Too Early

Chapter 696: Cross the sea and enter the island

Other elite disciples can't help but awe. Obviously, I have always been convinced that my true fairy has been vengeful, but only because of the strength of the poor, I can only make small noises. But this courage to challenge the big faction with one's own strength is truly worthy of admiration.

There was a loud noise, and the water waves in the river rose like a mountain, hitting the leaves of the true fairy.

The huge Lingye actually trembled, and the fairy had some instability. Obviously the water wave just was too big.

Under the mountain-like water waves, one has six arms, and the body is covered with dense and numb fists. The three high-profile monsters jumped down.

The big fists rushed black light, the fists whistled, and the six arms were like a fan of rotation. Under the high-speed bombardment, there was only one slip of the residual image, which went straight to the real fairy.


Countless gold and iron strikes, and suddenly sounded.

I saw the two swords in the hands of the real fairy, the sword marks are stunned, and a series of snipers with the fists of the magic.

Actually, he only made a white mark on the fist of the monster, but did not let the monster retreat.

On the other hand, the magic object screamed, and it seemed to be hit by a real fire. The pupils spit out black light, and the brush pulled it to ask the true fairy to sweep.

Asking the real fairy in the hands of the spirit sword exudes endless runes and spirits, and the emptiness in the void forms a defensive spirit.

But the black light is very powerful, the defensive array is swept by the black light, and it has issued a dull and dull voice, and countless runes are annihilated.

It was completely cracked at once.

Asked the real fairy brow at this time only slightly wrinkled, raised his hand to write a "Zhi" in the air.

The writings devour the spiritual power in the void, transforming the shape, with a sacred look, and slamming with the magical creature that jumped up.

As soon as she used the **** method, she suddenly rose. The monster also wanted to rely on the fist to resist, and the result was a tear, and the magical fist had been cut out of the wound.

But in a blink of an eye, the flesh and blood at the wound of the magic object squirmed and healed at a discernible speed.

Amazing defensive power, let the real fairy brow be wrinkled again.

"This little girl skin is miserable, and she actually encounters a six-armed otter, and it is about to repair the magical six-armed otter. The combat power is much stronger than the average fairy tales." The empty space is next to Qin Haoxuan. There is sound.

Qin Haoxuan brows slightly wrinkled: "Is it magical? What do you mean?"

"Take the magic, that is, the magic in the mother river has the wisdom, the same as the magic. But the six-armed otter is the most powerful of the magic. The most powerful general of the big devil is also a six-armed otter. "The empty space for Qin Haoxuan, the attitude does not dare to neglect, smiled and explained.

"So, your magic is not cultivated by yourself?" Qin Haoxuan suddenly heard the language disease from the empty words.

Empty smile, "Hey, Qin Daren is really smart... My devil is given by the old devil. Naturally, I can't compare with the magic that I can cultivate."

When his voice fell, he suddenly found that Qin Haoxuan was stretching his muscles and couldn’t help but say: "Qin Daren, what are you doing?"

Qin Haoxuan glanced at him indifferently, "Help."

At this time, Zonghan next to him can not help but remind him: "Qin Tangzhu, this woman offended a big martial art. You help her, if it is passed to the door of the sect, I am afraid it is not good."

After all, Qin Haoxuan is brought by Qinghong Fairy, and its strength is extraordinary. Zong Han naturally does not want Qin Haoxuan to ask for unnecessary trouble.

"I appreciate her..." Qin Haoxuan dropped a sentence, and people disappeared in place.

Asked the true fairy is not anxious, the ancient finger's finger power in the void like a stylus silver hook, a very incomprehensible big word concise out, with the sky of the Sen Ran, to the six-armed squid that slammed.

The six-armed otter spewed black light, and the fist was like a rain, and it continued to blow up the ancient squeezing pressure.

One person, one demon, and one time actually fight for a half a catty.

However, the six-armed scorpion is full of blood and blood. Here is his main battlefield, and there is no fear of a long-lasting battle with the real fairy in front of him.

