True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1090 Magma Stone Beast

Boom, boom, boom.

The entire flame underground palace was shaking.

On the surface of the huge magma lake, a stream of red magma surged upward from the bottom, turning out red bubbles of different sizes.

The red bubbles that emerged from the surface of the magma lake exploded one after another, and the poisonous smell contained in them burst out. The space was filled with a raging dark red, and the whole scene was like the breath of a fire demon.

After a while, a huge whirlpool formed in the middle of the magma lake.

A "big guy" suddenly emerged from the whirlpool.


There was a rain of lava and fire, which hit the ground. The soil was red and made a hissing sound, which was extremely terrifying.

Xu Yang and the other eight people retreated quickly, using their own spells to avoid the invasion of magma and fire rain.

Everyone looked intently and saw that it was a huge stone beast with a magma head, which was ten feet tall.

The giant stone beast has a single horn in the middle of its magma head. It looks more like a distorted one-horned rhinoceros, but its body is clearly that of a deer.

Fire patterns cracked on the surface of the stone beast's body, and red magma flowed in the fire patterns, like steaming blood. The extremely powerful magma power contained in its body seems to explode at any time and swallow everything around it.

Magma stone beast!

The huge body of the stone beast jumped to the shore of the magma lake, and with a thud, the underground palace trembled.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." The magma stone beast's bright eyes looked down at Xu Yang and others opposite, "Eight human beings, as long as they swallow your souls, they will be destroyed." I become more powerful. I can launch a larger volcanic eruption and break out of this underground palace cage. The world outside is amazing."

Mai Xiaoqi stared at the body of the lava stone beast opposite and drew a shadow of a stone deer, except that the head had changed a lot. Moreover, the body surface of the stone beast has obvious carvings of the original deer family.

She took out the deer snow dagger stuck in the knife pouch on the outside of her thigh, held it in her hand, and said sternly: "You man-eating monster, don't show off your power. You have the stone deer magic weapon used to suppress volcanic eruptions, don't do it. I want to escape from this underground palace cage. We are all warriors from Luming Grassland, and we are here to stop you."

Xu Yang on the side nodded and clapped his hands to encourage, "Xiao Qi, you said it well. The stone deer magic weapon was corroded and possessed by the magma spirit and has turned into a new fire demon."

"Hahaha," the lava stone beast laughed suddenly, "You are right, I am a fire demon, the fire demon who dominates this magma underground palace. When I break out of the confinement of this underground palace, I will dominate the world outside. World. Just the eight of you? Ten years ago, ten humans who also claimed to be Luming Prairie Warriors also said they wanted to stop me. And I killed them all, and I generously swallowed their souls. . From that time on, I realized that the human soul is the most delicious meal in the world, and you will be the food of this fire demon."

Upon hearing this, Mai Xiaoqi gritted his teeth, tears welled up in his eyes, and said angrily in his heart: "Damn fire demon, please give back the lives of my father and mother."

The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe said: "What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear that this big guy wants to eat us? Big Shitou Yeyan, you said you are not a coward, your chance to prove yourself has come."

Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu Tribe, said: "Jia Shi, don't think I'm a fool. I'm not stupid enough to challenge this big guy alone. Didn't you hear what it just said it was going to eat eight of us?" That includes you."

The black-robed Jiashi no longer deliberately provoked Ye Yan with his words. He looked at the magma stone beast opposite and said with a stern look, "Next, only the eight of us will have a chance if we work together."

After speaking, the black-robed Jiashi secretly transmitted a message: "Cangmu, Black Snake is ready to fight."

Cangmu on the side had already held his flying eagle bow in his hand, and he put six flying feather arrows on the bow string without hesitation. The bow string was stretched as full as the moon, and the tips of the arrows were swirled with powerful wind-attribute spiritual energy. Moving, like a small storm.

"Cangmu is here!" Cangmu's pupils turned amber, and he used his unique eagle eye technique to see clearly every inch of the tall, lava stone beast opposite him.

Among the eight people, Cangmu is a bow archer and the best at long-distance attacks.

