True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 640 Demonized Herring

At the moment when A'Zhu's Fire Feather Killing Formation move suddenly fell.

A ray of light cyan sword light struck A'Zhu's Fire Feather Killing Formation move in just a flash.

The sword blade flew like a herring hitting the water, one after another, layer by layer, one after another, the sword intention was like a tide, surging and huge.

The Fire Feather Killing Formation displayed by A'Zhu was not unpowerful, but in front of this light cyan sword light, it was as weak as paper.

The cutting of the sword intent contained in the sword light was so small that it could not be detected by the naked eye. Thousands of feathers of fire breath were cut to pieces in an instant, turning into countless tiny sparks and escaping in all directions.

Not only was the Fire Feather move cut off, but A'Zhu's divine consciousness was also cut off by this sword, making it impossible for A'Zhu to immediately use the second move.

The sword light converged, revealing the little Taoist priest's true form.

The little Taoist priest first glanced at the woman's stone carving with concern, and said affectionately: "Goddess, I didn't hurt you just now."

The woman's stone carving didn't suffer the slightest blow from A'Zhu's moves, so she was naturally fine.

Suddenly, purple light flashed from the woman's stone eyes, and the light swirled, revealing a purple vortex.

A strange wave of demonic power swayed from the purple vortex.

The little Taoist priest immediately held his head in his hands, showing signs of pain.

After a moment, when the little Taoist priest took his hands away from his head, his eyes had turned purple, like a pair of purple magic crystals, exuding frightening magic power.

At the same time, the aura emanating from the little Taoist priest's body suddenly became demonic. Purple light snakes emitted from the little Taoist priest's body. The demonic spiritual power had become substantial.

At this moment, the fire bird transformed by A'Zhu gathered and revealed the true form of the fire girl.

A'Zhu looked at the changes in the little Taoist priest opposite him with a surprised look on his face, and thought to himself: "This real Qingyu's movements are so fast, it's almost like teleportation. Just a casual sword broke my Fire Feather Killing Formation." He is indeed a formidable opponent. But no matter what, I must find a way to complete the task assigned to me by Xu Xiaoxian."

Thinking in his mind, A'Zhu showed determination and glanced at the stone carving of a woman behind the little Taoist priest.

At this time, the body surface of the woman's stone carving was undergoing incredible changes. The originally petrified skin gradually became smooth and shiny, becoming more and more like a person, more like a living beauty.

"You have to pay the price for your rudeness." The little Taoist stared at A'Zhu in front of him and said in a cold tone. The uninhibited and free attitude before was completely gone.

After saying this, the little Taoist priest raised one hand. His raised arm was like a sword pouch, and a purple sword blade shot out from his hand, targeting A'Zhu opposite him.

A'Zhu immediately realized the danger of this sword light. His whole body was filled with fire breath, and his body showed the phantom of a Suzaku with a long neck and long tail. His figure flew back, as fast as flying wings.

Although A'Zhu's speed was already very fast, the sword edge swung by the little Taoist priest seemed to be even faster.

"A'Zhu, be careful." The person who spoke was Xu Yang, who was standing far away. Before he finished speaking, Xu Yang had already rushed up, with black dragon wings flying behind him, flying close to the ground.

But even so, it seems that Xu Yang's movements are still a little slow. The sword that the little Taoist priest offered passed in front of A'Zhu in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a blue water shadow flashed in front of A'Zhu. In the water shadow, there are blue water talismans flying.

The shadow in the water converged, revealing a handsome man in blue clothes like water.

Without him, it would be Liu Haiyu.

Liu Haiyu had been fighting with the little Taoist priest, but found that the little Taoist priest suddenly changed his course of action, and the target was A'Zhu who was close to the woman's stone carving.

Liu Haiyu immediately realized that A'Zhu was in a dangerous situation, and used the Tao Talisman Escape Technique to stop behind A'Zhu.

"Senior, your opponent is me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Haiyu raised the Ruoshui sword in his hand.

The sword edge was like a flying sickle, heading towards the herring sword slashed by the little Taoist priest.


There was a loud noise, the sword was clanging, and it shattered like an explosion.

After a while, the power of both sides' moves dissipated.

At this moment, the little Taoist priest's body seemed to have been completely demonized. His eyes were as round as purple balls of light, and the cyan Taoist clothes on his body were also dyed purple by the purple demonic energy he released. The strand of hair scattered in front of the little Taoist priest's forehead was whipped by the demonic energy, flying around like a snake.

"All three of you will pay a price." The little Taoist priest said coldly.

"Thank you Mr. Liu for your help." A'Zhu, who was out of danger, quickly thanked him. At this moment, A'Zhu realized even more how stupid her impulse was. She could not deal with the little Taoist priest on her own.

"You're welcome." Liu Haiyu said.

At this moment, Xu Yang's body had also fallen in front of A'Zhu, and he said with concern: "A'Zhu, be careful."

A'Zhu looked at Xu Yang and smiled cutely, no need to say anything. The relationship between the two people does not need to be so simple.

"Hai Yu, senior Qingyu has been demonized by the woman's stone carving. Let's fight side by side. If we want to awaken senior from his demonized consciousness, we can only defeat him." Xu Yang said.

"You are right, the current situation is no longer as simple as me and him practicing swordsmanship." Liu Haiyu responded.

The aura emanating from the little Taoist priest's body became more and more violent, like an angry purple monster.

The little Taoist priest's body blurred and turned into the shape of a herring sword.

At the next moment, thousands of purple water lines sprang out from the sword body at the same time. These water lines weaved together and tightly wrapped the sword body of the Herring Sword.

Astonishingly, the herring sword jumped up and shot straight into the sky.