On the other hand, I asked the real fairy, the brows were slightly wrinkled, and the gaze of the knife was patrolling around the six-armed otter, trying to find weaknesses and killing them in one fell swoop.

The six-armed water body is covered with dark scales, and it is not easy to find weaknesses at one time.

Suddenly, a ghost appeared in the back of the six-armed water.

Brush a sword and cut it directly from one shoulder of the six-armed otter.

The six-armed otter, which is harder than the ordinary black iron, actually ignited the blood of the sky, the arm was split by a sword, and the blood was dripping, and it was almost completely cut off.

"Good speed, good... fast sword!"

From the appearance of the figure, to the damage of one arm of the six-armed otter, it is a matter between the electric and the flint, which is hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Let the real fairy be in a hurry, the vigilant look of the young black-haired youth, suddenly a pair of swords in the palm, the sound of a squeak above the sword, as if warning Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan saw that the real fairy was like a big enemy. He said, "Hey Qin Haoxuan, come to help."

Qin Haoxuan expressed his sincerity, and the shadows of others were flashing. When it appeared again, it was ghostly behind the six-armed otter.

The iron-cut dragon scale sword flashed, and it was unbiased, and once again slammed into the wound that had just been found behind the six-armed otter.

This blow directly knocked off the arms of the six-armed otter.

The six-armed otter screamed and thundered, and the fierce gaze suddenly stared at Qin Haoxuan. Obviously, it is very important to attack this human being and become the number one enemy.

Asked the true fairy to look at Qin Haoxuan deeply, she now believes that this strange young black man in front of him is indeed helping.

And his incredible body is heartbreaking. If she wants to attack her, I am afraid she will be very difficult to fight.

Since the division where the teacher was 20 years ago was destroyed, he was also remembered by the 10,000-year-old teaching day and night, and the poor living environment allowed the true fairy to develop a habit of not believing outsiders.

Now I see Qin Haoxuan's help, although he is vigilant, but he can only accept it silently. After all, it is much easier to deal with this six-armed otter.


A pair of swords are intertwined in the void, and the characters of the mysterious rune are separated.


Qin Haoxuan's figure is like electricity. The dragon-scaled sword in his hand exudes a vague sound of dragons and screams in the air. Every flashing will leave a terrible wound on the six-armed otter.

"Good speed, good sharp sword..."

When the real fairy was fighting with the six-armed water, he carefully observed the movement of Qin Haoxuan. But no matter how hard she tried to watch, she could not capture Qin Haoxuan.

As for the sharp sword, she was able to conclude that it must be a sword.

Although the six-armed otter has a good fighting power, Qin Haoxuan and the real fairy are both powerful characters.

A sword is unparalleled, a body is no different, and the sword is arrogant.

The six-armed otter was unable to escape, and the last black arm was taken away by the dragon scale sword.

After a painful scream, the six-armed otter has become a vulture after a fragrant time, with no six arms.


Asked where the true fairy will give up such a great opportunity, a pair of spiritual swords in the hands of the sword swelled in an instant, shooting a full length of Jianguang.

After sweeping the neck of the six-armed otter, the six-armed otter has not yet reacted, and the head swells in the void, and slams into the water.

In the hollow neck, blood spurts.

For a time, there was a strong **** taste above the leaves.

The six-armed otter died, and the monsters that were still lurking under the water were suddenly stunned.

They clearly know that the women in black on the leaves of the spirit are simply invulnerable, let alone a breath of horror, and the human beings who are frightened by them.

On the dark warship, a group of people were shocked. In particular, the empty space has shrunk the neck - the two people below have joined together and are strong and perverted. The six-armed otter, which is much stronger than the fairy tree, is actually killed.

Of course, they have a new understanding of Qin Haoxuan’s morbid body.

In particular, the people who smack the poison, the shimmering light in the pupils, I thought that Qin Haoxuan had a certain limit. On the shore, he always forced him to hand over the antidote. Now it seems... I am afraid it can only be attacked.

