Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 4: You want a bowl of water level!

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After a night of silence, the morning light lit up in the east, Zuo Lingquan calmed down and opened his eyes.

Not wanting to disturb the concubine's rest, they both meditated on the deck; Qingwan had already finished her work ahead of time, leaning her cheek on his shoulder, looking at the distant morning light, enjoying this hard-won moment of tenderness, and realizing that he woke up, she spoke softly. road:

"Here we are. This medicine garden is really big. It would be great if there was one in Xihuang Valley."


Zuo Lingquan probed down from the edge of the deck and glanced down.

As far as the eye can see, the plain is covered by mist, and you can faintly see the neatly arranged fields, planted with various unnamed flowers and plants, as if entering a huge farm with no edge in sight.

Zuo Lingquan has seen Lingtian before, but the scale is at most ten miles. This is the first time that the entire plain has been planted. I just think it would be more appropriate to change the title of 'Peach Blossom Lord' to 'Peach Blossom Landlord'. .

However, this kind of joke is obviously inappropriate to say at the entrance of Taohuatan. After Zuo Lingquan watched on the deck for a while, he turned around and entered the interior of the painting boat.

The door of the painting boat opened, and there was no movement inside.

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw the concubine in a phoenix dress lying on her side on the soft carved couch. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. The palace shoes fell casually on the floor, her legs were slightly bent, and two wrapped Heisi's feet are stacked on top of each other; the white cat is a spirit beast, it is not sleeping, it is used as a pillow, and it is held in her arms without love, daring not to move.

The dumplings can eat and sleep. They indented into Shangguan Lingye's neckline, revealing only a small head, tilted his head and stuck his tongue out; maybe he was restless when he was sleeping, and he kicked Shangguan Lingye's neckline open. After a while, I could see the gauze corners of the black carp among the flowers.


Zuo Lingquan glanced subconsciously.

Although Shangguan Lingye fell asleep, she was very alert. The moment Zuo Lingquan opened the door, she opened her eyes, and before Zuo Lingquan looked away, she looked down at her tall clothes.

"What are you looking at?"

"Uh...Look at the dumplings, this sleeping scene is really dishonest."

Zuo Lingquan looked away, as if nothing had happened, turned around and opened the window.

Shangguan Lingye raised her hand to tidy up her clothes, but she didn't bother with Zuo Lingquan. She got up and stretched, and said:

"Going to the place soon. Venerable Peach Blossom, the old... The old senior doesn't have a good relationship with the master, and he has a bad temper and likes to care about things. I am afraid that he will make things difficult for you. After you meet, be smarter, follow her words, don't Let's take the peach and leave; if she dares to threaten you, you don't have to be afraid, there is a master to support you..."


Zuo Lingquan nodded earnestly, and after Shangguan Lingye finished packing, he went out of the hatch together and came to the deck.

Peach Blossom Lake is located outside the Fulong Mountains. It is named after the ancestral tree planted by the ancestors on the shore of Baiyue Lake. Aside from the surrounding spiritual fields, the actual area of ​​the sect is not large. It is full of peach trees and peach blossoms. The four seasons do not thank you, and it looks like a sea of ​​pink flowers from a distance.

The speed of the painting boat was extremely fast, and it quickly passed through the endless spiritual field and came to the periphery of the mountain range at the end of the plain.

Taohuatan is close to Fulong Mountain, and the door style is not much different from that of Fulong Mountain. It is more conservative and pays attention to 'hidden in the mountains'. The entrance to the sect is not as solemn as the iron mansion, and it is only placed next to the road entering Taolin. There was a big stone with the three words Taohuatan engraved on it.

Although it looks simple and casual, the grass and trees inside are obviously very elegant. Zuo Lingquan can't see how many doorways, and can only feel the heritage that has been accumulated over thousands of years.

The people of Peach Blossom Lake should have received news last night that someone had already greeted them at the entrance of Peach Blossom Forest. It was Madam Huazhu and Qingkui Hyacinth who had a relationship in Iron River Valley.

Zuo Lingquan came over to ask for something, and no matter how sane he was, he couldn't show his face to the host. He got off the painting boat and walked to the outside of Taohuatan, and said:

"Senior Huazhu, Brother Feng, long time no see."

Madam Huazhu is the person in charge of Taohuatan. She is good at sociability. At this time, she is quite enthusiastic. She stepped forward and directly grabbed Shangguan Lingye's arm:

"It's all from my own family. Why do you see the outside world like this? Just go in. Xinzi, you take Ling Quan to the ancestral tree to meet the ancestors, and I will chat with Lingye girl, eh... who is this girl?"