Team combat, usually, is good at long-range

The attacker strikes first. Firstly, it can disrupt the opponent's rhythm; secondly, it can test and find out the opponent's defensive weaknesses; thirdly, it can avoid fearless damage caused by reckless contact.

Letting Cangmu, who is good at bow shooting, take the lead, it was Black-robed Kaishi who told him in advance on the road.

Kuraki's fingers holding the bow string suddenly clicked.

"Archery - Flying Feathers Six Wings!"

On the surface of the six arrows, the appearance of flying eagle wings appeared, and six rays of silver light were drawn out. Accompanied by the sound of the eagle's roar, they flew up.

With the control of Cangmu's consciousness, six flying feather arrows drew different trajectories in mid-air.

The first one shot directly at the front leg knee joint of the magma stone beast.

The second one goes around the front and shoots at the knee joint of the lava stone beast's hind leg.

The third one went up along the shoulder of the magma stone beast and shot at its vest.

The fourth one jumped over the body, climbed up the neck, and shot straight into the throat.

The fifth one shoots upwards at the left eye on the lava stone beast's head.

The sixth one shoots upwards at the right eye on the lava stone beast's head.

The lava stone beast on the opposite side saw an incoming bow and arrow, and its bright red eyes locked tightly on the six incoming feather arrows.

It raised its left forelimb, trying to kick away the feather arrow. However, under Cangmu's control, the feather arrow became as flexible as a flying bird. It circled around and avoided the obstruction of the stone beast's huge forelimb.

"Damn it, you kid wants to shoot me in the head with an arrow?" The stone beast stared at the two arrows shooting at his head and cursed in his heart.

I saw the giant beast's head swaying to the left, fire breath rolling on the surface of the head, and in a blink of an eye, a red light shield appeared to wrap its head.

Without stopping for a moment, the giant beast's head swung to the right and was covered with a layer of red light.

It's like a double-layered fire breath defense barrier.

Cangmu deserves the title of the top shooter in Luming Prairie.

The first four flying feather arrows all hit accurately.

An arrow fell from each of the beast's front knee joints, hind leg knee joints, vest and throat.

Bang bang bang bang!

The arrows whirled, exploding four small silver storms, and sparks sprayed from the friction points.

Due to the rapid friction and increased temperature, the tip of the arrow even turned red, as if it was being hammered in a blacksmith shop.

But even so, the power of the four arrows was only to explode a small stone pit in each of the giant beast's front leg knee joints, hind leg knee joints, vest and throat.

The remaining two arrows were blocked by the fire breath mask outside the stone beast's head.

Boom boom!

There were two explosions in succession, silver storms, and fire-colored ripples, staggering and spreading out.

When the power of the arrow dissipated, the outermost fire breath mask only cracked with subtle lines, and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The giant beast said in a deep voice: "You just want to shoot me with a few arrows, just to tickle this fire demon. If you shoot me, I will spray you."

After finishing speaking, the giant beast opened its mouth and spat out, and a red fire storm swirled rapidly in its mouth and was compressed into a shining ball of magma.


A magma fire bomb roared out and hit Cang Mu who had just shot it like a bolide.

Since the magma fire bomb was large enough, it covered Kaishi, Cangmu and the weird Black Snake who were standing together.

The weird black snake standing next to Cangmu and Kaishi took a big step forward without waiting for Kaishi's order to attack.

He pinched the spell with both hands, black demonic energy rolled over his body, and a huge black snake tail was dragged out behind him.

Snake turns into a beast!

Exploding demonic energy erupted from the monster's body.

The cloth tied around the strange man's face collapsed, revealing a half-human, half-snake head covered with scales.

Ugly and horrific.

What's even more frightening is that, under the urging of the strange man's magic, his body further transformed into a snake.

A head completely transformed into a snake and beast, and expanded rapidly, with no trace of a human being at all.

"Demon magic - snake swallowing!"

The next moment, a huge snake head opened its mouth and swallowed it upwards.

The strange thing is that the snake's mouth opened at an incredible angle, and it actually swallowed the falling magma fire bomb alive in its mouth.

The huge snake's mouth immediately closed, and a dull explosion sounded.

