Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 98 (ordinary)

Lu Changsheng looked at the attribute panel in front of him with a strange expression.

His comprehension value was as high as 98, but it was evaluated as "ordinary", which only means that the standard value should be 100.

Comprehension, Lu Changsheng basically understood what it meant.

But, what is the use of this attribute panel?

Thinking carefully, he has been in this world for more than a month.

At the beginning, Lu Changsheng was a beggar struggling on the verge of death. More than a month ago, Miaoshou Garden recruited a large number of apprentices. Lu Changsheng was recruited into Miaoshou Garden with his cleverness and became an apprentice of Miaoshou Garden.

Miaoshou Garden is a family of doctors, and there are many medicine shops under it, all over Nanyang City.

There are even medicine shops of Miaoshou Garden in several cities around Nanyang City.

Lu Changsheng became an apprentice of Miaoshou Garden. Although apprentices are very tired and busy all day, they can guarantee three meals a day.

But apprentices do not have any wages.

Only when you become a master or transfer to other positions in Miaoshou Garden will you get paid.

But when Lu Changsheng first came, he experienced the feeling of not having enough food, and he is very satisfied with his current life.

Only his attribute panel has not been figured out until now.

It seems that he has not found the correct way to use it, and this attribute panel has not changed at all until now.

"Dong Dong Dong".

"Get up, get up."

The steward shouted in Miaoshou Garden.

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes suddenly, he got up quickly, put on his clothes, and then trotted all the way to the square of Miaoshou Garden to gather.

It was only Mao Shi, almost five o'clock in the morning.

But in Miaoshou Garden, all apprentices must get up at Mao Shi, and then start a busy day until the evening.

A quarter of an hour later, all apprentices gathered in the square.

The steward called out the names one by one.

"Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao."

The steward called "Chen Zhao"'s name several times in a row, but no one responded.

After a while, a young man came late, his face flushed, and he said, "Manager, I... I'm here."

The manager took a look and said coldly, "Name."

"Chen Zhao."

"You are late without reason, and you will be punished by ten strokes of the board. You will not eat today."

Chen Zhao's face turned pale, and then he was dragged aside by two burly men and severely beaten in front of everyone.


Chen Zhao's screams made many apprentices feel terrified.

Miaoshou Garden is good in everything, but the rules are too strict.

Being late, being lazy, etc. will be severely punished.

If you violate the rules repeatedly, you may even be beaten to death.

Chen Zhao was beaten to death and was dragged back to the backyard to lie down. The whole square was silent.

The steward took a quick look and said, "You have been in Miaoshou Garden for more than a month, and your bodies have almost recovered. Today you will start to practice martial arts."

"My Miaoshou Garden is a family of medicine. Since ancient times, medicine and martial arts have been inseparable. Martial arts can strengthen the body. If you want to be a good doctor, you must have a strong body."

"For the next month, Liu Lao, the instructor of the Miaoshou Garden Guard, will teach you martial arts."

"Remember, study hard, this may be a chance to change your fate!"

The steward is actually cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and he is not a bad person.

He even told all the apprentices the "importance" of this martial arts training.

Lu Changsheng's expression was lifted.

"Martial arts?"

"I have heard that there are martial artists in Miaoshou Garden, especially the guards, all of whom are martial artists."

"I didn't expect that we apprentices would also have the opportunity to learn martial arts?"

"This is an opportunity, we must seize it..."

Like Lu Changsheng, those who can be recruited as apprentices by Miaoshou Garden are actually not stupid. They immediately knew the importance of "practicing martial arts", and they all looked at Liu Lao attentively.

Liu Lao was already in his sixties, but he had a youthful face and was full of energy.

"Hehe, Manager Zhang has already made it very clear just now that medicine and martial arts are inseparable. If you practice martial arts well, it will be of great benefit whether you join the guard team or become a doctor in the future."

"Okay, without further ado, I will teach you the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong first..."

As Liu Lao began to practice martial arts, many apprentices also began to practice.

Lu Changsheng also followed Liu Lao's movements in a serious manner.