Wu Qingwan and Shangguan Lingye were already very familiar with each other, but after all, they were the young elders of the lower sect of the pheasant. In terms of status, they were not comparable to the inner disciples of the nine sects, and even less so in terms of cultivation. , Seeing the elders of Taohuatan asking, he was a little hesitant about how to introduce himself.

Shangguan Lingye didn't like Venerable Peach Blossom because of his master, but it was okay to have a personal relationship with Madam Huazhu. He heard the voice and said with a smile:

"It's Ling Quan's teacher, the senior can be called Qingwan."

Wu Qingwan originally wanted to say that she was Zuo Lingquan's Taoist companion, so that she could sleep with Zuo Lingquan by arranging the accommodation.

When Shangguan Lingye said this, she naturally couldn't speak any more, so she could only bow her body:

"Junior Wu Qingwan, I have seen Madam Huazhu."

Madam Huazhu heard that it was Zuo Lingquan's teacher, and her eyes were obviously surprised, but it is too common for disciples to practice Taoism to be higher than their masters.

"Sister Qingwan is really polite. To be able to teach a disciple like Ling Quan, it is enough for me to be a teacher. Last time we were in the Nine Sects Association, Ling Quan opened our eyes, and we are still curious about how to teach it. Sister Qingwan Now that you're here, can you share your experience?"

What can Wu Qingwan think?

The way she taught Zuo Lingquan was to sway on her body and carefully study which posture to practice faster. If she said these experiences, she might be regarded as a demon girl.

Therefore, Wu Qingwan was just vague, using words such as Zuo Lingquan's talent to prevaricate.

The three women chatted together, Zuo Lingquan was not easy to talk to, and went directly to Baiyue Lake in the center of Peach Blossom Lake with Hyacinth.

On the way, I also talked with Hyacinth, but I didn't mention it.

There are too many spiritual fields in Taohuatan, and the disciples are scattered all over the plain. There are not many people left in the sect, and some are busy retreating and meditating. They rarely see passers-by along the way, only a few come here. The daring female disciple secretly watched from a distance.

Yukong was forbidden in the sect, Zuo Lingquan walked all the way, and walked unhurriedly for half an hour before arriving at the center of Peach Blossom Lake. A cold blue lake hidden among the peach forests appeared before him. There is a big peach tree across from the sky.

Hyacinth stopped by the lake and said:

"The ancestral tree is opposite. The ancestor likes to be clean and does not like to be disturbed by the disciples. I will not go there. Brother Zuo, please."

After Zuo Lingquan watched Hyacinth leave, he walked along the lakeside trail to the ancestral tree opposite the lake. He was still two miles away when he smelled the fragrance of flowers.

The fragrance of the flowers is very strong, and it smells like a third of alcohol, and the effect is similar. Zuo Lingquan didn't pay attention to it at first, but after walking a few steps, he found that his footsteps were a little wavy.

The ancestral tree is still far away, Zuo Lingquan can't stop shouting and let the Taohua Venerable Lord come out to see him, now he can only forcibly stabilize his mind, hold his breath and continue to walk in.

The lakeside trail built among the peach blossom forests is not a straight line. It turns around and leads to the secluded, and you can't see the scenery too far. When you turn around a flower bush, you suddenly see the light, and there is a large flat land shrouded by a dense canopy. .

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw that the peach blossom tree that covered the sky was very clean. A stone tablet was placed near the lake, and two futons were placed beside it.

The woman in the dark green spring shirt sat cross-legged facing the cold pool, with a piano platform in front of her, her long hair scattered on her back, and was spotlessly clean, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a nine-day fairy falling from the sky. The immortal air is fluttering and solemn and restrained, which completely fits everyone's imagination of the world's masters.

Zuo Lingquan often heard the title of "Old Witch". He thought that the words and deeds of Venerable Peach Blossom would be more unusual.

But Zuo Lingquan couldn't ask Venerable Peach Blossom, "Why do you look like this?", he immediately restrained his distracting thoughts, and bowed his hands in a salute:

"Junior Zuo Lingquan, I would take the liberty to disturb me, and I also ask Venerable Peach Blossom to forgive me."

"Come and sit down."

Venerable Peach Blossom did not look back, and the ethereal voice sounded as if it was above the nine heavens, and even the clear water and cold pool swayed in a circle.

After all, he was a senior of the Xian family at the same level as the ancestor of Shangguan. Zuo Lingquan was really stressed. He walked slowly to the futon next to the cold pool and sat down. He didn't look at the face of Venerable Taohua, but just looked at the lake in front of him.

Venerable Peach Blossom wanted to look at Zuo Lingquan, he didn't need to look with his eyes, and naturally he didn't move. She made a lofty appearance that a master of the Xian family should have, shook her head and sighed:



Zuo Lingquan was stunned when he heard this as soon as he sat down, and asked:

"What did the senior say it's a pity?"