A huge snake head swayed back and forth, its mouth corners and nostrils

Streams of red fire breath emerged from it.

After a moment, the snake's head shrank and retracted, turning into the weirdo's original half-human, half-snake head.

Poof, poof.

The weird black snake spit out the black gravel in his mouth, looking completely unconcerned.

Jia Shi's hand on the spiritual pet bag on his waist never let go, his eyes showed surprise, and he said loudly: "Black Snake, you did a great job."

The weird black snake stood in front of Kaishi and Cangmu.

Jia Shi looked at the back of the weird black snake and secretly praised in his heart: "The patriarch said that this black snake is the secret weapon of the Buck Tribe, and he will protect me. Now it seems that his snake transformation technique has reached its peak." At the level of a snake demon, it is even better than the demon snake technique I have practiced, and it is really becoming more and more popular."

The giant magma beast lowered its head and let out a light sigh, "Huh? When did magic become rampant on the Luming Grassland? Has the ancient deer lineage declined to this point?"

After a pause, the magma beast sternly said: "A magma fire bomb is just a candy ball. Since you, the snake-turned-guy, like to eat it, I will give you some more."

A red spiritual light swirled around the surface of the magma beast, and a more powerful fire demon aura erupted.

The giant beast's belly lit up, a ball of red light rose from its belly to its neck, and its throat bulged.

The giant beast suddenly opened its mouth.

"Rain of magma and fire!"

The next moment, dozens of magma fire bombs roared out. Arranged in formation, meteors and fire rained down from the sky.

Xu Yang shouted: "Everyone, be careful!"

Xu Yang spread a pair of golden thunder wings behind him, took Mai Xiaoqi's hand, and jumped back.

While retreating, Xu Yang punched out.

Punch out, golden thunder.


An approaching magma fire bomb was instantly torn into pieces by a golden thunder arc, and the messy fire breath rolled back and scattered backwards. Not a single fire breath fell on Mai Xiaoqi and Xu Yang.

On the left, the black-robed Jia Shi clasped the fingers in the spiritual pet bag at his waist and patted it lightly.

On the spiritual pet bag, a black shadow jumped out and landed on the ground in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters.

Before the black mist subsided, a huge black python with a green horn emerged from it.

Serpent beast!

Without Jia Shi giving orders, the snake beast swam around its long and huge body, forming a circle like a solid city wall, tightly protecting Jia Shi and the three of them.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

A dozen magma fire bombs exploded nearby, and their power was completely blocked by the snake beast's huge body.

When the power of the fire bomb dissipated, a large number of snake scales on the body of the snake beast were turned out, covered with fire scars.

But the snake beast showed no intention of flinching in pain.

Jia Shi's eyes froze, and his pupils turned into vertical lines like nocturnal snakes. He thought to himself: "I didn't expect the lava fire demon opposite to attack so violently. If I hadn't injected the snake venom into the snake beast in advance to numb the pain. , I don’t know if the dragon snake beast can withstand this wave of attacks.”


The big man Ye Yan did not step back. Instead, he took a big step forward, blocked the front, and shouted, "You two stand behind me and let me come."

When Jiansen and Jianlin heard this, they immediately hid behind the big man Ye Yan.

Big man Ye Yan uses his unique hard rock skills.

His body quickly turned into stone, and he quickly formed a seal with his hands, and a mountain-shaped seal appeared on his fingertips.

"Secret Technique - Rock Mountain!"

The mountain-shaped seal fell, and a small mountain descended from the surface of the big man Ye Yan's body.

Boom boom boom.

Meteors and fire rained down on the hill.

Rocks splashed, the fire rolled back, and the sound was like thunder.

After a while, this wave of fire rain attack ended.

The big man Ye Yan returned to his original appearance. He was breathing heavily, leaving shallow scars on the surface of his exposed arms.

Obviously, using the rock secret technique just now consumed quite a lot of energy.

Jian Sen and Jian Lin looked at the tall back of the big man Ye Yan and said happily: "Fortunately, Brother Ye Yan is here."

Xu Yang said loudly: "Everyone organize a counterattack."

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