Too Early

Chapter 759: Xiaojin violently smashed the king

Zheng Zheyi listened, it really makes sense, but...

"But they are far away from us, we can't find them anymore."

Qian Ming smiled and said: "What do you think I gave to Qin Haoxuan?"

Zheng Zhe has a slight glimpse.

Qian Ming continued: "There is a thousand miles of tracking marks on my spell. And, just in case, just when they left, I have released a small number of tracking followers."

Zheng Zhe suddenly realized that he was full of admiration for seeing Qian Ming’s eyes. He laughed loudly: “It’s a genius disciple in the martial art. If you are a talented strategy, you will be able to cultivate it as a great success and shine our Western religion!”

And when Zheng Zhe infinitely touted Qian Ming, the little stone couldn’t stop looking back, and he couldn’t stop: “How do I feel that someone is following us?”

Qin Haoxuan stopped and frowned and said, "I also have this feeling. I always feel that something is watching us."

Qin Haoxuan thought about it and then slammed the ghosts out.

In the gust of wind, a golden glare was shot from the forehead of the ghost.

A group of white beasts not far from them were completely exposed to the crowd. This is not over yet. When the light and shadow of the Tao passed over Qin Haoxuan, a faint white light flashed out of his sleeve.

Qin Haoxuan raised his eyebrows and took out the shackles that had just been placed in the cuffs. Then he changed the charms in his hands into powder, and then said to the ghost, "Go and clean up those things."

The ghost whistle flew over to the white beast.

"Ah!" Blue smoke screamed.

Qin Haoxuan came to the blue smoke and looked at the place where her eyes were seen.

It is a small blue flower, the shape is similar to the peony flower of Xianglongguo, but it is more compact and blue.

Qin Haoxuan determined that he had never seen such a thing.

Blue smoke put it in his hands, his eyes were red, and the tears fell one by one. She whimpered: "This is the blue water that is only available at the bottom of the sea, my mother's favorite flower, she must be in front."

Blue smoke has become very different from the past. The whole person is very impatient and tightly clutching Qin Haoxuan’s sleeves and cried: “My mother must have been in danger. Otherwise, how can she make herself the most? The favorite flower falls."

Qin Haoxuan took back the ghost whistle, then raised the blue smoke that was about to stand up and said to her: "You don't worry, now it is a good thing to have your mother's news. We will continue to go southeast and will find your mother."

Blue smoke nodded hard, she already did not know what to do, if not far away, across the sea to come to this big 6 to find their own mother what is the accident, then she is really a life is not dead .

Now, Qin Haoxuan, who is still steady, is her only reliance.

A few people went on, the tree shadows on the roadside were getting heavier and heavier. Qin Haoxuan calculated the journey forward, and then went a quarter of an hour before they entered the dangerous zone that Qian Ming said.

In order to protect everyone's safety, Qin Haoxuan made Xiao Jin behind, and he walked ahead.

The sun was getting higher and it quickly rose to the middle.

When Qin Haoxuan shuttled through the jungle in the sky, a black shadow came out from the front.

Qin Haoxuan did not know the depth of such things attacking them, so he took the dragon scale sword and jumped forward. A sword flashed through, and the thing was split into two halves in midair.

Qin Haoxuan had already seen the appearance of the thing when it was close, and it was a beast that was about the size of an adult leopard. The whole body is covered with black scales, the first two feet, the four hooves are strong and strong, and the eyes are amber.

Although I have seen the appearance clearly, Qin Haoxuan has never seen this thing. I only know that from the attacking degree and strength of this beast, one such beast has a perfection of the immortal. The strength of the realm.

After Qin Haoxuan killed the beast, he returned to his team, but he was surprised that the beast that he had killed was not bleeding at all. After his blow, he was completely broken. The spiritual law disappeared between heaven and earth.

Blue smoke came to his side and frowned and asked, "What is that? It's so weird."

Qin Haoxuan shook his head. He didn't know that this was the first time he saw such a strange thing. As soon as he entered the scope of this fairy valley, he encountered an unknown thing and made Qin Haoxuan somewhat tricky.

The small stone showed his head from Qin Haoxuan's arms and looked at them and said: "This thing is a mana."

Qin Haoxuan used his doubts to solve his eyes and stared at the small stones.

The small stone immediately screamed and said: "The pure Yang Xian Wang also refines such objects. The mana beasts are completely condensed by mana. They don't feel pain, and they don't know the retreat. As long as they appear, they can only be broken. get rid of."

The voice of the little stone just fell, and there was another mana beast in front of them. The scatteredness brought by them was like a bird of surprise, and his mouth screamed: "What the **** is this place!"

Originally, when he entered this fairy valley, Li He tightened his nerves. Now that he even heard of the mana beast that he had never heard of, the whole person collapsed.

He shouted and used one of them, and he practiced the three-hundred-year-old fireflake feathers, and the red fan was made to the mana that came out of it. A huge firefowl appeared out of thin air. With a sultry heat flow slammed into the mana.

Seeing that the fire group was about to hit the mana beast, Li He covered his face with his large robe, because he knew that this flame would explode once it fell on the other side, and it was powerful and capable of putting an adult. The elephant was instantly fried into ashes.

However, the explosion did not appear, Li He surprised to put down the cloak covering his face, and his own flame was inhaled into the body of the Mana.

After the mana was absorbed, the body actually grew stronger.

