Too Early

Chapter 765: Xuan Ying Supreme Zombies

After Qin Haoxuan wanted to understand this point, he sighed helplessly, and it was a life! And it seems that I have been following myself for a long time. I can only endure the heartache of blood drops. I took out a thousand pieces of the next three spirits to eat it. The little dolls will take a few bites of the stone and pat the belly. Expressed that he did not have enough to eat.

"Can eat more than punishment!" Qin Haoxuan whispered a sentence, simply took out 10,000 under the three spirits stone to the other side, secretly guessed if the punishment is known, afraid to fight with yourself, right? I haven’t been so generous to him on weekdays...

The shadow corpse doll told Qin Haoxuan with actual actions, what is called a bellyless bottom, what is called a foodie! Ten thousand down the three spirits, the effort in the blink of an eye was eaten by the shadow corpse, and informed by action, the baby has not yet eaten.

Qin Haoxuan helplessly scratched his head. This life and death is actually feeding the children. What is going on?

The eyes of the small stone turned a lot on the shadow corpse doll, and suddenly excited: "How come you have this stuff? Shadow King!"

Shadow King? Qin Haoxuan frowns doubts, this little thing is not called Xuan Ying corpse?

The scream of a small stone attracted all the attention of the surrounding.

Qin Haoxuan sighed: "This is what I used to be..."

The small stone circled around the shadow corpse doll and said: "With it, we are saved!"

Qin Haoxuan asked: "How to tell?"

The small stone said: "This is the shadow corpse in the shadow of the corpse! This is a rare thing, you don't know it! It is not necessarily something that even the king of the king does not necessarily have. This corpse king will affect the shadow! However, their spiritual temperament, even the king of the king can not, this little thing can use the shadow to bring us into the shadow of the snow demon!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the little doll that had not been full after waking up. Although she knew that this little thing was very magical, she did not expect it to be so magical!

The little stone said: "Shadow is the most magical existence in this world. It is a space that is different from the ground! And once we enter the shadow of the snow demon, we can go anywhere with the snow demon! And the snow demon Hard to find us!"

Qin Haoxuan also understands the benefits of doing so. They can not only find exports, but may even find the core of this small ice world!

So Qin Haoxuan took the shadow doll and took it out and said, "Can you take us to the shadow of the snow demon? Take us into the shadow of the snow demon and give you a spiritual stone to eat."

The little doll waved his little hand, and the oh yeah had a different stroke. A spirit with light and shadow effect covered Qin Haoxuan's whole body.

The next moment... The little doll jumped from the ground and entered the shadow of the snow demon on the ground.

Everyone immediately felt that the environment around them was different. First of all, it was here... not cold! The shadow is really different from the underground, very strange, followed by the space of the shadow, the empty looks like a big, but very narrow.

They sat in the shadow of the snow demon, and they saw the snow demon looking around the earth.

The snow demon squatted for a long time in the same place, and saw that the prey they chased did not show up, and they left in groups.

The small stone sees the direction of the snow demon's advancement. It is precisely the direction in which the small ice-cold boundary nuclear that it had previously guessed is inextricably excited.

"I don't know if this group of snow demon will go to the place where the nuclear nucleus is. If we can get there, we will send it! Get the nuclear core and rule a small world. That can be done by Supreme Master! At this time, the stone emperor wants to eat all the strange stones in this small ice-cold world!" The small stone swallowed and swallowed, infinitely beautiful imagination.

Qin Haoxuan was also looked forward to by the small stone. If you can really get the nuclear core of this small ice-cold world, then it is not only your own, but also the early education will not let others down!

Unfortunately, the ideal is always beautiful, but the reality is always cruel!

This group of snow demon, after the small stone has seen, thousands of snow demon gathering place, they will not go forward.

Qin Haoxuan was stunned and looked at the snow demon group who couldn’t see his head. He only listened to the small stone and said that there were thousands of snow demons. Now that he saw it, he felt shocked.

If you don't wake up suddenly without a shadow corpse, don't say a few thousand, that is, hundreds of snow demons who chased them before can freeze them into ice sculptures!

This is no wonder, people outside are calling this place called the fairy valley! In the face of thousands, even tens of thousands of snow demon, even the immortals of the fairyland are simply unable to kill the past, not to mention, there is no more terrible thing behind.

The snow demon they were in was entering the snow demon group, and after that... they didn't even move around!

"Mom! Why didn't you go?" The little stone anxiously began to report swearing: "Is these things idiots?"

Qin Haoxuan also shook his head helplessly: "It seems that they are not going to move forward."

Blue smoke looked at the snow demon who couldn't see the head. Even if it was not cold in the shadow, but... the kind of coldness of the bones still made her feel awkward. She asked: "What do we do? Is it not possible to die here?"

