Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 88:

In the place where the sect practiced, most of the disciples lived in seclusion, and the surrounding area of ​​the mansion was very quiet.

At the back of Shangguan Lingye's residence, there is a stone room specially used for meditation and retreat. The principle is the same as Wu Qingwan's practice cave, but the scale is much larger.

The large stone room is built underground, constructed of black jade, surrounded by hot springs, and in the center is a five-color lotus platform with a skylight above it.

The aura on the lotus platform is very strong, and it has been atomized. Zuo Lingquan is sitting upright in a black robe, refining the spiritual energy according to the method, and can clearly see the path of the mist flowing toward the body.


Sitting cross-legged and hiding for a long time, light footsteps came from the entrance of the stone room.

Zuo Lingquan noticed something, closed his eyes and opened his eyes, only to see Tang Jing walked down slowly on the stone ladder.

Zuo Lingquan is naturally overjoyed, as it is said that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, he got up and crossed the hot spring river, landed under the stone ladder, and said:

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Before he finished speaking, it was another meal.

Zuo Lingquan raised his eyes to look, but saw Jing and Deng in front of him, with a plump body and a plump body, the same as before, but the expression on his face was very serious, his eyes were like two sharp knives, and he stared at him coldly.

? !

Although there are nuances in the feeling, Jing You can show this abnormal look and temperament, and you don't need to think about what happened.

Zuo Lingquan's body was slightly stiff, he quickly raised his hand, and gave a proper salute:

"Senior Shangguan, why are you here?"

Shangguan Lingye disguised as Tang Jingshen and walked down the steps. Seeing Zuo Lingquan's expression, the doubts in his heart subsided a little. This reaction did not seem to be the way he looked when he saw his concubine.

Shangguan Lingye looked at people with his chin like a master, and walked to Zuo Lingquan. He didn't stop, but walked around Zuo Lingquan with a scrutiny, and said coldly:

"Do you remember what I said to you last time?"


Zuo Lingquan was a little dazed in his heart. He didn't understand what the ancestor said about this. He slightly spread his hands:

"What did the senior say last time?"

How did Shangguan Lingye know? She was just here to talk. She narrowed her eyes slightly, slightly dissatisfied:

"Think for yourself."

Zuo Lingquan was confused and thought about it carefully:

"Last time, the last thing the senior said was where the deity wants to go, and I need your consent? I didn't stop the senior."

Shangguan Lingye didn't understand the meaning of this sentence and continued:

"last sentence."

"The last sentence is that you don't want the deity to come over, and then give the deity a lesson? I didn't want to teach the seniors, that is, when I was with Jingxun, you kept coming over and felt a little inappropriate, and I wanted to discuss it with you. "

When Shangguan Lingye heard this, he understood a little what it meant. When Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jing were intimate, Shizun kept running to interrupt, so the two of them were very troubled.

But why did the ancestor come to interrupt when the two were making out?

Shangguan Lingye thought for a while, nodded slightly, and continued to ask:

"Do you know why the deity came here?"

Why did you come, how do I know? I still want to ask you

Zuo Lingquan was a little puzzled. He thought about the past several times when his ancestor came over, and said uncertainly:

"Well, did the senior feel it when I was making out with Jingyong, so I kept coming over to stop it and not let me touch Jingyong?"


Shangguan Lingye was at a loss.

Judging from the normal situation, the former is more likely, but the ancestors can choose not to watch, why come over and beat the mandarin ducks

After Shangguan Lingye circled Zuo Lingquan twice, he said coldly:

"Hmph, do you still remember, what did you do to this deity?"

? ? ?

Zuo Lingquan frowned and said to him inexplicably:

"What can I do to the senior? Every time the senior is tossing me, even if I want to do something, I don't have the ability. Well, what does the senior mean?"

Shangguan Lingye observed Zuo Lingquan's expression, and it didn't seem like he was cheating.

However, why the ancestors disturbed Zuo Lingquan's sexual affairs is still unclear.

Shangguan Lingye pondered secretly, and before he could come up with a reason, he heard from the patio above:

"Ling Quan, are you down there?"

Wu Qingwan's voice.

