True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1070 The Demonic Imbuing the Body

On the westernmost side of the Northern Territory, there is a tall and majestic mountain called Demon Blood Peak.

Demonic Blood Peak towers into the clouds and is one of the landmarks on the dividing line between the Northern Territory and the Western Territory. The rocks on the mountain are all bright purple, as if they are painted with demon blood.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge purple magic gun stuck in the ground, with the handle of the gun rising upwards into the clouds.

Legend has it that this peak was a relic formed from a magic spear thrown by a Yuan Demon War God when the Yuan Demon Realm invaded the Zhong Yuan Realm in ancient times. I don’t know how powerful this Yuan Demon God of War is to control this heaven-reaching magic spear.

Thousands of years ago, Demonic Blood Peak was still a demonic holy mountain on the border of the Western Region.

In the battle between humans and demons, the demons of the Western Region were defeated and the humans of the Northern Region won, causing the entire demons of the Western Region to retreat three hundred miles.

The Northern Territory Cultivation Alliance, headed by the four major sects of the Northern Territory: Tiangui Sect, Golden Buddha Temple, Qinglian Dojo and Yudao Sect, laid out the Universe Shifting Boundary Formation to seal the passage between the Northern Territory and the Western Territory. This was the only way to artificially isolate the Western Region and the Northern Region in exchange for a thousand years of peace.

At this point, Demonic Blood Peak has fallen within the control of the Northern Territory.

On the Demon Blood Peak, the Yuan Demon's evil aura was so strong that cultivators from the Northern Territory did not dare to approach easily. Anyone who is curious enough to enter the Demonic Blood Peak will be invaded by the evil spirit. Most of them will become a purple misfortune, go crazy and die, and will never return.

On the steep mountain on the west side of Devil Blood Peak, a thousand-foot waterfall leaped down from the mountain ridge, spitting out purple mist for a day.

The water fell straight down, and finally hit the deep pool below, making a rumbling sound, like a monster roaring.

At this moment, on the surface of a raised rock beside the deep pool, a purple whirlwind appeared uninvited.

The purple whirlpool spit out streaks of purple electricity, making a crackling sound, as if a demon's palm was opening a space passage.

The next moment, a figure stepped out of the purple whirlwind, and then the purple whirlpool quickly became smaller and disappeared.

This man was wearing a large purple robe, and the large brim of the purple robe covered half of his face. The exposed half of his face was covered with purple haze, making it difficult for people to see his true face.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize this person as the purple-robed man, the Shadow Master, the former Demon Lord of the Western Region.

The man in purple robe stood at the edge of the deep pool and glanced down at the deep pool.

Ten feet below the deep pool, a figure was bound by thick chains and imprisoned in the purple water.

The rich Yuanmo evil spirit in the purple water moved back and forth on the man's body surface.

"You can come out and see me." The purple-robed man said loudly to the deep pool.

His voice was blessed with powerful soul power, and the void was shaken, and even the plummeting waterfall stopped flowing.

In the deep pool, the figure bound by thick chains suddenly heard the call of the man in purple robe. As soon as he raised his arms, the fine iron chains binding him collapsed inch by inch, as unbearable as a ball of clay.

On the surface of the deep purple pool, water splashed upwards and bubbles surged.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the deep pool, looking like a dragon with its hands outstretched.

This man was wearing a dark green pine robe and looked like a middle-aged man. His thick eyebrows are like swords, his eyes are like stars, and he has a naturally intimidating and heroic aura in the corners of his eyes, exuding the domineering aura of a king.

"The left envoy of the shadow, Yaksha Cangyue, pays homage to the Lord of Shadows." After saying that, Yaksha Cangyue knelt down on one knee.

"I really don't know whether I should call you Shadow Zuo Envoy or Yaksha Cangyue." The purple-robed man said solemnly, and with one hand, a burst of mysterious force lifted Yaksha Cangyue's figure.

"I was expelled from the Tiangui Sect. It was the Shadow Master who introduced me to the Shadow Organization. Thanks to the Shadow Master's love, I took the high position of Zuo Envoy. No matter what the Shadow Master calls me, I am a member of the Shadow Organization. "Yaksha Cangyue said seriously.

"There is no one else here, just the two of us. I will call you Yaksha Cangyue, because this is my respect for you."

