand faces, and I am afraid that none of them will be killed by the Shadow Master. If you want to turn this Zhan Yunfei into one of my ghost slaves, you need to use thunderbolt methods to find one and your senior brother. If someone with a similar personality and body becomes my ghost slave, my most adorable senior brother may not be bored. So this time, even if I have to fight for the ghost slave body of Qingyan Monk, it is worth it."

"Thousand-faced Ghost" made a decision in his heart, and the ghost slave "Qingyan Monk" under his control looked at Zhan Yunfei opposite with greed in his eyes.

"Zhan Yunfei, let me see where your coldest limit is."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Qingyan Monk's" Kung Fu body aura suddenly increased again. The monk's robes flew across his body like a battle flag, making a rattling noise in the air.

The powerful soul domain emitted by the Qingyan Monk suddenly turned the surrounding area into dark brown, the ground collapsed, and the void was compressed to produce traces of arcs of electricity.

At this moment, in the Zifu space in the body of "Qingyan Monk", a palm-sized and exquisite gilt Buddha lamp has been lit. The appearance of Qingyan Monk's body is clearly reflected in the light of a large bean on the Buddhist lamp. The Qingyan monk in the light showed pain on his face, but he couldn't control himself.

Immediately afterwards, the "Qingyan Monk" suddenly squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. His face was exposed with blue veins, and the corners of the Buddha's clothes even shattered in the strong wind, and mana was poured into it crazily.

In the rock soul domain in front of Qingyan Monk, a huge silver spiritual vortex suddenly appeared. Clusters of pale golden electric snakes were scurrying around the edge of the vortex, and a dark space passage appeared in the middle of the vortex. It was unknown where the other end led to.

"Psychic Buddha Rock Vajra!"


Along with the huge sound, a mountain as high as a hundred feet suddenly rose up from the whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, layers of rocks peeled off from the surface of the 100-foot-high mountain, revealing its true appearance. It was a 100-foot-tall rock giant.

The rock giant body shows a pale golden brilliance, as if a god has descended.

After a moment, the giant's closed eyes suddenly opened, with bright golden light shining in them.

The rock giant glanced down at Qingyan Monk, curled his lips, and then said: "Qingyan Monk, you little monk, you really don't think you have a long life. Once again, you did not hesitate to burn the fire of your life soul to summon me. This time again What powerful opponent did you encounter?”

The voice of the rock giant stirred up the void like rolling thunder.

"His opponent is me." Zhan Yunfei responded proactively, taking a step forward, white clothes flying with snow, jade face covered with frost.

Circles of ice-blue soul realms continued to unfold with Zhan Yunfei's feet as the center, creating waves of ice.

In the void behind Zhan Yunfei, the three-eyed ice figure became more and more solid, as if it was about to step out in the next moment.

"This boy can actually summon such a powerful fighting force as the Ice God General, but it's a pity that it's just a Dharma form." The rock giant turned to look at the Qingyan Monk, "Old rules, you have to pay a reward for letting Lord Benyan Buddha take action. .The stronger the opponent, the more spirit stones are needed.”

"It has been prepared for you." Qingyan Monk immediately replied.

Qingyan Monk quickly took out a heavy spirit stone storage bag from his arms and threw it up.

Baizhangyan Buddha skillfully stretched out his huge palm and firmly caught the storage bag thrown by Qingyan Monk. Then he dexterously opened the storage bag with the tips of his two fingernails and shook the bottom back and forth.

With a crash, a mountain-like pile of spiritual stones poured out of the storage bag in an alluring white light.

Lord Yanfo's eyes suddenly glowed with blue light, "Good stuff."

He held it with his hands and opened his mouth, and the pile of high-grade spiritual stones like a hill fell completely into his mouth.

Bang, bang, like chewing broad beans, the spiritual stone was bitten into pieces by the Rock Buddha, and then swallowed directly into the belly.

"The taste is still so pure, so I have the strength to fight with others!" Baizhang Yanfo said excitedly.

"You only need to help me suppress the soul realm of the white-clothed Confucian opposite. The rest will be handled by the young monk himself. I will capture him alive." Qingyan Monk said.

"This is simple. Since I have eaten your spirit stone, your request will be met." Baizhang Rock Buddha said with confidence.

But at the next moment, Baizhang Rock Buddha had to become serious.

Zhan Yunfei opened his mouth and spat out, and a ray of white light flew out of his mouth.

The white light dimmed, and an iceman about an inch in size appeared. The Iceman is crystal clear, but his appearance is exactly the same as Zhan Yunfei's.

The little ice man whirled around and turned into the size of a person in an instant. It was the ice clone that Zhan Yunfei sacrificed.

As soon as the ice clone appeared and saw the Baizhang Rock Buddha opposite, he knew that Zhan Yunfei had encountered a powerful opponent, but he showed no sign of retreating.

"Master, let these guys on the opposite side see what the true power of ice soul is." The ice clone said.

The clones of monks generally only appear among high-level monks.

Sacrificing a clone is equivalent to stripping off part of the monk's ability and recreating a spiritual body. It not only requires talent and strong skills, but also luck to succeed. When monks sacrifice their clones, only one person succeeds. If they fail, they may end up with their body torn apart. Therefore, most cultivators would not take the risk of cultivating a clone.

It is extremely difficult to obtain a clone, but once the sacrifice is successful, the benefits are self-evident. Not only does he have an extremely loyal and powerful auxiliary force, but he can also use the power of his avatar to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing skills.

Zhan Yunfei's ice clone, like his Ice Soul Sword, was sacrificed from the mysterious ice spirit obtained from the ten thousand-year ice field in the far north.