Shangguan Lingye's body froze, his secret path was not good, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Zuo Lingquan also wanted the ancestor in front of him to go back quickly, and when he heard Wanwan came to save the scene, he quickly responded:

"I'm down there."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shangguan's ancestor turned around and walked towards the exit, and his pace was quite fast.

? ?

It was the first time Zuo Lingquan saw the ancestor leave with his legs, he quickly raised his hand to block the way, and asked:

"Senior, what are you doing?"

Shangguan Lingye took a step, and looked like he was not angry and arrogant:

"what you do?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't move his hand away and asked, "Where are you going, senior?"

Shangguan Lingye listened to the approaching footsteps, secretly anxious, and said plainly:

"The deity still has something to do, so I won't bother you."

After saying that, I want to leave.

Zuo Lingquan was inexplicable, opened his arms to block the way, and said seriously:

"Senior, you can just leave if you want to go. Why did you take Jing Xun's body with you? If you don't explain it, I'm really worried."


It was only then that Shangguan Lingye realized that she seemed to have miscalculated. She had never seen how Master left Tang Jingxun's body. How could she escape?

ta ta ta

In just two sentences, Wu Qingwan walked down the stone ladder.

When she looked up and saw a man and a woman standing under the steps, Wu Qingwan was stunned, and quickly stopped:

"Jingxu, you're here too, it seems I'm not here at the right time, eh?"

Having said that, Wu Qingwan felt that it was not right when she had just packed up the house and came over, and she saw Tang Jingshen training the group, how did she get here in a blink of an eye?

Wu Qingwan's soft cheeks were full of doubts, she looked back, and then looked at Tang Jingxuan, hesitating to say anything.

Zuo Lingquan felt strange just now, and when he saw Wanwan's actions, he naturally became suspicious.

He lowered his head and carefully looked at the charming little wine girl in front of him, and found that something was wrong.

For example, when breathing, the undulating arc of the front of the clothes looks unnatural and a bit fake.

Zuo Lingquan frowned slightly, and poked his fingers on the bulging placket. Sure enough, it felt very firm to the touch. It seemed that he was using his own infuriating energy to stabilize the shape. It was very elastic, but not soft.

Shangguan Lingye was anxiously thinking about countermeasures to resolve the current situation, when he was suddenly poked at the front of his shirt, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

! !

Shangguan Lingye has lived for nearly a hundred years, and this is the first time he has been touched by a man like this.


A crisp sound appeared in the stone room.

When she raised her hand, she knocked off Zuo Lingquan's restless right hand, took a half step back, and said solemnly:

"You are presumptuous!"

The voice is calm and atmospheric, showing the majesty of the imperial concubine to the fullest, and the voice naturally returns to its original state.

Zuo Lingquan staggered and took a half step back, his eyes were even more astonished than Shangguan Lingye:

"Your senior Ling Ye?"

Wu Qingwan didn't dare to speak, just stared blankly.

When Shangguan Lingye saw that he couldn't wear it anymore, he didn't wear it anymore. The dress and figure changed rapidly, and he quickly returned to the appearance of a lady in the palace. With his hands folded around his waist, his face did not change, and he explained:

"You know that this palace was sent to the deep palace by the ancestor for 80 years. I have never seen the ancestor, so I want to inquire about the situation of the ancestor. You should be able to understand this decision."

How do I understand this?

Zuo Lingquan's expression was weird, and he didn't know what to say.

It was enough for the ancestor to occupy Jingxun's body to scare him, but now the imperial concubine is also pretending to be Jingxun to scare him.

He used to be intimate with Jingxun, and he had to make sure that Jingxuan's body was not his ancestor before he dared to speak.

How could he make out with his mother-in-law like a bomb?

However, Zuo Lingquan did know what happened to Shangguan Lingye, and could understand Shangguan Lingye's motives.

Zuo Lingquan was silent for a while, thinking about it or not, and saluted seriously:

"Well, I understand. The ancestors didn't have much contact with me. Every time I came here, they helped me out of the siege. As for the other things, I just told the empress, that's what happened."

Shangguan Lingye's demeanor was graceful and noble, as if nothing had happened just now, but how could there be no turbulence in his heart, and he wanted to dig a hole in the ground to get in.

After arbitrarily looking for reasons to put things off, Shangguan Lingye felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, and nodded:

"It's good to understand. Let's practice seriously. I'll practice with you tomorrow. I'll say goodbye first."

