"Ahh No...... Stop...... Haha..."

Kara laughed and resisted, trying to escape from Han Qiuya's clutches.

Han Qiuya became more energetic, and she was about to tear off all the torn stockings on Kara's two legs.

"Let me see!"

Soon, the black silk on Kara's legs was torn apart by Han Qiuya, and her slender legs were completely exposed.

After all, it is difficult to match Han Qiuya's strength. Carla screamed loudly. "Ah, what a shame!"

"You're so bad, you know how to bully me!" Kara sneered in shame, but her tone was tinged with a strange intimacy.

"By the way, your suit and stockings are made of the same material! Where did you get that? Carla asked curiously, very envious of Han Qiuya's high-tech costume, which can't be broken by bullets, if she also had a set, how convenient it would be to go out and deal with the bad guys as a superhero.

Han Qiuya looked at Kara, whose eyes were shining, turned around and said, "This is a battle suit made of nanotechnology, which not only has extremely high defense, but can also be disguised at will according to needs."

After speaking, Han Qiuya's clothes immediately changed into a very good-looking blue skirt, revealing smooth and slender legs, stepping on blue high heels, and perfectly showing her tall and graceful figure.

Kara couldn't take her eyes off it, and let out envious exclamations again and again: "Wow! It's so pretty! I also want a disguised suit, how convenient it would be!

"Do you want it?"

Kara nodded happily.

"If you pass the special training I designed, it's not that I can't give you a set."

Kara hurriedly asked, "What kind of special training?" "


Han Qiuya stayed in this world for a few more days, dealing with some small villains with Kara, and felt a little bored.

Calculate the time, the plot of Thor One should be almost over, and it is time to meet Thor, Loki, and try to raise Thor's hammer.

So, in the evening of the same day, Han Qiuya came to Kara and said, "I'm going back to the Marvel world, you exercise hard, I'll be back soon."

Kara was a little reluctant, but she still nodded obediently: "Sister Qiuya, go get busy, I'll train hard!"

Han Qiuya nodded with satisfaction and opened a passage through it.


A passage through the Mjolnir.

"Who?!" The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents guarding Thor's hammer around them exclaimed in surprise and raised their weapons to aim at Han Qiuya.

Soon, more agents armed to the teeth rushed over, and after identifying Han Qiuya, they hurriedly reported the situation to Coulson.

"Sir, Supergirl is back, and she's next to Mjolnir!"

On the other side, Coulson, who had just discovered Thor having escaped, was angrily reprimanding his men. When he received the report, he was taken aback and hurriedly reported it to Nick Fury.

Then he ordered his opponent: "You hold her first, and I'll come here!" After saying that, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

After Nick Fury found out, he hurriedly said to the agent next to him: "Quick, tell them not to study it yet, put the Cosmic Cube in the lead box, Superwoman is back."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents here looked at each other, they all knew how powerful Han Qiuya was, and they couldn't deal with it. But fortunately, Han Qiuya is more righteous in their impression, and she shouldn't hurt them casually.

They watched from the sidelines, not daring to make a rash move.

"Let's all put our guns down, it's Supergirl, we don't need to hold weapons." said the Supreme Commander on the scene.

Han Qiuya glanced at him with slanted eyes, and when she looked closely, it turned out to be her own Terminator undercover. The efficiency is really high, and it has infiltrated the upper echelons of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The agents could only carefully put down their guns, slowly surrounding Han Qiuya and Thor's hammer, staring vigilantly and vigilantly, and at the same time secretly paying attention to the surroundings, as if they were protecting Han Qiuya.

The Hydra undercover agent is also looking for an opportunity to report the news.

Han Qiuya didn't ignore them, and directly stretched out her hand, ready to raise Thor's hammer...

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