Too Early

Chapter 830: Teaching and robbing the danger

"Old... old things, you are not dead yet..."

Zhou Tiansheng smiled contemptuously at it, his face was full of disdain, and he looked at the sorrowful sorrowful sorrow, and even his words were extremely difficult. He only felt comfortable.

"You can hang a breath of this magical thing, how can I die? It is you, you don't have to do it, I have to die almost? Haha..."

The criminal closed his eyes and his face showed a strange smile. It did not have much strength. It could only spit out one word at a time: "With me... a demon of death... confrontation... true ... really good..."

Zhou Tiansheng's face was a stiff face. He looked at the punishment completely soaked in the medicine pool. The whole body was filled with a strong killing. His eyes were as cold and poisonous as the snakes hidden in the grass.

This demon, Laozi can poke it with a finger, even dare to yell at me here, is simply looking for death! In this case, when the day robbery comes again and nobody pays attention, I must find an opportunity to come in and kill it.

Just as Zhou Tiansheng began to brew these ideas, the disciple of the servant suddenly blinked and shouted at him: "The elders of Qin are coming."

The hearts of the two disciples have finally fallen. They are really afraid of what is going on under their eyes. On that day, Qin Haoxuan’s madness is deeply branded in everyone’s heart. No one wants to face it. Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan's lower abdomen has blood flowing out. He just finished the catastrophe of this catastrophe. He also wants to recover the wound in the Tiantian Pavilion before the next wave of looting.

As soon as he arrived at the Tiantian Pavilion, he heard two disciples yelling at him, and he made a "snap" in his heart. After walking quickly, he saw Zhou Tiansheng standing next to the drug pool.

Zhou Tiansheng looked at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes as a bloodthirsty beast saw the prey, fierce and violent.

Qin Haoxuan is on alert, and his heart is also killing. What is this old and undead doing here? Do you want to be bad for the sentence?

Thinking of this, Qin Haoxuan is more prosperous. If Zhou Tiansheng dares to attack the penalty, I will break up his spirit and let him immediately kill him and go with his acquaintance son!

"Hey? You are not dead yet?"

Qin Haoxuan will take care of the violent killings and look at Zhou Tiansheng faintly.

This sentence not only made Zhou Tiansheng's face black, but even the faces of two young disciples were surprised. For the elders of Qin who are very good at teaching each other in the early days, they will say such a vicious word to a law-protection, so unwelcome...

Both sides are the "killing" revenge, but because they are too early, they will still meet each other. They can't wait to hack each other, but also because they are too early... At this moment, they can't do it anymore...

Zhou Tiansheng noodles like frost, murderous, very sinisterly said: "I will not die if I kill you."

Qin Haoxuan looked at him faintly and buried the strong killing in the plain words: "You don't want to do it in your life."

The dangerous atmosphere spread from the confrontation between the two people, and the torture of the eyelids, the weak Qin Chaoxuan said: "You... come over..."

Qin Haoxuan took back the cold sight of Zhou Tiansheng and went to the penalty. He leaned against the pool and looked at it with a little worry. He asked, "What happened?"

The sentence slowly sighed out, and it endured the severe pain in the body, trying hard to make your tone easier.

"I... I have lived in this life, I am very happy... Although there are still some things, I have not done it... but my brother doesn't care... just, there is something, if you can't do it... If you are a brother, you will die..."

Qin Haoxuan did not want to say so much in the sentence. He knew that it would take a lot of effort to say a word, but when he saw it, he did not say anything more, and gently asked: "What?"

The punishment moved the corner of the mouth, saying one word at a time, saying: "After the robbery, kill him... If you are not strong enough, don't worry, but... can't let him die, must, kill He... cut his head down and put it at Laozi’s grave... Ronaldinho’s thing, I will not forgive this old thing in my life... If I have a next life... I will not forgive...”

Qin Haoxuan frowned and looked at Zhou Tiansheng, who had a sullen face and a violent chest. Then he said to the sentence: "What do you say! I won't let you die. This person, I will seriously hurt him, then you." Cut his head down."

Zhou Tiansheng was almost burned to death by the anger of his chest. These two animals actually said this in front of me? Really when I am dead?

Zhou Tiansheng's eyes were cold and his tone was very bad. He said coldly: "The early teachings have the kind of nourishment for me. During the day of the robbery, I will try my best to be a sect, and I will not give you a bit of energy to give you these ants. This little devil does not need me. You will break your breath, as for you, Qin Haoxuan, just wait for me to accept your head and come to pay homage to my son!"

Qin Hao Xuan Teng suddenly stood up, and the whole body was raging, and the cold air blew out.

"Old things... look down at your hand... can you survive the robbery, I really don't like you..."

