Two days later, the first stage of the ring competition for the Evil Ghost Hall disciples recruitment kicked off.

According to regulations, the disciples participating in the competition are all elite disciples of the Tiangui Sect’s true elixir realm and below. Most of them are recommended by each branch. If they can stand out, it will be an honor for the branch.

There are also a few participants who signed up on their own initiative. Most of these disciples came with the idea of ​​giving it a try and taking a big test on themselves.

But Xu Yang had his own clear purpose, to enter the Evil Ghost Realm to obtain the Nine Nether Crystals and the Ghost Wood.

The standard of this competition is also very high within the Tiangui Sect. The competition location is set at the "War Soul Platform" on the "Yunjiao Peak" of the Tiangui Sect.

The main hall of the Tiangui Sect is entrenched in the Luoyu Mountains, among which there are countless peaks. Yunjiao Peak is just one of them. It is an isolated peak located in a wide basin. Its highest point is not as high as the sea of ​​clouds, so it is called Yunjiao Peak.

There are twenty-eight fighting soul platforms built at the top of Yunjiao Peak.

All fighting spirit platforms are square, more than two feet high and twenty feet wide. But the texture and ingredients are different.

Eight of the fighting soul platforms are all black and made of large pieces of ink jade. Their edges are covered with large pieces of gold foil. They are gorgeous and luxurious and are called the golden fighting soul platforms. It will only be enabled when competing between Yuanhun Realm monks within the sect.

There are another twenty fighting soul platforms made of silver. They are shining with silver and are called silver fighting soul platforms. Except for Yuanhun Realm monks, all important competitions within the sect are held on the Silver Soul Stage.

This time, the arena competition for the Evil Ghost Hall disciples recruitment will be set up on these twenty silver battle soul stages.

This competition was personally hosted by Yu Cheng, the leader of the Tiangui Sect.

Yu Cheng wears a sky-high crown on his head, a black beard floating on his chest, and wears a purple-black pine and moon embroidered brocade robe, sitting in the center of the VIP table.

Sitting on his left is Dongfang Qianting, the chief elder of the Enforcement Yuan in gray robes, and on his right is Ning Tianqi, the master of Fenggui Hall.

A middle-aged deacon in black loudly read out the competition rules: "This competition is divided into two groups. The disciples of the three major families, the Guigu family, the Yaksha family, and the Wuchang family, are divided into one group, and the remaining halls and families are The disciples are in another group. The rules of the competition are that 20 people from each group are randomly selected as temporary champions. The remaining people can challenge the 20 people at will. Those who are kicked off the ring are disqualified until no one challenges again. The final twenty people remaining in the arena will automatically be selected for the next stage of the Evil Ghost Path Trial."

The middle-aged deacon glanced at the disciples participating in the competition, paused, and continued: "The first thing to be held is the competition between the disciples of the three major families. I have asked the sect leader to personally select twenty temporary champions."

After saying that, he respectfully handed the bronze compass used to verify the identity of the collected disciples during registration to the seat of the sect leader Yu Cheng.

Yu Cheng stretched out one hand, and with a seemingly careless flick of his index finger, he fired out a spell. The bronze array plate trembled slightly, and a white stream of light swirled out from the center. The names of twenty people were clearly reflected in the stream of light.

The middle-aged deacon held the bronze array plate with both hands and placed it on his chest.

"Yaksha's violent rain, Impermanence Ridge, Guigu Nan..."

Next, the disciples on the list boarded the twenty Silver Soul Platforms one after another. Each of these disciples has bright eyes and high fighting spirit.

Behind each of them is one of the three major families, and the family glory is deeply imprinted in their blood.

Yu Cheng stood up from his seat, looked at the disciples on the opposite stage, and stroked his black beard under his chin with one hand, a look of satisfaction on his face. Then he announced loudly: "This Evil Ghost Hall disciple recruitment competition has officially begun."

The sound was as deep and high as a bell, passing through the void and clearly reaching the ears of everyone present.

The competition officially started, and the disciples who were ready to challenge went to the deacon offices under each ring to sign up, and some people jumped on the ring to challenge one after another.

For a time, the various arenas were filled with turbulence, fighting spirit, clashing of swords and guns, critical strikes of fists and feet, and the roar of spells.

Since the defensive restrictions around the arena have been activated, the competition outside the arena was not affected.

In this competitive competition, except for a few senior members of the sect who were invited to watch, only the registered disciples were allowed to watch, but the number of people was as many as five hundred.

Among them, disciples outside the three major families accounted for the majority, but they could only watch from a distance within the prescribed area. Xu Yang and Mu Jin were among them.

"Look, the champion on stage three over there has been on stage for a while, but no one has come up to challenge him." Mu Jin asked.

"I also noticed that just now the deacon called his name Guigu Zan. This person should be a powerful character. It seems that no one is willing to challenge him first if there are other opportunities to challenge him."

On the third stage, a young man with a short stature and a shriveled body stood in the center of the stage.

He was thin and thin, wearing a poorly cut blue shirt. He was like a piece of paper stuck on the ring, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

His skin was extremely smooth, and his exposed cheeks and arms were slightly glowing with light blue. He looked more like a person from another world, not a human race from the Zhongyuan world at all.

Under the No. 3 arena, there were many disciples from the three major families, but no one signed up to challenge.

"I originally wanted to see how powerful this "Gui Gu Zan" is, but it seems that the other disciples are intimidated by his reputation, and no one dares to challenge him."

"Gui Gu Zan is a person who came back from the Green Fire Demon Prison. His cultivation level has reached the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. He is a recent figure among the disciples of the Gui Gu family."

"Green Fire Demon Prison! Is that the place that is known as the ruins of the Death Demon Clan?"

