Too Early

Chapter 503: Returning to the beginning of the first time is a human being

At the beginning, there were all kinds of people. Everyone had a lot of differences, but in the same atmosphere, they cultivated similarities in some places.

This is called the belief.

Some people may need ten or twenty years, and some may develop the same in a few years or even days.

Zhang mad into the beginning of less than a few months, they have a sense of identity at the beginning, Qin Haoxuan is a chance to encounter the natural hall, the red smelt secretly sighs that everyone's life is really different, his hands painted a rune in the air, **** Into the mixed Tissot.


The fascinating light of the Tissot broke out again, and slammed into the distance and quickly ran away.

Zhou Tiansheng stared coldly at the flying Tissot, and his eyes were cold. Although he has been silent, but the people around him dare not speak, anyone can feel the volcanic anger he suppressed, no one has the courage to anger Zhou Tiansheng at this time.

There are still many people, but they are greatly admired in their hearts - Qin Haoxuan, this guy, has disappeared for two years, and it is as hot as ever. First killing the powerful and unparalleled waste, and greatly offended the law-protection Zhou Tiansheng. These two things, any one is enough to sensation too early.

"This Qin Haoxuan..." Zhang Yang consciously or unconsciously approached the road and said with a whisper: "It’s still the same as before, just by his own temper, not at all the big picture. It’s a natural church. If he is really the owner, then I am afraid that it will not be able to control it."

When Zhang Yang’s words came into his ears, Zhou Tiansheng nodded unconsciously. If he agreed to Zhang Yang’s words, he’s just over-extended, but Qin Haoxuan’s eyes are not respectful, but he’s really sitting down, that is, he is leaning on him. This time, I have to go back and talk to the teacher.

"Just..." Zhang Yang shook his head and sighed, whispering to himself: "This Qin Haoxuan is also trying to go back to see his master. Although the practice is excessive, it is also his respect for the teacher. It is justifiable to say it." The owner of the scorpion may not have much time, and Qin Haoxuan has to take charge of his youth at a young age. It is also difficult for him..."

Zhou Tiansheng feels more and more. This kind of ash is very pleasing to the eye. It is fair to talk about it. Even if Qin Haoxuan’s **** team is so unfriendly to him, Zhang Yang can still consider such a bowl of water. Let him have the spirit and height that should be available to the gray kind, and turn back to the teacher to boast this praise.

"What is the role of this lord, is Qin Haoxuan suitable?"

The voices of people around Zhang Yang are not high, but they are enough for Zhou Tiansheng to hear. Of course... the words of the person seem to be more like asking Zhang Yang himself.

"Hugh to talk about it! The matter of the nature hall is a matter of nature, can the outsider swear?" Zhang Yang’s face said: "We do it ourselves, the natural church is not able to interrupt you."

"The matter of the nature hall is not too early? Qin Haoxuan is excellent, but after all, he is young and does not do well. Just what he said about Zhou Hufa is enough to see that it is still difficult to take on the task. Being a deputy master is enough. It’s really to train it, but it’s time to start with a deacon of a church? It’s not good to go straight to a high position.”

Zhou Tiansheng heard a slight frown. As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, how can he not know what these children are doing around Zhang Yang, but he wants to use his own strength to do what they say and prevent Qin Haoxuan from doing natural things. The position of the Lord.

If it is placed in the usual, Zhou Tiansheng will first teach the early disciples who want to take themselves as fools.

Just, today... Zhou Tiansheng also feels that although he was used as a knife, it is true that after all, this Qin Haoxuan is indeed a material that can be made, but he must be polished and polished to let him know. Don't think that you have a little strength in your hand, you don't know that the sky is thick.

"The public opinion teaches the middle of the church, you! Go to the wall for half a year!" Zhou Tiansheng double-browed to the vertical, looked tired and said to Zhang Yang's disciple: "What are you doing? Also dare to comment on the Lord? Zhang Yang, good management your people!"

Zhang Yang first bowed to Zhou Tiansheng and then turned his opponent to vote for appreciation. The people here are not stupid. Zhang Yang is not stupid. When he meets Qin Haoxuan, he is often over-excited, but Does not mean that he is stupid, he can still see that Zhou Tiansheng, although he has punished his own men, has been tempted by his men! If there is no accident! Qin Haoxuan wants to be the owner of this matter, I am afraid that there is no chance in the past ten years.

"Zhang Yang, you are very good." Zhou Tiansheng appreciatively looked at Zhang Yang and said: "As a kind of gray, but not too proud of it. Although it is also a bit arrogant, but that is what young people should have. If there is no road in the future Understand, you can come to our seat at any time."

Zhang Yang quickly swayed his hands and bowed his head, and his heart was even more happy. This method of protection was a very high-spirited person in the early days. If he had his guidance, he would take a lot of detours on the road of spiritual practice.