After a pause, the purple-robed man continued: "Yaksha Cangyue, I introduced you to the Shadow Organization because of your ability. With your cultivation and talent, it can be said that the Heavenly Tribulation Realm trapping you is only temporary. If You choose to break out

Breaking the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, even if I don't help you, you should be sure to get through the bottleneck of the Heavenly Tribulation and enter the Void Immortal Realm. Do you know why I let you think about it in this evil pool? "

"It's because my subordinates didn't do a good enough job and let the Shadow Master down."

"No, you did very well, even higher than my expectations. But because of this, I always feel that you have the ability to get rid of my control at any time. Most of the people in the Shadow Organization are from the Northern Territory, and a few are from the Southern Territory , many of them are evil cultivators on the evil cultivator list. These people have perverse personalities, and they are not my Yuan Demon followers. I can only control them with demon blood. You are different from others. You are not an evil cultivator. You are a very famous person in the Tiangui Sect. You are under my command, can I use you with confidence? One day, you may not only turn against me, but even kill me.”

"Please rest assured, Lord Shadow Master, although I, Yaksha Cangyue, am not a puppet who can be manipulated by others, I am a person who keeps my promises. At the beginning, I was expelled from the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Those Heavenly Ghosts who had enmity with me in the past The members of the Zongsan family were secretly chasing me. I fell into their trap and was in deep danger. The Lord Shadow happened to be passing by and he took action in time to rescue me. Therefore, I agreed to join the Shadow Organization and work for you, Lord Shadow. You must do what you say." Yaksha Cangyue said.

The purple-robed man's body remained motionless, but his heart was filled with waves, thinking to himself: "How can there be so many coincidences in this world. If I hadn't deliberately exposed your whereabouts to those in the Tiangui Sect who had ill intentions towards you, How could you fall into their trap?"

"This Demon Blood Mountain is a holy land for the demon clan. Unless you have the blood of the Yuan Demon, anyone who comes close will be eroded by the demon's aura, turning your body into a demon. I will let you stay in the Demon Blood Mountain, in a pool with the strongest demon aura. The purpose of baptism is to transform your body into a demon. In this way, I can officially absorb you as a demon from the Western Region and be able to use you safely," the purple-robed man said bluntly.

The purple-robed man took a step forward, looked at Yaksha Cangyue carefully, and shook his head slightly, "You have been in this deep pool of demons for three full months, but you have not been contaminated by the aura of demons at all."

"I am born with a Yaksha body. I am originally a mutated ghost body, and it is difficult to be infected by other auras. When I was in Tiangui Sect, people always liked to call me Yaksha evil ghost behind my back." Yaksha Cang Yue explained.

The purple-robed man nodded, "Very good. I admire your pure ghost physique. Next, I need to borrow your power to break the boundary formation between the Western Region and the Northern Region."

"The Shadow Left Envoy is willing to serve the Lord of Shadows."

"It is very difficult to break through the Universe Shifting Boundary Formation. During the process, everything must be done flawlessly. Otherwise, if the spell casting fails, everyone involved in this action will be backlashed by the Universe Shifting Formation, and their bodies will be torn apart. In the turbulent flow of space, the consequences will be unimaginable. For this reason, I must transform your power body into a demon, so that I can arrange for you to be used safely."

"Master Shadow, if you are worried, you can directly give me the Evil Blood Pill, so that you can control me freely."

"The Demonic Blood Pill is still very useful to other people. Once you take the Demonic Blood Pill, the blood in your body becomes demonized and will be suppressed by my Yuanmo bloodline. I can control it like a string puppet. But you Different, a small amount of Demonic Blood Pill can only control you for a short time. If you use too much, it will damage your body and you will not be able to use it. You are a rare talent. As long as you become a Western Region Demon, I will treat you. You are like a brother.”

"I like how refreshing the film master is. In that case, it's all up to the master of the film."

"Very good." The purple-robed man nodded, "You come with me."

The purple-robed man rolled up his big sleeves, and his figure turned into a purple wind and disappeared.

Yaksha Cangyue raised her head and looked at the direction where the purple-robed man disappeared. Without any hesitation, her body turned into a dark ghost wind and followed him.


The top of Demon Blood Peak.

Already on the cloud.

There is a flat place on the top of the mountain, with complex magic patterns engraved on the ground. It is like a formation place.


At this moment, in the center of this formation place, Yaksha Cangyue sat firmly cross-legged.

