"As expected of a white beard, such a domineering language!"

Beast Kaido grabbed the bottle and poured it directly.

"Go ahead, let those high-ranking navy guys tremble and let them know the fear of pirates, but it seems that it's not bad to be killed by Whitebeard, let's fight with Whitebeard another day!"

Big Mom Pirates, "Whitebeard is still as strong as ever. He deserves to be the strongest man in the world, but he dares to hit the Navy Headquarters directly. This domineering force is worthy of the name of the Four Emperors!"

Behind the Whitebeard Pirates came a giant. His tall body was like a mountain. Every step he took, the entire naval headquarters trembled!

The terrifying giant raised his giant sword and slashed towards the naval fort.

boom! !

The fort is a knife in two pieces, which was split in half from the middle.


A sound like a bell rang from the giant's mouth.

The Whitebeard Pirates immediately boiled over, "Good job, go, little Oz!"

"That's the descendant of Oz, the lucky country!"

"It's so huge, it just subverts my common sense of giants!"

Moonlight Moriah: "Have Oz's descendants been put under Whitebeard's command? Want... want that guy's body!"

"Oz!!" Ace roared.

"Ace is very gentle, I will never let him die," Oz said firmly.

Slowly walking towards the execution platform, and the lieutenant general of the naval headquarters and the giant navy also all dispatched!

The terrifying naval giants stood in a row, sweeping away the charging pirates.

"Their target is Little Oz!!"

The navy cannon hit little Oz like it tickled him.

Warring States: "It really brought something incredible!"

Tears streamed down Ace's cheeks, "No, Oz, you'll be their target!"

The firepower of the navy was concentrated on Little Oz.

"Ace, I'll go over to you right away," Little Oz grabbed a warship and lifted it up.

The terrifying force threw the warship directly, and four or five naval giants flew out directly with the warship.

The warship rushed all the way, and a gap was opened in the defense line of the navy.

"Oz opened a breach into the bay!!"

The pirates invaded the bay one after another, and fierce melee battles unfolded in the bay.

"Where am I going to Ace, don't get in my way."

Oz raised the giant machete in his hand, and killed a giant vice-admiral with just three or two strikes!

Whitebeard said helplessly: "Oz is a fool, I really can't do anything about him, being a lifeless man is not the same thing as a brave man!"

"Don't stop me, Dad!"

"I want to save him, save Ace as quickly as possible!"

Whitebeard closed his eyes and clenched his silver teeth, "I see, you guys help him deal with the aftermath and cover Oz!"

Oz was like a no-man's land, moving forward all the way, waving the giant sword constantly, and every time he swung it, it would take away the lives of several navy.

On the high platform below the execution platform, Wang Xia Qiwu Hai Basuo Junmi Xiong opened his arms, a terrifying aura emanated from his body, and giant air bubbles appeared on his arms!

The whole space trembled! !

"Ace, I'll go right now!" Oz walked forward step by step.

The giant bubble on Suojunmi Xiong's arm trembled violently, then slowly shrank and entered his palm little by little.

Slowly open the palm of your hand, and a small bubble flew out of it. The bubble shimmered, and the space collapsed layer by layer!

"Bear's Paw Impact!!"

A terrifying bubble hit Oz's body, and Oz's huge body immediately sags partially.

Immediately, a terrifying explosion appeared, dazzling white light enveloped the entire battlefield, and the armor on Oz shattered layer by layer!

Oz screamed in pain! !

The white light completely enveloped Oz, and the surrounding stones flew up and shattered with a terrifying explosion!


A terrifying explosion sounded! !

The terrifying hurricane blew the surrounding navy pirates, and the entire ice surface shattered layer by layer, and spread out at a very fast speed.

The entire battlefield is billowing with smoke!

Naruto World

Naruto, who had already arrived at the Chunin Exam, looked at the screen in the air in shock, "Bigger than a psychic beast? There are such humans in another world, what a monster!"

Sasuke was also shocked, "Isn't this the same as the doubling technique of the Konoha Akida family, both in size and strength are terrifying!"

The three generations of Hokage are also a little unbelievable, "The size of the tailed beast is probably inferior to that of Oz in this other world."

Dragon Ball World

Frieza showed a contemptuous smile, "What's the use of being big, it's not that he was beaten by someone else and couldn't fight back."

Krillin nodded when he heard Frieza's mockery, "Indeed, Frieza gets smaller every time he transforms, but his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and strength really has nothing to do with body shape. "

Gohan smiled and said, "Actually, the big man is quite cute, and he is very affectionate and righteous!"

Digimon World

"Come on Oz, beat some bad guys to save Ace!" Taichi kept cheering the huge Oz!

"Yeah, this giant is very good. In order to save his friends, he can even give up his own life," Ah He nodded.

Gabumon quickly said, "If Ah He is in danger, I will try my best to save you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Ah He patted Gabumon, "Gabumon, I will not put you in danger either."

Meimei said, "Although that Oz looks terrifying, he didn't expect to be so gentle and cherish his companions!"


Balmon looked at Mimi with a gentle face.

Slowly, the picture became clear. Little Oz was covered in blood, and blood was pouring out of his nose and mouth. It was terrible!


"Okay, give it up!" Ace's eyes were round, with a look of pain on his face!


Oz fell to his knees directly on the ground!

His consciousness was a little blurry, and he saw the straw hat that Ace gave him, and a figure appeared in his mind!

"Oz, you're so close to the sun, aren't you hot?" Ace said with a smile.


"Try this?" Ace sent a straw hat!

"This is what I learned to weave in Wano country, because I am fire, so I did three and only one succeeded."

Oz put the straw hat sent by Ace on his head, "It's really much cooler!"

Ace's smiling face appeared in his mind, "Really? Great!"

His smiling face overlapped with the current crying face, pulling him back to the battlefield.

Slowly stand up and continue to walk forward.

"All firepower, aim at this giant guy," the Navy's muzzles were aimed at the huge Oz.

Under the intense firepower, Oz, who was already seriously injured, was already a little confused.

"It's still not enough, Ace, sorry!"

"But at least one Shichibukai must be killed," Oz said, throwing all his remaining power at Doflamingo.

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