"I won't thank you." On the fairy leaf, I asked the real fairy to smash the blue silk scattered in front of the forehead, and stunned Qin Haoxuan with a glance.

In fact, she has always been very surprised, even shocked.

After all, she offended the 10,000-year-old mission, and many people in the enchanted spring know. There is no one in the week who dares to talk to her, let alone help.

This is the first time that she has met someone to help.

Qin Haoxuan smiled a little, didn't say much, just rushed to ask the real fairy to nod.

"There will be a period later."

Although this fairy is very dull, his Qin Haoxuan is not a person who is a singer. The reason why he helped this woman was purely to help. Now that things are gone, there is no concern.

When I asked the real fairy to arch the hand, Qin Haoxuan’s figure flickered, and it was instantly disappearing in front of the real fairy.

He left like this and asked if the real fairy was awkward.

This year, the celestial world is cruel, where can someone really help someone for no reason? I can see the young man in front of him, but I really didn’t plan to ask her for any reward.

Some cold words prepared in her heart have no chance to pour out.

"This person..." asked the true fairy to feel uncomfortable in his heart. He looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was standing on the dark warship. He gently gritted his teeth and urged the leaves to continue to fly toward Zhuxian Island.

After a while, I disappeared.

So I traveled for a few more days, and there was no danger along the way.

The empty space continued to glow and heat. Whenever there was a monster trying to attack the ship, the empty air went up and screamed a few times, and it scared the monsters.

On this day, the waves on the mother river became more and more turbulent.

However, in the vagueness, there was a hint of fresh grass and grass in the air.

Everyone spent a long time in the mother river, always smelling the unique wet smell of the river, and suddenly smelled the fragrance of the grass, and everyone was refreshed.

"I saw that there is a fairy island." Some disciples climbed up the high mast, and looked forward to the front, rushing to the crowd and shouting.

Sure enough, for a while, a continuous dark green outline appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The dark green outline is like a boundless continent.

If there is no old demon reminder in advance, Qin Haoxuan dare not associate the huge things he saw in front with the island.

Endless, you can't see the end at a glance.

Such a huge, is also an island?

The closer you are, the more you can see the appearance of Zhuxian Island.

The shore of the island is lush, a green and blue, so that everyone is happy.

You can also see some broken warship corpses stacked on the river bank.

There are also some rotten monsters, which are full of strong smells and disgusting.

As far as I can see, there are moss-covered planks everywhere, as well as a variety of decaying huge ships, apparently the ones that the old devils mentioned, who have been to this island since a long time ago, and those who have lost their audio. .

There are also a few obviously new warships docked on the shore, huge like a hill, and the top of the battle.

Some disciples are guarding the ships, and they look at Qin Haoxuan and others with vigilance.

Qin Haoxuan is here, but it is not to come into trouble. Just a glimpse of the few warships, I found that there is no Qingyanfang vessel where the Nanyan fairy is located, and the eyes swept away.

"Get off the boat." The crowd after the rush.

He took the lead and floated on the sand on the shore.

Hong Zhong’s mouth sighed softly, and immediately after he got off the boat, he landed in his three-step place.


Suddenly Qin Haoxuan’s heart glimpsed, and it was obvious that a killing spirit rose from the back, and the heart quickly became alert.

As soon as I came to Zhuxian Island, the strange magic of the mother river was suddenly dissipated.

Qin Haoxuan’s power of consciousness has not been suppressed, and it has been restored. For some murderous murders, the keen perception has been restored.

He was shocked to see that there were a few more crawling poisonous insects behind him.

Every poisonous insect is stunned by the venom of the venom.

He didn't have to think about it, who exactly planted the poisonous insect on him.

The gaze was swept back to the back, and it was discovered that the disciples who came from the smuggling of poison and the ship, intentionally or unintentionally, had been surrounded by the situation and surrounded the people in the center.

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