Groot Gori is the captain of a large mercenary group.

He was lucky enough to be promoted to level 4 two years ago, so he was able to get this position. The salary of a large mercenary group is generally not high, and only those with strong strength can get higher income.

——But some time ago, the group received a big task.

"Go to the Marquis Moti of the Armand Empire to assist in the defense of Maville City. All 500 people in the group will be dispatched. The total reward is 1,000 gold coins... Even ordinary members can get at least one gold coin!"

When the leader informed everyone of the news, everyone in the group was excited.

Usually it is difficult for these people to earn 20 silver coins a month-although the strength of level 3 has surpassed the scope of ordinary people, there are still too many people in the group. If the reward for a task is divided by more than a dozen people, you will only get a few silver coins.

Although it is not that no one has thought about going out to work alone, but level 3 warriors can be found everywhere, why would others entrust the work to you?

"Brothers, work hard. The client this time may be a big moneymaker... maybe there will be rewards later!"

Mercenaries don't care what they do. As long as they are paid enough, there are still many people who want to do it, even if it means fighting the regular army of the empire.

So, Groot came to Maville City with the mercenary group. And with them came two large mercenary groups of several hundred people.

After gathering so many people, even the imperial border guards did not dare to fight them easily.


On the last night of Maville's garrison, Groot was bored and drank with a few confidants.

"This city lord is really generous. He also provides us with free food. It would be nice if there were more women."

"Captain, why are the three mercenary groups concentrated here? Shouldn't they be dispersed if they want to defend the city?"

"Idiot! We are not defending the city at all! Didn't you listen to the broadcast a few days ago?"

Groot is not a fool with only military power. He can climb to the position of captain not just by relying on the strength of level 4.

"It's obvious that the city lord doesn't understand military affairs at all, but why did the captain agree to such a formation? Use your brain to think about what is in this direction we are heading towards?"

"This is the south... Is Moti City in the south?"

"That's right! We are not defending at all! As long as that stupid marquis dares to send troops here, we will attack Moti City directly!"

Groot accidentally learned from the captain when chatting with him before that the financier who paid them to come here wanted to lure out the border defense corps of the empire from the beginning and create chaos in this territory.

Although doing so is likely to attract the Empire's retaliation, as long as the Border Guard Corps is led out, they can immediately withdraw from the battlefield and escape from the Empire.

"Wait, tomorrow... let those Imperials see how powerful we are tomorrow!"

After taking a sip of the light wine mixed with water, Groot looked at the mercenaries who were having fun in the camp, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Relying on these mercenaries to attack the city? What a joke... these people are just a bunch of greedy and cowardly guys.

If the Border Guard Corps really appears tomorrow, I will use them as a meat shield and escape alone.


The next morning, Groot and all the mercenaries were ready for battle.

Most of the soldiers in the Empire's army are only at the third level. If a melee breaks out, even if the mercenaries are not very motivated, they can still cause losses to the regular army.

The financial owner meant to let them slap the Empire in the face. As for how many people will die in the end, that is the mercenary group's own business.

"Captain, the commander just gave the order. We will start to move towards Moti City at seven o'clock."

"Haha, I told you so! Members, are you ready to slap the faces of those imperial braggarts?"

After hearing this, the mercenaries all laughed.

They are a group of unrighteous people who live on the edge of a knife and are only a step away from bandits. Under the temptation of money, they can even abandon all morality.

"Time's up! Let's go--"

"Look, what is that!"

"Black... cloud?"

However, just as the mercenaries were excitedly preparing to march towards Moti City, a huge black cloud flying at high speed from the horizon made them all stop.

"What... is that!!"

--When the turbid and dark clouds suddenly dissipated and the huge flying battleship appeared in the air, the mercenaries on the ground were all frozen in astonishment.

It was a monster.

[——This ship is the Imperial Royal Guards’ “Yumonhua” special cruiser, and has arrived at the designated airspace.Domain, start the purge mission. 】

When the elegant and clear female voice sounded from the black giant beast in the sky, the mercenaries finally realized a terrible fact——

[Accept my order——Unlock the secondary gun arrays of the entire ship, conduct manual aiming and calibration at each gun position, and fully load the No. 1 and No. 2 magic source furnaces——]

These mercenaries who are only level 3 and want to provoke the empire are actually just ants——

[Target, illegal mercenaries on the ground——Kill without mercy! 】

So, a gorgeous tongue of fire spewed out from the belly of the giant beast.

The huge earth and stone condensed with flames fell to the ground like a meteor, and beautiful and cruel red flowers bloomed among the mercenaries gathered outside the city.

"Fourth, fourth-level magic! Run! Quickly..."

"Ahhhh! My feet! My..."

Sharp earth and stone fragments flew out in the bursting flames, mercilessly piercing the mercenaries' weak fighting spirit, leaving holes on their bodies gushing blood.

Those who were lucky enough not to be directly swallowed by the flames or pierced by the flying stones immediately fled in all directions... They didn't know where to flee to, nor did they know if they would become the next target.

And Groot, who was originally in high spirits, just stared blankly at the black beast that was sneering and laughing in the sky, and even forgot what he should do.

"Run! Run to the city! That thing shouldn't attack the city!"

"Where are you all?! Where should I run?! Help! I don't want to die!!"

In the deafening explosion, mercenaries were constantly killed by the falling huge flints. These people who were still living faithfully for their desires not long ago, just like this, turned into corpses with thousands of holes or ashes.

"Those who are alive, follow me! We are heading in that direction..."

The dazed Groot vaguely heard the voice of the leader. He turned his head subconsciously and saw a huge light red column of light suddenly falling from the sky, lightly drawing a beautiful trajectory on the earth.

And those mercenaries who were still running out with all their strength just now, the moment they were swept by that beautiful light, they completely evaporated from this world.

"Ha... Hahahaha!"

Seeing everything he knew turned to ashes in an instant, Groot's last sanity finally broke, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"That is, a real monster..."

The giant beast in the sky is still raining down flames and light, burning the tiny lives on the ground. Whether it is the cry of fear or the roar of unwillingness, in the irresistible rain of destruction, it is just a tiny mosquito noise that cannot be detected.

When a brilliant light flashed before Groot's eyes, his body, which was unable to move due to fear, finally gained eternal relief.

"...The weak will be devoured."

--This was the only feeling left in his heart at the last moment of his short life.

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