With the growing spirit of practice, Zhang Yang knows more and more, how important it is to have a high-ranking person to give pointers, but also envy the three big purple species, but they can almost always ask to teach real people when they don’t understand, but it is too early. Teach the existence of the first battle!

Zhou Tiansheng saw that Zhang Yang was so intelligent and sensible, and his depression was slightly relieved.

"Get up, kill those who haven't killed them yet." Zhou Tiansheng said in a deep voice: "This time we must make everyone known, and commit me to die too soon!"


The tycoon tears the air, and in the hurricane of nine days, it runs along the way.

Qin Haoxuan eyes and nose, nose and heart, sitting in the mixed Tiansuo quietly practice. Chi refining son looked at Qin Haoxuan, and his heart was greatly emotional. Qin Haoxuan should be confused and provoked the great enemy of Zhou Tiansheng's protection of the law. However, he can actually practice and practice, and soon enters the mysterious and mysterious, the ancient well has no wave of realm.

This kind of heart is really nothing. It is no wonder that although this child is weak, it has been able to stabilize the limelight of the purple species two years ago. Not only is Qin Haoxuan lucky, but his heart is so terrible. In the past, Chilizi had never heard of such a strong and savvy immortal in the early days. In the early days of teaching, there was no such thing as an ancient one.

And although Qin Haoxuan is only the thirty-three leaves of Xian Miaojing at this moment, it is far worse than the other three immortals who have reached the forty-nine leaves of Xianmiaojing. But if they really talk about the combat power, Qin Haoxuan can easily crush it. This avenue is a blessing and a curse to him. He wants to talk to him about this matter, and he also seeks to teach the real person to help. After all, a small age, a small repair, too big chance may be suppressed, he is difficult to improve.

"Qin Haoxuan, how far can you go with the resources of weak species? The eyes of the scorpion priests are really good..." Chi Shunzi stared at Qin Haoxuan's persevering face and was very curious.

The mixed Tissot is floating in the sea of ​​clouds. With the full force of the red refining, the space channel visible to the naked eye is torn open, and the speed is getting faster and faster along the way.

Gradually, the distant mountains became clear, and a wave of green waves appeared in front of the crowd with the rolling mountains. Blocks of beautiful or steep peaks and ridges form the feng shui trend of the four sides of the dragon snake arches. Among them, the peaks of the mountains, the spiritual power, the thousand colors, the radiance of the sun, the fairy weather.

"I finally came back..." Ma Dingshan's eyes were unconsciously wet.

For two years, I have been in the strange space of the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang for two years. In those two years of fearful and day-night battles, they have missed the early days of teaching these familiar mountains and rivers, grass and trees. Now, when I see these mountains again, how can I not be excited?

Other gray-robed disciples were also excited, but everyone was excited, and there was a hint of excitement and pride in returning home. I thought that they had a very early education and entered the battlefield with the Mozu in the Wanying battlefield. However, it was only the cultivation of the immortals around the 20th leaf of Xianmiao, but now they have leaped forward to the forty leaves of Xianmiao. Think of it, if you have a dream.

Qin Haoxuan also opened his eyes and stared at one of the hills - the small hill where the nature hall is located Master, I am back! Qin Haoxuan clenched his fists and couldn't help but get excited. There was a mist in his eyes, and the past was in the tide of the tide.

The kind-hearted and kind-hearted old man, the old man who is desperate to be alive in his own genius, is struggling to find a good prescription, and he will never give up on himself...

"Master..." Qin Haoxuan's face is warm and jade, and there is a sensation that cannot be opened.

The mixed Tissot made a colorful light, and when it entered the mountain gate of the early teaching, it caught the attention of everyone. Especially in the peaks of the Qiu Xiu, on the mountain where the nature hall is located, the natural disciple noticed that it entered the martial art, and the huge object that came here was the mixed Tissot.

Mixing Tissot was given to Qin Haoxuan, the master of the natural hall by Huang Long, a few years ago. This point, the natural hall knows both up and down, once and with honor. However, since the disappearance of Qin Haoxuan, the master of the church, he has never seen the mixed Tissot appear on the peak of the natural hall.

At this moment, I saw the power of the incomparable, full of more than ten feet of tall boats and tall Tissot, the disciples of the natural hall could not help but come up with huge surprises.

Is it that the person is back?

At this time, the nature hall, compared with the natural hall where Qin Haoxuan was still a few years ago, had a darker suffocation. The natural disciples of the upper and lower are almost all gray robes. Occasionally, there are several high-ranking disciples of brown robes and green robes. They are standing out in the crowd and are conspicuous.

In front of the hall, the medicine fields of bamboo, vine, chrysanthemum, orchid and some elixir have been planted in the past, and a large area of ​​100 acres has been completed. On the wall, a bundle of neat bundles of coffins and other items, along with the swaying spirits of the mountain winds, as the mourning of the faces of the disciples of the natural hall, pale and desolate.

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