True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 167 The bloodthirsty wolf fire tassel

The moment Xu Yang subdued the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion Flame Spirit and turned it into a demon crystal, the virtual image of the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion in the purple mist in the underground palace on the other side suddenly collapsed as if it had lost its soul, and finally disappeared into the void.

The churning purple mist gradually became thinner, and the soul-awakening poison in it also disappeared without a trace as the spirit power of the scorpion disappeared.

The spirit scorpion subdued by Xu Yang is the only true body, the half of the puppet with the heart, and the phantom of the spirit scorpion that appears after the half-body puppet here is broken is just its clone. When the main body dies, the clone also dies.

"The purple mist seems to be getting thinner and thinner." Lu Qingyu said.

"It's better to be careful. This purple mist is really weird. It seems like someone is coming over there." Bai Muhua said, blocking Lu Qingyu's body, and stretched out a hand to naturally hold Lu Qingyu's soft jade hand.

Lu Qingyu glanced at Bai Muhua and let him hold her hand like this, her cheeks turned red.

The figures in the mist on the opposite side were getting closer and closer.

"It seems to be Miss Hibiscus and Leader Gui Dazui." Lu Qingyu said.

After a while, the figures of Bai Mujin and Gui Dazui emerged.

"This mist is really evil, and I finally found you." Gui Dazui said, looking at Bai Muhua in front of him in surprise, and his mouth was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth when he spoke.

"Who is this man?" Gui Dazui couldn't believe his eyes. The handsome young man in front of him clearly had the aura of the bald and iron-faced man who fought with him in the Stubborn Valley.

"Second Senior Brother, why have you become like this?" Bai Mujin's beautiful eyes looked wide in surprise.

Although Bai Muhua's appearance had changed, Bai Mujin had grown up with him, and the familiarity in his expression made Bai Mujin certain that the handsome man in front of him was his second senior brother, the former Zhu Xie'er, and now Bai Muhua.

Bai Muhua said sheepishly: "After I inhaled this purple mist, I somehow became what I am now."

"That's great, Second Senior Brother."

As Bai Mujin said that, he came closer, looked up and down carefully, and saw that Bai Muhua's hands and Lu Qingyu's hands were tightly held together.


"Oh, I, I just..." Bai Muhua hesitated, hesitating to speak, and then wanted to let go of Lu Qingyu's hand.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingyu's hand suddenly held him tightly and wouldn't let go.

"Miss Hibiscus, it's like this. Just now your second senior brother confessed his love to me, and I promised him." Although he was a little shy, he answered generously.

After saying that, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Bai Muhua, and Bai Muhua also looked at Lu Qingyu, and he couldn't help but like the woman in front of him more and more.

Once injured by the soul power of the scorpion hidden in the soul-awakening poison, the emotional entanglements that burst out are real. At this time, the two of them are just like a pair of lovers in love.

"Congratulations." Bai Mujin was happy for his second senior brother from the bottom of his heart.

"It looks like the purple mist is about to dissipate. We'd better go to another place to search. I don't know how the others are doing." Gui Dazui suggested.

Mu Jin, Gui Dazui, Mu Hua, and Lu Qingyu searched for other places in the underground palace together. The purple mist gradually dissipated, and their sight became farther and farther away.

"The figure over there seems to be the leader of the Jade Buddha." Bai Mujin said, pointing in a direction with his finger.

"Looking at the figure, he must be the leader of Jade Buddha." Gui Dazui, who had worked with Yu Buddha for a long time and was more familiar with Jade Buddha, said.

The four of them looked in that direction.

"Chief Jade Buddha, who were you attacked by? The situation of Chief Fat Toutuo doesn't look good."

The ghost said with a big mouth, and he quickly reached down and used his hand to detect Fat Toutuo's breath, and then shook his head helplessly and regretfully.

Bai Mujin, Bai Muhua, and Lu Qingyu held weapons in their hands and looked around vigilantly. They were horrified. It was extremely dangerous to be able to beat Jade Buddha and Fat Tou Tuo into such opponents.

"Don't look at it. There is no one else here. Fat Toutuo was killed by me." After Jade Buddha finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

The life-and-death duel just now was a life-and-death duel, but it was Fat Toutuo who fell, and he was still standing here by luck, a nightmare.

"Fellow Taoist, why is this?" After hearing this, Gui Dazui couldn't help but take a step back, wondering in his heart, is the Jade Buddha crazy?

"Fat Toutuo was originally a former enemy of mine and a capable subordinate of Linghu Xia, the chief minister of the West County. He changed his appearance and infiltrated Qinghua Mountain City under the alias Fat Toutuo."

Yu Fozi explained, and then looked at Lu Qingyu beside him.

Seeing this, Lu Qingyu quickly explained: "Master Tai, I really don't know anything about Fat Toutuo."

"Now that I think about it carefully, I may have been restrained by the soul-obsessing disturbance in the purple mist, and my disgust was amplified. Just now he wanted to kill me for revenge, and I suddenly wanted to kill him and then quickly. We fought each other to the death, One is dead and the other is injured." After saying this, Jade Buddha coughed violently, obviously suffering from serious internal injuries.

Then he looked at the other four people, his eyes stopped on Bai Muhua, and continued: "I see that there are no signs of fighting between the four of you. I guess you had no grudges before. This handsome young man is the leader of Bai Muhua. True face."

