Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 31: 蠢团 子

"Too reckless (

The practitioners can sleep without rest, and Xianjia Bazaar naturally does not divide day and night.

Zuo Lingquan drove a carriage to Linyuan Port on the outskirts of the city. When the carriage passed through the red maple trees, the fog in front of him dissipated, and a brightly lit market appeared in front of him.

The market is crowded with people, and there are not a few people walking in the sky when they encounter swords. The long tail dragged out by the five-color streamer looks like a meteor streaking across the sky.

Jiang Yi walked beside Zuo Lingquan, looked up at the sky, and said:

"In this way, the monks who are hydrophilic in the five elements take advantage. The water of the five elements is black and cannot be seen at night, so it is easy to hide their whereabouts."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said, "It's a bargain at night. Don't be too conspicuous during the day. You can see a black spot more than ten miles away."

Liu Chunfeng has a flying sword, and said with a chuckle to this rookie's remarks:

"The flying sword itself can hide the traces of the spiritual flow and the sound of breaking wind. If you really want to sneak in, you won't be able to see it if you don't get close."

Zuo Lingquan felt that this should also be the case, otherwise, if he stepped on the light sticks flying all over the sky, he would not even think about chasing or escaping for his life. He looked up at the sky and said curiously:

"Then why are the masters in the sky stepping on such bright flying swords?"

"The cultivators here are too dense, the sky is pitch black, and the flying swords are fast. If they hide their tracks, even if they don't get hit to death, they will be killed if they are frightened."

Zuo Lingquan suddenly realized - it turned out to be an obstacle avoidance light.

Jiang Yi pondered for a while, but felt that something was wrong:

"What about the cultivator with the five elements of water? Don't fly at night?"

"Flying swords with high prices can change color. Under normal circumstances, monks who are close to the water in the five elements like to step on the white flying sword, so that the opponent will misjudge that the five elements are pro-gold, and then the monks who are pro-fire will be evil from their guts, and the result will be Kicked the iron plate."

Jiang Yi was taken aback: "So insidious?"

Cheng Jiujiang used to be a field cultivator and was used to it:

"A practitioner who is traveling abroad will not make a move without certainty. If he makes a move, he will definitely die. Therefore, eyesight and scheming are more important than cultivation, and most of the time it is a psychological game. If you are seen through, basically Just dead."

"That's right, you two just came out of the mountain, you need to learn more about these things..."


During the trivial chat, Zuo Lingquan followed Liu Chunfeng to a large shop; the name of the shop was 'Chuyuelou', and Chouyuelin built ferries to and from all parts of the continent, and also transported goods along the way. Complete, as long as you can afford the fairy money, there is basically nothing you can't buy.

Liu Chunfeng purchased medicinal pills and some materials for cultivation, while Zuo Lingquan and Jiang Yi were hanging out.

Zuo Lingquan wanted to find a suitable practice manual for Wanwan, but this kind of object represented the inheritance of the teacher's sect. If a regular shop used it as a commodity, it would cause trouble. There was no such thing in the shop. The sect asked for it; in the end, under the leadership of Liu Chunfeng, he came to the black market in the remote part of the market, and found a book of 'Thunder Control' from the loose cultivator.

"Thunder Control" is a systematic technique. There are many thunder techniques in the whole set, which is suitable for cultivators of the five elements. But like all the secrets of cultivation techniques in the world, what can be found outside are only fragments, and it is impossible to have a complete copy. There are not many techniques recorded in the cheat book, and the black market price is still expensive, three hundred white jade baht, which is equivalent to a child's spiritual tool.

Although Zuo Lingquan's flesh hurts, Wanwan can't do anything. In the end, he cut the price for half a sky and used the spiritual weapon belt obtained by Cheng Jiujiang to trade in exchange for two spells.

As for Cheng Jiujiang, of course, he owes it first and pays it back later.

After buying things, Zuo Lingquan, who was already empty in his pockets, still owed foreign debts. Naturally, he didn't want to find treasures any more. He just wandered down the street and looked at the rare objects that were never seen in the Great Dan Dynasty before.

Jiang Yi only has the sixth level of qi refining, and she can't even show her true qi. She is considered to be at the bottom of the entire market. Such as Xingxing's eyes are complicated, and the more she looks at it, the more aggrieved and angry, but there is no way to do it. Tang Jing rubbed the bird dumpling as a vent.

The dumpling followed him out for a walk, and was warned by Tang Jingxun, so he really obediently stopped running around; but his gluttony problem obviously couldn't be fixed, and he walked all the way, staring at the various small beasts sold by the monks on the street. , the saliva is almost flowing out.

When passing by a shop called 'Yu Beast Zhai', the dumpling couldn't bear it any longer and jumped on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder, called "jiji~" twice, rubbed his head against Zuo Lingquan's neck, and used a small Wings signal.

Zuo Lingquan stopped and looked up at the big shop on the third floor - there were many monks walking in it, carrying spiritual pets with them.