After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared without a trace, and he didn't even give time to say goodbye.

After Shangguan Lingye left, the stone room was quiet.

Zuo Lingquan hadn't sorted out the situation yet, and looked up at the patio, as he watched the young woman and grandma leave.

Wu Qingwan walked down the stone steps, unable to figure out what was going on just now, with a bit of suspicion on her cheeks, she walked to Zuo Lingquan and asked softly:

"Ling Quan, are you just here?"

"I don't know, and I don't know how the Empress Dowager came here in a quiet and serene state."


Wu Qingwan had seen it for real just now. Zuo Lingquan raised his finger in a ghostly way, pressed on Tang Jingshen's clothes, and pressed out a small nest, if that was the concubine Dayan.


Wu Qingwanrao has a demure temperament, and is also a little frightened, looking at Zuo Lingquan's right hand:

"You touched someone's chest just now, are you alright?"

"What are you touching your chest?" Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said, "I just thought it was a little weird, so I tried it out with my hands. How could I know that Jingxuan was the concubine."

While speaking, Zuo Lingquan raised his finger and poked Wu Qingwan's scary shirt to demonstrate his actions.

Wu Qingwan quickly pushed her hand away and looked around carefully:

"Don't mess around, this is the Iron Arrow Mansion, be careful to be seen by experts."

Zuo Lingquan smiled, put his hand away honestly, and put aside the little episode just now. He looked at the well-dressed Wanwan:

"Senior Wu, how was my performance at the Sword Worship Platform today?"

Wu Qingwan retracted her eyes and aimed at Zuo Lingquan. She didn't need to think about what the next conversation would be. She said it was good, Zuo Lingquan said that the infuriating consumption was too high and she wanted a reward. Shame to practice.

However, Wu Qingwan is more traditional, and under normal circumstances, she would not be promiscuous in the daytime, and it is not for nothing that she came here now.

Wu Qingwan walked to the side of the hot spring river and sat down, clapping her hand beside her:

"Ling Quan, come here, I have something to ask you."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan also dispelled the thought of taking credit, sat cross-legged beside him, and said with a smile:

"Jiang Yi told you?"


Wu Qingwan's beautiful eyes moved slightly, just listening to this, she knew what happened. She blushed slightly and said closer:

"Are you and Jiang Yi finally married?"

"Yeah, I was looking for a place to stay last night, and there was only one bed"

"What are you explaining to me? I don't know your temperament, you didn't bring trouble to Jiang Yi, right?"


Zuo Lingquan was slightly puzzled.

Even though Wu Qingwan was an old couple, she still felt that it was difficult to talk about that kind of thing. She tried her best to look dignified as a teacher and said softly:

"Well, that's what you looked like when you practiced with me for the first time. It's neither light nor heavy."

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly shook his head: "How come, Jiang Yi can't stand it at a young age, I'm very gentle, and it took less than half an hour."

When Wu Qingwan heard this, her eyes became sour, full of disgust. She pursed her lips:

"What do you mean, I can't stand it because of my age, so I don't know how to pity me for one night, please don't listen to me?"

? !

Zuo Lingquan's expression was slightly stiff, and he quickly held Wanwan's hand and comforted:

"That said, I'll take care of you and cough. When we first started, we were very gentle, right? You were very conservative and shy and couldn't let go, so you taught a few postures."

"You mean I'm not conservative anymore, I'm very open?"


That's true, but apparently there's no way to talk about it today.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were innocent, and he didn't know where he was wrong, but he still pretended to admit his mistake and rubbed Wu Qingwan's shoulder:

"It's all my fault, it's my fault."

Wu Qingwan also felt that there was something wrong with the conversation that day, she twisted her shoulders and began to talk about the topic:

"The original intention of my cultivation with you is to help you and Jiang Yi, mainly to help Jiang Yi. I am her half-mother. Now that you are married to her, I am also relieved, have you tried the exercises?"

"I tried it last night, and it worked. Although the five elements do not interact with each other and the speed is a bit slower than ours, it has no effect on other aspects."

"That's good, you have to help Jiang Yi raise her realm as soon as possible."