"Exactly, this purple mist has just cured my stubborn disease of spider poison."

"Hearing what Chief Yufozi said, I am a little worried about the two chief assistants, Linghu Xia and Dongling Jun. There has been a gap between the two of them, and if they meet together, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Cultivators will inevitably encounter unexpected events on their journey against heaven. Let the soul of leader Fat Toutuo rest in peace here." Bai Muhua said, flicking his finger, and a fire talisman fell on Fat Toutuo's body. Above, not long after, Fat-head Tuo Nuo's big body was hidden in the firelight.

At this time, the purple mist has become very thin, as if there is a layer of veil in the line of sight.

"The two chief assistants are over there." Bai Muhua's eyes were sharp and he first spotted the location of Linghu Xia and Dong Lingjun.

When a few people walked in to check, the situation was worse than expected. The two masters of the True Alchemy Realm didn't even have the strength to stand up. An ordinary mortal would knock them to the ground with a kick.

"Uncle Linghu, are you okay?" Lu Qingyu quickly stepped forward and helped Linghu Xia up.

Linghu Xia just blinked at Lu Qingyu, and the corners of her mouth trembled, but she couldn't utter a single word.

At this time, he only had half a breath, his mouth and nose seemed to be filled with lead water, and he could not speak at all.

Seeing this, Bai Muhua came over to help.

Lu Qingyu helped Linghu Xia sit half-sitting on the ground. Bai Muhua used one palm of his hand to inject Qi into Linghu Xia's back to help him heal his injuries.

On the other side, Gui Dazui and Bai Mujin bandaged the wound on Lord Dongling's chest.

After a while, the situation of the two first assistants improved slightly.

Looking into each other's eyes, the two of them couldn't help but put all their strength into their eyes, like swords clashing. After this fight to the death, the hatred became even more intense.

At this time, the strange purple mist in the underground palace had completely dissipated. The countless spiritual stones piled up in the center of the underground palace attracted the attention of a few people. The dim light emitted from it was like a mirror, and the greed of human nature was reflected naked.

"Since this place is not the exit of Xiaoxian Realm, it is not advisable to stay for a long time. The spirit stones here are ominous things. Let's go out from here first. I wonder what the conditions of my father and others are on the other side?" Lu Qingyu's tone was clear. He was worried about the safety of his father, Lu Wujie.

"Yes, I hope Xu Yang and the others are okay. Miss Qingyu and I will go to the other side to see the situation. Please ask Brother 2 and Brother Gui to send the injured out of this underground palace first." Bai Mujin was also very worried about Xu. Yang's safety.

"I agree with Junior Sister's approach." Bai Muhua expressed his stance.

"I also agree with Miss Hibiscus's idea." Gui Dazui said.

Several people helped the injured toward the exit of the underground palace.

Just as he was about to step into the corridor connecting the exit of the underground palace, a tall figure suddenly rushed in.

This man was holding a silver spear eight feet eight feet in his hand. The long red tassel flickering from the head of the spear emitted a fiery arrogance. The man who came was none other than General Ning Jing of the West County.

"General Ning, I wonder what the situation is over there. Why didn't my father come with you?" Lu Qingyu asked quickly when he saw General Ning Jing of the West alone.

Ning Jing hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Miss, please don't worry, Princess West has unrivaled skills and the trouble over there has been solved. Send me over to see what's going on here, miss."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the situation here, and there was an evil light in his eyes.

"General Ning, you have also seen that we were poisoned by Ziwu's soul-stirring poison. The two chief assistants were both injured, the Jade Buddha Master was seriously injured, and the Fat Toutuo leader died." Lu Qingyu said regretfully.

Ning Jing raised his eyes and looked at the vast amount of spiritual stones scattered in the depths of the underground palace that no one paid attention to. Then he looked at the people in front of him and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.


The laughter echoed like a demon wreaking havoc in the underground palace.

This sudden change left several others at a loss.

Amidst everyone's surprised eyes, Ning Jing's face darkened and he said sternly: "In this case, you guys can stay here and be buried with them."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Wolf Fire Changying" in his hand stabbed out like a silver snake with its bloody mouth open, and the direction of the stabbing was exactly where Lu Qingyu's petite figure was.

Ning Jing's already round eyes were now full of murderous looks, and he shouted fiercely in his heart: "Cut the grass and root it out!"

Lu Qingyu's surprised eyes were full of confusion. Although he didn't have much contact with General Ningjing on weekdays, every time he came into contact with him, Ningjing would leave a pleasant, honest and sincere look that was not commensurate with his fierce appearance. feel.

The distance between the two was too close, and Lu Qingyu couldn't avoid them at all.

At this moment of life and death, a shadow flashed in front of him. It was Bai Muhua who used his secret body skills to get in front of Lu Qingyu.


Blood splattered on Bai Muhua's chest, and the spear tip of "Wolf Fire Changying" penetrated deeply into his right chest.

Bai Muhua's hands tightly grasped the handle of the incoming spear.

Shouted loudly: "Qingyu, Junior Sister Mujin, everyone, go quickly!"

"No one can leave!" The fierce voice sounded like a ghost king's urging, piercing the hearts of everyone present.

Ning Jing frowned coldly, and the terrifying spiritual pressure of the True Alchemy Realm monks around him rolled up, showing his madness, like an evil god coming to the world, filled with murderous intent.

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