With the help of this ice clone, Zhan Yunfei's cultivation speed is also very terrifying. In just more than ten years, his cultivation level has broken through from the realm of transformation, cultivation, and true elixir to the soul realm. And the foundation is extremely solid and strong. Even some monks who have been in seclusion for hundreds of years may not have the same foundation as Zhan Yunfei.

The next moment, the ice clone turned into a stream of blue light and sank into the Ice Soul Sword in Zhan Yunfei's hand.

The originally very powerful Ice Soul Sword instantly rose to an exaggerated level.

Zhan Yunfei held up the Ice Soul Sword in his hand, and at the same time recited the secret words in his mouth: "Ice Soul will lead, in the realm of mysterious ice, the Ice General will obey orders..."

The Ice Soul Sword buzzed, like the sound of divine thoughts, traveling through the void interface.

Immediately afterwards, a thick white light pillar suddenly rose into the sky from the Ice Soul Sword.

Suddenly, in the high sky, snow clouds rolled, snow fell for hundreds of miles, and the heaven and earth were dyed.


A burst of thunder sounded, and among the snow clouds, the true form of a hundred-foot-tall ice general descended impressively.

This ice general has three eyes on his head, wears clear ice armor, and holds a sky-shaking ice hammer. He looks down at the world with the power of a divine general, and is followed by an unrivaled cold air.

Between heaven and earth, it feels like winter has entered in an instant.

When a hundred feet of ice will fall to the ground, all the grassland ten miles around will be frozen.

"Zhan Yunfei, this is the first time you have called me out to help you in battle, which really makes me a little excited." The three-eyed ice general looked at the Baizhang Rock Buddha opposite, "Is this the stone man opposite?"

When Baizhang Rock Buddha saw the Three-Eyed Ice General calling him a stone man, a ball of anger suddenly arose in his heart, and he retorted: "You big ice pimple, let me, Baizhang Rock Buddha, smash your head with my giant fist."

As soon as he finished speaking, Baizhang Rock Buddha raised his fists high and slammed them towards the opposite side.

The surface of the giant fist exuded tremendous coercion, as if Mount Tai was hanging upside down, cracks opened in the void, and purple electricity flew randomly in the cracks.

The three-eyed ice general on the opposite side did not give in. He raised the sky-shaking ice hammer in his hand and brought it down with one strike.

The next moment, the moves of the two hundred-foot giants collided.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a moment, the rock and soil cracked, ice crystals scattered, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the strong wind blew back for hundreds of miles, really like the wrestling of gods.

Such a huge battle scene is no longer something that ordinary monks can understand. Far more than an ordinary psychic fight. The Baizhang Rock Buddha and the Three-Eyed Ice General are both high-level existences in the art of necromancy.

In this round of battle, Zhan Yunfei's performance was stunning and decisive. With his cultivation level at the first level of Yuanhun Realm, he forcibly performed the psychic technique. Moreover, the one who channeled was a very high-grade three-eyed ice general.

Although the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo who were hiding behind and watching the battle were not affected, they were already impressed in their hearts.

"This is the real war over spiritualism."

"Fortunately, Sir Right Envoy is here, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to defeat the boy opposite called Zhan Yunfei. I remember his name."

Mu Qi, who had been hiding behind Zhan Yunfei to cast spells, was constantly pouring magic power into the "Wood Rat" he held in his hand.

The wood rat's eyes flashed with aura, its tail waggled, and its body showed a seal character "Escape".

"In a few more breaths, my "Escape Rat" can be activated.


"I'm a little hungry, I have to go, Big Ice Pimple, we must decide the winner next time." Baizhang Rock Buddha glanced at the three-eyed ice general opposite, then patted his stomach with his hand and threw out One sentence.

Without waiting for the Qingyan Monk to greet him, the huge figure of the Baizhang Rock Buddha turned into a brown stream of light and disappeared into the rock soul realm below.

And what Zhan Yunfei channeled, the tall body of the "Three-Eyed Ice General" also became blurred.

"Boy Zhan Yunfei, it seems that your soul power is not strong enough yet to maintain the powerful soul space I need for a long time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanmubing turned his tall body into a blue light and disappeared.

The otherworldly beasts or otherworldly divine powers summoned by spiritism require the soul space provided by the caster to exist. Otherwise, it will be suppressed by the power of the interface and collapse directly. Because of this, spiritism consumes quite a lot of soul power. Even Daoming realm monks cannot maintain the existence of spiritism for a long time.


"Zhan Yunfei is really becoming more and more popular. I didn't expect that he can perform such a powerful psychic technique when he is at the first level of Yuanhun Realm. And he is as cold and cold as his senior brother. , as my ghost slave, it is perfect." Thousand-faced ghost's greed is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, the Thousand-faced Ghost who controlled the ghost slave "Qingyan Monk" discovered that Qi Mu, who had been hiding behind Zhan Yunfei, was controlling a small magic circle. Thousand-faced Ghost is well-informed and can recognize the teleportation type formation at a glance.

Immediately he sent a message: "Why are you two still standing there? I will deal with this Zhan Yunfei. You two will go over and kill the gray-robed Confucian scholar behind him."

As soon as he finished speaking, the "Qingyan Monk" jumped up and launched a fierce attack on Zhan Yunfei with a hand-to-hand fighting style. The shadows of his fists overlapped like waves and were as powerful as mountains. In the blink of an eye, he could punch a hundred times.

Zhan Yunfei responded with the Ice Soul Sword in his hand. The light of the sword was frosty, and the sword's intention was like snow. Although he is not at a disadvantage for the time being, he cannot easily escape.

The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo behind Qingyan Monk saw the opportunity and rushed towards Qi Mu who was doing the trick at the same time.

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