After Wu Qingwan gave a serious exhortation, there was a hint of embarrassment on her calm face, and she said again:

"Also, we can't go on like this. I have to confess to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi will definitely not blame me. My original intention was not to intervene, but I just didn't know how to speak."

"Should I go and tell?"

"No." Wu Qingwan shook her head seriously: "I made the decision myself, forcibly press and pull you to practice, how can I let you remember this matter? You practice with Jiang Yi a few times these days, and let her understand the principle of the practice first. And the effect, so that I can explain it to her, and the impact will be less."

"I'll be practicing with Jiang Yi tonight, and I've been keeping it a secret. I also feel that I've treated Jiang Yi badly."

Wu Qingwan nodded slowly, thought about it, and made another mistake:

"But in this way, you will have to accompany Jiang Yi every night in the future. After two days, you will have to fight in the ring. I came here to help you practice. What should I do?"

Zuo Lingquan felt slow to practice alone, he glanced left and right:

"This place should be the same as the Shuilian Cave in Xihuang Valley. It can close the door, or else"

"I mean time, not place, in broad daylight"

"Then let's talk about it at night. I can't slow down much by meditating here."


After all, Wu Qingwan was thinking about Zuo Lingquan's big things. After hesitating for a while, she still handled special affairs, stood up and searched for the agency in the stone room.

No matter how high the quality of the practice place is, the place where the door is opened and closed must be at the entrance and exit.

Wu Qingwan searched for a while, and found the pattern engraved on the jade on the wall beside the stone ladder. With her hand on it, luck turned, the entrance and skylight slowly closed, and the surrounding walls also lit up with a soft shimmer.

Zuo Lingquan felt that it was not good to cultivate Wanwan in the place where the concubine was meditating. Instead of going to the lotus platform in the middle, he took out a camping mat from Linglong Pavilion and spread it by the hot spring river.

Wu Qingwan came back to her, folded her hands on her waist, and watched Zuo Lingquan earnestly preparing to clean up her place, feeling a little weird, as if she was waiting to be punished. She hesitated, took out an object from her sleeve and handed it to Zuo Lingquan:

"Lingquan, if you have time to inquire if you can still buy Linglong Pavilion, there should be a place as big as the Iron River Valley. There is only one Linglong Pavilion, it's very inconvenient for us to go out, we were almost caught by Jiang Yi today. ."

"Okay, I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but I didn't have the chance to meet it.

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw Wu Qingwan was holding a red fox tail. His eyes lit up, but he immediately showed a little disappointment.

"Wanwan, you did something wrong, that's not what I said."

"Which one are you talking about, I tried it and couldn't wear it at all, and I don't know what you think."

Wu Qingwan was still quite proud of her craftsmanship. She unfolded the fox tail, tied it behind her waist with a red tie, and injected infuriating energy. The fox tail also lit up with a red shimmer, and she looked quite charming in the closed stone room. .

After Wu Qingwan adjusted the fox's tail, she stood on tiptoe and turned around in a circle, and said softly:

"How is it? Does it look good?"


Zuo Lingquan sat on the blanket and looked at the charming beauty in front of him, his eyes full of admiration:

"You can wear whatever I said. If you don't know how, just take it out and I'll wear it for you. It's sure to look better."

Wu Qingwan didn't know the purpose, and was afraid to take it out for fear of being punished. She said seriously:

"Ling Quan, I only took this out because of your good performance. If you have an inch, we will practice as normal. You can't move your eyes while you are blindfolded."

Zuo Lingquan chuckled: "I just think the red tail doesn't match the white skirt, so it should be made of white."

Wu Qingwan's aesthetic level is not low, so how could she make such a small mistake, she raised her hand and unbuttoned the very large placket, revealing the fiery red carp below:

"It doesn't work that way."


Zuo Lingquan got a wife like this, what else can he say?

With a smile in the corner of his eyes, he supported the blanket with both hands, leaned back, and looked at the big fox in front of him:

"It's still Wanwan's thoughtful consideration, um, twist me to see."

Wu Qingwan blinked and moistened her eyes:

"Twist what?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes indicated the tail hanging behind his waist.

Wu Qingwan immediately understood and was a little unhappy.

However, for Zuo Lingquan's fame today, Wu Qingwan regarded it as a celebration. Thinking about it, she still shook her lower waist according to her words.