"It's a pity to say you."

"Uh... The junior is stupid, I don't know what the senior said 'unfortunately', it means..."

Venerable Peach Blossom turned his head, looked at Zuo Lingquan with a very sighed look, and said softly:

"As the saying goes 'close at hand, close to ink is black', what kind of master is, what kind of apprentice is taught, you are a rare gem that has never been seen in a thousand years, but it's a pity that you are unkind..."

wow wow...

? ?

Zuo Lingquan felt that this technique was very similar to a liar, but with the identity of the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord here, he should not use these little tricks to fool people. After listening carefully, he wondered:

"Senior's meaning is that I'm being 'unkind', leading me astray and going astray?"

Venerable Taohua nodded slightly: "The eight lords are just monks with higher Taoism, not saints, but our disciples and grandchildren will treat us as saints, and we can learn everything well; you have been following Shangguan Yutang..."

Zuo Lingquan felt something was wrong, he sat up straight and asked:

"Senior said that the ancestors of Shangguan took me crooked?"

"The authorities are obsessed, and the onlookers are clear. You are a player in the game, and naturally you cannot see her true nature, and she will not show her true nature in front of her disciples, but her behavior will subtly influence you, and let you behave according to her way. ."

The relationship between Zuo Lingquan and the ancestor of Shangguan is very strange, it is difficult to tell clearly, but it is certain that the relationship is very close. The ancestor of Shangguan even bit his tongue through Tang Jingxuan's body. Some people say that the ancestor of Shangguan is not, Zuo Lingquan naturally didn't like listening to it, he frowned and said:

"I think it's okay for senior Shangguan to behave in the world..."

"That's because you are young, and the eight lords check and balance each other and supervise each other. She is more restrained."

Venerable Peach Blossom turned around, faced Zuo Lingquan, and said seriously:

"Do you know what kind of person she was before she became the Lord?"


"Arrogant and unreasonable, domineering, can do things with fists but never mind, he is not forgiving if he is reasonable, and he is not forgiving if he is unreasonable. He is called 'Shangguan Manzi' by the monks..."


Zuo Lingquan blinked, looked at Venerable Peach Blossom who was seriously scolding people in front of him, and thought about it:

"Senior, talking about people's right and wrong behind their backs, I'm afraid it's inappropriate. You are a respected master. If you are dissatisfied with the ancestors of Shangguan, you can tell her this in front of you."

It's not like Venerable Peach Blossom didn't say that he was hanged up and beaten by Shangguan Yutang, so he was so angry that he could not stay here for the aged. Seeing Zuo Lingquan's dissatisfaction, she said seriously:

"Do you think this deity is lying to you? The disciples of the Iron Clan Mansion 'have no need to retreat, no need to have a brain', who does not know about the nine sects, these are not all taught by Shangguan Yutang, do you also want to be such a reckless man? "

Zuo Lingquan knew the way of doing things in the Iron Clan Mansion. 'Progress without retreat' means 'stick to the way in your heart, and never compromise on things that cannot be compromised', but it's not that you don't want to be reckless. He shook his head and said:

"I have always acted prudently, and I know what is right and wrong in my heart. Senior Shangguan is kind to me, and my actions are even more upright. If the seniors just want to say that the ancestors of Shangguan are not in front of me, then I can't talk about it."

Seeing this, Venerable Peach Blossom didn't say much, turned to face the lake, with a gesture of seeing off guests:

"Okay, let's go."


Zuo Lingquan should have stood up, but he didn't take the peach, so was he running for nothing?

"Well... I came this time because the junior strayed into the secret realm the day before yesterday, and met the god-monarch Meng Zhang, and was guided by the god..."

"Want to pick peaches?"

Peach Blossom Zun's main costume, Fairy Leng Yan, is really not used to it. She wanted to put her arms around her chest, but she felt that it was not suitable. She put her raised hand on the piano table and fiddled with the strings at will:

"This peach tree was planted by the deity's mentor, and now it has been passed on to the deity. No matter what the rules are, the peach tree is the deity's private property; I don’t want to hear anything, I just want to pick the peaches. What reason do you think the deity should give you the peaches? Think you are handsome?”

Venerable Peach Blossom is telling the truth, otherwise, the ancestors of Shangguan would not be worried about this.

Zuo Lingquan was silent for a moment, then sighed softly:

"If you can hold it, it's called chance, if you can't hold it, it's not your own. If the senior is willing to give it, the junior will remember the feelings of the senior; but if it is for a peach, let the junior have a conscience and say that the senior Shangguan is not, then take this opportunity. It doesn't make sense to get it..."

"Who told you to say she's not?"