Qin Haoxuan was silent, leaving the shadow can only be killed by the snow demon group, but not leaving the shadow... Do you want to live here and die?

"Let's see it..." The little stone sighed and said: "Go out to die... maybe wait a little longer, these stupid snow demon will move again..."

The people can only agree with the nod, this waited for two days, the position of the people did not advance half a step, Qin Haoxuan could not sit still.

He looked at the snowy outside and said: "If you wait any longer, it is not the way. If we don't freeze to death, when the things in my space are finished, they will be starved to death."

When I was empty, I was eating frozen food in my space bag. When I heard Qin Haoxuan’s words, I immediately made two tears of tears. It no longer disliked the dried corpses that had been sucked up and dried. If you are unhealthy, you can go to the mouth!

The small stone was also impatient, and its rounded eyes swept outside and circled again. Then, it was hungry and hungry, and the eyes of Qin Haoxuan took out the Lingshi’s shadow doll, and the eyes lit up. !

The little stone said to everyone: "Look outside and look outside!"

Everyone from the shadow space, looking out, is a group of snow demon, there are several bodies of the immortal who were frozen into ice sculptures, and then the white snow, and I can't understand what the small stones let everyone see.

The little stone hates iron and does not become a steel pointing finger at the corpse doll: "This is the future corpse, the corpse of the future, but it can manipulate the body and convert the body into a zombie. Don't take it. Do you play as a little doll?"

Blue smoke retracted the hand that was still playing with the little doll because of the bulging little face.

Qin Haoxuan also looked at the little doll. How should this little doll be used?

The small stone pointed to the body of the sorcerer outside the shadow, and then said: "These cultivators can only be frozen when they come here, and their cultivation will not be low. If the corpse doll is made into a zombie, then do it. Is the zombie coming out so terrible?"

Qin Haoxuan frowned, transforming the outside body into a zombie?

For the immortal, the instinct of the heart will be in conflict.

It’s still bad enough to cultivate the immortals. If it is still converted into a zombie after death, it will be driven by people... Is that not a dead eye?

"Old Qin, what do you want? Don't turn them into zombies. Can you wait for me to die here?" The small stone bounced back and forth in front of Qin Haoxuan: "Don't be so pedantic?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the companions around him and sighed, take care of the living people first!

"Little doll, can you transform the frozen bodies outside into zombies?" Qin Haoxuan raised the little doll and pointed to the master who was frozen to death.

The little doll looked up, the **** eyes were rolling, the mouth was stunned, the little head was a little bit, and then the two small white arms were starting to match.

The little doll's strokes seem to be chaotic, but gradually the golden runes are drawn from its fingertips. Once the runes appear, they are like flying stars, and they quickly flew away. The brushed ones did not enter the bodies of them. Inside.

The rune is too fast, even without the attention of the Snow Demon.

Once the celestial body of the cultivator was inserted into the corpse rune, a series of visible changes occurred. Although it was still wrapped in the ice, the hands and feet changed slightly.

Qin Haoxuan looked at him with surprise and asked: "Is not the higher the cultivator's body, the more difficult it is to be transformed into a zombie? How are they transformed so quickly?"

"Old Qin, have time to read more books..." The small stone sneered and ridiculed: "The first condition for refining zombies is that there is great resentment before the death of the body. The outsiders can rush here. What do you mean by repairing? It is the infinite power of the future, but it has been frozen here by a few snow demons. Even if you are ruined, you can be willing to do it?"

"Look at the one in front of us, young, watching it is a hundred years old, but it is already a seven-wheeled race, oh... at their I want to be a generation of genius "People!" The small stone pointed at the body of the ice sculpture in front of them and said, "A snow demon, two snow demons are not his opponents at all. It must have been here, and they were smashed by a group of snow monsters. Hey, let’s give it to the frozen, you look at the expression on his face, hehe... I don’t want to be more distorted.”

Qin Haoxuan looked around, sure enough! On the face of the cultivator, the blue veins that violently angered before the death were clearly seen, and the grievances must have skyrocketed.

The shadow corpse doll has been very happy to control the corpse in its hands. The nine ice sculpture bodies that Qin Haoxuan can see are gradually changing under the control of a corpse control rune.

The empty child leaned on Xiaojin’s soft golden hair and frowned at the bodies. He said, “So a bunch of fairy-wheeled guys still can’t do this snow demon? How is it possible? Will it be here? Is there a stronger snow demon?"

The empty-air child was drawn by himself and was scared.

The little stone rolled his eyes and said: "Who told you that they came in together? Obviously, they came in one by one, and a fairy wheel would definitely not be able to do this group of snow demon. Can be frozen into ice sculptures. If such a group of fairy wheels together, thousands of snow demon are not enough for them to cut!"

I was relieved, and I leaned on Xiaojin and I was comfortable.

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