Too Early

Chapter 552: Heaven falls into prison

Mo Zhenren looked at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes and had subtle changes. He has never been acquainted with the young and overwhelming natural master, but now it seems that the church's words and deeds are quite meaningful, even if they are some old masters, I am afraid they may not be able to get along.

Li Jing has always been held by the up and down of the Bizhutang, and even the elders of the early education, how can there be such a setback as today. For Qin Haoxuan's words, he couldn't listen to it all. He was thinking about revenge and hatred, his eyes were red, and the burning pain on his buttocks stimulated his resentment.

"Qin Haoxuan, what do you say about so many farts? It’s not because you have made some conspiracy means. If you have the ability, let me go and release the seal of my kind, we will fight for a hundred. Round! Look at the power of my purple genius..." Li Jing was very dissatisfied with his heart.

Qin Haoxuan just shook his head secretly, this purple mentality is too bad! Looking back, I must find a teacher to talk about this matter. Purple Tianjiao can never be so spoiled. This heart seems to be stable, but it is slightly frustrated.

The Mo Zhenren and Luo Jinhua, who are next to them, really can't stand it anymore. After all, the object is the purple temperament, and it is like this by Qin Haoxuan. This thing will spread, and the whole Taichao will be sensational.

"Qin Tangzhu, this is the case. You have also played, and the humiliation is also humiliating. The gas should be almost the same? He is purple, after all, he crushed his edge and sharpened his Dao Xin is good; but if he is to pick up the feces, I am afraid that the face of the Bizhuzi Church will not look good. It is not easy to say that there is a teacher." Mo Zhenren advised that Murong Chao also followed along to persuade.

Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly, and looked at the three people who persuaded him. The voice was slow: "Teaching? Do you know what you are going to do? Do you know what you want to teach? Li Jing should be glad to teach today. If you are in the church, see the purple species." The performance, abolished his business, do you really think that you can't do it?"

Mo Zhenren suddenly found that he really did not seem to understand the teachings of Qin Haoxuan, perhaps he was really like the idea of ​​this natural master? Natural Hall has been weak for so many years, and actually will encounter such a good church owner. Is it true that the natural hall will really flourish in the future?

Mo Zhen suddenly felt that in the future, I would rather have to get along well with the people of Nature Hall. Such a strong and so young church owner, there are a number of powerful gray robe disciples, nature hall ... can not be underestimated.

Everyone's pleading, Li Jing listened to his ears, but Qin Haoxuan's response made him even more angry. Listening to that tone, Qin Haoxuan is going to take the matter that hurts him today as a vivid lesson for other churches. He is a purple genius, he was beaten by Qin Haoxuan, and he is so whole...

Li Jing looked coldly and said: "Qin Haoxuan, do you think that if I want to pick up the dung, will I pick it? You dream. You throw me over there, I won't do it. If you have the ability, you will kill me. You dare to slaughter me, oh..." Li Jingyu kept sneering on the ground, and the meaning was self-evident.

Qin Haoxuan slightly frowned, if it was changed to a gray species, he might have really pulled the sword to kill the person, but the purple species... If you are just a young disciple, then the two people’s grudges are so easy to fight It’s okay.

But... Qin Haoxuan is the natural master of the beginning! He wants to learn to teach, to know the teaching, to be a higher-level future.

"Chi Jiu, don't look at the excitement outside, come in quickly." Qin Haoxuan said leisurely outside the hall.

Outside the hall, a group of disciples who watched the lively blood-stained team, the Chi Jiu, who was mixed in it, heard the situation in the hall clearly. The dialogue between Qin Haoxuan and Li Jing was also heard in the ear. Now he did not hesitate to enter the hall. .

"I have seen the owner." Chi Jiu said with a smile, and was not shocked by the chill in the hall. In the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang, day and night are fighting the monsters and monsters. They have long forged a rock-solid heart.

Qin Haoxuan pointed to Li Jing, who was in the land of Portugal, and said to Chi Jiu: "You take him to the field and supervise him to pick the dung. If he doesn't pick it, throw him into the septic tank."

Chi Jiu's palms rubbed back and forth with a smile, and the excitement of his face said: "The owner, no problem! I must do well in this matter!"

Li Jingsen’s gaze lingered on his face, and Chi Jiu also looked back. His eyes were like electricity, and he did not show weakness.

Counting, Chi Jiu is also the 49th leaf of Xian Miaojing, and there are still a lot of cards, which would be afraid of Li Jing, the same 49-leaf of the seedlings, and Chi Jiu want to try the gap between himself and the purple.

"Qin Haoxuan, even if I am wrong, it is also purple temperament, you are insulting me in front of everyone, but it is over!" Li Jing got up and stared at Qin Haoxuan and said: "How do you let me look up in the early days?"

"You put it down, how can you not lift your head?" Qin Haoxuan looked at Li Jing coldly: "You are a prince, but also a purple species. This can not afford to put it down, in the future you can shoulder the shoulders! ”

Li Jingwei looked at Qin Haoxuan. He felt a little touched at a time, but he couldn’t say what it was.