Venerable Peach Blossom turned his head and said seriously: "This deity just tells you the truth, so that you don't go astray, and did not say that I would not give you peaches."

Zuo Lingquan felt that Venerable Peach Blossom's words and deeds did not match Gao Leng's appearance, he thought about it, and simply asked:

"What do you want, senior?"

Venerable Peach Blossom didn't have any requirements either, so she naturally wouldn't take the blessings that Mengzhang Shenjun bestowed on Zuo Lingquan.

But Zuo Lingquan has a very close relationship with Shangguan Yutang, and he gave Tao Zibai to Shangguan Yutang's younger generation, and it has nothing to do with her.

Venerable Peach Blossom thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "This deity will not take the opportunity to make things difficult for you, a junior, and will give you what should be yours. However, the ancestral tree is the property of Peach Blossom Lake, and the number of peaches it bears is rare, and the Qingkui of all dynasties have not. If you have one legal person, give it to you directly, your disciples and grandchildren will definitely not be convinced, at least you must have a suitable identity; for example, you are a direct disciple of the deity..."

Zuo Lingquan guessed that Venerable Peach Blossom would say so after the instructions of his ancestor, he shook his head and said:

"Master and apprentice are like father and son. Apprenticeship and apprenticeship is a big thing. It's not as simple as a title. Even if I want to worship a senior as a teacher, I have to see if they are suitable for each other.

Taohuatan is good at magic, and he doesn’t even take the number of martial arts. It really doesn’t fit with Zuo Lingquan. Venerable Master Taohua knows that this proposal is not feasible, and said:

"If you don't want to be a teacher, at least you have to be a person from Taohuatan. You can be a worshipping immortal in Taohuatan, and it's fine if you don't change your court for a hundred years."

In a hundred years...

Zuo Lingquan's practice is to be able to control everything by himself, and he obviously can't agree to sign a 100-year contract.

Venerable Master Peach Blossom already saw his thoughts through Zuo Lingquan's expression, and continued:

"If you don't want to, you can only be Taohuatan's son-in-law and become a Taoist companion with Taohuatan's disciples, and the deity will give you the peach as a dowry, how about it?"


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, but he did not object to this proposal, but he had to have a goal. He spread his hands and said:

"I don't know your sect's female disciple..."

Venerable Peach Blossom's eyes signaled to the outside: "There are many women in Taohuatan, and there are not a few of them with outstanding looks. With your talent, whoever matches you will not be considered a marriage. Except for the women who are already married, you can choose the rest."

Speaking of this, Venerable Peach Blossom remembered something, perhaps because he was afraid that Shangguan Yutang would make a fool of herself behind her back, and added:

"Of course, except for the deity."


Zuo Lingquan felt that the last sentence was a bit redundant. Where did he have the courage to flip the brand and turn it over to Venerable Peach Blossom, and this obviously couldn't be done like this.

"Senior, the marriage of a man and a woman is also an important matter, not inferior to the inheritance of master and apprentice. If I choose a woman I don't like from Taohuatan for a chance, I will take away a woman I don't like from Taohuatan, not to mention that the senior is not at ease, I have this hurdle in my heart. Can't get through."

Venerable Peach Blossom actually thinks the same way, and she won't give a great opportunity to someone who can do anything for the sake of cultivation.

But the peaches belonged to her, she didn't ask for anything, and she gave them to Shangguan Yutang's people for nothing, so she got angry when she thought about it, so she pointed out:

"That's fine, but it's impossible for the deity to give it away for nothing. The deity has a bad relationship with Shangguan Yutang, you should know, let alone cut off your relationship with Shangguan Yutang, at least you can't just stand on her side, you and her The closer the relationship is, the closer the relationship is with the deity, and you can't favor one over the other; otherwise, you will follow her as soon as you get the chance, and maybe you will come back to clean up the deity in the future, and the deity won't be taken advantage of?"

Zuo Lingquan finally understood Venerable Peach Blossom's It's not difficult to say it, it's human nature. He hesitated:

"Senior Shangguan and I are not mentors and apprentices. Speaking of which, we've only known each other for a long time... um... friendship is something that takes time to accumulate. It's hard to meet seniors for the first time.

"It's good if you understand the meaning. This deity has more friends than Shangguan Yutang. You can get along with her, so it's impossible for you to disagree with this deity. It just takes time to understand."

After speaking, Venerable Peach Blossom flipped his wrist, took out two wine jars, and threw them to Zuo Lingquan:

"Don't worry, Taozi will definitely be given to you, come all the way, and don't rush to leave, let's stay in Taohuatan for a few days."

There is no point in talking about it any more.

Zuo Lingquan nodded when he saw this, took the wine jar, got up and left...

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