October in the Southern Wilderness has not yet come to winter. As far as the eye can see, there are withered weeds and old trees. The scattered motorcades and horse teams are slowly moving forward on the Gobi for thousands of miles.

The Southern Wilderness is named after the barren mountains. The Great Gobi is located between the barren mountains and the Dayan Dynasty. There are numerous small countries and tribes in it, and most of them are poor and desolate. There are also several prosperous places near the business road.

At twilight, the north wind blowing from the sky was already chilling. Zhao Wuxie, dressed as a Jianghu guest, stood outside a wine shop in a small town, listening to the storyteller inside, telling about the strange things that had just happened:

"It is said that our Southern Wilderness Swordsman had no intention of killing the young master of Yunshui Jiantan under his horse with only one sword."

The town is only a few hundred kilometers away from Panyun City, which is outside the barren mountains. There are a lot of loose cultivators who come and go, and the news is unknown from where.

Zhao Wuxie held the wine jar in his hand, and when he heard these untrue deeds, there was surprise on his face, but he felt that it was expected.

"Let's go."

In front of Zhao Wuxie was an old man in a Taoist robe, with a goatee, rough hair, a yellowish old Taoist robe, and a sword on his back. His appearance was a bit nondescript, but he fit in well with this bird. the barren land of the South.

Zhao Wuxie heard the call, and quickly followed behind the old Taoist with the wine jar, and said with a smile:

"Master, that Jian Wushuang should be the person I mentioned last time. The swordsmanship is really good, but I didn't expect him to beat the young master who is in Yunshui Jiantan."

The old Taoist took the wine jar from Zhao Wuxie, opened the mud seal and took a sip, then put it into the yellow gourd around his waist, and said disdainfully:

"The world's most powerful sword immortals are all the nine young masters who climbed up from the bottom step by step? Relying on the protection of the elders and growing up under the wings, Yilai stretches out his hands and eats and opens his mouth. He has never experienced a desperate situation, no matter how good his talent is How much potential is there? Don’t be afraid.”

Zhao Wuxie was already used to these arrogant words, shrugged and said:

"Master, why don't we go to Linyuan City? If I knew earlier, I would also visit the Nine Sects Association."

"Shame on the past?"

Zhao Wuxie didn't like to hear these words anymore, he spread his hands and said, "Jianyi and I will destroy Qingyun City side by side, and our strengths are on the same level. If that kid can make such a big name, so can I, I'm your apprentice~ Just because you are my apprentice, I will tell you not to be ashamed. If you haven't learned any real skills, you just want to be famous. Do you think being famous is a good thing? A real swordsman should be someone else before they die. I know there are people like you in the world."

Zhao Wuxie took back the remaining half of the wine jar and poured it, dissatisfied:

"Master, since I was a child, I have listened to your great principles, but I have never seen you teach two hands. I am still using the swordsmanship handed down from my family. Is it because I don't want to learn the real skills? I feel that Master, you don't."

The old Taoist walked on the wasteland with his hands behind his back and glanced at the boundless Gobi:

"I've told you, no matter how powerful the fairy and demons in the world are, they will definitely die if they smash their souls with one sword. Isn't this true?"

"What kind of skill is this? I also know that no matter how powerful a person is, he will definitely die if he cuts off his head with a sword. Everyone knows this principle, so what's the use?"

"If you can guarantee that every sword can cut off a person's head, then this is the most powerful swordsmanship in the world. You don't think about it, and you don't work hard. Blame the master for not teaching it? Your head is used as a urinal. ?"


Zhao Wuxie couldn't talk back to his master, so he stopped talking about this, and turned to look at the end of his vision in the south:

"If we don't go to Linyuan City, we should go north to Central Continent, and what are we going to do south? There is a barren mountain in front of the terrace."

"I'm a Taoist priest, and I travel around to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Wherever there are demons, where do they go."

"Master, you talk about subduing demons and eliminating demons all day long. I have been with you for so many years, and I haven't even seen what demons look like."

"It's a good thing that I haven't seen it. It means that the world is peaceful and the sword can't be brought into the grave. It's better than saving people from water and fire in troubled times."


Zhao Wuxie has nothing to do with his master, he can only express that he understands


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