Too Early

Chapter 578: Skin thickness is learning

With the introduction of Huang Long's real people, and the appearance of various wonderful expressions on the faces of several church owners, Qin Haoxuan only politely directed the several seniors who had become the same.

At this moment everyone understands that the time for bleeding is here!

If this sacred method is obtained from the palm of the hand, several lords can slap and roll, sell the emaless face to ask for it, and a spiritual stone does not give it.

But if it is Qin Haoxuan... I am sorry... then I have to get the real money and silver.

There are a lot of rules in the beginning, one of which is about the rules of accidents or spiritual laws. When the spiritual method that is obtained from outside, or the new spiritual method that you have developed yourself, either this person actively contributes, or is... Buying, and therefore... too many disciples can get some evil spirits out of their hands.

Qin Haoxuan cooperated with the introduction of the teaching and the gaze of the lords, and took out a number of spiritual methods from the collection. Each of these spiritual methods is from the sacred poisonous valley, those powerful cultivators or cultivators. The strong corpse got it.

The inventory of the Fairy Wars will have a limit. The secrets of these spiritual laws will be pressed by the cloud of poisonous mist on weekdays, and will not reveal any strange brilliance.

However, these objects have left the sinister venomous valley, presenting them in front of everyone, and they have completely erupted into their original brilliance.

A ministry was wrapped in the runes and auras of the ancient Shu, and it was floating in the void, and the Guanghua masterpiece.

Even a few of the books, there are faint chanting, mysterious.

The sound of the chanting was like a nine-day pass, and it was so refreshing that it was shocking.

"Qintang Lord, this Jinbao Tianxing boat's spiritual method is very suitable for our Baihuatang." Su Baihua first responded: "Open a price?"

"Su Tang, you are a bit unreasonable to do this?" Gu Yunzi’s hand has already touched the secret of the Jinbao Tianxing boat’s spiritual law: "I have already taken this thing in my hand. You choose something else." Can't you? So much, do you have to die here with the old road?"

Su Baihua turned his eyes and turned away the temperament of the high-pitched fireworks. He turned around and finished the role of the food market aunt. He raised his voice: "You feel it is yours? You still I accidentally touched my Baihuatang a thousand fairy, should I give you a thousand fairy to give you?"

The meat on the face of Gu Yunzi could not help but the other faces of the church were also very beautiful. Although the thousand fairy did not really reach the weight, the weight of five hundred pounds is still enough! I really gave such a female monk to the ancient Yunzi... Gu Yunzi dreamed of being awakened.

The next moment... Others have already worked on the antique Yunzi, and he looks like he has robbed in those classics, and only if he grabs the classics, he is qualified to ask the price of Qin Haoxuan.

A few elders next to this time are also red-eyed, even if the front is not the owner, they are vying for it.

After all, these elders also have their own disciples, and of course they need to consider more for their disciples.

"Bizhuzitang, this "Xuanwu Kaishan Law" is what I saw first, loose hands..."

"Qin Tangzhu, I want these eight spiritual laws, you count, look at the price!"

Qin Haoxuan suddenly has a very familiar and very affectionate feeling. He is no longer in the early days of this immortal world, but in the big market in Datian Town, these high-ranking predecessors turned to become the aunts of grocery shopping.

"Hundreds of flowers predecessors, in fact, I still want to discuss with you the bloodstain team's turn of the church..."

When Qin Haoxuan’s words were just picked up, he was interrupted by Su Baihua and others.

"What is the turn of the church? Qin Tangzhu, you have seen it outside. The original is a family, I remember that the disciples have sent you the procedures for the transfer, how? Didn't receive it? These disciples are too dragged. Go back! I will pack them!"

"Yes, right! I have some disciples who are not in the same place. If Qin Tang has a look at the eyes, don't need to take it with me. You don't know, I am bothered to see them now. !"

"What kind of church? Haven't you changed yet? Going to teach, I remember that I had given you a book from a few days ago. It was a matter of turning around, letting Qin Tang’s decision be made. You have never given me Thanks, are you busy forgetting? We Guyuntang has always been very generous..."

Huang Long real people did not expect these stinking faces, this time for the spiritual law, even their own tears, he felt the eyes of Qin Haoxuan, shrugged helplessly, gave the latter a look you know.

"Thank you all for the cousin..."

"Thank you for your thanks? You will see it outside."

"Yes! Let's get together in the first five days..."

"Yes, that's right! Who doesn't know the outside world?"

Qin Haoxuan feels more and more, the road to his own master is still very long, too early fifth hall? Isn't it always four halls? Natural Hall is a big addition, now it is actually five halls...

At this time, Qin Haoxuan saw an elder of Bizhutang, who had already robbed five spiritual methods in his hand, and still used his **** to go to the **** of the elders of Baihuatang, and wanted to compete for more space and spiritual law.