High in the sky, the sword energy transformed, and in a blink of an eye, the shadow of a hundred-foot-long purple demonic dragon appeared. There are bone spurs on the back of the demon dragon, and there are magic swirl marks swirling in its eyes, and the demonic power is terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, circles of purple light waves emitted from the body surface of the hundred-foot demon dragon, containing the unparalleled sword domain laws, delineating the realm of the demon dragon.

At the same time, water-like ripples appeared in the void behind the Baizhang Demonic Dragon. Among the ripples, the shadow of a huge waterfall reaching the sky was actually reflected.

This huge waterfall connected to the Milky Way is tens of thousands of feet high. It flies down to the sky for nine days, surrounded by fairy mist, and reveals an awe-inspiring Taoist power. It is the phantom of the "Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall" from the Taoist world. It is a place of divine domain.

Looking carefully, in the shadow of Nuo Da's Nine Heavens Black Waterfall, a small herring was swimming upstream from below, but at this moment, the originally clear eyes of the small herring turned purple.

The next moment, the little herring leapt up, changed its fate against the will of heaven, and took on the shape of a hundred-foot-long purple dragon.

A dragon roar shook the world.

My swordsmanship is Qinglong!

Sword master, herring roe.

Sword domain, Qinglong domain.

With sword intent, the fish jumped over the dragon gate.

The three are perfectly integrated into one, and with the blessing of the Nine Heavens Black Waterfall in the Divine Realm, their power is comparable to a divine skill.

This move of my own, Qinglong, was originally one of the killing moves of Qingzhi.

It's just that this move at this moment has the power of demonization, which is not so pure, but the power can still destroy the world.

In an instant, a thousand-foot-long demonic dragon swam in the nine heavens, and thousands of sword lights shocked the heaven and earth.

The demonized little Taoist priest used his killing move to kill Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and A'Zhu in front of him.

At the moment when the little Taoist priest made his move, Xu Yang and the others naturally responded.

"Ming Lin, it's time to fight." Xu Yang hurriedly sent a message.

"Master Xu Yang, Ming Lin is ready." Ming Lin responded promptly.

Immediately afterwards, Ming Lin's body turned into a black shadow and disappeared on Xu Yang's shoulder.

The next moment, the consciousnesses of Ming Lin and Xu Yang were completely integrated.

A huge demonic dragon power spread out from Xu Yang's body.

Click, click, click.

After a series of crisp sounds, Xu Yang wore a set of black armor from head to toe.

Black dragon helmet, black dragon shoulder armor, black dragon breastplate, black dragon leg armor, black dragon wrist guards, black dragon combat boots, a total of six pieces of demon dragon armor are added to the body.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang flipped his right hand, and a purple-gold light lit up, which was the Four Fantasy Long Stick.

Xu Yang's left and right brains activated at the same time, the left brain activated the power of the underworld scale demon, and the right brain activated the power of the beacon fire and the power of the immortal wood spirit on the red blood elixir in the body.

On the red blood true elixir in the Zifu space in Xu Yang's body, two flashes of red and emerald green light flashed, releasing a torrent of strange power and rushing into the meridians. Under the fusion of its awe-inspiring heavenly veins, this torrent of strange force runs smoothly and freely through the meridians in the body.

Two different forces were immediately introduced into the four-magic long stick in his hand.

Two brilliant auras, red and green, visible to the naked eye, were circling back and forth on the surface of the four magic sticks like twin dragons, with two powerful forces injected into them. The four magic long sticks buzzed and trembled.

Circles of fire-colored ripples spread out in all directions from Xu Yang's feet. The fire-colored ripples were extremely hot, setting off heat waves, forming a fire breath field.

In the front left of the Fire Breath Domain, a ghost-like earth-gold flame spirit drags a hook-shaped scorpion tail, jumps up and down against the ground, and ignites a gurgling fountain of earth-gold flames.

In the front right of the Fire Breath Domain, a three-legged golden crow rose slowly in a round of golden light, like a born sun, spreading out solemn golden flames.

The two formations of the Red Blood Army Formation, assisted by the Flame Spirit of the Wheel and the Flame Spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha, were completed.

Immediately afterwards, in the Fire Breath Domain, Fire Breath Flags, Fire Breath Soldiers, Fire Breath Horses, and Fire Breath Feather Arrows poured out one after another, and the Fire Breath Domain instantly transformed into the Beacon Fire Domain.

In the realm of beacon fire, the Fire Breath soldiers will be waiting in formation, the Fire Breath war horses raise their heads and neigh, the Fire Breath feather arrows are on the strings... The blood of the Red Blood Army is boiling.

At this time, Xu Yang used the dolphin brain splitting technique to activate the beacon field while maintaining the posture of wearing the demon dragon armor!

Under Xu Yang's feet, in the center of the beacon field, a black demonic dragon fire suddenly appeared, whirling around his body.

The demon dragon realm reappears!

The power of two completely different fields merges perfectly into one place. To be precise, it should be that the power of the three domains is integrated at the same time, and the beacon domain also includes the blessing of the flame spirit domain. Beacon fire realm, flame spirit realm, demon dragon realm!

One person, I am in the Flame Spirit Realm!

I am in the Demon Dragon Realm alone!

One person, I am in the Beacon Fire Realm!

For a moment, the sound of charging horns in the Beacon Fire territory resounded through the sky.

Xu Yang held four magic long sticks in both hands and swung them down.

"Violent Technique: Beacon Fire Mad Dragon!"

Astonishingly, Guan Feng transformed into a thousand-foot black mad dragon, harnessing the power of the beacon fire and the power of the flame spirit to soar into the sky.

The beacon-fire mad dragon reigns supreme between heaven and earth.

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