Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 584: Pisces jade pendant

By the time Yin Tian left, Pisces Jade Pei had been delivered to him. "Bo * Luo * Xiao" said

   Of course, he got those treasures from the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang, and all returned to Zhao.

   Especially the essence of essence pill exchanged by the onion system mall, if the Huaxia Scientific Research Institute can research something from it, it will definitely benefit infinitely.

   Even if there is no way to study something, after soaking that essence of essence pill into a potion and giving it to people, it can remove the injury and increase the life span of one hundred years.

   If it is administered to different people separately, the life expectancy can be increased according to the amount of medicine.

   returned to the bedroom and closed the door, Yin Tian held the Pisces jade pendant and rubbed it constantly. With his current cultivation level, he could feel that there was a strong spatial force around the Pisces jade pendant.

It's a pity that the power of space is not so easy to master. You can't do this step with Yin Tian's cultivation base for another hundred or eighty years. Therefore, since the appearance of the Pisces Jade Pei, all the things that have happened for so long are his own. It is caused by ability, not by someone deliberately guiding it.

The Tianxing meteorite has been put into the storage space by Yin Tian. At this moment, it is slowly rotating in the center of the storage space. Because of the existence of the Tianxing meteorite, the storage space is also getting bigger. This is only a few days away. Kung Fu has doubled its original strength.

   Yin Tian believes that if the Pisces jade pendant is also placed in the storage space, time and space will be superimposed, the growth rate of the storage space will increase significantly, and it will quickly transform into a real primary universe seed.

   After a while, Yin Tian still couldn't find out even a little Pisces jade pendant, so he sighed helplessly and put it in the storage space.

   And the moment the Pisces jade pendant entered the storage space, a chaotic light suddenly appeared.

   Continue again. The Pisces jade pendant quickly decomposed into shining invisible particles and quickly combined with the space.

"How could this be?"

   Yin Tian was shocked, he couldn't think of this change after Pisces jade pendant entered the storage space.

   Now that the Pisces jade pendant has disappeared, does it work?

   divided the mental energy into the storage space, Yin Tian instantly felt the change in the storage space.

Originally, the time in the storage space was static. Yin Tian just puts fresh food into the storage space. No matter how long it takes, he has already felt the flow of time, that is to say, storage. The space can no longer hold food.

   Of course, although this has a little impact on Yin Tian, ​​the harvest is even greater.

The combination of time gems and space gems gradually has the possibility of forming a real world. After tomorrow, he only needs to put more things in the storage space, such as sunlight, water, air, etc., maybe soon, the creatures will Can survive in storage space.

   Yin Tian couldn't help getting excited when he thought of getting a subspace that people could live in.

   I wanted to continue to observe the changes in the storage space tomorrow, but Yin Tian suddenly discovered that Li Lin was standing outside the door timidly holding the child.

   Li Lin has lived in Yin Tian’s villa for half a month, but she still can’t let go of her in front of Yin Tian. She always feels that she is a third party to intervene, destroying the relationship between Yin Tian and Fang Yun.

  If it were not for the child, she would have left here long ago.

   It is not that Li Lin has no feelings for Yin Tian, ​​but the traditional thinking in the bones, which makes her feel a little ashamed.

   Fortunately, after such a long time, Fang Yun's enlightenment, Li Lin, also looked a little better, alas, the big deal, so just treat herself as Yin Tian's concubine.

   "Come in, what are you doing hiding outside?" Yin Tian opened the door and said.

   When Li Lin saw Yin Tian saying this, she walked in embarrassedly.

   "The baby is out of milk powder, can you go and buy some with me? I'm afraid I can't take care of her alone." Li Lin said.

   "Of course, we can leave now. You can get a jacket for the child. I will go to the garage and drive the car out."

   Yin Tian teased Xiao Mo'er after talking, and then walked straight to the garage.

   I didn’t drive those sports cars today because I had children. Instead, I chose a Mercedes-Benz business that I didn’t use often.

   opened the car door and let Li Lin take the child into the spacious back seat. Today, she took the driving seat and drove to the nearest supermarket.

Speaking of it, Yitian's father was very incompetent. Xiao Mo'er was not by his side when he was born, and he didn't go home until he was so old. After that, he went to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang again. This work has been for more than half a month, and he has not been well. Accompany the child.

   Fortunately, Xiao Mo'er is not afraid of life. After playing with Yin Tian for a few days, although he is not too affectionate with him, at least he does not reject him.

   Holding the baby, Yin Tian kept picking up a can of milk powder to discuss with Li Lin. He didn't know which one Xiao Mo'er liked to drink.

   The two discussed as if they were a real husband and wife. After a while, they bought Xiao Mo'er milk powder, and then bought a lot of diapers, pacifiers and other things, and then slowly left the supermarket.

   Xiao Mo'er is only half a year old, and she is in the most sleepy time. Although she was very happy to look around when she first came out, she is now asleep.

   Back home, Yin Tian sat on Li Lin's bed and took her hand.

   "No matter what happened before Li Lin, let it go. Now we have a common child, that is a family, do you know what I mean?" Yin Tian said.

   Li Lin struggled, but Yin Tian didn't let go. She glanced at Yin Tian, ​​then bowed her head in embarrassment, and finally tapped her head It is considered that Yin Tian acquiesced.

   Seeing her doing this, Yin Tian nodded in satisfaction.

   He doesn't like the kind of unreasonable and hypocritical women.

   Although Li Lin used to be a killer, her temperament is not bad, and she has the virtues of ancient Chinese women.

   Li Lin had come to assassinate Yin Tian before, but that didn’t matter. For the sake of giving birth to a lovely child for herself, Yin Tian had to like this woman.

  The stronger the strength, the greater the difficulty of having a child, so Yin Tian is not so easy to want a child now.

   He and Fang Yun slept in the same bed for more than a year, and had never taken any protective measures, but Fang Yun has never been pregnant.

   Yin Tian once thought that one of him and Fang Yun had a physical problem, so he went to the hospital for an examination together. The results of the examination surprised the two of them.

   They are all very healthy, and there is no problem with their reproductive system. The doctor does not know what is going on with the two of them, and only tells them to keep working hard.

   Later, when Yin Tian checked a book of medical techniques he obtained from Hu Qingting, he didn't know the whole story.

   It turns out that the martial artist has a certain level of cultivation, and his body's essence is full and strong. If the spouse's cultivation is too different from his own, he can't bear his own essence at all, and naturally there is no way to get pregnant.

   And Fang Yun's cultivation has been a big difference from Yin Tian, ​​and this gap is still increasing, so the chance of conception will be lower in the future.

   Perhaps, in a short time, before Yin Tian finds a solution, Xiao Mo'er will be his only child.

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