These movements were very awkward, and they required calming down. But for some reason, the more he practiced, the more irritable he became.

Finally, Lu Changsheng finished the whole set of Dahe Zhuangxue Gong movements.

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng's eyes blurred, and his attribute panel appeared in front of him.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 98 (ordinary)

Dahe Zhuangxue Gong: Not yet mastered

After practicing Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, it seems to be really useful.

Although it was awkward, Lu Changsheng felt warm all over, and seemed to have more energy all over his body.

Moreover, Dahe Zhuangxue Gong appeared on the attribute panel, but it showed that it was not yet mastered.

"You are very weak now, and you can only practice Dahe Zhuangxue Gong for one hour a day. If you practice more, your body will not be able to bear it."

"If you want to master Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, you must sense your own blood. As long as you sense your own blood, you can actively move your blood without doing these tedious movements."

"These tedious movements are just to help beginners better sense blood. Anyone who can sense blood within a month should come to me immediately."

"Okay, you guys continue practicing."

After saying that, Old Liu sat on a chair and supervised the apprentices' practice.

Soon, an hour passed.

Lu Changsheng still hadn't mastered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, and after practicing for an hour, he did feel a little sore all over his body. This martial art really can't be practiced too much.

After an hour of practice, the apprentices also started to work.

The work in Miaoshou Garden is not heavy, but it is very complicated.

The apprentices need to identify various medicinal herbs every day, and they also need to plant medicinal herbs, dry medicinal herbs, and prepare medicinal herbs.

In short, they work from morning to night every day, with almost no time to rest.

At night, Lu Changsheng lay on the big bunk.

The apprentice next to him was called Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng was a bit smooth, liked to find out all kinds of information, and liked to show off.

The room was dark. All the apprentices were ready to sleep, but Zhou Sheng suddenly asked, "Do you know why Mr. Liu asked us to learn martial arts within a month?"


The apprentices were no longer sleepy.

They were of course very interested in "martial arts".

Especially since it seemed to be related to their future.

"Zhou Sheng, do you have any news?"

"Zhou Sheng, what's going on?"

"I left a piece of fat meat for you at noon."

"Yes, I also left a piece of bone for you."

"I also left a piece of candy a few days ago, which I also give you."

The apprentices took out the good things they had left behind, most of which were food.

After all, the apprentices had no wages, so they could only secretly leave some food from their mouths.

Zhou Sheng was very proud and said with a smile: "Okay, give me all the things and I will tell you in detail."

"Mr. Liu is not simple. He is the instructor of the guard team. I heard that many warriors of the guard team were taught by Mr. Liu."

"The reason why Mr. Liu wants to limit it to one month is actually to select apprentices with martial arts talent. As long as you can get started with Dahe Zhuangxue Gong within one month, you will be taken to the guard team by Mr. Liu and trained as a guard."

"That's a step up. The guard team, even apprentices, have wages every month, and they have all kinds of medicinal food every day. Everyone is very burly and strong. I heard that the food is not bad, with a lot of meat every day. Wow, the taste..."

When it comes to "meat", the apprentices swallowed their saliva.

Although Miaoshou Garden provides meals, there is very little meat.

Obviously, once you are selected to join the guard team, the treatment is far better than other apprentices.

"So that's how it is."

"Then we have to practice Dahe Zhuangxue Gong well."

"Being able to join the guard team is the best choice. Otherwise, we have to go from a menial apprentice to a pharmacist apprentice, and finally to a pharmacist. It will take at least ten years, and we may not even become a pharmacist, and finally continue to do menial work..."

Although the apprentices have just arrived at Miaoshou Garden, they have already started competing with each other.

Hearing this, Lu Changsheng also wanted to practice Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, but he felt pain all over his body when he tried to practice it.

He understood that haste makes waste.

Old Liu said to practice for one hour every day, so it can only be one hour.

It's not good to hurt your body if you practice more.

"There must be a way to make Dahe Zhuangxue Gong progress faster..."

Lu Changsheng thought secretly.

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