Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 317: Poseidon 3 Dike

Yin Tian looked at the luminous trident, a rare greedy look appeared in his eyes.

Whether this trident is a treasure or not will not be said, but the gem inlaid on it is definitely an incredible treasure.

A gem that has been able to shine continuously for thousands of years is definitely not a mortal thing.

Moreover, what made Yin Tian even more excited was that a dazzling red dot on the holographic map of the system was constantly flashing, and the position of the red dot happened to be where the Poseidon statue was.

At this moment, Yin Tian's breathing was already fast.

In any case, get this trident!

Since he got the system, he has never seen such a dazzling red dot on a holographic map.

But when Yin Tian rushed to the edge of the square with the Dragon Claw team, he suddenly stopped.

There is danger ahead!

Yin Tian absolutely believed in his instincts.

The coalition forces of various countries must have led out the skeleton army in this place, but have they all been led out?

I'm afraid this may not be!

Maybe, Yin Tian stepped out of the square in front of him, and countless skeletons came out of the ground on his back foot. This was not what he wanted to see.

Another reason is that the team has advanced so far with high intensity and is already quite exhausted. Now it is in urgent need of a rest to recover its strength.

"Rest in place." Yin Tian said.

Lan Xiaodie, who ran at the end, heard Yin Tian's words like an amnesty, and she did it to the ground.

"Yin... Yin Tian, ​​you... can... can't, run slower." Lan Xiaodie said panting.

The rushing march just now almost ran her to death.

Although the others were tired, they did not sit down and their expressions did not change much.

Except for Blue Fluttershy in Dragon Claw Squad, the others have experienced a lot of battles, and have long been used to the situation just now.

If there is another life-and-death crisis, make sure that everyone runs faster than now.

Yin Tian ignored Lan Xiaodie's complaint, but pointed to the tall sea **** statue in the center of the square, and said, "Seeing that the trident is not there. Our first goal is it!"

Everyone had actually seen the statue of the Sea God a long time ago and knew that the trident was not a mortal thing. Now that Yin Tian said that, it was more certain that it was a treasure.

"Brother Tian, ​​why stop? Let's go there quickly, and the foreign devils will be here after the party." Zhou Hongyu said anxiously.

Yin Tian smiled and did not speak, but Wang Zhengyi gave Zhou Hongyu a backhand.

"Oh, why hit me."

"It's you, you stupid boy, where do you think the skeleton army came from?" Wang Zheng asked back.


Zhou Hongyu was taken aback, and then quickly reacted.

He would have seen a dense array of bullet shells on the ground, and even a few corpses of soldiers a little further away.

"I know, the armies of various countries must have been here. They must have entered this square to draw out the skeleton army. Perhaps their target is also the trident!" Zhou Hongyu said loudly.

"I'm not too stupid yet, do you want to pass now?" Wang Zhengyi said angrily.

Zhou Hongyu smirked and looked down at the statue of Poseidon in the center of the square.

Although the treasure is good, it has to be fate.

Others also had expressions of regret. Those who watched the army were really terrifying, but they saw the soldiers who had seen large swaths of soldiers torn to pieces by the army of skeletons.

Thousands of elite soldiers can't do things, they don't think they can do it with a small team.

Just when everyone was about to give up, Yin Tian spoke up.

"That trident, I am bound to win!"

After listening for a moment, everyone was a little surprised at Yin Tian's choice.

Yin Tian, ​​with a serious expression, continued: "There will probably be an army of skeletons appearing later, and the skeletons will first attack those who enter the square. I will enter the square alone in a while, and you will step back and wait for me to come back."

"No, I definitely can't let you take the risk alone!" Fang Yun objected excitedly.

He couldn't let Yin Tian take this risk alone.

"Yeah, Yin Tian, ​​we are a team and we must act together," Wang Zhengyi said.

"Yes, brother, we will fight alongside you."

"Captain, we are not cowards."

"We are in the same team if we have difficulties together!"


Listening to everyone's words, Yin Tian's heart is warm, and his teammates are very good.

Yin Tian raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and continued: "Don't think about it, everyone. The reason why I absolutely act alone is because there are other things for you to do."

"We are not the only people who have entered Atlantis. The Dragon Knights must be coming soon. If I am entangled by the skeleton army, it should not be difficult to get out. But if someone attacked me at this time, that's the situation. It's dangerous. So, what you think is to help me block the people behind!"

"In any case, they are not allowed to approach the square. If anyone insists on coming over, then it's not a matter of killing!"

Yin Tian said that he was already murderous in the end. Here, anyone could be their enemy, and he can't tolerate half-heartedness.

The other members of the Dragon Claw team nodded cautiously when they heard the words. Everyone is not a rookie. Except for Blue Fluttershy, there are not many lives in any hand. Naturally, they know that being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

"Captain, don't worry, if anyone dared to approach here, I will fly his Tianling Gai with a bullet!" Zhuang Peng said, holding the Barlet M85 sniper rifle in his hand.

This is a gun that Zhuang Peng asked Yin Tian to help buy. In addition to being proficient in machinery, he is also very good at marksmanship, especially for sniper rifles.

Gu Zhuangpeng said that his highest shooting record in a foreign shooting range is 1,800 meters, which is no worse than some troop ace snipers.

Of course, what Zhuang Peng shoots is a fixed target, which is relatively easy, but this does not deny the reason for his sniper talent.

"Yes, Yin Tian, ​​you can rest assured that we are your strong backing, and we absolutely guarantee that you will not be disturbed by others!" Wang Zhengyi also firmly said.

The others nodded, and in front of the treasure, anyone could be the enemy, not to mention the treasure hunters.

None of the treasure hunters who can come here are simple characters, and none of them are soft-hearted In the industry of treasure hunters, all kind-hearted people are almost dead.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Yin Tian said, "Well, then everyone will hide to the surrounding roofs and use the guns in their hands to block the enemy. After I successfully get the trident, we will leave here immediately."

"Yes, Captain!" everyone said solemnly.

Yin Tian turned around, looked at Lan Xiaodie who was hesitant to speak, and smiled.

"Xiaodie, I know you can't shoot. You can hide it in a while and just protect yourself."

Lan Xiaodie also has a gun, an MP5, the one that Yin Tian threw in the storage space before, this time just for her to defend herself.

The recoil of this gun is very small, just suitable for novices like her.

Ignoring Lan Xiaodie's red face, Yin Tian immediately let everyone hide, and then picked up the red sword and wanted to walk away with the statue of Sea God.

(End of this chapter)

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