Liu Chunfeng had no spirit beasts by his side, but he was well-informed and explained:

"The beasts in the world all have things they love to eat, and they rely more on the nourishment of heaven and earth treasures than people. Yu Beast House specializes in this business. It seems to be learned from Wanghailou, one of the nine sects, and it is very famous here. ."

Zuo Lingquan said before that he came out to find something delicious for the dumplings. Seeing that there was such a place, he naturally did not let the dumplings lose, and entered the hall of the shop with Jiang Yi.

On the counters around the shop, there are many trays containing spiritual fruits such as 'Snake Letter Fruit', as well as some sun-dried worms and dried meat; many small beasts with owners are drooling under the trays. There was also a snow-white squirrel that bit the hem of a female nun's skirt and dragged it backwards, almost pulling the nun's skirt down, causing a burst of laughter.

Jiang Yi enthusiastically scanned the circle and asked:

"What do birds like to eat? Dumplings are so pretty, it feels weird to eat bugs."

Zuo Lingquan also didn't understand the eating habits of dumplings. In the past, as long as they could put their mouths down, they could be eaten clean by them. He raised his hand and touched the dumpling's head:

"What do you want to eat?"

Tuanzi tilted his head and looked at it for a long time, his eyes finally locked on the little colorful snakes waiting to be fed next to the snake letter fruit:


"That's someone's spirit beast, you can't eat it, pick what's on the plate."


The dumplings are tasteless, but something is better than nothing. It **** its wings and flies around on various trays. Judging from the lingering attitude, everyone wants to eat it, but none of them close their mouths. thing.

Zuo Lingquan followed behind, and after thinking about it, he took out his own small porcelain bottle, opened the lid, and let the little beetle pick something to eat.

The little beetle held it for several days, swayed and flew out of the bottle, unceremoniously flew into a pile of dry insects, picked up a poisonous insect and flew back to the porcelain bottle, and then flew out and carried it back.

Seeing this scene, the dumplings probably thought that the rice was still the aroma of someone else's house, and ran to the front to prepare to eat.

The shopkeeper of the shop was a half-hundred-year-old man. Seeing this, he quickly grabbed the dumpling and shook his head:

"This is a split-veined centipede. It's extremely poisonous. If I eat it, I will die on the spot. You and we are so stupid, we dare to eat anything."

Zuo Lingquan was startled when he heard the words, he walked over to take the dumpling over, and said softly:

"Why do you eat poisonous things? What if you overturn yourself?"


Dango shook his head and pointed at the beetle that was still transporting with his beak. The meaning was obviously:

‘It can be eaten, why can’t birds eat it? ’

Seeing this scene, the old shopkeeper said, "Huh? ’ With a sound, he leaned in and looked at the dumplings carefully:

"Do you understand human speech?"

The group hesitated, shaking his head like a rattle.

? ?

I don't understand why you shake your head?

Although this reaction is a bit silly, but I can understand the meaning and know how to hide in front of strangers, and my IQ is higher than many people.

Zuo Lingquan saw the surprised look in the old shopkeeper's eyes, put the dumplings in his sleeve, and interrupted with a smile:

"I have been taught well since I was a child, and I know some people's language."

Seeing this, the old shopkeeper laughed: "You are well-bred, this kind of cleverness, the old man is jealous when he sees it, if he can buy it as a companion..."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said, "The bird is raised by a teacher, so I don't dare to deal with it arbitrarily. Please forgive me, senior."

The old shopkeeper nodded slightly: "I don't know where your friends and teachers are masters? If I have a I would like to ask some beast-fighting techniques."

"It's not a celebrity, the old man wanted to come and hear about it..."

Zuo Lingquan knew the taboo of making deep conversations and didn't want to chat too much with the shopkeeper.

The old shopkeeper walked out of the counter and sent a few people to the door of the shop. He frowned slightly until the figure disappeared into the crowd.

After thinking for a while, the old shopkeeper turned around and came to the third floor of the shop.

On the third floor of Yu Beast Zhai is an account room, with several small beasts running in it.

The old shopkeeper came to the account room, raised his hand in a salute, and said:

"Young master, that little fat bird, I thought it was a white mountain spirit, but I have never seen such a smart white mountain spirit in my whole life here; at such a young age, he can understand people's language, and when he grows up, he can change shape is impossible.”

The monks at the peak of Youhuang can control all things, and naturally they can change their body shape. The same is true for spirit beasts; even in the nine southern sects, the monks of Youhuang are also a force to be reckoned with. They can have a spirit beast in the Youhuang realm by their side. Its value can be imagined.

Chen Muqiu thought for a while and said:

"The White Mountain Spirit comes from the hinterland of the barren mountains. It is said that it is a descendant of Suzaku, but it cannot be verified. Except for its good-looking appearance, it is not even a spirit beast. This White Mountain Spirit is too intelligent.

"I've never met a similar bird or beast before, so I'm afraid the chance is not small. Just now, the young man is unwilling to give up love, and the background is unclear; but looking at the appearance of a few people, it doesn't look like someone with a strong background..."

"Go check the background first, and then confirm."



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