"Yes, it is said that it was once an ancient battlefield where humans and demons fought, and many famous figures from the human and demon clans died there. Therefore, many people covet the relics there and take the risk to go there. We from Zhongyuan Realm There is a saying in the world of cultivation, "It is better to go to the Palace of Hell than enter the Blue Fire Demon Prison." However, Gui Gu Zan is the only person I have heard of returning safely from the Blue Fire Demon Prison in a hundred years."

"No wonder I haven't heard of this person before. He must have received great fortune in the Green Fire Demon Prison."

"It is said that his cultivation talent was originally very mediocre, but as a direct disciple of the Guigu family, he was sent to see the stables. Now he has become a disciple of the younger generation of the Guigu family and even the three major families who no one dares to easily provoke. exist."

"I've also heard that this man publicly challenged Guitani Feng, the leader of the Ghost Flame Hall, one of the Seven Great Halls, a few days ago. He actually fought for 300 rounds and only lost half a move in the end. He became famous in one battle."

"The Master of Guigu Feng Hall is a well-known figure in the sect, and he is also a long-established existence among the direct disciples of the Guigu family. His cultivation is already at the second level of Yuanhun Realm. Guigu Zan is currently only a cultivator of the True Alchemy Realm. Because, if this person is lucky enough to advance to the Soul Realm in the future, Bao Buqi can really defeat the Guigu Feng Hall Master."

The crowd in the audience commented.

Half an hour later, the champions on most of the arenas had changed. Only Guigu Zan on the third arena was still standing alone and motionless in the wind. Only the blue cloth he was wearing occasionally shook his head. The corners of his clothes were lifted up by the wind blowing from C. It seems that he was originally an old pine that grew there.

"I came a little late, and I can't get a spot in other places. This arena is clean. Friends standing in front, please give way and let Brother Niu and I challenge."

A loud voice from the crowd below the ring seemed particularly abrupt.

The person who spoke was eight feet tall, with a sturdy back and a muscular body. There was not a single hair on the center of his head, and his exposed scalp was shiny. The hair around it was not long but very thick, and a haircut was cut along the top of his ear. From a distance, it looks like a black bowl with its bottom missing, resting on your head.

After a while, the disciple who called himself Brother Niu entered the ring.

"Silver Soul Arena No. 3, Yasha Jingwu, a disciple of the Yasha family, challenges Guigu Zan, a disciple of the Guigu family." The black-robed deacon in charge of the No. 3 arena announced loudly.

"Hey, someone really went up to challenge me."

"Yaksha Jingwu is a famous monk among the younger generation of the three major families who cultivates both spirit and body. He loves beef and can eat a whole cow in one meal. People call him Brother Niu."

"Brother Niu is also at the pinnacle of the True Alchemy Realm. It is said that the last time he fought alone against three True Alchemy Realm monks from the Dao Sect, he still won. There is no doubt about his strong performance."

"The next battle between these two is really exciting."

"Even if I don't have the ability to enter the top 20, it is worthwhile to see such a high level of competition."

The crowd under the ring was whispering to each other.

Hibiscus, who had been watching the No. 3 ring from a distance, saw someone wanting to challenge Guigu Zan, and reminded Xu Yang beside him: "Someone is going up to the No. 3 ring to compete."

Xu Yang had also carefully watched the competitions in other arenas before, paying special attention to the competition among the disciples who were practicing in the True Alchemy Realm. He is worthy of being a disciple of the three major families. He is amazing and has a profound foundation.

Being able to see the skills and abilities displayed by masters in duels is not only an appreciation, but also a way to learn. Although I can only see a little bit of it, I have benefited a lot.

If Guitani Zan is still the best among them, it really makes people eager to see his outstanding style.

"The showdown between masters is undoubtedly a wonderful show." Xu Yang said.

On the third stage.

Guigu Zan and Yasha Jingwu stood face to face.

"Guigu Zan? Brother Niu, I'm here to challenge you." Brother Niu said with a fist, and then took a step forward.

But Guigu Zan remained motionless as before. It seemed that no one came up to challenge him in the ring. His confident eyes had already penetrated Yasha Jingwu's thick body, and his eyes were still focused on the distance.


This is what Brother Niu felt at this time, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

For Guigu Zan, all the disciples participating in this competition are not in his eyes, or more accurately, not in his heart.

It's not that he is arrogant and arrogant. Because he is a person who constantly sets goals for himself in order to grow.

His current target is Gui Gufeng, the man who has been called the genius of the Guigu family since he was born and is now the leader of the Tiangui Sect's war hall.

And he himself, from the moment he was born, made his father sigh: "It is a blessing for this child to live a mediocre and peaceful life."

It wasn't that his father didn't love him, but that he was born with physical defects, and the only spiritual veins he had were identified by the clan elders as false spiritual veins with no attributes.

Pseudo spiritual veins are shapeless spiritual veins, which are far inferior to the qualifications of a single spiritual vein that Xu Yang had when he first entered the world of cultivation. Monks with pseudo-spiritual veins will probably never be able to break through to the Void Realm in their lifetime.

And Guigu Zan is not only a pseudo-spiritual vein, but also a pseudo-spiritual vein with no attributes, which is extremely rare. Not only is he not good at learning martial arts with any attribute such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., without the physical attributes, it is also very difficult to learn each kind of martial arts. If not, the attributes of the martial arts will backfire and he will be seriously injured or disabled.

It seems that throughout his life, the word talent has been completely isolated from him. Growing up, the word he heard most often was "waste."

But Guigu Zan did not bow to fate, give in to difficulties, or feel inferior because of his shortcomings. He continued to set goals for himself one after another.

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