Chi Jiu was too lazy to continue to stand on the side and continue to be boring. He stepped forward and grabbed Li Jing’s collar, just like dragging a cat and a dog and walking outside.

Chi Jiugang just had to walk out of the entrance of the main hall, and suddenly there was a person flashing in front of him.

Mo Zhen’s brows are slightly wrinkled. Some people can’t bear to look at the dead fish like Li Jing. They are far from Qin Haoxuan: “Qin Tangzhu, is things really going to be so absolutely? Li Jing is a purple disciple after all, and it has a great influence on the sects in the future. You Do you want to think more?"

Qin Haoxuan sat in the position of the owner, and his eyes looked like a faint candle.

"The rules of my natural church are worthless in your eyes. But is the rule of the early teaching, is it worthless in your eyes?" Li Jing, who pointed at the dead fish: "He is a purple disciple, and he must be in the future." In the early days of teaching, he is in charge of power. He is so arrogant now, if he really grasps the power in the future, what rules will he care about? I am a natural master, I am also the owner of the early teachings, I must hold the rules of the early teaching. Anti-micro-duration, can not let anyone rudely break the rules!"

Qin Haoxuan’s words, every sentence is really stunned, and the words and sentences are all from the heart. Mo Zhenren still wanted to continue to persuade. He couldn’t help but hear this. He looked at Li Jing, who looked like a singer, and fell into deep meditation.

Luo Jinhua also stunned, seeing Qin Haoxuan's eyes shining in the twins - Qin Haoxuan and Li Jing were in the same period to enter the early education, a weak species, a purple species, destined to be two people far apart.

Li Jing seems to be calm and sophisticated, although his attitude is vaguely high, but quite a general style, but he is now much worse than the current Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan’s remarks have already stood at the height of the entire early education. Looking at the future development trend of the early days, the eyes have gone far into decades or even hundreds of years.

Murong Chao was thoughtful and shocked. At this moment, he finally discovered that the gap between him and Qin Haoxuan has been widened unconsciously. In fact, to a certain extent, he sees the problem is the same as Li Jing, sticking to his own power and sticking to personal gains and losses. It seems that it is far from Qin Haoxuan.

I am afraid that this is why the nephew of Xian’s death will choose Qin Haoxuan as the successor. I hope that Huanglong’s teaching will also see this.

After Qin Haoxuan’s remarks, other people who wanted to persuade Qin Haoxuan sighed and consciously let go. After all, Qin Haoxuan said it right, let Li Jing suffer some humiliation, perhaps for his unexpected benefits in the future...

"Let me go." Li Jing was held by Chi Jiu, but his tone suddenly calmed down and said: "I am a purple species, but also the pride of purple. I will go!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Jinhua sighed, this Li Jing... OK!

Chi Jiu’s doubts looked to Qin Haoxuan, who nodded.

After Li Jing was put down, he gently smashed the mud on his body with his sleeves, and it was very light and went out.

"Li Jing is going to pick up the dung... Let the few follow up to farm." Ma Dingshan followed Qin Haoxuan and snorted at the squatting Bizhutang elite disciples below.

Those elite disciples followed Li Jing. Now Li Jing has been so miserable. Some of them have just followed the board and their temper is much better. At least no one dared to point Qin Haoxuan to the nose.

"You can arrange it." Qin Haoxuan glanced at the few disciples of the Bizhutang, and said indifferently.

When the elite disciples from the Bizhutang heard Qin Haoxuan’s words, their bodies were slightly shocked, but they couldn’t say anything. Li Jing’s purple temperament was turned into a miserable one. Naturally, the lord would still Are you merciless?

Mo Zhenren looked at Qin Haoxuan, and his heart was actually a bit secretly lucky - really lucky. Just now, he still complained about Qin It was Qin Haoxuan who was too fierce to the detained disciples of Gu Yuntang and let them fight.

But now I think about it, just now Qin Haoxuan treated them very politely. Even the purple disciples have been beaten so badly, and they have been arrested to pick up the feces. What else can he complain about? Even grateful to Qin Haoxuan for giving him and Gu Yuntang a face.

After the disciples of the Bizhutang were taken out, the hall of the natural hall was quiet. Murong Chao and other three people did not speak, just stood silent and silent. Qin Haoxuan also sat quietly, looking at the nose and nose, waiting quietly. He knew that when it was time to speak, someone would definitely speak.

The punishment of the criminal disguise did not know when it came to Qin Haoxuan by the ghost, and smashed the back of Qin Haoxuan and sneaked at a corner of the main hall.

Following the direction of the sentence, Qin Haoxuan saw several people sneaking away from the hall of the natural hall. Those few people are also the disciples of Li Zhutang brought by Li Jing. It was only that they didn't do it at the time, so they were not won by Ma Dingshan and others.

They were secretly observing the movement of Qin Haoxuan. As soon as they saw Qin Haoxuan coming over, these people were shocked and immediately stood still and did not dare to move.

Qin Haoxuan couldn’t help but feel a little funny about it. He sneaked a sigh of relief: "I still reason. Although these people followed Li Jing, they did not violate the natural rules. If you don't do anything, just go with them. They want to go, they want to go to the air to report, just casual."

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