Qin Haoxuan stared coldly at Zhou Tiansheng's injured hand and taunted. At the same time, although he hated the other party, he was eager to die, but he was also impressed, so seriously injured... This old guardian should be guarded in the heaviest position of the robbery! Otherwise, with his cultivation, it should not be as serious as the injury... It was too early... He really did his best.

"Okay, good! You dare to be so arrogant! This old man takes your life today and avenges my child!"

Zhou Tiansheng's clothes are not windy, and the hurricane suddenly rises, and the Qitiange aura is stirred up.

There was a trace of blood in the eyes of Qin Haoxuan.

Kill him! Killing this old miscellaneous hair can also remove a hidden danger for the punishment!

The disciples standing on both sides of the disciples complained, and shivered and hid in the corner.

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan and Zhou Tiansheng are in a flash, a person who stands tall and tall has stepped in.

"What are you doing? When I am dead?" A stern drink asked, and the original smashing Tiantiange suddenly calmed down.

However, Qin Haoxuan and Zhou Tiansheng looked at each other's eyes, but they were also full of sly killing intentions.

Huang Long brows slightly, and he strode in, and his shoulders were still bloody, apparently coming in to heal.

Looking at the two people who are still in a state of opposition, Huang Long’s face showed a slight anger, and the whole body violently turned to the two, shouting to the two: “What are you doing here? Say! What do you want to do? During the robbery, everyone I’m so busy, my feet are not on the ground, you two are still at ease here, you are jealous of me, I am jealous of you? Give me a roll! Go and give me a slain!”

The arrogant atmosphere, with the sudden roar of Huanglong suddenly disappeared, the two seem to be the children who made the wrong things, one by one, bowing their heads, they want to grieve a few rebuttals, can face the roar of the church, and dare not respond half Words.

The tight atmosphere in the Tiantian Pavilion finally eased, and Huang Long’s anger came up. He pointed to the two people: "How old are you, do you think you are a child? You don’t want to be a bit, you really want to rob When the clouds are heading, the nest is against the other? A law-protecting, an elder, is the leader of the early-aged teachers. If you don’t want to heal, you can take care of the Lingtian medicine field. You can do a lot of things. Some things let you do it! Roll! Give it to the seat! Don't let this seat see you!"

Zhou Tiansheng was taught to be flushed, and when he saw his sleeve, he went to a small array of methods to start healing. Qin Haoxuan is also not good-looking, half a squatting on the edge of the drug pool, taking out the medicine from the dragon scale sword without saying a word, the shattering of one strain and the essence of the elixir into the body of the penalty in.

Even though each of the medicines that Qin Haoxuan took out contained extremely strong aura and pure potency, the body of the sentence was still dry, and there was no slight improvement. Qin Haoxuan is not in a hurry, telling himself in his heart that as long as the sentence is still alive, I will always save it.

However, his actions have aroused the horror of several people around him. They don't understand at all, Qin Haoxuan is where to get these treasures!

You must know that every strain taken by Qin Haoxuan is enough to cause the scream of Bizhuzi.

Zhou Tiansheng looked at Qin Haoxuan's unintentional supply of the demon-destroyed demon Infinitely wasting these herbs, I feel distressed, it is a pity that so many elixir!

Although Huang Long knew that Qin Haoxuan had a deep foundation, he did not think that he was so deep. Once the demon who is called the punishment has left the nourishment of these elixir, it will be killed in an instant.

Huang Long looked deeply at Qin Haoxuan and his heart was very complicated: "I thought Qin Haoxuan could only save this magic for a while, but I really didn't think that this guy had dragged this time for so long, and it seems to be able to It lasts for a long time."

Huang Long can't help but feel that Qin Haoxuan may really save this punishment!

Just when everyone's minds are different, a mountain peak in the early teachings suddenly gathers together, and the white cranes fly and the clouds glow. A powerful aura volatility spreads like a rushing tide in the early days.

Someone has achieved a fairyland!

Several people immediately got up and looked out.

"There was a disciple who made a fairyland at this time." Huang Long looked at the mountain peak of the radiance, muttering to himself.

Jiang Zhao, a disciple of the side, immediately stepped forward and bowed his hand to Huanglong: "Congratulations, I have added a strong man who has been cultivated as a fairy tree."

Huang Long’s face with a happy face carries a regret and gently sighs: “It’s a good thing. If there is no robbing, then we can open the mountain gate too early, and invite the monks to celebrate this celebration. Good thing, but unfortunately..."

At this time, Qin Haoxuan saw that Huang Long’s face was beautiful, and he was like a child’s flattering. He hoped that he would not be too heavy to teach his mind. He quickly said: “Teaching, teaching robbery is my great catastrophe, but also my early whetstone. Those brothers, if there is not a robbery, fear that this life will become a fairy tree..."

Huang Long smiled and nodded again and again. This robbery is a big robbery and a great opportunity!

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