The man in purple robe whispered softly: "Three Demon Lords, come out."

Swish swish——

Three purple lights and shadows came in the wind, and their figures shrunk, turning into three tall figures wearing purple robes.

Without him, it is the Purple Blood Demon Lord, the Purple Shadow Demon Lord and the Purple Wind Demon Lord.

The status of the Three Demon Lords in the Western Regions is second only to the Demon Lord of the Western Regions. Before, they were imprisoned in the Demon-Conquering Realm of the Golden Buddha Temple. The Shadow Lord used his clone to seize the body of the Jiuchi monk and set up the Purple Disaster strategy to free the Three Demon Lords from it.

"See the Demon Lord." The three Demon Lords said respectfully in unison.

"Next, let's ask three people to cast spells to demonize the Shadow Left Envoy's body. From now on, he will be the Demon of the Western Region and our brother."

The man in purple robe turned over one hand, and three more black crystals appeared in his palm, and gurgling black underworld energy emitted from the surface of each crystal.

"These are three Nine Nether Crystals from the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Only with the power of the Netherworld on the Nine Nether Crystals as a matchmaker can the power of the Yuan Demon be blessed on the Shadow Left Envoy."

The three Demon Lords each received a Nine Nether Crystal and held it in their palms.

"Yaksha Cangyue, do you have no regrets?" the purple-robed man said loudly.

"No regrets." Yaksha Cangyue responded decisively.

"Cast the spell." The purple-robed man said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in purple robe stepped aside.

The Purple Blood Demon Lord pinched out a strange magic formula with both hands. On his fingertips, purple blood lines kept rolling. He silently recited the Yuan Demon's secret mantra in his heart: "Use my blood as a sacrifice, and the three souls resonate, Purple Blood, Purple Wind , Ziying, three statues combined..."

But the figures of the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord were suddenly shrouded in a cloud of purple blood mist.

As soon as the blood mist converged, the two figures disappeared from their original places. The next moment, he appeared on the left and right of the Purple Blood Demon Lord.

What’s even more weird is that the bodies of the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord quickly merge into the body of the Purple Blood Demon Lord.

As the purple blood rolled, the Purple Wind Demon Lord, the Purple Shadow Demon Lord and the Purple Blood Demon Lord disappeared. The purple blood subsided, and a ten-foot-tall Yuan Demon King Kong with three heads and six arms appeared on the spot. The three heads of the Yuan Demon King Kong are the Purple Blood Demon Lord, the Purple Shadow Demon Lord and the Purple Wind Demon Lord.

Next, the three-headed and six-armed Yuan Demon King Kong activated its supreme magic power and activated the huge formation under its feet.

Suddenly, the entire top of Demon Blood Mountain shook, and the demon patterns on the surface suddenly shone.

The magic patterns flashed, the formation was activated, and a purple magic light pillar rose into the sky.

Very high in the sky, purple lightning roared, and a huge purple magic whirlpool suddenly appeared.

Not long after, a three-headed and six-armed elemental magic figure descended from the purple magic whirlpool very high in the sky.

The appearance of Yuan Mo Vajra is somewhat similar to that of Yuan Mo Vajra with three heads and six arms, but it is more majestic and domineering.

"Yuan Magic Aspect, Demonic Faith, Purple Blood Infusion..." The three heads of Yuan Demon King chanted the magic spell together, and at the same time threw out the three Nine Nether Crystals in their hands.

Bang bang bang!

Three Nine Nether Crystals exploded, and the powerful Netherworld Qi covered Yaksha Cangyue's head, forming a natural ghost path barrier.

The next moment, the elemental magic falling from the sky turned into a purple blood light and fell straight down.

The light of purple blood passed through the Jiuyou Ghost Path barrier and turned into purple-black electric arcs, covering Yaksha Cangyue.

Yaksha Cangyue closed her eyes tightly, and despite the invasion of the purple-black arc, she did not utter a single word of pain.

A full hour later.

After the three demon kings finished casting their spells, the three-headed demon king transformed back into the original three people.

Yaksha Cangyue in the middle of the circle slowly opened his eyes, and his left pupil turned the color of amethyst.

"Very good." The purple-robed man nodded in praise, "You are probably the only person in the world who can withstand the power of the elemental magic."


In the far southern region, there is the Luming Grassland and the Caolu Tribe.

The tide of beasts dissipated, and the night ended before dawn.

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