"Elder Tang"... Qin Haoxuan quickly climbed forward to climb each other's hands. "Elder Tang, this is the six spiritual laws... Are you sure? If you want all the things... you must not give me the same value of the elixir, Ling Stone or something, we are not lacking in nature. Well, listen to your recent release of 100,000 mountains, is it a scorpion that has been smashed by a 10,000-year-old demon?"

The elder Tang couldn’t help but twitch a few times on his face, which was obviously unnatural.

"Scared? Want my Wannian demon spider?" He was not willing in his heart, but as soon as he looked at the spiritual laws in his hand, every spiritual method was agile, obviously more than many spiritual methods recently obtained. It is much more wonderful.

Elder Tang suddenly bit his teeth and smiled. "Where is Qin Tang, you can see that it is my blessing, no problem! Change it!"

Although the heartache, but such a mysterious spiritual method is even more rare, the old Tang can not care about other entanglements, it is very happy to give, just... After this has been given, he found that he has no ambition and then grab another spiritual method. It is.

The same thing happened to almost every church owner and elder.

But when everyone handed over their own elixir, they were willing and willing, and there was not much hesitation.

After all, the magical methods that Qin Haoxuan took out were too powerful. In the ancient runes of the iron-painted silver hooks on the iron method, each rune line contains an atmosphere, just a glance, as if the whole soul is sinking.

It can be seen how powerful the creator of this spiritual law is.

The magical features of many spiritual laws seem to be stronger than the spiritual laws that were passed down from the early days.

These spiritual methods, even if they are only one or two, are enough to make a hall move a big step forward.

Now almost everyone has got at least five spiritual laws, how can they not be rejoicing.

Qin Haoxuan more and more admire these old predecessors, these usually old masters and elders, can so fly themselves, completely without the appearance of a sacred wind, like the mortal market, often for a spiritual method Can not be handed over, has reached the point where it is close to the old and the old.

At the end of the spiritual law, there are still thirty spiritual laws floating up and down in the void.

Gu Yunzi and other elders are greedy and want to buy. Qin Haoxuan has collected more than 30 spiritual laws at this time.

"... Qin Tangzhu, isn't there more than 30? I have ten 5,000-year-old dragon roots here, do you want it?" Gu Yunzi stared at the pile of spiritual methods that he had collected. In order to buy these spiritual methods, the lips of the cognac have been arguing with some of the church owners and elders.

"These spiritual methods are all to be taught." Qin Haoxuan uttered a smile on his lips.

"Ah! Going to teach, right, right. It's so true. Huanglong teaches, Qintang is so heartfelt, it's really rare." Gu Yunzi looked awkward, and then looked at Huanglong.

He has forgotten that he has been standing silently and has no movement at all.

At the same time, the behavior of teaching also made him secretly a little shy, and taught him to come to Nature Hall so early, but did not give those best spiritual methods to them.

Compared to the teaching, I seem to be a little anxious.

Other church owners and elders, after returning to God, have echoed Qin Haoxuan.

"Yeah, definitely have to leave a little more for the teacher."

"Teaching, there are more than 30 spiritual laws, and there are some spiritual laws that I have kept for you. It is very suitable for the disciples of Huang Difeng."

Huang Long’s face is not well, and Qin Haoxuan nodded with a smile: “That’s good, then I will accept it.”

After all, people can't be a little selfish. He didn't pick the spiritual law at first, but just looked at other churches and elders to pick. It was the biggest sacrifice.

As a teacher of the Yellow Emperor Peak, he is also a master of the Yellow Emperor Peak. Of course, he has to leave more things for his disciples. I hope that in this future, he will be able to have more powerful characters and carry forward the teachings of Taichu.

Appreciate the look of Qin Haoxuan, a roll of sleeves, the whirlpool of spiritual power appeared in front of Qin Haoxuan, and the more than 30 spiritual methods inside were rolled up.

Hundreds of spiritual laws were robbed of the crowd.

Everyone is happy in the heart. After returning, it will definitely surprise the and such a powerful spiritual method will definitely greatly enhance the combat power of many disciples.

Moreover, some spiritual methods are bypassed, and they are beneficial to cultivation. The improvement in the realm of the realm is also of great benefit.

When the last spiritual law was taken away by Huang Long, the scene of the hot market was just cold.

When I came, I was still full of heart and soul. Now I am facing Qin Haoxuan again. The scene is actually unnatural.

The crowd began to admire Qin Haoxuan gradually. This kid disappeared for two years. He almost died a few times. He wanted to come to the opportunity at that time, so he was willing to share it...

Many people suspect that if they change themselves, I am afraid there is really no such discouragement.

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