Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 596: Beautiful view of the solar system

The sunrise and sunset on Mercury are spectacular. This is recorded in many astronomical data.

The reason why everyone is here for Yin Tian is to let everyone see the sunrise on Mercury.

Looking at the sun on Mercury, the diameter of the solar surface is twice and a half larger than that on the earth.

And every day on Mercury, the sun will rise twice and set twice.

The speed of the flying saucer was very fast and it landed on the surface of Mercury in just two hours.

According to the calculation of the UFO Intelligent System, the sunrise will be visible in just a few minutes.

However, the women can't wait for the sunrise anymore. The scenery on the surface of Mercury has attracted them, and they all started to take pictures with their phones.

Especially Lan Xiaodie, this girl brought a professional digital camera over. Looking at the half-meter-long lens, I know that this thing is definitely not cheap.

On the surface of Mercury, there are scattered large and small craters, ranging from high mountains to plains, as well as frightening cliffs. According to statistics, there are thousands of craters on Mercury, and these craters have a gentler **** than those on the moon.

Moreover, the average surface temperature of Mercury is about 452K, with a range of 90-700K, which is the planet with the largest temperature difference.

In the daytime, the temperature under direct sunlight is as high as 427℃, and when the sun is not in the night, the temperature drops to -173℃. Can compare the earth, on earth

The degree of temperature change is only 11K.

Through calculations, it is not difficult to see that the sunlight on Mercury's surface is 8.9 times stronger than that of Earth, and the total irradiance is 9126.6W/㎡.

The super strong sunshine intensity has also formed the unique beauty on Mercury. There are row upon row of colorful ring pits, huge cliffs with no bottom, brilliant radiation patterns, huge basins that are as flat as mirrors...

"Ah! The sun! It's the sun!" Lin Xian exclaimed, pointing to the distance.

Everyone hurriedly turned their eyes to the direction she was pointing, and they saw the dazzling light on the horizon.

I saw the sun jump up mischievously, drew an arc in the sky, then stopped, and retreated toward the horizon in the direction of sunrise.

Everyone was surprised, but did not expect the sun to retract.

However, when the sun hadn't completely set, it stopped again, and then turned back and continued to move toward the horizon in the direction of sunset.

This kind of sun rising trajectory is completely different from that on the earth, and it suddenly subverted the concept of several women.

"It's strange, why the sun moves back like this, turning from sunrise to sunset, it's so strange!" Fang Yun murmured.

"Yes, if I hadn't seen it, I couldn't believe that there would be such an astronomical phenomenon." Li Lin also sighed.

Lan Xiaodie recovered from his surprise, and the secret path finally came to his performance.

As a schoolmaster, Lan Xiaodie quickly wanted to understand why this was.

"Hehe, I know what's going on!"

Lan Xiaodie put on an arrogant expression and explained: "On Mercury, the sun's trajectory is so weird. The reason is that Mercury will orbit the sun for two weeks every three revolutions, and Mercury's orbit is very "elliptical." "The ellipse. Am I right, Yin Tian?"

After all, Lan Xiaodie turned his gaze to Yin Tian, ​​his expression clearly said: Come and praise me, come and praise me!

Bang bang ......

Yin Tian was not stingy and exaggerated this time, and directly applauded: "Yes, Xiaodie is really amazing. If I hadn't checked the astronomical information before coming, I would definitely not know this principle."

Fang Yun and the others also applauded, but Lan Xiaodie didn't expect Lan Xiaodie to be so powerful.

Looking at everyone's slightly admiring eyes, Lan Xiaodie felt that she was about to fly.

After watching the sunrise of Mercury, everyone was tired.

Calculated according to earth time, it is now time to rest, so after eating and drinking. Everyone began to spend the first night in space.


Yin Tian chose Saturn as his second destination.

As one of the eight planets in the solar system, the beauty of Saturn is also very beautiful.

The flying saucer was thrown at work while the autopilot system was sleeping, and it was advancing at an astonishing speed, seeing it getting closer and closer to Saturn.

Saturn is second only to Jupiter in mass and diameter, and is a gas giant with Jupiter.

In the history of ancient Greece, Saturn was also called Cronus, while ancient China was called Zhenxing or Filling Star.

Saturn is mainly composed of hydrogen, with a small amount of helium and trace elements. The inner core includes rock and ice, and the outer periphery is surrounded by layers of metallic hydrogen and gas.

Its outermost atmosphere is usually bland in appearance, but sometimes there are features that exist for a long time.

The wind speed of Saturn is as high as 1800 km/h, which is significantly faster than the wind speed on Jupiter. Saturn’s planetary magnetic field is between that of Earth and the stronger Jupiter.

Saturn has a significant planetary ring, the main component is ice particles and a small amount of rock debris and dust, in addition...

Yin Tian brought everyone to Saturn for the purpose of seeing Saturn's halo, which is very famous in astronomy.

Everyone was eating breakfast on the top of the flying saucer, and they were intoxicated again by the scenery they looked at through the transparent top cabin of the spacecraft.

The flying saucer has entered the troposphere of Saturn, and everyone can see the most spectacular halo structure in the solar system when they look up.

They feel that there is hardly any sight in the world more shocking than this spectacle!

At 75,000 kilometers above your head, several white ice rings stand tall. The ring light illuminates everything around you and there are at least 6 crescent moons hanging in the sky.

A cloud of ammonia crystals scatters the light from the sun hanging down into a sun illusion. From time to time, the speed of the oncoming ammonia cloud exceeds 1,500 kilometers per hour. This is the fastest wind in the solar system. is far faster than human imagination.

More than 30,000 kilometers below is an ocean of liquid metal hydrogen all over the world, and no man-made objects can survive there under extremely high pressure.

Xiao Wan proposed to go to the surface of Saturn to take a look, but Yin Tian rejected it.

As a gaseous planet, there will not be any land on this planet for you to land on!

Next, Yin Tian took everyone to see the Herschel crater on Enceladus, the super fountain above Enceladus with a jet speed of more than 1,600 kilometers per hour.

All day long, Yin Tian and several women wandered around Saturn.

After a rest night, the flying saucer left again, and the target was Mars.

The scenery on Mars is very impressive, especially the world-famous "Valley of Sailors". It would be a shame not to go there.

This huge geological fault zone is 6.5 kilometers deep, and at some of the widest places, you have to stare wide to see the other side. If moved to the earth, the Vale of Sailors can span the country from New York to California.

A little bit of time passed, and the flying saucer flew over the entire solar system. Yin Tianyou took everyone to see Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, to see the sister planet Uranus and Neptune, and chasing Halley’s comet that we saw in 80 years...

After seven days of playing, everyone basically took a look at the solar system.

Yin Tian knew that he should go back. Although the women were in good spirits, Yin Tian could see the exhaustion in their hearts, and that Xiao Mo'er was too young, and Yin Tian did not want her to stay in space for a long time.

Of course, there is one more important thing, that is, the time agreed with the Pope is approaching, but he hasn't made any preparations yet.

How to say that the masters of the East went to the moon to participate in the war, which really made Yin Tian a headache.

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