In the arms of Qin Haoxuan, Xiaoxi Lihe: "You stupid, don't tell you that it is a mana beast! Mana beast is immune to all spiritual methods! Not only immune but also absorbs the pure spirit method. Attack, want to destroy it, you can only break it with force."

Qin Haoxuan will buckle the dragon scale sword in his hand, and the whole person will fly up. With the sword light of the dragon scale sword in his hand, the second mana beast will become two paragraphs, then the dragon scale sword will fly out from his hand and from their body. The former big tree turned back, and the two pieces of the mana that were split into two pieces of the mana fell from the tree.

Blue smoke said with a big eyes: "There are two more."

Qin Haoxuan landed and protected everyone, saying: "Not only."

Sure enough, as he said, the fragments of the mana that had just been smashed have not completely disappeared between heaven and earth. Five, ten, one hundred, one thousand, countless mana beasts are like a large river that breaks from the mid-air. Come over!


Qin Haoxuan scalp numb, although he can play ... but the tide of the general mana beast ... can not use the spiritual method, can only use fists ... this is exhausting people!

And... this group of goods... they are ok! Release the magical torrent together!

Cracked rock wave!劈天刃! Nine days of curse! Fireworks trap! ......

That's right! This is the most terrible place for the Mana Beast! You can't hit it with the spirit! And it... can use your spirit to bomb you!

The spiritual law of a mana beast may not be terrible... Ten heads? One hundred or one thousand! When thousands of mana beasts simultaneously exercised various spiritual methods to form a torrent of magical law that covers the sky, it is the monk of the immortal tree, and it is also difficult to escape the defeat.

I don't know which mana beast screams in midair, and the magical law that they ejected converges into a stream, and squats down to everyone!

So far away, Qin Haoxuan can feel the heat of the flame and the roar of lightning. It is imaginable. Once hit by this magical torrent, it must be that there are no bones left!

Qin Haoxuan will scream out the Tianyi wing and protect everyone. At the moment when the Lingfa torrent falls, take everyone to the side and escape the attack!

However, in the next moment they left the place, a loud bang, a rising dusty sky, this moment seems to be shaking the earth!

When the dust and dust dissipated, they looked at the probe, and on the flat ground, there was a giant pit with a thousand feet deep!

It’s really easy to kill the fairy seedlings in the fairyland, but when you have thousands of fairy seedlings in front of you?

Even an ant can kill an elephant!

What's more, this is not an ant at all, but a fierce wolf!

Xiao Jin jumped on a big tree in front of the left, and screamed, showing his two claws, crushing the spirit that was still pouring down in the air, and then taking a husband as a Wanfu Mo The momentum of the opening, began to kill.

One after another, the mana beast has not spit out the spiritual law, and it has been turned into a broken spiritual method under the claws of Xiaojin, and then disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

Even if there is a spiritual attack on it, Xiaojin still doesn't even look at it. It is comparable to the black iron's fur and directly hits the spirit that hits him. Those single spiritual methods can't hurt it. Minutes!

Under the impact of Xiaojin, these spirits and beasts have never formed a torrent of spiritual law.

Xiaoxi’s leisurely look at Xiaojin’s heroic posture in Qin Haoxuan’s arms and said: “This little monkey is really powerful, but it makes the stone emperor think of an ancient sacred king who was told by Chunyang Xianwang, the legendary ancient In a fairy war, how many fairy tales, even the power of the palace, disappeared, but the king of the heavens insisted on the last moment, you said, this little monkey will not A king of the sky?"

No one cares about the small stones. The blue smoke is horrifying the fighting power of Xiaojin. She knows Xiaojin, who is smart and intelligent, and can command thousands of apes to take care of Lingtian, but never knows that Xiaojin is so brave, in Xiaojin’s In the seat, you can't use the spiritual method, let alone her, even if Qin Haoxuan can not guarantee that it will not be swarmed by the group of magical beasts.

Can Xiaojin... Its fur... seems to be immune to a lot of spiritual methods... It... congenitally restrained the mana!

Xiaojin fought on the tree, and Qin Haoxuan guarded the swordsmanship under the tree, and occasionally used swords to kill a few mana that were missing the net.

Xiaojin killed for so long, killing more than a thousand mana with its sharp front paws, but nothing left behind.

At the beginning, Xiaojin was only scratching their claws and claws, but later, more and more mana beasts came up, as if the beasts had completely submerged Xiaojin.

Li He, who has been stunned and watched Xiao Jin, has a desperate rise in his heart, and it is over! Finished! This is completely finished! After the mana beast killed the little monkey, it was himself, and it was over...

Just when Li He felt that the sky was pressing, he heard the monkey screaming from the submerged place, just like a thunder, and it shook his ear.

Then Li He saw that thousands of golden light were scattered from the gaps of the spirited beasts that had already drowned the monkeys!

Li He glared at the stinging I was stunned and watched a towering iron pillar suddenly smashed out from hundreds of mana beasts!

The Lingfa beast that was placed above Xiaojin was directly shattered and flew out. The small gold that was originally half-human was soaring instantly, and became ten times as large as the original time, and the stick in its hand also became larger.

The iron bar, which weighed more than 10,000 pounds, was waved in the hands of Xiaojin, making it impenetrable. The Lingfa beast, which had just drowned him, fell apart in a wave, and turned into a large piece of debris around Xiaojin!

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