Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 240: The legend of Atlantis

Atlantis, also translated as Atlantis (Ti), is an island in the Atlantic Ocean near the Strait of Gibraltar from Europe to the Strait of Gibraltar. It is the name of an ancient continent, country or city state with a high degree of civilization development in the legend. The earliest description appears in In the book Dialogue by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, it is said that it was destroyed by the prehistoric flood in 10,000 BC.

In 350 BC, the "Dialogue" by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato was widely circulated in ancient Greece. In the dialogue, Plato described Atlantis for the first time in the form of dialogue.

In 2011, an archaeological team claimed that they had found the location of Atlantis: under the mud flats of southern Spain.

In December 2013, a submarine pyramid was discovered in the waters west of Portugal, suspected to be the remains of Atlantis.

According to legend, Atlantis lived as a child of the **** of the sea and had a strong worship of the sea. It coexisted on the earth at that time with the Lemurian civilization. The Lemurian civilization was located on an ancient continent in the northeast of Australia. on. The two civilizations were sunk in the flood of destruction one after another ten thousand years ago.

To this day, the legend of Atlantis is clamoring around the world, but no one has ever really discovered where Atlantis is.

Unexpectedly, today, the ruins of Atlantis were found in the Great West Continent that reappeared in the world.

Yin Tian saw that the surprised people did not speak. He knew that everyone needed some time to digest the information, because when he first saw these words, there was a storm in his heart.

After a long time, everyone finally got over.

"You said... Is this Atlantis the first we discovered?" Zhou Hongyu asked with some uncertainty.

If it can be the first team to discover Atlantis, the Dragon Claw team will really become famous in the world.

If such a major ancient relic reappeared in the world, it would be nothing more than dropping an atomic bomb in the world.

"I didn't think about it first, have you forgotten the booby trap you encountered before?" Yin Tian smiled.

Zhou Hongyu was taken aback and reacted instantly.

Yes, a team had already come in before them, and it should be the Eagle Nation team, otherwise Matthew would not risk his life to guard the hole.

Everyone was a little disappointed after listening to Yin Tian's words. This could be an excellent opportunity to become famous.

At this moment, Wang Zhengyi's heart was undecided. He looked at Yin Tian with a calm face, and suddenly felt that he had surpassed himself in every aspect.

Originally, Wang Zhengyi felt that although Yin Tian was strong, he was far inferior to him in terms of knowledge, conduct, and personal connections, but now it seems that he really took it for granted.

He cannot help Zhuang Peng recover his broken arm, but Yin Tian can; he cannot buy genetic medicine, but Yin Tian can; ancient legends and ancient texts that he does not know, but Yin Tian knows; even he is proud of Yin Tian’s combat experience was not worth mentioning. He was like he was on the hook, every time he could discover unknown dangers to an unknown prophet, and formulate the best combat plan.

Looking at Yin Tian in a complicated manner, Wang Zhengyi made a difficult decision in his heart.

Maybe, I am really old...

"Well, everyone go ahead, Atlansti is waiting for us." Yin Tian said with a smile.

He can't wait to see what surprises are waiting for everyone in this ancient continent.

The rest of the Dragon Claw Squad had their spirits. As a treasure hunter, there is nothing more exciting than discovering an ancient ruin.

"Let's go, everyone, let's go! Yin Tian opens the way, and everyone will follow your instructions." Wang Zheng said to everyone.

He knew that his ability could no longer support such a large-scale exploration, so he simply handed over the command.

No one else had any objections to this, but accepted it calmly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Yin Tian's current command ability had surpassed that of the captain Wang Zhengyi.

"Okay, then I will take the command of Brother Wang temporarily."

Yin Tian simply took over the command. He knew that it was not the time for hypocrisy. Here, although he has the super cheating device of the system, he can definitely see most of the dangers in advance.

The team continued to advance, and Yin Tian deliberately avoided the traces of the Eagles. Through the holographic map, he had already seen that route, and there was nothing special on the road.

Yin Tian then chose to choose a place where there are complete buildings as much as possible. After countless years of seawater corrosion and sedimentation, the places without complete buildings have been washed away by the sea water countless times, so it is difficult to continue. There is something valuable.

"Brother Tian, ​​are we in the center of Atlantis?" Zhou Hongyu asked.

The surrounding ruins are increasing, and it has become more and more like a ruined city.

Yin Tian kept walking, but shook his head and said, "This is definitely not the center of Atlantis. If I'm not wrong, we haven't even entered the outermost place. At best, this is a small town outside the city."

"Ah? This Atlantis is too big, right?" Zhou Hongyu said incredulously.

They have advanced at least 10 kilometers this time, but they haven't even entered the ancient city of Atlantis.

The other members of the Dragon Claw Squad were also incredulous. According to Yin Tian's words, the area of ​​Atlansti might be several times larger than the capital.

In other words, the area of ​​Atlantis definitely exceeds 50,000 square kilometers.

If Yin Tian knew their thoughts would surely laugh out, the area of ​​Atlantis could be far more than that, and it could be regarded as a city of Atlantis civilization at best.

As for the real Atlantis, it refers to the area ruled by the Atlantis civilization, which is larger than the entire Asia combined.

In everyone's surprised a round spire building appeared in the sight room, which looked a bit like the European medieval style.

After having the goal, everyone speeded up and quickly came to the front of the spire building.


Yin Tian kicked a place that looked like a gate, and then a pungent and decadent smell came on his face.


Everyone was caught off guard and inhaled a disgusting and decadent smell, and they couldn't help coughing.

"I'll go, the smell is too disgusting, it's almost like rotten eggs." Hu Haiqing said with a face.

He was the closest to Yin Tian just now. The moment Yin Tian broke the door, he quickly backed away, and he sucked in the most stink in the front.

"Yes, I have never smelled such a powerful smell in my life." Shang Tao also smiled bitterly. He was just behind Hu Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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